He doesn't care

2024.11.28 12:32 Green____cat He doesn't care

He doesn't care submitted by Green____cat to WhatsWrongWithYourCat [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - Australia Bans Social Media for Everyone Under 16 | NY Times

submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 ScottishJoeExotic Anyone finding their injections really painful sometimes?

I'm about 5 days on treatment and disclaimer, I have fibromyalgia so it may well be down to that, but my injection sites can be so sore! Today I went through several needles before being able to get my jag done because it was so painful I physically couldn't inject myself. And some days I'm finding my sites hurt for ages afterwards .I'm rotating my sites daily, just wondering if this is a thing others are dealing with or if its just the fibro taking a tantrum towards a foreign body going in my skin.
submitted by ScottishJoeExotic to liraglutide [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 lss_bvt_ios_06 LssTest-CrosspostTitle

submitted by lss_bvt_ios_06 to CrosspostAutomation [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 Wooden_Awareness5600 Texas bwc wants ur women 05272d0fe8b732d6583df16084a097555ae94b72abf290754003907e91915c5a49

submitted by Wooden_Awareness5600 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 seanradagon10 Can i receive headpats :3

Please :3
submitted by seanradagon10 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 Fickle_Click4513 This is the ability of one of the spirits in my Unity game (a social deduction game), the Gumiho. During the ability's activation period, if it touches a person for a few seconds or more, it can execute a kill. What do you think? Does it feel too overpowered?

This is the ability of one of the spirits in my Unity game (a social deduction game), the Gumiho. During the ability's activation period, if it touches a person for a few seconds or more, it can execute a kill. What do you think? Does it feel too overpowered? submitted by Fickle_Click4513 to Unity2D [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 sianyaka 유한양행 오늘 빠진이유는 이것때문이다!!! 이제부터 사야한다!!!!!!쫄지마라!!

유한양행 오늘 빠진이유는 이것때문이다!!! 이제부터 사야한다!!!!!!쫄지마라!! submitted by sianyaka to bestbanks [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 vipinvestor1988 Presbyopia Users:Share&Earn in Our Study!

Age 40+and use presbyopia glasses?Join our university study for a chance to:
• Weigh in on how to make glasses better.
• Earn a $100 for your time.
• Participate in a quick,60-90 minute online session.
Your feedback is crucial.Apply now and help us innovate eyewear.
Together,let's improve vision for all!👓💡💰
submitted by vipinvestor1988 to WarbyParker [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 StateSoggy5809 r5 and other wheel

is it possible use MOZA GS V2P GT Wheel with r5 bundle for f1 2024?
submitted by StateSoggy5809 to moza [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 OneBananaPi Freya Living Inside The Christmas Tree

submitted by OneBananaPi to catsinchristmastrees [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 Darkmatterofdesire Best food puzzles?

I'm really into food flatlay puzzles and want to read about your recomendations, i recently bought bariart by Cobble Hill and thinking about the flavors of the World series by eurographics
submitted by Darkmatterofdesire to Jigsawpuzzles [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 nick12684 Would S.T.A.L.K.E.R be an immersive (shooter) game with an active or dynamic world or should I be looking at something else?

I'm looking for a game that leans shooter or at least relies on some shooting elements and that has a clearly very dynamic world to interact with.
What I mean by dynamic is something immersive where the NPCs are very interactive (almost smart and a character that makes it doesn't feel like you're playing the game alone) and the world almost sucks you in with the shear amount of stuff to do that is going on (I like...need structured/goal-oriented games) while making it feel like a home away from home of sorts.
I want to get into a shooter, but I realized recently that I don't have the attention span for the repetitiveness of a boomer shooter-type game, but I also find more slower-paced heavily leaning RPG-type games kind of boring and maybe an active/immersive world game would bridge the gap.
I did some Googling and S.T.A.L.K.E.R came up a few times in different searches. RDR2 came up too, but I don't know if my older system can efficiently handle that game and my friend plays it who says its a lot of just kind of doing your own things off in the bush by yourself....which doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for. So I guess I'm looking for a game with shooting-focused elements that doesn't play like you are the main character (even tho you are) and the dynamics make you feel like you aren't by yourself.
submitted by nick12684 to ShouldIbuythisgame [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 Comprehensive-Pen503 Rule question on "the ring tempts you" and prowness effects

Klin is legendary, oppo has only creatures with 2 in power, i attack with klin. After block declare but before dmg, i trick klin with temur battle rage
1) Is any block possible for opponent? 2) Can i trigger temur battle rage ferocius if when i cast klin is a 1/1?
submitted by Comprehensive-Pen503 to Pauper [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 montypuk What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by montypuk to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 No-Pomegranate7350 SOU BABACA POR TRAIR ELA?

Então, me chamo (o)20 e ela (m)21. ela me deixa bastante confusa em relação ao que temos,nos conhecemos desde março mais só começamos a conversar mais serio em julho. de uns tempos pra cá ela tem me demonstrado umas atitudes que tem me feito perder o interesse. ela reclamou uns tempos atras q não quer ter um relacionamento a distancia(e não moramos longe) e disse q por conta dessa "distancia" tem sentido atração por outra em questão de relação e ficar , discutimos e optei por terminar( o que já não tínhamos), mais ela veio atras e conversamo e dei outra chance. ontem perguntei a ela oque tínhamos de verdade e ela disse que somos só ficante,só que semana passada ela estava me apresentando como namorada pros amigos. ela muda de um dia pro outro e estou confusa e quero desistir.
submitted by No-Pomegranate7350 to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 Odd_Entertainer_8839 M24, am i cooked

M24, am i cooked submitted by Odd_Entertainer_8839 to IndianHaircare [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 Usual_Database307 Nagisa Shiota visits Hopes Peak Academy!

Nagisa Shiota visits Hopes Peak Academy! submitted by Usual_Database307 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 DennyDoing_Stuff erm guys

erm guys submitted by DennyDoing_Stuff to PhoenixSC [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 reallygreat2 It's like a Tomb Raider movie, Inheritance Trailer

submitted by reallygreat2 to TombRaider [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 z3in-23 Shout-out Jack Antonoff

And he has Margaret Qualley too, bro is winning
submitted by z3in-23 to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 Karma_Canuck More than 800 people homeless from Oshawa to Pickering, new report finds

However, this remains a conservative number since not all people experiencing homelessness are enrolled in these services
submitted by Karma_Canuck to durham [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 Impossible-Video8836 App Ads - issues with campaign delivert, esp. IOS

I have recently setup an App Ads campaign for an IOS and Android app.
I've connected to a third-party app analytics provider (Singular) to get a custom event "registration".
The Android setup is fine and tracking correctly. The IOS setup is not showing the "registration event".
Also, both campaigns are delivering very low volumes. I've set a daily budget of $5000 for each OS and only getting limited traffic.
Ad strength score is average.
I have 5 headline options, 5 description options, max number of images and 1 video.
Any idea what is holding back campaign delivery, especially iOS?
submitted by Impossible-Video8836 to googleads [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 starfoxwitch Where to run “Special Delivery” within Ironslag?

I’ve had a look at the upper and lower levels but can’t see anywhere I like to run this encounter with the Drow.
My criteria: My Party will be entering via elevator I want them to witness the interaction with the drow and watch Zalto leave the room/area with the flask before any fighting breaks out The drow will then spot the party and engage
Which area would you suggest this take place within Ironslag?
submitted by starfoxwitch to stormkingsthunder [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:32 Odd-Theme-1757 ANRABESS Womens Jean Overalls Loose Fit Adjustable Strap Denim Jumpsuits Rompers Bib Overall Fall Fashion Work Outfits

submitted by Odd-Theme-1757 to TheFence [link] [comments]
