What if they changed their minds in ep 77, who gets cooked

2024.11.28 12:39 PurpleFong What if they changed their minds in ep 77, who gets cooked

What if they changed their minds in ep 77, who gets cooked submitted by PurpleFong to skibiditoilet [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:39 LNoit Job Opportunities in the German Market for an International Masters’s Student in Germany

I am an international masters student in Germany looking to enter the industry. I’ve been thinking and looking at the market now to see how it looks like.(not too good). I’m abut concerned that I might not be looking in the right places mostly LinkedIn and https://github.com/chrieke/awesome-geospatial-companies. Are there any other current and active job portals anyone knows to look for jobs ?
And is there any other advice any one with experience in the field can give to someone looking to enter the GIS/RS field in Germany pretty soon?
Wrt to the language I am learning the language(it’s pretty stressful ) but hopefully by next August I should start B1 classes. I have however seen posts (not related to the GIS field ) where others say even sometimes a C1 is not enough so I’m pretty confused.
Basically I’m looking for advice on how to navigate the German GIS market and how to gain an advantage.
I’m pretty versatile and can move in between GIS, photogrammetry, remote sensing and GeoAI… I did have about 5 years of professional experience in my home country before starting my masters
submitted by LNoit to remotesensing [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:39 NoRepresentative7036 This year’s results

This year’s results I don’t post here often but I thought I should share some backtest along with live results that I’ve been getting. I started this backtest from back in June. Results were amazing then I started to go live in July and the results are still very good. October was my best month in the backtest and the best so far in my entire trading journey and I’ve been trading for 4 years. I bought a mentorship from a guy on Fiverr and it completely changed my trading and how I now look at the market.
I average 2 trades a day max 3 (I rarely get 3 setups). I trade London for 1 hour and NY for 3 hours maximum but I’m usually done within the first 2 hours for NY. Only 1 trade for London and sometimes 2 for NY. The guy who taught me said I don’t have to trade both sessions I could pick anyone and I’ll still be profitable but I choose to do both sessions. My win rate is over 60% both in the backtest and on my live account. I only risk 1% in the backtest and live but I could probably risk 1.5%. My max loss in a row since I went live in July is 4 trades and on the backtest it was only 5 trades. The gains in my live account are almost identical to that in the backtest, I hardly miss setups but there is like a 7% difference in total gain between July and November . I’ve been able to pass challenges started making some real money from the markets.
I’m not going to say exactly what my strategy is because I had to pay for it and I don’t believe it’s right to just give away someone else’s hard work. But I can say it’s pretty simple because it took him about 2 days to teach me his strat and within a week I fully understood it. I messaged him in October when I had my biggest month and he was saying he’s going to stop mentoring by the end of this year because he only wanted help like a handful of people and he think he achieved that. He wants to stay lowkey he said that the people that are actually making money from the market are the ones nobody knows. I can post his Fiverr link below if any is interested but idk if he’s still mentoring
submitted by NoRepresentative7036 to Daytrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:39 luca3468 2 locals party power WB 629948040736

2 locals party power WB 629948040736 submitted by luca3468 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:39 f00dl3 Deposits which usually arrive on Thursdays did not arrive due to Thanksgiving

Normal Paycheck direct deposits which normally arrive on Thursdays did not arrive on Thursday due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Not sure if this is a issue on Fidelity's end, or on employers ends. Impacted my whole household.
submitted by f00dl3 to fidelityinvestments [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:39 Farcus_Prime Combined powers for 27.64. $2.7 per pack after tax.

submitted by Farcus_Prime to PKMNTCGDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:39 TEK014 scaricare mod su fs25

buongiorno ho acquistato fs25 su Mac App Store vorrei aggiungere mod scaricate da internet ma non riesco a trovare la cartella mod.
qualcuno s come aiutarmi ?
submitted by TEK014 to farmingsimulator [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:39 angieh5678 No tumor

Well… I feel like I’m right back to square one. I just got the result back from my CT scan with and without contrast, it looks like no adrenal tumor found. I’m thankful it’s not a tumor but now I am left with no answers 😫 anyone else in the same boat
submitted by angieh5678 to Cushings [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:39 Then_Bar3768 Polilla negra

Hola chicos hoy se han quedado a dormir unos amigos en mi casa y he ido a la habitación porque estaban despiertos ya y estábamos hablando y riéndonos y cuando he salido he visto en el suelo una polilla negra me he asustado y me he ido la cuestión esque no sabemos cómo ha llegado ahí porque estaba la persiana bajada y la ventana cerrada como no entrara anoche que estaba todo abierto y que ellos no se hubieran dado cuenta la cuestión es esa, y estoy cagao mi amiga la ha matado y pues no sé qué hacer si deba proteger mi casa o que es negra y como la alas de abajo blancas no sé si son así todas o que pero es así necesito que algn me diga algo
submitted by Then_Bar3768 to askspain [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:39 bstotch What's it worth?

Can anyone give me a rough idea of what this may be worth? He's asking $5500
Fanatec Clubsport 2.5 wheelbase, clubsport pedals with brake mod, shifter, handbrake, keyboard / mouse, soundsystem Gaming PC, Samsung 49in curved monitor Trak Racer rig with Seat
submitted by bstotch to simracing [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:39 Significant_Lion_832 I think I’m the first person to realise this!

I think I’m the first person to realise this! submitted by Significant_Lion_832 to ReZero [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:39 Physical_Monitor2235 Historical stuff

I am taking a wild shot in the dark here, and it will probably come to nothing. You know how it is with early morning ideas, though. Sometimes, your brain says, "Just hear me out..."
I am working on a book about women, children, and minorities, and how they coped during Chattanooga's reconstruction era. In doing my research, I've run into several dead ends. That happens when you're looking up women who were a part of the sex trade environment, especially in the 1880s.
I was wondering if anyone had any family stories that have been passed down, or knew of any other legends, urban or otherwise, in the area.
I can tell you that my holy grail is the Bible that Alice Cooper had in her room the morning she died, but I'm sure that is at the bottom of a landfill.
Thanks, y'all, for any little scrap that you can offer up, and happy thanksgiving!
submitted by Physical_Monitor2235 to Chattanooga [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:39 goatedways Campaign stopped spending out of nowhere

Hey guys so got a campaign at 500-1k daily budget and it stopped spending 2hours ago. Not even near the limit. Nothing is restricted and there is no failed payment
Whats happening here?
submitted by goatedways to FacebookAds [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:39 BhavnaDid20 Emilia Clarke

Emilia Clarke submitted by BhavnaDid20 to CelebPortraits [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:39 NinjaDucked What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by NinjaDucked to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:39 wholeapttroughtime PLAY ANYONE?🍀

submitted by wholeapttroughtime to mobilelegendsPINAS [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:39 MeetNeptune I Sued Oregon and Made Same-Sex Marriage Legal. AMA Marriage, Prenups and LGBTQ+ Family Law

submitted by MeetNeptune to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:39 FredsInternetIsland Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! submitted by FredsInternetIsland to Freds_Internet_Island [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:39 Historical_Design_21 Como Usar o Anil para Limpar Energias e Trazer Equilíbrio à Sua Semana

Como Usar o Anil para Limpar Energias e Trazer Equilíbrio à Sua Semana submitted by Historical_Design_21 to sejahojediferente [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:39 uliuli803 Qualità dei master online in "Leadership per le relazioni internazionali e il made in Italy" e in "International Marketing, Eventi & Media"

Ciao a tutti, mi sono laureata a luglio e ho recentemente ricevuto due mail da Almalaurea che mi comunicavano di aver vinto delle borse di studio per due corsi online:

  1. Master in Leadership per le relazioni internazionali e il made in Italy (Fondazione Italia-USA)
  2. Master in International Marketing, Eventi & Media (Centro Studi Comunicare l’Impresa)
Non sono "master" legalmente riconosciuti, ma sembrano corsi di una certa durata e struttura, con un project work finale. Grazie alla borsa di studio, il costo si riduce a circa 200 euro per le spese di segreteria. Ho un background in scienze politiche, e penso che frequentarli potrebbe arricchire il mio CV con competenze più spendibili nel mercato del lavoro. Inoltre trovo l'ambito del marketing e della comunicazione piuttosto interessanti e non mi dispiacerebbe approfondirli. Tuttavia, non vorrei sprecare tempo e soldi inutilmente, dato che queste conoscenze/competenze potrei acquisirle in modi meno onerosi. Insomma li farei solo se fossi sicura che ne vale la pena a livello di conoscenze e di riconoscimento.
Ho trovato poche informazioni online riguardo ai due corsi, varie negative, ma altre neutre e addirittura alcune entusiaste. Volevo quindi chiedere se ci fosse qualcuno qui con esperienze dirette o opinioni informate su questi due corsi, per capire se valgono la pena o se sono specchietti per le allodole.
Ho pochissimo tempo per decidere, quindi ogni consiglio è ben accetto. Grazie mille in anticipo!
submitted by uliuli803 to Universitaly [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:39 X358fgo One More Level To Go!

One More Level To Go! submitted by X358fgo to FGO [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:39 QingXyz How delightful 😱

How delightful 😱 submitted by QingXyz to pokemongo [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:39 NastyHedgehog Streetart Wand an der Ecke Neuer Steinweg/Großneumarkt 🔥

submitted by NastyHedgehog to hamburg [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:39 GaylordYeetster Kupil sem PC iz Bosne, pls help

Težave ni s PC-jem. Sem kupil rabljen PC od prijatelja, specs aren't important, ampak stane več od 300 EUR. Ga peljem v Slovenijo danes, kakšen je proces za mejo?
Tried to google, couldn't help, sori če motm
submitted by GaylordYeetster to Slovenia [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 12:39 Conscious_Welcome270 Best way of buying (or selling) used electronics like cameras, computers, gadgets ect between locals / expats / tourists?

I'm trying to figure out the best place for this online, would it be Facebook Marketplace or ads co-working spaces or cafes? Is there another local website for this? If not maybe one of the many handy web developers here should create one?
submitted by Conscious_Welcome270 to DaNang [link] [comments]
