Random question:

2024.11.28 13:56 SeriousLemon718 Random question:

If you de the same way you ded in wrestling empire, how dumb would your death be?
submitted by SeriousLemon718 to WrestlingEmpire [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:56 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - Undersea cable cuts in the Baltic Sea are stoking geopolitical tensions — here's what's going on | NBC

[World] - Undersea cable cuts in the Baltic Sea are stoking geopolitical tensions — here's what's going on | NBC submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:56 HotSeductionX test

submitted by HotSeductionX to cqs [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:56 mentolatux Wrench Unlock Puzzle

Wrench Unlock Puzzle submitted by mentolatux to BestCrazyGamesWeb [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:56 ramzibfk After an arc is done you don't need to return to that region anymore right?

Like the title says I know it's sounds dumb hindsight lol but, once we're finished doing the story in that region you can free roam in there collecting the other wealths and collectables however you want right?.
because my strategy for this playthrough is since Idk which places in that region the arc will take place I just might do the story first then do the other work cause I hate going to the same place twice.
So my question (without spoiling) is will the story take me back to a region I already finished to revisit a place or not thank you for you patience
submitted by ramzibfk to AssassinsCreedValhala [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:56 Illustrious-Pop835 1 YR OLD YESTERDAY

submitted by Illustrious-Pop835 to gothmoney [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:56 Responsible_Pin_6651 Driver helper bs

Got a call stating id receive a call the next day and that i did not respond to the automated text asking if i could work. I did not get a text so i told whoever called me ( wasnt the ups coordinator) to text or call from the same number we were chatting on. Who can i call to see if i can get the automated text bs fixed? Yes i called the coordinator and every other number.. no answer
submitted by Responsible_Pin_6651 to UPSers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:56 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Europe] - Undersea cable cuts in the Baltic Sea are stoking geopolitical tensions — here's what's going on | NBC

[Europe] - Undersea cable cuts in the Baltic Sea are stoking geopolitical tensions — here's what's going on | NBC submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:56 Jakeyy-myFriend0322 Help me

I need some xtra work kindly hire me 🥺
submitted by Jakeyy-myFriend0322 to PartTimeJobsBase [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:56 4sakenshadow The Good News

I found myself returning to my Christian roots recently. Been really reading the Bible and I just see so much love. As I grow in my faith I come to see there is nothing to fear. I thought the Bible was all fire and brimstone. People seem to make out that we should fear God. My Heavenly Father seemed more judge and jury than loving father.
It has become clear to me now tho that once you have accepted Jesus’s invitation, and begin to walk with him. To grow in faith, to talk to God like really talk to him and develop a relationship. You are in alignment. I have accepted the very invitation Jesus is preaching about I am, actively in relationship with God. All is well there’s nothing to fear. I am on the vine as intended.
I think my biggest insight has been about sin. So often sin is presented as if it an immoral act or thought. As if Gods commandments against sins are legal laws. When we take it this way we must wrestle with temptation, we must be vigilant manage ourselves. Gods wants for us are taken like posted Speed limits and we resist temptation to exceed them. When you think of sin as simply “breaking moral rules,” it can feel like a struggle of willpower trying hard to resist doing the wrong thing. But sin is much deeper than that.
At its heart, sin is anything that separates you from God, from others, or even from the truest version of ourselves , the person we were created to be. It’s not just about actions or rules broken; it’s about relationships wounded. Think of it like a tear in the fabric of love, a movement away from the harmony you were designed for. When we are close to God we are far from sin. Getting to know God I am seeing how his love and grace, his forbearance for me it’s healing.
The more you I see God clearly see His love, His goodness, His beauty—the more you see the world clearly too. I am starting to see sin for what it really is. I don’t have to rely on willpower to resist sin because my heart is beginning to align with God’s heart. A living relationship with God is so key is see. Walking with Jesus daily matters. The closer you are to Him, the clearer your vision becomes, and the more naturally your life reflects His goodness.
Life is a joy not a burden I see. I get to do this, I get to be here and I am not alone. I am in love, Gods love for me is like a spiritual feast. As I partake I am full and the rotting food sin offers loses its appeal.
It’s so wonderful and when you see clearly, that is when you know God’s goodness and your identity in Him, sin stops looking like freedom and starts looking like chains. Ultimately, it seems God’s love is what sets us free, not rules, not striving, not fear. His love heals, satisfies, and transforms you from the inside out.
As I walk through life I am no longer asking, “How do I stop doing this or that?” Every moment offers the invitation to ask a better question, “How can I draw closer to God’s love?” Because the closer you are to Him, the less you’ll want anything that separates you from Him. That’s the power of pine sol! That’s the magic of walking with God. It’s exciting and I am loving how fear has been replaced by joy.
submitted by 4sakenshadow to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:56 GordoBajonero La mujer de mí viejo es una conchuda y mí viejo también lo fue.

Mí viejo se separó de mí vieja cuándo yo tenía alrededor de 12, por lo que viví toda mí vida con mí vieja, mí viejo aparecía cuando me iba mal en el colegio para decirme que si no me ponía las pilas me iba a sacar la tele, la compu, etc. Nunca se preocuparon por qué es que me iba mal.
A los 18 empecé a laburar con mí viejo y a los 19 mí vieja decide hacer un empr ndimiento de hacer una casa en un barrio cerrado vendiendo el departamento donde vivía y forzandome a irme a vivir con mí viejo y sus dos pequeños hijos.
Al día siguiente la mujer de mí padre me revisa todas mis pertenencias y me dijo encuentran un poco de ketamina. Sin preguntar y pensando que era un adicto le hace la típica a mí padre de "es él o yo" haciendo que mí viejo me mande a vivir solo. Alquilo por 4 años y después me compra un depto(ya hace 10 años de esto)
Debido a eso perdí contacto con toda la parte de la familia de mí padre, haciendo que mis hermanitos no tengsn contacto conmigo.
Flashforward de a poco yo voy volviendo, aprovechando la casa de los fines de semana, pero siempre está la bruja y me hace mal de ojo cada vez que me vé, me busca por minimeses.
Mí viejo fue un forro y nunca me ayudó en nada aunque le hice crecer su negocio un 1000%.
Sus hijos le viven su plata mientras a mí nunca me prestó ni una camisa.sus hijos le usan lo relojes, la camioneta, las casas, los fines de año en punta del este, etc.
Yo dejé mí adolescencia en el trabajo, trabajando desde los 19 hasta la actualidad con un sueldo un poco mejor que cualquier empleado.
Sufrí mucho y aunque pase por varios psicólogos nunca pude superar este abandono y resentimiento.
submitted by GordoBajonero to NecesitoDesahogarme [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:56 Imaginary_Aside1693 What is this white box in my trunk (GT86 2020)?

What is this white box in my trunk (GT86 2020)? Hi, I've just bought a 2020 GT86. I see that the audio system has been modified. It has audio cables and some other cables going from the battery to the trunk (picture #2). I do not understand what these 3 big cables are for - one is power, the other is ground I assume + something else? What can be plugged using these cables? A subwoofer? An amplituner? Or somethign else? Also, what is this white box in the trunk near my rear seats? Sorry if these are stupid questions but I am totally not into cars.
submitted by Imaginary_Aside1693 to AskMechanics [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:56 mentolatux Crazy Difficult Game

Crazy Difficult Game submitted by mentolatux to BestCrazyGamesWeb [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:56 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Economy] - These economists say artificial intelligence can narrow U.S. deficits by improving health care | NBC

[Economy] - These economists say artificial intelligence can narrow U.S. deficits by improving health care | NBC submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:56 Peyton_Rrr Eye colour?

Eye colour? submitted by Peyton_Rrr to WhatisMyEyeColour [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:56 thesilenturges It's time to say this.

submitted by thesilenturges to infp [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:56 brucekatsu Sunday and Robin announcing powercreep to Sparkle

Sunday and Robin announcing powercreep to Sparkle This scene makes so much sense now.
submitted by brucekatsu to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:56 ZookeepergameThen378 I made Sophie Richards from The House of The Dead

I made Sophie Richards from The House of The Dead submitted by ZookeepergameThen378 to mdickie [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:56 Ecstatic_Worth6134 What’s your favourite actor’s most underrated movie?

submitted by Ecstatic_Worth6134 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:56 getnownottoday Steel Series Black Friday Deals 2024

Use the link for Steel Series Black Friday Deals 2024. The website features a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly for you to choose from and make your purchase more affordable.
submitted by getnownottoday to GlibDiscount [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:56 Cautious-Warning-696 How do I fix this

Any advice on how to make this look half decent ?
submitted by Cautious-Warning-696 to CableManagement [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:56 TheJavierEscuella Who would win between these two?

Who would win between these two? submitted by TheJavierEscuella to Daredevil [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:56 Anxious-Log5136 Woah what's this suddenly

Woah what's this suddenly submitted by Anxious-Log5136 to ShadowFightArena [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:56 -V1nny- I think I just got the best GOD PACK in the Game

I think I just got the best GOD PACK in the Game submitted by -V1nny- to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:56 lespleiades 180930 IU

180930 IU submitted by lespleiades to aiyu [link] [comments]
