thoughts on micro-dosing accutane life-long?

2024.11.28 14:30 New_Maintenance8273 thoughts on micro-dosing accutane life-long?

I saw a Reel on IG where a dermatologist was exposing some VIPs by showing how their perfect skin was PROBABLY due to a maintenance use of accutane. 40 mg a week more or less. I saw that even Bryan Johnson uses accutane for anti-aging purposes (and he has his vital markers monitored every month and didn’t have any issue since the beginning). Moreover many dermatologists use accutane just to have clear skin, cause this is their job. They just don’t prescribe it for all cause the topic could cause debates.
So what do you think about it? I actually have Seb-derm so my purpose of using accutane would be that. (accutane is normally prescribed for Seb - derm but only for a couple of month and in doses of 20 to 30 mg daily)
submitted by New_Maintenance8273 to Accutane [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:30 Mr_Squeaky_Voice Bought my first gaming laptop

Bought my first gaming laptop Is this a good deal?
submitted by Mr_Squeaky_Voice to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:30 Ayansoomto Helps

Helps I am having problem with the significant figure how to arrange them. Please is the table 1st, 2nd, and 3rd correct?
submitted by Ayansoomto to alevel [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:30 ChanceOregon68 Question about corrections for my copy script

Hello everyone,
To be directly honest about it, as I'm yet to bad to do it my myself, I used AI for this script, even if I planned to learn it correctly by myself.
I want to copy files from a directory on a external hard drive to a second one (files from the first dir are correct photos that replace non correct photos on the second drive). Problem, the names of directories are not the same from a drive to another, but the names of the files inside are the same. There is also the case of files from second the second drive that are not present on the 1st one, that I need to let untouched (image of a sub-dir for example).
Now the main problem of my script : at the beginning works well, but after some folders, I suppose because of the amount of files, it crashes and my computer with it. What can I do to correct this problem ? Thank you.

# Settings $Dossier1 = "F:\LEAD\Dossier 1" $Dossier2 = "F:\LEAD\Dossier 2" $Rapport = Join-Path $Dossier2 "rapport_anomalies.txt" # Report if (Test-Path $Rapport) { Remove-Item $Rapport -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } New-Item -Path $Rapport -ItemType File -Force | Out-Null # Check dir if (!(Test-Path $Dossier1)) { Write-Error "Le dossier source $Dossier1 est introuvable." exit } if (!(Test-Path $Dossier2)) { Write-Error "Le dossier destination $Dossier2 est introuvable." exit } # Replace TIF trough all sub-dir function Remplacer-FichiersTIF { param ( [string]$Source, [string]$Destination ) # Get all TIF $FichiersSource = Get-ChildItem -Path $Source -Recurse -Filter "*.tif" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $FichiersDestination = Get-ChildItem -Path $Destination -Recurse -Filter "*.tif" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Index of dest. files by name $IndexDestination = @{} foreach ($Fichier in $FichiersDestination) { $IndexDestination[$Fichier.Name] = $Fichier } # src files foreach ($FichierSource in $FichiersSource) { $NomFichier = $FichierSource.Name if ($IndexDestination.ContainsKey($NomFichier)) { $FichierDestination = $IndexDestination[$NomFichier] # Files length $TailleSource = (Get-Item $FichierSource.FullName).Length $TailleDestination = (Get-Item $FichierDestination.FullName).Length if ($TailleSource -ne $TailleDestination) { # Replace if length not the same Copy-Item -Path $FichierSource.FullName -Destination $FichierDestination.FullName -Force -ErrorAction Stop Write-Host "Remplacé : $($FichierSource.FullName) -> $($FichierDestination.FullName)" } else { # Not replaced if same lenghthn, report Add-Content -Path $Rapport -Value "NON REMPLACÉ (même taille) : $($FichierSource.FullName)" Write-Host "Non remplacé (même taille) : $($FichierSource.FullName)" } } else { # Report if file don't existe in Dir 2 Add-Content -Path $Rapport -Value "ANOMALIE : $($FichierSource.FullName) non trouvé dans le dossier 2" Write-Host "Anomalie : $($FichierSource.FullName) non trouvé dans le dossier 2" } } } # Execute try { Remplacer-FichiersTIF -Source $Dossier1 -Destination $Dossier2 Write-Host "Traitement terminé. Rapport d'anomalies : $Rapport" } catch { Write-Error "Erreur critique : $($_.Exception.Message)" } 
submitted by ChanceOregon68 to PowerShell [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:30 MasterpieceLoud4931 Crypto hackers steal $71M in November, bringing yearly total to $1.48B

Crypto hackers steal $71M in November, bringing yearly total to $1.48B submitted by MasterpieceLoud4931 to ethtrader [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:30 Equalizer6338 Welcome to our Eversense community here on Reddit!

Welcome to this new subreddit for the Eversense CGM system!
Here we can help each other to troubleshoot the Eversense CGM, share our experiences, ask questions related to the Eversense sensors, the app, the insertion procedure, share Eversense news, brag, commiserate or vent.
submitted by Equalizer6338 to eversense [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:30 lawsat22 I'm ready for the hate. After the whole "blessed account" i had was done. This definitely makes me happy within 4 pulls got these beauties

I'm ready for the hate. After the whole submitted by lawsat22 to WatcherofRealmsGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:30 xfl7 in vivo oncology jobs for PhD level scientist. Will I be forever siloed into mouse modeling?

I'm currently an industry postdoc in discovery oncology research and I have all the fancy skillset for in vitro oncology work and I have not touched a mouse since I finished my PhD. My PhD was in immuno-oncology which was heavy on the in vivo mouse modeling. Currently looking into moving into senior scientist positions and in early to late interview stages. As my luck would have it, I have progressed a lot more in interviews for in vivo oncology jobs than in vitro oncology discovery, even though I applied to just two in vivo oncology jobs and will likely get an offer from at least one of the two positions soon (in one of the big pharmas).
I have come to learn that for these positions it's extremely hands-on mice tumor modeling with room for nothing else aside from flow cytometry. Based on my conversations during interviews, I fear that I will be siloed into mouse modeling without getting managerial opportunities and this may stunt my career growth
Wondering if my fear is well founded and if I can get advice from people that may have been in similar positions in the past. I could ride out my post-doc for a while longer and pursue other opportunities or I could consider in vivo oncology scientist position which isn't as glamorous as it sounds.
submitted by xfl7 to biotech [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:30 Theo04t I feel emasculated and erased when girls treat me like the gay best friend

I’m 20M and during my lifetime I have a met several girls that were my friends who every single day could call me gay and present me to everybody as gay, and that was it. I wasn’t a guy or a bi guy I was “the gay”. I never knew how to explain it but it made me feel erased in my sexuality and also emasculated, as I was “the gay” I was expected to be super flamboyant, and for some things I would say that I am more feminine, but for the most part not really that much.
submitted by Theo04t to bisexual [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:30 Cheese_BasedLifeform Panicking because I have a sore throat before surgery

My surgery is coming up on December 3. I had a bit of a tickle in my throat yesterday when I woke up from a nap and then it was fine this morning for a bit but it's like the second I left my house my throat got more tingly. I feel totally fine otherwise and the sore throat isn't even that bad, just annoying.
Has anyone had a similar thing happen and do you have any tips on how to get rid of it fast?
submitted by Cheese_BasedLifeform to BariatricSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:30 Odd_Athlete_9484 I wasn’t fully aware of the tax bracket I was apart of until I was in my 20s

So growing up the only reason I would be told “no” to getting whatever I wanted was because I was either not doing good in school or not being a good kid. Other than that I had birthdays like my 5th where I had TWO birthday cakes and a Chuck E. Cheese party and then my 6th where my dad and uncle built me a playhouse on the “promise” I would stop drinking out of a sippy cup. Then because my family was spilt in between Florida and New York I would spend the school year in Florida then the summer in NYC where my grandma would take us shopping with her to the Macys on 5th Ave. At the time I was preoccupied with learning about presidents (08 when Obama got elected) so I didn’t pay any of the shopping any real attention.
In high school I would be online browsing on forever 21 in my free time and my friends would make comments about how their parents wouldn’t let them shop. I really thought it because their parents said no, not because THEY didn’t have the money to go online shopping. I wasn’t really the most extravagant in my opinion but I did start wearing Sephora products early on because my older sister was into those same products and I wouldn’t hide it from my friends because I didn’t feel the need to.
I graduated with my masters this past year and living on my own for the first time has made me more? Attentive to funds. So I’ve been more “conservative” with spending since I don’t want to fall under the economy.
Yesterday I went to macys with my mom while she was checking out and I asked if I can squeeze in a travel size perfume for an upcoming trip after SHE was discussing perfume prices with the cashier. The cashier initially made a joke to my mom asking her, “Now are -you- sure? lol” when she thought my mom would tell me to put it back but instead my mom was slightly offended I didn’t get the full sized version. After we checked out the cashier put a BUNCH of samples in our bag and encouraged us to come back asap.
I’m very blessed to be in this position don’t get me wrong I truly thank god everyday. But yeah I’ve had an air of lack of awareness until my 20s.
submitted by Odd_Athlete_9484 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:30 Cybermecfit 170cm 65kg what do you think

170cm 65kg what do you think Do I have good proportions? What do you think about my chest insertions?
submitted by Cybermecfit to GregDoucette [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:30 r3crac Xiaomi Portable Dual Mode Keyboard Wireless XMBXJP01YM for 29.99 USD without coupon (Best price in history: 32.99 USD)

Here is the link (Banggood): Xiaomi Portable Dual Mode Keyboard Wireless XMBXJP01YM
Current price is 29.99 USD. The lowest price in my database is 32.99 USD.There're already 3 records in DB. Price monitoring since 28.10.2024!
If you're too late or you want e-mail PRICE ALERTS, then you can check current coupons for Xiaomi Portable Dual Mode Keyboard Wireless XMBXJP01YM here:
Best regards.
This is an example of a real deal with nice discount.
submitted by r3crac to xiaomi_discount [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:30 Alarmed_Broom Romantasy friends

Hello! I have seen on a fair few Instagram posts ‘I wish I had friends to sent this to’ and people don’t have anyone to share their deep and obsessive love of romantasy with. I don’t either. And I want some. I want friends to share recommendations with, hang out with, meet up with. Ideally IRL. I want best friends who want friends to text every day. I’m based in the U.K. (Kent more specifically) and if there’s anyone out there who feels like me let’s be friends. I mean it ☺️ let’s be these guys (we don’t have to start an Instagram or podcast or anything, friendship based in bookishness is more than enough 💕)
submitted by Alarmed_Broom to acotar [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:30 bumblesack Screenshot of your highest CP mons

I feel like my highest CP mons are really not that high. I would love to see what all of your highest CP mons are and which mons claim that title. Happy Thanksgiving!
submitted by bumblesack to pokemongo [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:30 OkBelt8382 Why ?!

Some people get their approval quickly like in 2 months while others take 7 m at least They are the same type of lmia, nearly the same dates of submission and payments. Could anyone clarify that ?
submitted by OkBelt8382 to lmiaprocessing [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:30 UnfairHelp1822 Rey Mysterio Reflects On Dominik’s WWE Rise Compared To His Own Journey

Rey Mysterio Reflects On Dominik’s WWE Rise Compared To His Own Journey submitted by UnfairHelp1822 to CodyRhodes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:30 YaranaRouja [USERNAME: UNKNOWN] [REAL NAME: UNKNOWN] [AGE: 22] [MALE] (One of the weird guys who watched a teenager get strangled to death by a vine.) (He likes all types of desserts, but he likes ice cream even more!) (When feeling bored, he would chill with random players.) (Thinks his 'home' is kinda cool.)

[USERNAME: UNKNOWN] [REAL NAME: UNKNOWN] [AGE: 22] [MALE] (One of the weird guys who watched a teenager get strangled to death by a vine.) (He likes all types of desserts, but he likes ice cream even more!) (When feeling bored, he would chill with random players.) (Thinks his 'home' is kinda cool.) submitted by YaranaRouja to ARoad_RobloxSeries [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:30 taargusmistoffelees How do I clean my couch?

How do I clean my couch? I have a toddler so I’m constantly cleaning up little messes from the couch. Anytime I do, it leaves a water mark. It’s also hard to clean because the fabric is textured.
submitted by taargusmistoffelees to CleaningTips [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:30 Irobert1115HD spot on work by smoothdunk.
submitted by Irobert1115HD to EnoughMuskSpam [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:30 YummyxYum Shuhua

Shuhua submitted by YummyxYum to kpopSlowMo [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:30 Affectionate-Snow-52 Love my Ram

Just thought I would share!!!
submitted by Affectionate-Snow-52 to ram_trucks [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:30 ruzumec_ Parkta kedi buldum kelepir fiyata bırakırım

Parkta kedi buldum kelepir fiyata bırakırım submitted by ruzumec_ to KGBTR [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:30 bankstatements32 I like the colour blue

submitted by bankstatements32 to ShareYourSelfie [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:30 Free_dew4 [Meta] Goldy Pond is (obviously) fan favorite, what arc or season is made to be hated


  1. No repetition allowed
  2. Most upvoted comment wins
  3. Manga arcs, Anime arcs and even Anime seasons are allowed
submitted by Free_dew4 to thepromisedneverland [link] [comments]