这一切的关键是英文名的first name有一个基本固定的名单让大家选,而不是自己用自己喜欢的字造出来的。有个数据统计说,美国是世界上last name最多的地方,有100多万种last name,但是first name只有几百种,这也就是为什么我在开头假设first name有限,last name不限了。 First name 是名字 middle name 是中名,有时会用某一个长辈的名字以表达爱和纪念(与中国人的习俗正相反,我们为尊者讳,他们是和长辈叫一样的名字),有时会用一个名人的名字,表达希望有那个名人的个性,以那个名人为榜样 02 如何理解第一性原理?. 两千多年前, 亚里士多德这样表述第一性原理: 在每一系统的探索中,存在第一性原理(First principle thinking),它是一个最基本的命题或假设,不能被省略或删除,也不能被违反。 first name - 名 . surname很少用到。一般family name, last name用得比较多。 例如:Michael Jackson 的姓(surname,last name)是"JACKSON",,名(first name)是"MICHAEL"。 first name: your first name (US often given name) is, in English-speaking countries, the name given to you by your parents at birth. first name是名,Leszek是名, Godzik是last name是姓。 姓名排列次序是名在姓前,一般由教名、名字和姓三部分组成,在正文中要按此顺序书写,并且名字可缩写,姓不能缩写。 1、一血的话是First Blood,一杀是you have slain the enemy。 2、双杀:Double Kill。 3、三杀:Triple Kill。 4、四杀:Quadra Kill。 5、五杀:Penta Kill。 6、团灭:Ace。 扩展资料: 英雄联盟游戏里拥有数百个个性英雄,并拥有排位系统、符文系统等特色养成系统。 first love 宇多田光 罗马拼音歌词歌名:《First Love》歌手:宇多田光(宇多田ヒカル)所属专辑:《幸福的味道》发行时间:1999-3-10中文、罗马音歌词:sa i go no ki su ha(最后的吻)ta ba ko no flavor ga si ta 不管你是中国人、美国人还是匈牙利人(用拉丁文字,但姓在前名在后),哪怕你还有像拉美人那么多的 middle name,first name 和 last name 的含义和最终的展示始终是明确而统一的。 first name 是名字,last name是姓。Mary, John是一个人的名字,他们经常把名放前面(first name ),而姓放后面(last name)。 英美人的姓名排列方式与中国人的姓名排列恰好相反,即中国人是“姓+名”,而在英语国家却是“名+姓”。 1st就是first,读音:英[fɜːst],美[fɜːrst] 2nd就是second,读音:英[ˈsekənd,sɪˈkɒnd],美[ˈsekənd,sɪˈkɑːnd] 3rd就是third,读音:英[θɜːd],美[θɜːrd] 10th就是tenth,读音:英[tenθ],美[tenθ] 其中1st,2nd,3rd为特殊形式,其它的都是阿拉伯数字后加th。 扩展资料
2024.11.28 14:50 paligoldberg my first turkey day🤎
turkey day with all my girls🩷 🍴 submitted by paligoldberg to AnimalCrossing [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 14:50 vsanto73 Erase 2 from wrestling history BUT if you erase the team you erase the singles too. Let the debating begin
submitted by vsanto73 to WWE [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 14:50 Key_Science_4751 24 [m4f] you need to destress
Having a bad day? Did your boss gave you tons of stuffs to finish? How about school stuffs? Well we can talk about it, maybe add some spice with some dirty talks after we've talk the things, or maybe not. This will be a sfw/nsfw entry it depends on how you will be with it.
Please dm with your problems and we will be talk about it.
submitted by Key_Science_4751 to PHR4Rhookups [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:50 sloan_dm Minor odd startup happening
When I get to windows the button always had a white square outing around it and I move my cursor click my button for left mouse click and armory crate opens automatically. Did a update change this or what can I do to make this stop happening?
submitted by sloan_dm to ROGAllyX [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:50 Patient_Breadfruit35 Turn up the heat and rip the knob off. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 🦃
submitted by Patient_Breadfruit35 to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 14:50 Pandillion Free-to-play PvE very casual cross-platform games
Looking for some suggestions that are FREE (MUST) and PvE (preferably) that are pretty chill and casual for 4 players and cross-platform (one of them on Xbox). Also, preferably only on Steam.
Something round based like Cod Zombies or a survival crafting game would be fun. Maybe something Indie that is allows for goofy scenarios.
I've scoured the internet, and I keep getting the same suggestions, so I'll write which ones I've already heard so please don't suggest: Rocket League, Destiny 2, Warframe, War Thunder, Overwatch, Warzone, Fortnite, Apex, Minecraft, Halo Infinite, Fall Guys,
Nothing on Game Pass because it isn't free.
submitted by Pandillion to gamingsuggestions [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:50 AdKey3819 Over the counter vs custom
With all of the new high end over the counter, is it worth the cost for the custom. I pd 2800 each 5 yrs ago for Widex. My insurance doesn't cover any of it
submitted by AdKey3819 to HearingAids [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:50 LUKLEG Chat comportement étrange
Notre chat est étrange depuis plusieurs jours.
Avant hier, le matin tout allait bien, et à partir du milieu d'après-midi, il a commencer a se cacher, prostré dans des recoins improbable. Nous l'avons laissé tranquille mais le soir nous avons voulus voir si tout allait bien alors nous l'avons pris et nous nous sommes rendus compte qu'au moindre mouvement il vocalisait de façon plaintive.
Ma compagne l'a pris sur ses genoux et il lui a uriné dessus.
Pris de panique nous sommes allé chez le vétérinaire en urgence.
Le chat avait un peu de température, mais impossible de l'examiner précisément car il se plaignait au moindre contact.
Nous avons donc opté pour une anesthésie, prise de sang, échographie "rapide".
Rien n'est ressorti de ces examens.
Le vétérinaire nous a proposé de garder le chat en observation pendant 2 jours et de faire une échographie complémentaire mais selon lui il était tout aussi raisonnable de le reprendre chez nous et de lui fournir un traitement antibiotique et antalgique et de revenir si la situation empirait/ne s'améliorait pas.
Depuis (2 jours maintenant), le chat ne quitte plus notre lit. Il se lève une fois le matin pour manger un peu, faire ses besoins, et le reste du temps il reste hagard.
Il s'agit d'un chat de 7 ans, en surpoids, mais habituellement très énergique et communicatif. Il vit en appartement avec un autre chat, aucun des deux ne sort (à part sur le balcon).
Nous avons déjà engagé de nombreux frais vétérinaires (+ de 600€) et nous ne savons pas ce que nous pouvons faire d'autre... (Merci d'éviter les commentaires du style "ne pas prendre un animal de compagnie si nous ne pouvons pas en assumer les frais". Évidemment que nous ne comptons pas pour ses soins mais ces problèmes de santé surgissent dans une période financière compliquée - je viens de perdre mon travail alors que nous venions de déménager... D'où notre réticence à aller consulter de nouveau étant donné que la première fois s'est avérée peu utile).
Est ce que d'autres maitres ont déjà observé ce type de comportement ? Avez vous des conseils ?
submitted by LUKLEG to conseilveto [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:50 rRopelato Em busca do airflow automático.
O meu gabinete está morto.
Não quero voltar a ter aquário
Só quero AIRFLOW.
Achas que tens o que é necessário para me recomendares um gabinete?
Recomende aqui!
Em resumo, quero airflow e que caiba um Assassin IV, foda-se estética, beleza e LED (odeio érigêbê). Recomendem uma fan sem preço absurdo pra montar no kitzão tb.
submitted by rRopelato to computadores [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:50 RealisticBat616 First real cycle advice and adjustments?
Im cutting down to 12% body fat in order to put myself in a situation where I can bulk for as long as possible then will get blood work before starting. Im enlisting in the army in August 2025 and want to pack on much more size before then as well as the recovery benefits and wanting to be able to hit the gym harder more often since i just love working out. I have plans to get on TRT once I get to my first duty station but dont want to rn because my situation is already complicated due to past disqualification and being told to wait 2 years and don't want to make it any harder with having to also get a waiver for TRT submitted by RealisticBat616 to SteroidGuide [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 14:50 firefox2110 Ratschlag bei der Situationship
Hallo zusammen ich werde es sehr kurz und knapp halten.
Ich, (w/24) date seit 6 Monaten m/29. Anfangs war es nur Sex, wurde dann mit der Zeit aber mehr. Man hat öfter was unternommen (z. T. täglich), wir haben oft entweder bei ihm oder bei mir geschlafen (nur geschlafen), gemeinsam neue Sachen ausprobiert, usw. Ich habe letztendlich Gefühle für ihn entwickelt, wovon er auch weiß. Ich weiß nicht, wie er darüber denkt, aber wir sagen uns auch, dass wir uns lieb haben usw. Er hat sich sogar meine Lieblingssüßgkeiten gemerkt und mich damit überrascht.
Die situationship ist all in all ziemlich exklusiv. Ich date niemanden er (vermutlich) auch nicht. Das Ganze wird mir aber langsam zu "blöd". Ich lasse Typen abblitzen, die ein echtes Interesse an mir haben (nicht nur Sex). Ich weiß nicht, wohin das Ganze führen soll. Wir führen quasi eine Beziehung, aber im Endeffekt sind wir nicht zusammen. Ansprechen möchte ich es auch nicht.
Nun zu der Fragestellung: Was soll ich tun? Dem Ganzen eine Chance geben und so weiter machen wie bisher oder es beenden, da daraus eh nichts werden wird?
submitted by firefox2110 to beziehungen [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:50 Giono_OOf_01 If someone (For example: The Oscars) not only disrespects animation but also insults Guillermo del Toro for defending them, how would you guys react to that?
submitted by Giono_OOf_01 to cartoons [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 14:50 hideousox New Vivaldi has sluggish response
Unfortunately I find myself quite often stuck now, with Vivaldi not able to keep up with my typing - which is very, very annoying. It just freezes while I type and needs time to catchup. I found it also slower at switching between tabs. Switching between workspaces seems to also be an issue for new browser. This has happened since I was forced to update to new Vivaldi this morning. I have a setup with 4 workspaces, and was quite comfortable with previous version of Vivaldi (all issues popped up after upgrade this morning). Has anyone experience similar issues, and have you resolved them?
submitted by hideousox to vivaldibrowser [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:50 sportsmemoseller Signed Larry bird funko pop JSA Authenticated let me know if interested
submitted by sportsmemoseller to Buy_Sell [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:50 MarcellusCastleberry Yeon-Koung Kim
submitted by MarcellusCastleberry to VolleyballGirls [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 14:50 Nexo_CE How the Nexo Card lets you hold onto your assets and profit
You shouldn't have to choose between spending your crypto and holding it for future value. The Nexo Card enables you to do both seamlessly.
The power of not selling:
According to our Holiday Spending Report, between November 2023 and January 2024, Nexo Card users collectively avoided selling 2,200 BTC by using the card's Credit Mode. Since then, Bitcoin's price has soared by 120%. Let's put that into perspective:
Imagine you needed funds back in January and considered selling a portion of your BTC holdings at $43,000. Instead, you used the Nexo Card in Credit Mode, keeping your BTC as collateral. Today, with Bitcoin at around $95,000, you've not only covered your expenses but also retained an asset that's more than doubled in value. All this while paying interest rates as low as 2.9% – a smart move that could maximize wealth.
Why it works:
2024.11.28 14:50 Babayaga_06 (29 M)Looking to Connect and Build Friendships – Let’s Help Each Other Find Happiness!
Hi everyone, I’ve been feeling a bit lonely lately and really want to build some meaningful friendships. Life can be tough at times, but I believe that having people to share things with can make all the difference. If you’re looking for a friend to chat with, support, and uplift each other, I’d love to connect! Let’s help each other find some joy and make life a little brighter. Feel free to reach out, I’m here to listen and share. :)
How does that sound? Feel free to adjust it to your style!
submitted by Babayaga_06 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:50 jvc72 Buy Signal Ultimovacs ASA - 28 nov 2024 @ 15:32 -> NOK2.02
Ticker: ULTI.OL
Exchange: OSL
Time: 28 nov 2024 @ 15:32
Price: NOK2.02
Link: https://getagraph.com/OSL/stock/live-signals/ULTI.OL/ENG
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:50 PorkyValet1999 Edmonton paying more to build fire halls, rec centres than neighbouring communities: report
submitted by PorkyValet1999 to Edmonton [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 14:50 Reddit0r6969 purple glitter crocs
new crocs! prolly my 30th pair. won’t be the last. i think 🤣 submitted by Reddit0r6969 to crocs [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 14:50 1DarkStarryNight 🇮🇪☘️ Best of luck to Sinn Féin tomorrow
submitted by 1DarkStarryNight to GreenAndPleasant [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 14:50 Bootstrap_Island_Dev 🙏 PCVR and Survival Fans, We Need Your Support! 🙏 We’d be honored if you nominated Bootstrap Island for the Steam Award "VR Game of the Year". Your support means the world to our small indie team! 🌴🔥
submitted by Bootstrap_Island_Dev to oculus [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 14:50 Sampangi Balayya’s debut web series: Shoot begins soon!
submitted by Sampangi to Ni_Bondha [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:50 Middle-Response5287 Working as a general practitioner (hospitalist) in Batanes
hi guys, I'm a general physician planning to apply a work in Batanes as a hospitalist yet I'm not sure what to expect. Can you please po englighten about the health-seeking behavior and health status of the community? Thank you
submitted by Middle-Response5287 to BatanesPH [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 14:50 OUCB_geebs Straight vs Spectra Seam?
I’ve noticed a lot of photos recently using a Spectra/curved seam. Any reason why you prefer this over a straight seam? We rarely ever cut curved seams so I’m curious your reasonings. Thanks!
submitted by OUCB_geebs to CounterTops [link] [comments]