Meat tenderizer/knife..thing

2024.11.28 16:50 Thin-Fix2015 Meat tenderizer/knife..thing

My grandmother pulled this torture device out of the drawer this morning… just looking for some more information on when it’s from? Pretty interesting find!
submitted by Thin-Fix2015 to knifeclub [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 RenegadeBraveheart Chainsaw

Chainsaw submitted by RenegadeBraveheart to MizunoAi [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 royalcrown28 Beware Illegal Blackfriday "sale" tactics. "sale" prices are considerably higher than baseline.

Beware Illegal Blackfriday submitted by royalcrown28 to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Yourbedsheets My favorite things to do when bored are

Kicking light poles mailboxes for fun
submitted by Yourbedsheets to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 NoPanic7953 Why my pc ethernet speed is slow?

I just bought a new pc. My motherboard is B760M with 14700k 4070 ti super.
Currently after installing window, I haven't activated the window yet, I tried browsing.
Question is that my ethernet speed is really slow when I am using in my new PC right now. When I use the same cable and plug it into my old PC. The speed is actually good.
Does anyone know if the PC (port ) is the problem or window is limiting the speed of the ethernet
submitted by NoPanic7953 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Street-Tea-2530 [gen8] Base odds hunt in the wild area

[gen8] Base odds hunt in the wild area I wasn’t paying attention doing REs for snorunt and stuffl when I saw this come up. One of my favorite blue colors for sure.
submitted by Street-Tea-2530 to ShinyPokemon [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Xx_WAKE_xX If Mario & Luigi: Brothership had Voice Acting

If Mario & Luigi: Brothership had Voice Acting If Brothership had voice acting, I can literally hear Connie being voiced by Xanthe Huynh. She has done voice works in other video games such as Noire in Persona 5, Marianne in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, and Erika in Pokémon Masters. In my opinion, Xante Huynh would be a great voice casting option for Connie.
submitted by Xx_WAKE_xX to marioandluigi [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Sultan147 Palworld End-game

I feel like once you reach beyond level 50 in palworld, everything becomes so much more of a slog. Crude oil generates so damn slowly. If you want to get every single item in the game, excluding the resources needed for ultimate spheres, you would need 800 plasteel. That is 4000 crude oil. That is just insane. I hope they update it to make it more reasonable to obtain. The tower boss in the new zone is ridiculous too, Selyne does 90% of my level 53 Jetdragons health with one attack. Even if I reach level 55, it still feels like a stretch. Oh and don’t even get me started on Blazamut Ryu lol. At least Selyne you can try over and over again however you want, but this guy is just god incarnate which you need special resources to summon just once. Just not gonna bother with either of those two honestly.
Still enjoy the hell out of the game though, just wanted to vent a bit. I’m excited for the new big update that’ll come out in December, so probably just gonna take a break from it until then.
submitted by Sultan147 to Palworld [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Fit-Load2803 Think I'm going to order this today. Is there anything better out there for 1300 and under?

submitted by Fit-Load2803 to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Alaskan_geek907 Any advice for extreme cold weather?

Hey yall, new too the game just got my MB 1050 earlier this summer.
I woke up to smoke my turkey today and found it to he 0 degrees outside, I lit the grill walked away, and never got over 30 degree. Still was producing smoke and the charcoal was burning but over 40 minutes never got over 30 degrees.
All I can think is either it's too cold and there really is a limit or maybe moisture in the charcoal and I should empty the hopper and try a fresh bag?
I had to pivot to an oven cook due to time but looking for suggestions for the future!
submitted by Alaskan_geek907 to Masterbuilt [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Consistent-Dish-6024 Sparkle & Vita | h2o_omizu

submitted by Consistent-Dish-6024 to honkaiimpact3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 BoxMorton Is there a way to stop certain websites from preventing me from showing the top menu bar until I've scrolled all the way to the top of the page?

On certain websites, mainly ones with long articles (I'm currently reading an "NBC Insider" article on, for example) as you scroll down the page to read the article, the page starts to hide the top menu (with the url bar, new tab button, etc.).
That feature is typically fine, because you usually only need to scroll just a tiny bit upwards to reveal the menu bar.
But more recently, I've been encountering sites where it won't reveal the top menu bar until I've scrolled ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP OF THE PAGE.
So I'll be in the middle of a long article, and I'll try to open a new tab to check something else out, but rather then revealing the top bar with the new tab button when i scroll a little bit upwards, it will continue hiding the menu bar until I've scrolled to the very top of the page, thus losing my place in the article and causing me great frustration.
Note that it doesn't always happen on these sites, when i went back to try to check it on this article, it seemed to work fine, where the menu bar would come back with a slight upward slide.
But when I'm deeply invested in the article and have been reading through it at a normal pace, this "feature" will start acting up.
Is there a way to prevent this from happening, so that pages with long articles don't lock the top menu bar from being revealed until you scroll all the way to the top of the page?
submitted by BoxMorton to AndroidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Professional-Toe3070 Lotto Thanksgiving pick

Lotto Thanksgiving pick Not a chance but it was fun to make🤷🏻‍♂️
submitted by Professional-Toe3070 to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Blue_Sparrow13 Autismo e vida escolar

Olá, eu sou concluinte no curso de Jornalismo e meu projeto de TCC é um podcast sobre autismo na escola, voltado para o público de educadores, pais e interessados. Estou reunindo relatos de pessoas com autismo para serem lidos durante o podcast e queria saber se alguém aqui tem o interesse de participar.
Se quiser participar basta responder às perguntas abaixo. Você pode responder quantas perguntas quiser (ou nenhuma, também vou entender). Meu objetivo é muito simples, levar as experiências escolares do máximo de pessoas autistas que eu conseguir aos ouvidos de quem precisa compreendê-las: os professores. Desde já agradeço a atenção de todos.
1 Quantos anos tinha quando recebeu o diagnóstico de TEA? Qual seu nível de suporte? 2 Como foi sua vida escolar? 3 Algum episódio na escola te marcou negativamente? E positivamente? 4 Algum professor se destacou na sua vida escolar? Como era o comportamento desse professor?
Obs: As respostas serão lidos anonimamente, não vou divulgar o username de ninguém.
submitted by Blue_Sparrow13 to AutismoTEA [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 buggolein Giving away these booklets (but you have to be located in Germany or else shipping will be expensive!)

Giving away these booklets (but you have to be located in Germany or else shipping will be expensive!) Hi guys, I’m giving away these booklets, you only have to pay for shipping. If you are interested please DM me.
The Speedmaster booklet is in German, the Bond Booklet is in English and the 2008 Collection Booklet in Japanese.
submitted by buggolein to OmegaWatches [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Scared_Plum_593 Anyone else get weird art commission scams?

I posted a story over a year ago on fanfiction.jet and haven't had the time to work on it since becoming a parent. The last couple months, I've had 4 new followers, all following up with a message along the lines of "your work inspires me, maybe we could work together" and their page is just a link to their Instagram with some basic digital art. My guess is they take your money, say they are gonna do a cool piece of cover art for your fic, then bounce. Anyone else had encounters with these?
submitted by Scared_Plum_593 to FanFiction [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Kiryu_goji I'm Batman - A grail acquired

I'm Batman - A grail acquired I've been wanting a neca 1989 since it came out but... I just couldn't ever find it at a reasonable non scalpers price, so when I saw it in one of my stores in box for £40, yeah I got it, may not be the movie version but tbh these colours just work for me! I'm so happy.
submitted by Kiryu_goji to NECA [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 credoinvisibile Keira Knightley Has Recently Upskilled

Keira Knightley Has Recently Upskilled submitted by credoinvisibile to BlackDoves [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 False-Lawfulness-690 How do I force 4k on Samsung TV?

I am trying to play ghost of Tsushima on a Samsung 4k smart tv. The game launches fine but only at 1080p. I have set the resolution to 4k in the stream settings but nothing changes and I can't select any higher than 1080p in the launcher and in the game settings.
submitted by False-Lawfulness-690 to BoosteroidCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 ForgedRiot_OC Anyone looking for some good food this thanksgiving, we’re open today from 11-4 possibly longer. I’m the only person here today so stop in if you’ve got no where else to go 😄 1765 Brice Road

Anyone looking for some good food this thanksgiving, we’re open today from 11-4 possibly longer. I’m the only person here today so stop in if you’ve got no where else to go 😄 1765 Brice Road Anyone
submitted by ForgedRiot_OC to Columbus [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 FrancisDion Would anyone offer for any of this?

Would anyone offer for any of this? I have no idea if this is worth anything but I figured it's worth a shot to try and trade them.
submitted by FrancisDion to AdoptMeTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Temporary_Ad6441 Rhythm Shooting

Yo is anyone else having issues with Rhythm Shooting now ? seems way more inconsistent. i went 2/10 from 3 in the rec and like 4 or 5 of those were very late. Did the patch break something again and do i change my jumpshot speed ?
submitted by Temporary_Ad6441 to NBA2k [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 Select_Archer1514 Racing but chill?

Does anyone know if there is a way to drive a race f4 cars in a more relaxed environment? I really love racing and I want to drive f4. But I have seen horrible crashes an want a more controlled environment? Anyone know if that exists?
submitted by Select_Archer1514 to HPDE [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 PegasusParfumarie Normal new growth?

Does this look like normal new growth? I’m helping my in-laws with their garden and their roses need some help. Curious of any thoughts on if this looks like normal new growth.
submitted by PegasusParfumarie to Roses [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 16:50 AsimovYugari Tazminat Davası Açılır mı

Selam dostlar. Yanlışlıkla böyle bir durum veya benzeri bir şey olsa tazminat davası açılır mı ?
submitted by AsimovYugari to hukuk [link] [comments]