How much money do you think you spent on this game?

2024.11.28 14:50 Far-Value-9561 How much money do you think you spent on this game?

submitted by Far-Value-9561 to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 t-o-m-u-s-a [Homemade] Garlic Herb Breadcrumb Mac&Cheese

[Homemade] Garlic Herb Breadcrumb Mac&Cheese submitted by t-o-m-u-s-a to macandcheese [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 New-Bottle-5535 Samsonite Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals 2024

Hi everyone, I'm considering purchasing some Samsonite luggage this year, but I’m curious if there are any good black friday deals coming up. I’m hoping to get a discount, but I’m also wondering if it might be better to wait for cyber monday sales instead. I’ve been eyeing a few Samsonite bags, but my budget is a bit tight, so any savings would really help.
submitted by New-Bottle-5535 to ManyBaggers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 lecroitg Can it still be swapped?

Can my memo still be converted to Volta?
submitted by lecroitg to WonderlandTIME [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 Low-Physics1614 Warrior and Wolves in Winter Wood

Warrior and Wolves in Winter Wood submitted by Low-Physics1614 to nightcafe [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 protohyped88 vinyl holy grail

Was first in line the night before record store day 2015 at rough trade in brooklyn. slept on the sidewalk just to grab my copy of deja entendu. when the doors opened immediately grabbed my copy. kept it sealed while i debated opening it. a few weeks later they announced a regular version so i picked up a listening copy at urban outfitters and my RSD version remains sealed.
submitted by protohyped88 to brandnew [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 eigo-bunpou 「英単語解説」on-the-needleの意味について

スラング・on the needleは、「 addicted to narcotics 」が定義されています。読み方はɒɒn* ðə* ˈˈniː·dl*です。豊富な例文及び運用法を通して「on the needle」の意味を学びましょう!
#英語文法 #英文法
submitted by eigo-bunpou to omoshiroi_eigo_bunpou [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 Xenthrah Maybe a quantum jump or maybe really lucky zzz

Happened when I was 16, my friend was driving us around late at night around this area called the mad mile, was pretty much a long stretch of road in the middle of nowhere. He decided to floor it on the straight going around 120-150ks (93miles) and next thing I heard him say was “oh sh*t” as he missed the curve of the road and full locked it one way. I vividly remember being yanked out of the car into the air and watching the car turn and start flipping 8 times till it stopped and was totalled and than instantly going back into the car. Car was hella destroyed but me and my friend ended up being completely fine without a scratch and just walked 2 hours to get home where we didn’t talk about it and funnily enough stopped being friends from there on out with out a word to each other. So maybe just lucky
submitted by Xenthrah to QuantumImmortality [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 itfollows555 25 male east coast usa for chat with anyone

Have some big news to share with the family and trying to pump myself up. Anyone want to chat as I try to find the courage to get through this day without going insane
submitted by itfollows555 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 Patient_Breadfruit35 Turn up the heat and rip the knob off. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 🦃

Turn up the heat and rip the knob off. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 🦃 submitted by Patient_Breadfruit35 to CryptoApeing [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 eclangvisual I was today years old when I realised he’s called ‘Snoopy’ because he works as a private investigator

submitted by eclangvisual to lies [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 HKSupremeTuna When lime lips:

submitted by HKSupremeTuna to Bayonetta [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 bilgesem Vampire Vape Black Jack Anason Aroması

Vampire Vape Black Jack Anason Aroması submitted by bilgesem to goldenkimyacom [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 kittyfanfour Teebee as Jirachi From starters

Teebee as Jirachi From starters submitted by kittyfanfour to Socksfor1Submissions [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 BigYellowPraxis A Clawhammer Maritime Medley!

A Clawhammer Maritime Medley! submitted by BigYellowPraxis to clawhammer [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 drywashcloth How do I stop obsessing over being ugly?

So, as the title says, I'm ugly. I (20F) know a lot of insecure people say this, but I really am objectively ugly, and have the experience to back it up. First off, my jaw is too narrow, which fucked up the way my teeth grew in, and I have a recessed chin. My forehead is massive, I have beady downturned eyes, a big nose, and bad skin. The skin I could fix, but the rest of it is beyond saving without plastic surgery that I won't be able to afford for a long time. I did get braces by the way, but my teeth still aren't great. Additionally, I look like a 12 year old, I am very short and completely underdeveloped.
So, I got bullied from about age 8/9 to early high school (the only reason it didn't continue is because we were out of school for COVID). This happened across a few different schools, and even random strangers would make fun of my appearance. I am so ugly that it kinda became (and still is) my main identity. I didn't assign it to myself either, people would describe me as "the ugly girl" or "the girl with the bad teeth". Mind you, this is while I was one of the best performing students in my school (I was the valedictorian). Even that wasn't greater than my ugliness. Unsurprisingly, I have horrid social anxiety and depression.
Now that I'm an adult, people do treat me with basic empathy, which still shocks me every time it happens. But it's still a lonely existence. I have a few friends after making a massive effort in my sophomore year of college (and my few from childhood), but I never fit into groups. I'm just not an appealing person, and only a few people have ever really wanted to get to know me. And much to my chagrin, I do get crushes on guys (often just ones that are nice to me), but I know they'd probably be freaked out if they knew about it. And of course, being ugly is rare. I've never met another woman as ugly as I am, and so I can't relate to a lot of experiences that are considered to be a normal part of growing up or being your early 20s.
It's like I have go through life, keep up a facade of happiness, deal with the stress of college classes, put in extra effort to try and build some kind of social life and perform well in job interviews, etc. To be honest, my life feels like nothing but a barrage of constant stress and anxiety. I just hate everything about my face and body and wish I could tear off all my skin. I'm just someone who has to constantly justify my presence. And really, I'm struggling to find a point in it all. There is no light at the end of the tunnel. I've been in therapy for a few months and it hasn't gotten better. I mean, I have hated myself for most of my life now and I literally don't think I can take this for much longer, it has to end one way or another.
So uh, any other truly ugly people have any advice?
submitted by drywashcloth to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 SparkleSorbets Me be sleeping in the most awkward

Me be sleeping in the most awkward submitted by SparkleSorbets to Memes_Of_The_Dank [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 Different-Call5779 what should i put my cap breakers on?

what should i put my cap breakers on? i gotta build off yt and he mentioned what to do with cap breakers when i got them i was thinking strength but here’s my build if anyone wouldn’t mind helping out
submitted by Different-Call5779 to NBA2k [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 uzikoozie Got DK on the bench, should I throw him in for any of these?

submitted by uzikoozie to FantasyFootballers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 CitronNo8069 In There Will Be Blood (2007), Paul Dano plays 2 different characters, this is a reference to Hush the Batman Villain who uses plastic surgery to look like people, who also inspired the look of the riddler who was played by Paul Dano.

submitted by CitronNo8069 to shittymoviedetails [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 Inside-Conference-14 Help!!!!

Help!!!! Happy thanksgiving everyone!
I’m looking for some help and opinions. I have recently picked up CRK again. I stopped playing when Stardust cookie was released.
A lot has changed; but I’ve managed to figure out how to go back to my consistent Master IV placement. I’ve started to hit a wall progressing in Beast Yeast.
Of course, I’m also wanting to aim higher than Master IV and get as high as I can (who doesn’t like more gems?).
Here’s my top cookies and their toppings. I really struggle with the upgrade system of Beascuits. I feel like the upgrade materials are so valuable I don’t wanna upgrade but also need to upgrade so it’s a vicious cycle.
Any tips or opinions are gladly appreciated.
Happy holidays!
submitted by Inside-Conference-14 to CookieRunKingdoms [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 ChillHagrid [30/M] Married dad looking for conversations and hopefully friends!

Hey there redditors of all shapes and sizes! I am once again campaigning for people to chat with and see where the conversation takes us. I truly long for a decent friend i can talk to on a somewhat regular basis, but chatting now and again is fine for me too!
I feel like i missed the ball on being social in person most of my life, and now ive got the wife and kids, but thats it. And while i love them dearly and am super lucky to have them, i really do miss connecting with people that dont have obligatory ties.
Some things i really like: fixing things, building things, the color purple, star wars, harry potter, Baking/dessert making, being as kind as possible (learning that sometimes you cant be nice was a hard lesson for me).
Some things i really dont like: my own brain sometimes, the color yellow, my in-laws, judgemental people, and most of all glitter. As a dad, FUCK glitter. 🖤
I would love to hear from literally anyone over the age of 21. Im happy to chat, or even listen to you vent if you need me to lend an ear. All humans welcome, hate has no home here. I am currently building a business and i struggle with managing my mental health sometimes, so please understand if i dont always respond immediately. I wont dissappear on you without context.
If youve read this far, thanks and i hope to hear from you soon 😁
submitted by ChillHagrid to chat [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 thaiyalong2000 What is this, a bank account for ants?

What is this, a bank account for ants? submitted by thaiyalong2000 to thingsforants [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 Ok-Wait1243 My progress of 3D Modeling!

My progress of 3D Modeling! submitted by Ok-Wait1243 to 3Dmodeling [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 Less_Psychology6605 This mother fucker gets speed boost off the heist safe and power cubes

submitted by Less_Psychology6605 to FuckShade [link] [comments]