Kalyan-Dombivali Meetup Invitation

2024.11.28 15:51 ChinmayDhumal Kalyan-Dombivali Meetup Invitation

Hello my dear Kalyankars and Dombivalikars!
A small group of Redditors from this sub have planned a meet-up on November 30. We have people joining from Kalyan East/West, Dombivali East/West, and even nearby regions like Vittalwadi, and more.
We invite you to join us!
We have come across multiple posts on this sub where people are keen on finding friends, and trying to meet new people. This is your perfect opportunity to meet your fellow Kalyankars and Dombivalikars.
If you are interested, please reply on this post so that we can get in touch you with the details.
submitted by ChinmayDhumal to kalyan_dombivli [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:51 Gohan2029 About the game.

I have Just 2 questions. Please answer them. 1. Is It still Worth to buy the game in 2024? I've always wanted to play it, but i dont want to get dissapointed And find out that the game is dead, are there still events or something, or did the deveropers cut the support for this game? 2. If i buy the "MH: W Iceborn Master Edition Digital Deluxe" from Instant Gaming, does it include the Samurai Set or Just the "Silver Knight" set? I would really need some answers before i spend my money.
submitted by Gohan2029 to MonsterHunterWorld [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:51 Opening-Team-7651 Day 1

Let’s keep it going
submitted by Opening-Team-7651 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:51 The--Marf Advice on equipment for beginner ice climbing class

Tldr need advice on what gear to buy/bring to a class that includes technical gear such as gloves, pants, jacket etc. Obviously food, water etc, but clueless on what else as I don't ski or do any outdoor winter sports.
Hi all,
Have been indoor climbing for a few months now and even got outdoors once.
Taking a beginner ice climbing class (9-4pm) at Cathedral Ledge in NH in early February. Class Includes All Technical gear as needed - Boots, Crampons, Ice Axes, Helmet, Harness, Ropes - and guides.
It doesn't include any of the stay warm gear like pants, jackets, gloves etc. I don't think this is something I will do regularly and often, more of a "take a guided trip once a year for the hell of it" thing.
The only thing I might have that's useful is gortex jacket/pants from when my dad was in the air force. They usually keep me warm and dry while snowblowing.
That being said I'd like some advice on gloves etc and what I should wear to stay warm/cool while climbing.
Not opposed to buying some decent stuff, but it can certainly be on the budget/beginner end of the spectrum.
Thanks in advance, and let me know if you got any questions or if there is more info I can provide.
submitted by The--Marf to iceclimbing [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:51 bxl-be1994 Thoughts about life

I was just having a proper think about life after a massive 💨💨💨and all these wars and conflicts came to mind (ex Russia vs West)
It’s mad, isn’t it? You’re just getting on with your life, and then some bunch of political muppets decides they fancy a bit of a conflict, and suddenly you’re (us all simple people) the one paying for it—whether it’s with your peace of mind, your wallet, or even your life.
How mental is that? A tiny group of people have the power to completely upend our lives, our plans, and our standard of living.
What’s your take on all this? What would you do if World War Three kicked off? Would you stick your neck out for Belgium?
submitted by bxl-be1994 to belgium [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:51 Dias75 I will never be able to look normaly at this Logo again !

I will never be able to look normaly at this Logo again ! submitted by Dias75 to meme [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:51 Poncho_pepper Grace’s tumblr

Does anyone have a link to her tumblr profile?? I can’t seem to find it just by searching her username.
submitted by Poncho_pepper to snarktarajakejohnnie [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:51 127batatasfritas Opinião de vocês: Invisto no PC ou pego um PS5?

Atualmente tenho um R3600 + RX6600 + 16Gb + Asrock A320M-HD.
Eu trabalho no meu PC, logo, é o essencial, mas comecei a sentir um certo peso no desempenho de novos jogos, além de eu precisar de mais RAM por trabalhar com Photoshop e muitas abas do Chrome, além do meu armazenamento reduzido, pedindo aí um SSD com ao menos 1tb, pois já tenho um SSD de 480 com o sistema instalado. Sabendo disso, eu fico de olhos numas peças para aderir e expandir a configuração, só que pelo valor dá um medo de não valer a pena.
Tipo: Comprar mais memória RAM sendo que já começou os AM5. Até quanto meu PC irá aguentar para fazer o upgrade valer a pena? Não seria melhor migrar para o AM5 e então já pegar mais RAM + SSD? Sem contar o fator de eu depender de um técnico, pois por mais que eu goste de PC, me sinto inseguro para mexer nele, até mesmo fazer limpeza. Se eu quebrar ele, ficarei sem trabalho, simplesmente.
Isso tudo me faz pensar na possibilidade de pegar um PS5. Jogar no meu sofá novo, ligar no projetor e curtir a vibe com a esposa deve ser outro nível. Eu jogo no PC, mas com a aba do Chrome aberta com o trabalho presente e tudo, não me dá a sensação de sossego, sabe? Eu fecho tudo que envolve trabalho, mas só de estar na mesma cadeira a qual fico por 10h do meu dia, eu não consigo relaxar. Sei que PC é melhor para desempenho e muita qualidade, mas eu só to afim de curtir um joguinho na paz e sem pensar no trabalho.
Assim, eu aderindo um PS5, levaria o PC pra limpar e nem gastaria com mais peças. Deixaria ele aguentar até quando puder, e daí sim, eu compraria um novo.
O que vocês acham?
Eu só quero voltar a ser feliz jogando, galera. Brigado por quem leu até aqui!
submitted by 127batatasfritas to computadores [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:51 Worried_Ad_2011 What a “deal”

What a “deal” don’t you guys think it’s odd that MYSLF is cheaper on the actual YSL website then fragrance net? both websites are running deals but it’s just odd that the discount site is more expensive even with a “35%” discount .
submitted by Worried_Ad_2011 to Perfumes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:51 Remarkable-Sail-5124 Paris between Christmas and New Years - thoughts?

I just found some decent miles tix to Paris for Dec 27-Jan 1. I've been a few times (spring/summer) and absolutely LOVE the city, and thought it would be nice to wander, read in cafes, do some shopping, check out smaller museums that I haven't been to yet, get a nice dinner on NYE, and head home. I'm mid 30s F and like a nice dinner, or a relaxing hang at a wine bar but am definitely looking to party.
I'm struggling to determine whether it will be a relaxing time to be there solo (especially since I have the time off anyway and would otherwise just be hanging at home) or if it'll be totally overrun with tourists, no actual Parisians, and unpleasant, and I should just go another time. Any insight?
submitted by Remarkable-Sail-5124 to ParisTravelGuide [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:51 Pleasant-Data-1634 Identifying false memories

How can you tell when a memory is false? Even if you know you’re not a bad person how can you tell if it’s false?
submitted by Pleasant-Data-1634 to OCD [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:51 puissantcroissant (Event spoilers) - THIS MAN IS MAKING ME TEAR UP

submitted by puissantcroissant to OroronMains [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:51 ligoxd Hey Guys, Follow me on my Youtube Channel :)

Thank u so much 🙌
submitted by ligoxd to PumpItUp [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:51 Wikitechofficial Villa storica abbandonata - Metal Urbex Italia #shorts #urbex #urbexitalia

submitted by Wikitechofficial to MetalUrbex [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:51 31ephantintheroom Best live version of Papercut

All the recent posts made me think it’d be great to have a list of the best live versions of each song. As usual, it all starts with Papercut. Please comment with a link, year and location.
submitted by 31ephantintheroom to LinkinPark [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:51 Kevic95 Tanning

Tanning submitted by Kevic95 to StaffordBullTerriers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:51 Nervous_Detective_29 Script showing up as CC

I've been modding my sims for about a month with zero issues. Today I open the game and all my script show up as CC now. I've moved them and placed them back in my mod folder, I've completely erased them and redownloaded and still the same. Not sure what to do now.
submitted by Nervous_Detective_29 to sims4cc [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:51 GlitteringTrash354 faking!!

faking!! submitted by GlitteringTrash354 to JustGuysBeingDudes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:51 Ok_Street_2546 evilcore

i think party potions should be sold for phantom tokens in the phantom dimension actually. i think they should be so easy to get the economy collapses. i think they should sell super party potions that cost 5000 saphhires in the saphhire shop and all it does is crash your game by spawning 50 party chests in your area. i think they should throw in a surprise sale where you can buy all the beta items for an absurd amount of sapphires just to really hammer in that greed.
submitted by Ok_Street_2546 to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:51 Noledgebase Closing with confidence: techniques to develop your business ($19.99 to FREE)

Closing with confidence: techniques to develop your business ($19.99 to FREE) submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:51 gudboijim27 Why doesnt the perfect dungeon crawler/rogue like exist???

I mean, i just need: . A decent graphic (dragon quest-like is ok) . A decent combat style (elder scrolls would be fine, soulslike would be great) . An endless procedural dungeon/map (minecraft like but also isometric view is ok) . Fights, looting and grinding
At the moment the best in this genre IMO are: Dark Cloud Archero (not joking) Deep Rock Galactic
Its 2024 and i need something better, maybe coop
submitted by gudboijim27 to videogames [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:51 CorbanTG Help me beat maneater

Password is 1111
submitted by CorbanTG to demonssouls [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:51 3drap_official 🚨 Black Friday 2024 Alert! 🚨 https://www.3drap.it/black-friday-2024/ 🚨 Don't miss out on our limited time offer, available from November 29th to December 1st. Take your sim racing setup to the next level with up to a 15% discount on all products!

🚨 Black Friday 2024 Alert! 🚨 https://www.3drap.it/black-friday-2024/ 🚨 Don't miss out on our limited time offer, available from November 29th to December 1st. Take your sim racing setup to the next level with up to a 15% discount on all products! submitted by 3drap_official to Heusinkveld [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:50 Rough_Willow Charles Schwab Investment Management Inc. Buys 646,488 Shares of GameStop Corp. (NYSE:GME)

submitted by Rough_Willow to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 15:50 Sufficient_Tree_3911 Which water fighter is the best to evole for offense?

I've beed accumulating too many water element essences and need them GONE, but literally none of the water fighters (except just kitten) are appealing. I really do not care about defense, so I ask- Which watwr fighter is the best to evole for offense?
submitted by Sufficient_Tree_3911 to SkullGirlsMobile [link] [comments]
