2024.11.28 15:46 Sastasung Urdu translated manhwa!!!
اسلام علیکم دوستوں!
I am Sastasung, the translator of the manhwa "The Crow's Prince". I wanted to let know all of you that I am now redoing it and this time it'll be completed!!! But still, I am not a team (just one person doing all the things) and as a student, it is very hard to do this, but still I like to do this... I hope everyone of you will support me on this journey of mine!!
Checkout the (new) chapter one of از کوی کا شہزادہ here: https://bato.to/title/147110/3089770-ch_1
submitted by Sastasung to Pakistani_weebs [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 15:46 Novah_Aurora My private window (X) or My private window (L + S)?
I can see that (L+S) is more subtle than (X). Which one you prefer the most? If anyone have both, plz compare and help me out. I love subtle but (X) also looks subtle and awesome than (L+S). Also i felt that both won't have chunky textures. Help me out. Thanks in advance 🫶 submitted by Novah_Aurora to ILNP [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 15:46 juhbuh This can’t be good !! Boat Zone
submitted by juhbuh to boatingblunders [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 15:46 Coolman38321 just found this game that looks to combine character action with actual RPG mechanics| OTHER: Her Loving Embrace
submitted by Coolman38321 to CharacterActionGames [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 15:46 PeachySkills everything fucking hurts
ive been on the toilet for an hour and im fucking sobbing at this point and i cant stop shitting like im about to swallow every single pain medicine i have like wtf EVERYTIME I TRY TO GET UP FROM THE TOULET MY CRAMPS JJST GET WORSE AND WORSE OMG
submitted by PeachySkills to Periods [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 15:46 LouneaArts I can't send pictures or Videos to myself?
Hi. I want to to send a picture or a video to myself via WhatsApp. But it just won't send and keeps on loading forever until it says failed when I open WhatsApp the next time.
I can send pictures and videos to everyone in single and group chats.
Just not to myself. Can anyone help me figure out why?
submitted by LouneaArts to whatsapp [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 15:46 codingprolab AST5731 Activity 03 – Poisson Distribution solution
submitted by codingprolab to codingprolab [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 15:46 mobileNPCny $5 first month with referral code - 3M69SR3 - Unlimited Talk, Text & Data! No Risk, No Contract, Cancel Anytime!
https://www.visible.com/get/?3M69SR3 Visible Wireless- $5 first month with referral code - 3M69SR3 - Unlimited Talk, Text & Data! No Risk, No Contract, Cancel Anytime! Switch back if you don’t like it. Verizon 5G & 4G LTE Unlimited Mobile Hot Spot Unlimited Talk & Text to 🇲🇽🇨🇦 ClickHere>>>>>>>> https://www.visible.com/get/?3M69SR3 submitted by mobileNPCny to VisibleDiscountCodes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 15:46 lmaosmay ISO: Kucky Andromeda!!
hey yall 🌼im looking to purchase a Lucky Andromeda off someone for my bestie for his birthday :D anyone have a dupe? i also have Biscotto for trade !!
submitted by lmaosmay to Tokidoki [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 15:46 L3VIAR The Orc
submitted by L3VIAR to MordhauFashion [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 15:46 Efficient-Compote-63 But without wordy manga panels, we won’t have Adachi’s femcel rant. Checkmate, libs.
submitted by Efficient-Compote-63 to animecirclejerk [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 15:46 SilverStoic [POSITIVE]%20for%20/u/theboxer889%20[buyer]
submitted by SilverStoic to PMsFeedback [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 15:46 esoterica52611 One little thing could’ve made the end more believable
Jonathan risking his life to save the kid that he threatened to kill the night before makes zero sense. Absolutely none.
One little thing that would’ve made it believable is if, after the rape, instead of saying “thanks for a good time” or whatever, he said “I love you.” That sets up the idea that he’s delusional and wants to be in a relationship with this woman he raped (like we’d seen in the earlier version of events). Then, him risking his life to save her kid makes some sense.
Also doesn’t seem too realistic that the night after getting raped by this guy, for 3.5 hours no less, that she could see him on the beach and not freak out. Even be able to nap just a few feet away from him. Maybe I’m wrong but that just doesn’t ring true.
submitted by esoterica52611 to DisclaimerAppleTV [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 15:46 EyeLord420 Anarchy Network [Semi-Anarchy] {1.9-1.21.3}
Welcome to Anarchy Network! • Anarchy Network launched on October 11th, 2024, and is hosted in Ashburn, VA, USA.
• The server is a Semi-Anarchy Minecraft Server designed to offer a pure, unmodified survival experience, with minimal rules and modifications to preserve the essence of Vanilla Minecraft.
• The server is online 24/7 and you can join on any Java Minecraft version between 1.9 and 1.21.3.
• The world border is set to 1 Million blocks (2Mx2M).
• There are no map resets, no teleporting, no P2W at all, and Griefing/PvP is completely allowed. The only non-vanilla action allowed is /spawn in order to allow players who are very far out to not be isolated from civilization.
• The only restrictions we have are that exploits, lag machines, duping, spamming and using harassment/racial slurs in chat are not allowed in order to maintain server stability.
FAQ: 1. Why do you have rules unlike 2b2t?
While a server with no rules might be suitable for some, not everyone enjoys an environment filled with spam, lag, and cheaters. This is why we have our four rules: Keep the chat civil, No exploits, No lagging, and No duping items.
2. If Anarchy Network is true anarchy, why can't I use cheats?
This is a "Semi-Anarchy" server which means the server differs from pure Anarchy and we have some limitations in place. Cheats are third-party modifications to the game which ruin other players' experience; therefore, cheats are not allowed.
If the server sounds interesting to you, here is our IP and discord server!
Server IP: AnarchyNetwork.net
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/W7hRYgb2z9
submitted by EyeLord420 to minecraftserverlist [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 15:46 palmfronds303 When my dog’s naughty, I threaten that we’re going to the groomers & I’m going to turn her into Angie’s dog
submitted by palmfronds303 to BravoRealHousewives [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 15:46 TransientMemory New recruit looking for guidance on classes and subclasses
I'm waiting for the regular release on PS5, and figured I have a little time to catch up on the game. Saw there was a big patch in September that changed things up, but I haven't found a site/YouTubeinfopost that lays down the general purpose of the different classes/subclasses as of the new patch. I want to find out what each of them is generally used for, what their strengths and weaknesses are, etc. I plan on playing around with them eventually but I'd like to know what they can do when I'm in a lobby, to know what I can expect from players. Any help is appreciated.
The Emperor Protects!
submitted by TransientMemory to DarkTide [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 15:46 williamboweryswift how to contact support?
on the app when you click “contact us” it just links to a bunch of questions and nowhere to send a message or fill out a form. i emailed them but no response.
submitted by williamboweryswift to NuulyReviews [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 15:46 Hot-Boysenberry5686 my ex changed completely
hi for context me and my ex broke up exactly three months ago today, anyways he’s already talking to a new girl, started doing all the things he said he hated (he now vapes which i stopped doing while we were tg because he hated it, alcohol, alwayss at a party, changed his looks completely) all in a span of three months and i know nobody can give me a definite answer as to why he’s changed this much but if any guy has done the same thing after you and your ex broke up what was the reasoning for it because i don’t know what to think
submitted by Hot-Boysenberry5686 to shitpost [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 15:46 Annual-Neighborhood4 Život po 20tce
Čím bych jen začal… Můj život mi pomalu, ale jistě začíná připadat, přesně tak, jak jsem si říkal, že neskončím. Dřív jsem měl v plánu všechno dělat jinak, mít kontrolu, směr… Ale teď mám pocit, že se potápím do rutiny, kterou jsem nechtěl. Možná to není katastrofa, protože si připadám, že toho stíhám docela dost. Pracuju, bydlím sám, chodím do posilky, čtu knihy o seberozvoji a snažím se udržet sociální život. I tak mám pocit, že to všechno je nějak málo… Připadám si jako bych měl ještě čas na něco víc, než jen přežívat.
Mám 23 let, pracuju jako elektrikář, mám nějakou zodpovědnost a jsem rád, že se rozvíjím. Mimo to se zajímám o seberozvoj, snažím se pravidelně chodit do posilky a zlepšovat svou fyzickou kondici. Mám rád nové výzvy, i když se mi ne vždy daří vše skloubit. Rád se s kamarády odreaguju u nějaké hry nebo občas na nějaké akci, ale víc a víc si začínám uvědomovat, že mám pocit, že mi chybí hlubší smysl nebo cíl. Přemýšlím nad tím, jak se vyrovnat s tím, že mě to často táhne zpátky do nějaké komfortní zóny, kde nic neřeším. Asi mi chybí nějaká větší motivace… nebo možná inspirace. Zajímá mě, jak se ostatní dostávají z takového „stagnujícího“ stavu, i když život stále probíhá.
Jak to cítíte vy ostatní? Máte pocit, že vám nějaký životní úsek utekl nebo máte před sebou nejlepší léta?
Další věc, kterou chci nakousnout, je randění. Přijde mi, že v dnešní společnosti tohle všechno nějak nefunguje, nebo je to prostě katastrofa. Neříkám, že jsem úplně bez chyb, občas se chovám jako debil, ale rád se odreaguju s kamarády. To je v pohodě, ale přemýšlím, jestli už by nebylo na čase začít se více soustředit na vztahy. Na jednu stranu neřeším holky nějak moc, ale poslední dobou mám pocit, že by bylo fajn někoho najít. Na druhou stranu, moje zkušenost s několika holkami mi spíš ukazuje, že bych se tomu měl vyhnout. Moji kamarádi mají zhruba normální přítelkyně, což je v kontrastu s tím, co jsem já zažil. V jejich vztazích to vypadá celkem stabilně, ale moje zkušenosti byly spíš zklamání, nedorozumění a něco, co mi většinou přidalo víc stresu než radosti.
Někdy mám pocit, že je to jen o štěstí, nebo že si prostě každý musí projít nějakým obdobím, než najde to, co hledá. Ale přitom, když se podívám na své kamarády, kteří mají „normální“ vztahy, přijde mi, že to musí být nějaký jiný level. Možná jsem to nějak přeháněl, nebo jsem měl příliš velká očekávání.
Jak jste na tom vy? Máte podobné pocity? Nebo víte o někom, kdo se nachází ve stejné situaci?
Pro mě osobně život utíká hrozně rychle a bez nějakého mega cíle. Vím, že být úspěšný by chtěl každý, ale spíš se smířím s tím, že tyhle roky asi obětuju nějakým experimentováním a hledáním cesty. Mnozí starší lidé říkají, že 20-30 byly jejich nejlepší roky života, ale já to vidím spíš jako odrazový můstek pro to, kam se bude zbytek života vyvíjet.
Díky, že jsi to přečetl, a klidně napiš, jak to cítíš ty.
submitted by Annual-Neighborhood4 to czech [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 15:46 islandrushh Betafpv ordering
Ordered an air65 etc and it says it was shipped out a week ago but in reality a shipping label was created and it just updates the date every few days, but no movement. Is this typical of betafpv? Saw someone else posting its taken them over a month to get their items.
submitted by islandrushh to TinyWhoop [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 15:46 Comfortable_Hunt7040 Thanksgiving isn't more important than my family...
There is nothing about this Holiday that would make me wake up hungover and slipping down into another bender.
I have gratitude for my life, my wife and children.
Cheers to a sober Thanksgiving!
(Too bad my Cowboys ain't shit this year..."
submitted by Comfortable_Hunt7040 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 15:46 Suspicious_Nail_9994 Has anyone done this before ?
Not only does the OP claim whole heartedly a success with it updated in the comment section , but also another commenter confirming the success with 2.5*4/day with his own experiment I will attempt to sensitize my dopamine receptors with low doses of amphetamines : microdosing
submitted by Suspicious_Nail_9994 to microdosing [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 15:46 Delicious-Fan-7526 Tooned?
submitted by Delicious-Fan-7526 to carspotting [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 15:46 EasyJellyfish7556 Foundation Entrance
Guys is it a problem if my software engineering major turned into a foundation program - IT. Is it harder to get in or something? I heard going from foundation to normal degree is can be difficult but that is okay. This stuff made me depressed tbh.
submitted by EasyJellyfish7556 to udstofficial [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 15:46 PitifulSpecialist887 Happy Thanksgiving
Most of you will be eating dinner with family today, and enjoying that delicious "leftover" turkey sandwich tonight, but you probably have the day off, and I have a few suggestions for those of you who do order delivery meals.
Please make sure that the address number on your mailbox or house is VISIBLE FROM THE STREET after dark. It gets dark before dinner time during much of the winter, and if I can easily see your address it increases the likelihood that you will get your food.
Please put a light on your porch, walkway, or driveway, AND TURN IT ON when you order food delivery. I don't want to trip over your kids skateboard and launch your food into your bushes anymore than you want me to.
And please, consider tipping your delivery driver generously. We depend on it.
Thanks, and enjoy your holidays.
submitted by PitifulSpecialist887 to UberEATS [link] [comments]