2024.11.28 17:29 One-Conversation3754 My daughter school bus driver mentally abusing my daughter. Can I complain to police
My daughter school bus driver mentally abusing my daughter. I complained to the bus company and school as well but they didn't help me at all. He always tell her to sit behind his seat only he doesn't allow her to sit anywhere else. She said she didn't feel safe there. I talk to the bus driver but he said she has to sit here only. Now I'm dropping her to school everyday. If tell her that you need to go by bus she get panic attacks and she got fainted I don't know what to do. I talked to her other bus driver she said she never give her trouble even her school principal said that she is very nice and quiet girls. She never do anything naughty in the school. This is the only bus driver say this thing to her. It's really hard for me to drop her everyday. Please give any kind of suggestions.
submitted by One-Conversation3754 to Parents [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:29 CGHawk3D Ultima 3D Model Collection by CGHawk
submitted by CGHawk3D to blender [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:29 lss_str_01 Post_(block)_to_report_11/28/24-09:29:44
submitted by lss_str_01 to ReportBlockUsers [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:29 MaxMad80 Hand cannon unlocked but not available
We are way past the threshold for this reward on the event but you can’t equip it in multiplayer nor craft it in zombies. I’m honestly not surprised but it sucks as it was literally the only reward I was looking forward to from this event.
submitted by MaxMad80 to blackops6 [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:29 brundax I received the controller, is it possible to increase the haptic feedback?
Those on the right trackpad are quite weak.
submitted by brundax to SteamController [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:29 New-Seesaw8584 Losercity Duality of man
submitted by New-Seesaw8584 to Losercity [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:29 fluffy_in_california Morton's Demon And Why FLERFers Can't Be Convinced
A long time ago, when I used to hang out on the before-the-web-even-existed Usenet group talk.origins that existed to debunk Creationists, a regular there identified a key reason why pseudo-scientific beliefs like Creationism or Flat Eartherism (which are in fact directly connected by literalist beliefs in the Bible) are so difficult to get their believers to abandon.
Even though the evidence against those beliefs is overwhelming to the point of their denial being delusionally detached from reality.
He was ex-Creationist Glen Morton and he posited (as a joking way of talking about it) Morton's Demon
Morton's Demon is a personification of confirmation bias.
Morton proposed that a similar demon stands at the gate of the mind of creationists and other anti-evolutionists that only allows in evidence confirming their worldview, and shuts out any contrary evidence. Such a thing would be an extreme case of confirmation bias, but would go beyond such a mere bias to confirming one's thoughts and would stray into willful ignorance. It is this demon that allows them to maintain their worldview in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.You present irrefutable proof that they are wrong, and before you have even finished speaking they have already managed to convince themselves that the proof is somehow 'fake', or 'the experiment failed to account for some factor', or 'scientists are actively lying about the experiments in a grand conspiracy'. There is no such thing as good enough evidence if it goes against their belief.
2024.11.28 17:29 Informal_Green_9315 Need just 2 more for Mega Alteria raid now! Add me 614097985186
submitted by Informal_Green_9315 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:29 e_ssunny_ Interview Invitation from Oxford!!!!!!!!!
https://preview.redd.it/8wtfw4ykgo3e1.png?width=1549&format=png&auto=webp&s=6cb6b0b1b6b0a45ed57e9b930d68a48707857ecf OMG I got an interview invitation from Oxford!!!!!!!!! OMGOMGOMG submitted by e_ssunny_ to 6thForm [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:29 sabin-b Sondaj de opinie pentru turul 2 al alegerilor prezidentiale din Romania
Pe cine votezi in turul 2, Lasconi sau Georgescu?
View Poll
submitted by sabin-b to AskRomania [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:29 ImpressionDangerous3 Viewing distance
I decided to get a LG G4 77 inch, the distance from the couch is 12-13 ft, is it too far?
submitted by ImpressionDangerous3 to LGOLED [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:29 ComfortInnCuckChair Happy Cracksgiving! Bring a potluck of JY memes!
submitted by ComfortInnCuckChair to johnyatesfanclubvii [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:29 vein423 Don't know what to name this.
submitted by vein423 to okbuddyblacklung [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:29 dangerstupidkills Galaxy Watch 7 Security Patch Just Installed
This is my Bluetooth only GW7 unlocked , United States . Nothing so far on my 7 Ultra . submitted by dangerstupidkills to GalaxyWatch [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:29 SyntheticLockhart Still my favorite quote from the One True King. 🤴
submitted by SyntheticLockhart to Asmongold [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:29 AsleepDrama5586 Wedding Venue
I need a wedding venue as I’m working with a budget. I need an affordable one around Milwaukee, Racine, Kenosha, Madison, Appleton, or Green Bay. any recommendations? I’m having a mini wedding of 50 people max, so I don’t need much
submitted by AsleepDrama5586 to milwaukee [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:29 jayissuperman what is the closest quest 3 game to the Oasis from RP1
I ask this question every couple of years. Are we getting there?! what's the closets at this point?
submitted by jayissuperman to MetaQuestVR [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:29 KnightShinko So what are team comps built around?
I’ve been keeping myself relatively blind going into GFL2 other than what characters are in it so I know next to nothing about team comps and the like. I believe today is actually the first time I even saw Dolls had elements tied to their skills when I was looking at Suomi’s showcase. I also saw Dolls have classes rather than firearm type.
So what are team comps typically built around, I assume it’s usually a general team based around an element? Ive seen a couple things about “burn comps” but no examples of others. My favorite part of GFL was using canon or themed team comps, such as all of 404 and ANTI-RAIN for story. Do canon squads work well together like UMP9/G11/HK416? Generally I care little for meta but I at least want to feel like the team’s cohesive and good enough for general content and not waste mats.
submitted by KnightShinko to GirlsFrontline2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:29 Chance_Ad556 Thanksgiving en Mexico
Hola me gustaría saber su opinión sobre el tema de las personas que celebran el thanksgiving en México más concretamente en la frontera ya que yo vivo ahí y hay muchísima gente que cruza al otro lado con familiares y tienen una cena, cabe mencionar que también vienen a la frontera mexicana y organizan cenas o reuniones. He notado que esta celebración causa mucho conflicto en México ya que se les dice “mamadores” a los mexicanos que festejan este día. Mi pregunta es,¿creen que estando en frontera sea justificado celebrarlo? Tal vez como cuando se celebra el 5 de mayo en usa ?
submitted by Chance_Ad556 to mexico [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:29 Mihajlo_Strainovic women using the "man" filter, best with sound
submitted by Mihajlo_Strainovic to spreadsmile [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:29 carmendivine666 14 weeks and too damn cute
submitted by carmendivine666 to germanshepherds [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:29 Raven2129 Am I too late to show off my cars?
submitted by Raven2129 to PaymoneyWubby [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:29 theglowingpond Warm, sweet & fruity
This is my tray, left to right: Lovely Chérie, Bitter Peach, Angel's Share, Choco Musk, Oud raspberry essence, Arab perfume oils (raspberry and oud). What do you think I would enjoy next? submitted by theglowingpond to FemFragLab [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:29 Right-Run9892 Did anybody lose a hitch? Near winterhaven
You would have dropped it right in front of off the charts maybe 20-30yards back. I only ask because I found it knuckle deep in my transmission pan and I would really love to get it back to you… maybe have a conversation about how your carelessness affected me?
submitted by Right-Run9892 to yuma [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:29 Least-Computer8640 Can companies withdraw their offer?
I was offered a job but have another interview that I would like to attend. That company also knows about the interview.
My question is: can the company that offered me the role withdraw their offer because I have an interview at another place?
submitted by Least-Computer8640 to UKJobs [link] [comments]