Confused on prayers in catholic church.

2024.11.28 18:40 Ok-Upstairs5964 Confused on prayers in catholic church.

I went to my first service at a catholic cathedral and was confused as to what to say due to there being no service sheet. What prayers would i need to learn.
submitted by Ok-Upstairs5964 to Catholicism [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:40 StunningCantaloupe69 UFC 5 Error

UFC 5 Error This error is coming while opening ufc 5 however at ea website ufc 5 servers are ok
submitted by StunningCantaloupe69 to EASportsUFC [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:40 Usuarioqwerty12 Lucemon over heaven x

Lucemon over heaven x Miren gente lucemon parece dio over heaven
submitted by Usuarioqwerty12 to BeelcitosMemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:40 Original-Drive-2268 Link for link!

Link for link! submitted by Original-Drive-2268 to SheinSharingLinks [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:40 JSmithTheDefault If this sub closes then join r/welovekanye

submitted by JSmithTheDefault to GraduationBear [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:40 NoMedia1810 Connection Issue on Boot with Linux

I built a Corne v3 (my third corne build) and it's been phenomenal thus far. I've been distro hopping on Linux recently, though, and I noticed the following: on Fedora 41 Workstation, my crkbd needs to be reconnected after a reboot, whereas I didn't need to do this on Debian. I'm curious if anybody else has experienced this or if anybody can help me identify why my keyboard needs to be reconnected after a reboot.
Symptoms: both OLEDs work, left half (master) of LEDs as programmed, but right half LEDs all red, no input recognized from either half.
submitted by NoMedia1810 to crkbd [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:40 Dualsub1332 I just uploaded a prototype of my first game, Arcane Siege, built with my own engine—please break it!

I just uploaded a prototype of my first game, Arcane Siege, built with my own engine—please break it! submitted by Dualsub1332 to playmygame [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:40 Embarrassed-Tip3833 Zamazanta 115291688695

Zamazanta 115291688695 submitted by Embarrassed-Tip3833 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:40 reddit_lss_1 Image Post Title 28-November-2024 18:39:52

Image Post Title 28-November-2024 18:39:52 submitted by reddit_lss_1 to lssAuto [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:40 Background_Active_36 I was told that anyone can visualize by a therapist

About two years ago, I went to therapy that isn't like the typical, talking one. It included visualizing. The therapist wanted me to visualize certain stuff. I told her I can't see anything. At all. She still wanted me to try. I knew it was pointless but I tried because I wanted to get better. Nothing happened, of course. All I saw behind my closed eyes was black. "Well, you can imagine numbers, do you?" No, girl. I felt stupid. The visualization was a part of therapy. She told me I would be able to visualize eventually. I've decided to not come back next time.
Reason I went to the therapy was that I have some trauma issues. Do you think the inability to visualise can limit my recovery? Like EMDR works by reprocessing the trauma. Would it be enough to just remember the situations without seeing it?
submitted by Background_Active_36 to Aphantasia [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:40 Patient-Interview-13 Hjälp- är efterbliven

Sitter i en flyttbil utanför mitt hem med en stor jävla säng som jag inte kan bära in själv. För att göra saken värre så är grinden till infarten utanför lägenhetsbyggnaden låst, så kan inte ens köra in den biten för att själv dra in sängen.
Har ingen som helst bärhjälp. Ja jag är efterbliven. Klockan tickar och behöver snart lämna tillbaka hyrbilen. Hur gör man. HJÄLP.
submitted by Patient-Interview-13 to sweden [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:40 Flat-Ad-7153 Thanksgiving wraps

Thanksgiving wraps From Lily & Fox. Fall leaf pattern and super sparkly. Photos definitely don’t do it justice.
submitted by Flat-Ad-7153 to NailWrapsGalore [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:40 thistleswamp Keeper: Olave vs Pickens

Looking for advice. I was offered Chris Olave and Tucker Kraft for my George Pickens. I can keep Kraft for a 10th next year, Olave for a 4th. Or stay with Pickens for a 3rd. My season is screwed, so I'm not too worried about ROS, more concerned about if Olave is worth a 4th next year (we keep 3, Full ppr)
submitted by thistleswamp to fantasyfootballadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:40 Cautious-Valuable-36 After days thinking at least 10 hours a day (bc I sleep 12 hours a day on weekends out of the exaustion) about my sexual orientation, I have been worried about It only ~2h

It sounds silly bc being worried about you're sexual orientation for 2h seems like a lot, but today has been heaven, even though I could say I'd like to get better bc 2h is still more than 0 and I've had thoughts about my sexual orientation, but at least they weren't axious
submitted by Cautious-Valuable-36 to OCD [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:40 jmdexo26 Compact, cheap, digital camera.

Hello all. I was thinking about buying a camera called a Camp Snap. Little thing shaped like a disposable camera, but then got to thinking about alternatives.
So what I want is simple
-under 150usd new or used
-as small if not smaller than a disposable
-I do not want mega ultra quality. The quality I am after is. It’s a picture. So think more basic maybe older digital point and shoots, Canon A3000? I want the quality to look like and be akin to the Camp Snap camera I mentioned before. Look it up the pictures actually don’t look bad and have a nice feel to them if that’s the style you’re going for. That’s what I’m after.
-as point and shoot as reasonably possible. I am tired of messing with settings. I’ve had dslrs and have a lumix gx85 now and I want to sell it. I’m tired. I want a simple experience without compromising too much.
And I guess that’s it. I don’t really know how else to explain the feeling I have. I want a camera to capture what’s going on around me and I don’t wanna worry about the camera itself much at all. Please let me know what you think and thanks for reading.
*i didn’t see this questionnaire thing so I’m putting it down here. The more the merrier!*

submitted by jmdexo26 to Cameras [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:40 UncleScummy Anyone Else Used To Draw On PAA?

Anyone Else Used To Draw On PAA? submitted by UncleScummy to AnimeSketch [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:40 Destiny404 H: G roll cryo, w: offers

H: G roll cryo, w: offers submitted by Destiny404 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:40 NumerousBand5901 Why doesn't it work?

Why doesn't it work? submitted by NumerousBand5901 to SolidWorks [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:40 RealValGalstyan ChatGPT vs the Grimm fandom’s appreciation of Trubel

submitted by RealValGalstyan to grimm [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:40 Due-Drop-2341 Need Advice

I used to struggle in studies but recently after watching dr.k and learning from his videos, I am doing pretty well. I wake up around 7am then study for 4-5 hrs with break inbetween. Also I study from 6pm to 10pm.
Before studying I expect the toughness and also accept that studying isn't easy.
Whenever I feel urge to do something pleasurable other than studies during study period. I notice the urge, ask myself why and where I am getting this feeling then the urge dissipates.
After studying I appreciate myself.
But being able to study also gives me too much hope to become overconfidence and bringing my own demise by procrastinating.
So my question is how can I prevent this slip up?
submitted by Due-Drop-2341 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:40 BAMmargera1 Trade for Rice

Trade for Rice 12 team, start 10, SF, 0.5 ppr
Are you sending this package for rice as a rebuilder?
submitted by BAMmargera1 to DynastyFFTradeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:40 Oh-Jo Ketones?

Why do people care about ketones? Surely if blood sugar levels are in a healthy range there shouldn’t be any need to worry about DKA
submitted by Oh-Jo to diabetes_t1 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:40 Mission_Hold_ AITA for telling my wife she’s emotionally unavailable?

I (40M) have been married to my wife (38F) for 12 years. We’ve had a generally happy relationship, but over the past year, I’ve felt increasingly distant from her. I’ve been going through a particularly rough time at work, dealing with a lot of stress, pressure, and even self-doubt. Naturally, I turned to her for emotional support, as she’s always been my safe space. Or at least, she used to be.
Lately, though, it feels like she’s checked out of our marriage emotionally. Whenever I try to open up about my feelings or share what’s been going on in my life, she’s either scrolling through her phone, giving me one-word responses, or finding an excuse to avoid the conversation. I’ve tried to tell myself she’s just busy or tired, but this pattern has been going on for months now, and it’s starting to take a toll on me.
A few nights ago, I reached my breaking point. After a particularly bad day at work, I tried to talk to her about how overwhelmed I was feeling. As usual, she was half-listening, scrolling through her phone. I finally snapped and told her that I felt like she was emotionally unavailable in our marriage. I said I’ve been feeling alone and unsupported and that it hurts to feel like my feelings don’t matter to her.
She didn’t take it well. She immediately got defensive, accusing me of exaggerating and being overly sensitive. She said she’s always there for me and that I’m just looking for reasons to criticize her. The conversation quickly escalated into an argument, with her insisting that I’m putting too much pressure on her and not appreciating everything else she does for me and our family.
Now, things are tense between us. She’s barely speaking to me, and I’m questioning whether I handled it the right way. Did I overreact by calling her out, or am I justified in wanting her to be more emotionally present? AITA for telling my wife she’s emotionally unavailable?
submitted by Mission_Hold_ to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:40 bobojohnson1 Benefits to adult children.

Alcon…. Happy Thanksgiving to you all. Question, a friend’s father died who was 100% permanent and total disabled. The son of the fallen soldier is 37 years old and was asking if there was any benefits that fall to him from the VA with his dad’s passing. My initial thought is a hard and fast “no” but I wanted to see if there was anything I might be missing. Any input is always appreciated….
submitted by bobojohnson1 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 18:40 Icy_Ad_3034 what am i doing wrong

i know it is my ego speaking but i’ve tried meditating every day for 15 minutes and sometimes twice a day for 3 months now. i focus on my breath and if thoughts arise i let them and never judge them. i suffer from anxiety and although i don’t feel more anxious, it hasn’t helped my anxiety at all. i feel as though i go about my day and don’t really think about my morning practice (aka i feel like it hasn’t made me more conscious). what am i doing wrong? what can do i differently? i’m not going to give in but i really want to get to that beautiful place of inner peace and to be able to notice it in my every day life.
submitted by Icy_Ad_3034 to Meditation [link] [comments]