2024.11.28 17:49 Dickey_Pringle A bit of my bar
submitted by Dickey_Pringle to maximalism [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:49 Dry-Squirrel-2106 Meu primeiro automático - Orient NH3SS005
Fala, galera! Iniciando no hobby por aqui. Até então só possuia smartwatch e relógios de marca de roupa (Lacoste e Tommy). Seguem mais informações do modelo: - Calibre NH3 (24 rubis); - Hacking e enrolamento manual; - Autonomia de 41 h; - Diâmetro: 40 mm; - Lug to lug: 47.5 mm - Pulseira maciça; submitted by Dry-Squirrel-2106 to relogios [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:49 Utrasos98 No r/needforspeed (dnv)
(Não tinha exatamente a imagem, dscp ;-;) submitted by Utrasos98 to suddenlycaralho [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:49 Bimboloverss Anne Hathaway
submitted by Bimboloverss to CelebLBDs [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:49 JournalistFearless98 Screaming tree
submitted by JournalistFearless98 to whittling [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:49 Harrison2610 What do I drive? (When I decide I hate fuel economy)
submitted by Harrison2610 to ManualTransmissions [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:49 stingflame It's Stinger, AMA
submitted by stingflame to transformers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:49 Euphoric_Sandwich_28 Tilt of guilt.
Changes to be made. Just figu submitted by Euphoric_Sandwich_28 to TVTooHigh [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:49 IndependentGolf5421 Macroeconomics question: how do countries control their financial status?
Hello, I had a generalised query on this having heard about the russian ruble crashing. Putin has had to work hard to control his country's economy over the past few years with sanctions and tariffs etc. Trump's america saw barely any inflation only noticing this towards the end of his presidency when he set the stage for the Biden administration.
So I guess my question is how do countries around the world generally control their economic environment? what are some methods that they can employ to maintain currency value and how do they implement this in the real world?
submitted by IndependentGolf5421 to AskEconomics [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:49 renegrape Happy Turkey Shoot
submitted by renegrape to airguns [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:49 moses616 Once more with feeling
This episode comes close to best one for me. Although I count it in a class by itself being a musical and all. But one thing is for certain, this show and in particular this specific episode can always lift my spirits. The dialogue, the songs and rythm’s, it all reminds me of watching a dear childhood cartoon or film, and that’s a high praise in my opinion. I’m not asking if it has fans around here, I know it does, but its also okay if its not your thing. submitted by moses616 to buffy [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:49 Vinvincible333 What’s the fastest way to level up skylanders on trap team?
If I’ve bought all upgrades and all I want is extra health what’s the best way to get xp in trap team?
submitted by Vinvincible333 to skylanders [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:49 MajesticMango7 What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by MajesticMango7 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:49 whynautalex Ghaz and Makari in Progress
Moving soon so I wanted to glue all of his bits together. I still have a a wash and highlights to do. I'm glad I waited to paint them before I got more experience. Primer was Montana golden spray paint in white orange. For the orange I put down game color elf skin and then orange fire. Without the base coloring it ends up muted. Pants were bone white then dry brushed with night blue For the rest of the colors they were Vallejo Game Color leather brown, Magic blue, black, ork skin, sun yellow, bloody red, cold grey, and bone white. Pro acryl titanium white and fluorescent red (just Ghaz's eye and the helment). Game Color glorious gold and model color oily steel. submitted by whynautalex to orks [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:49 redbullsgivemewings Jonnu Smith (cold weather in Green Bay)or Zach Ertz? M Nabers or G Edwards?
submitted by redbullsgivemewings to fantasyfootballadvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:49 poppingpimple60 Giant Sebaceous Cysts Removal
submitted by poppingpimple60 to pimplepopperdelight [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:49 Ok-Wasabi-2968 Eine Frage
Und zwar share ich meinen Acc auf der Konsole von meinem Bruder, jetzt aufeinmal kann er keine Spiele von meinen Acc spielen und wenn ich die offline Freigabe machen will steht da immer das eine andere PS5 schon drin wäre, diese wäre dann meine weil es bei mir auch angefangen hatte zu spinnen das ich keine Lizensen hätte und die offline Freigabe aktivieren müsste. Was ist da jetzt los? Die ganze Zeit ging es eigentlich
submitted by Ok-Wasabi-2968 to PlaystationDE [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:49 SpiritFit8058 HR tech governance guide
submitted by SpiritFit8058 to HRtechconsulting [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:49 Own_Tackle9992 My perfume never smells strongly
Hi , My perfumes are all brands , but no one around me smells my smell ever ! It’s like I’m not wearing anything unless someone hugs me or whatever, please help I want a trick to smell my perfume around, and for sure not in public places.. in private
submitted by Own_Tackle9992 to Perfumes [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:49 1heavysack1 Knowledge from books
In today's day and age where almost everything is available online either on YouTube or online platforms such as marrow and prepladder is it still necessary to read gold standard textbooks. How much of a difference will the knowledge form books make in concept building and ultimately clinical practice. What if someone never reads the gold standard books and uses the "guides" instead. Pls share your views and opinions on this matter
submitted by 1heavysack1 to indianmedschool [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:49 tiobiel Is there a Motorpass in MotorFest? I guess I missed it
Maybe I just didnt find it because of lack of attenttion... But is there a Motorpass in this game?
submitted by tiobiel to The_Crew [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:49 True_Way4462 Do taller people have more back problems?
submitted by True_Way4462 to tall [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:49 Signal_Carob_4723 Asus TUF A15 Sticker
Just got a laptop, I mostly keep my things like the way they are.. but this time i tried to apply stickers came in the box. How does it look! submitted by Signal_Carob_4723 to Asustuf [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:49 huncho_baby What is the easiest way to multiply money?
submitted by huncho_baby to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:49 AnxiousButBrave I played about half of one of the old Stalker games a couple years ago. I'm thinking about giving them another go while I wait for S2 to be patched up. Are there good mods for shining up the graphics of the older games? If so, could any of you clever fellas give me a list?
submitted by AnxiousButBrave to stalker [link] [comments]