Is it just me or do guys who go through a weight loss journey get uglier in the face

2024.11.28 17:34 Dallriata Is it just me or do guys who go through a weight loss journey get uglier in the face

Seen many weight loss posts (30-80lbs) and as odd as it sounds most of the time, I prefer their Before pics. Is it just me?
submitted by Dallriata to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:34 ShokaLGBT Constellation and Glass Blossom costumes arts from memory key

it was rather pricey to get those two, but the 7 stars Glass Blossom is really cute!
submitted by ShokaLGBT to cardcaptorsakura [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:34 NakedEyeComic Panini Instant Reddick Homestead Win Cards!

Panini Instant Reddick Homestead Win Cards! This past October I went to my first NASCAR race at Homestead-Miami and was lucky enough to watch Tyler Reddick, my son’s and my favorite driver, take the checkered flag!
I bought these two cards from Panini’s Instant shop commemorating the win. The one on the left is a /25 parallel and the autographed card is a /10 parallel.
submitted by NakedEyeComic to NASCARCards [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:34 WolfOfPort What happened to my truck? Turned off ignition normally then this happened

What happened to my truck? Turned off ignition normally then this happened submitted by WolfOfPort to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:34 Horror_Maintenance96 WB Regidrago join fast 590394780361

submitted by Horror_Maintenance96 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:34 Chumbo0123 Why don't we focus on the water or naval combat???

Why don't we focus on the water or naval combat??? Like was there naval earthmovers??? OceanMovers? Or naval combat machines? Like underwater combat or even ship combat? Did it affect land combat??? idk just a thought :p (Pic maybe related)
submitted by Chumbo0123 to Ultrakill [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:34 Subject-Condition685 Dicas início de carreira / formação

Alô! Eu (29F) decidi recentemente mudar de área completamente e desenvolver conhecimentos na área de Data Analytics. Fiz algumas pesquisas na altura e achei que seria uma área boa para me integrar no mundo de data e não tão aprofundada como programação e data science que achei um pouco assustadoras. Fiz um bootcamp pela LeWagon em Data Analytics que gostei e ando à procura de emprego desde então. Já se passaram 5 meses e ainda nem uma entrevista consegui... Nem mesmo para estágios me aceitam. Já comecei a enviar mensagens diretas a recrutadores e candidaturas espontâneas e mesmo assim sem nenhuma sorte.
Nos tempos que decorrem andava a estudar e desenvolver conhecimentos em SQL e Python . Recentemente comecei a interessar-me muito por programação e não parece o bicho que achava ser. Estou a pensar em começar a estudar Java e algumas coisas de UI/UX para ver se é algo que gostava de fazer.
Dito isto, estou num impasse. Não sei se deva seguir formação mais na área de programação, sabendo que estou com muitas dificuldades em encontrar emprego/estágios. E se sim que tipo de formação, sabendo que não parecem querer contratar pessoas que apenas têm bootcamp como formação. Já me inscrevi em formações do IEFP mas também não me aceitaram em nenhuma até agora.
Alguém conseguia ajudar?
submitted by Subject-Condition685 to devpt [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:34 One_Shirt2030 Rem in school uniform

Rem in school uniform submitted by One_Shirt2030 to ReZeroRem [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:34 hagorago Zamazenta on me 2 locals 774884976233

submitted by hagorago to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:34 ChaBoiJamesCG Observer resources

Does anyone know if we have a site dedicated to the current auxair manuals? I’ve failed the observer test a couple times now and it’s because the sources I used to study, I now realize, are no longer current sources of info even though I found them on an Aux website
submitted by ChaBoiJamesCG to USCGAUX [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:34 TheBunny4 I want to change my name.

I need help guys if anyone here has changed their name then please share your experience and what documents, and problems you have faced
i don't have a passport, voter ID or driving license that's why I'm thinking about changing my name before I apply for those things
submitted by TheBunny4 to AskIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:34 Sharpish7 the most evil gnome of hardcore wow infernal edition

the most evil gnome of hardcore wow infernal edition submitted by Sharpish7 to classicwow [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:34 sonic-1776 Lowest profile, most comfortable X macro holster?

Looking for best options for the slimmest, most comfortable holster. Hear great things about Tenicor. Wanting something for strong side.
submitted by sonic-1776 to p365xmacro [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:34 Jittery_Kevin What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Jittery_Kevin to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:34 ILikeNeurons The experts: sex educators on 16 ways to talk to your children about bodies, porn and consent

The experts: sex educators on 16 ways to talk to your children about bodies, porn and consent submitted by ILikeNeurons to Parents [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:34 EdwardBloon Does this count as a nollie impossible?

Does this count as a nollie impossible? Feels a lil cheesy but idk. I suck at nollies
submitted by EdwardBloon to Fingerboards [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:34 slowisfast83 1959 F100 Horn Button Removal

I need to remove my horn button on my 59 F100. Per theanual I need to push it down and turn counter clockwise. I do this and it just spins but won't detach. Does anyone know how I can get it off?
submitted by slowisfast83 to F100 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:34 Jonquil504 Unable To Login Into My Account And Check My Balance

Unable To Login Into My Account And Check My Balance submitted by Jonquil504 to plassing [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:34 ModeAdditional5224 Bruh im literally the same way XD

Bruh im literally the same way XD submitted by ModeAdditional5224 to memes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:34 ryogadan The underappreciated element of Verstappen’s 2024 F1 title run

The underappreciated element of Verstappen’s 2024 F1 title run submitted by ryogadan to Formula1_world [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:34 Zeppelin-rules WW2 era field jacket sitting inconspicuously on the rack at 5pm yesterday

WW2 era field jacket sitting inconspicuously on the rack at 5pm yesterday Someone robbed all the buttons, unfortunately, but I included a pic of another jacket with them.
submitted by Zeppelin-rules to VintageFashion [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:34 Desire-4-Comfort What makes the difference between fleece blankets and plushies regarding the "you're too old for this" argument?

Fleece blankets and plushies have in common that they're colourful (not always but usually), soft and comfortable. Why would we be too old for plushies but not for fleece blankets?
Is it the fact that plushies are aimed at children? Or the shapes? A face? What if they don't have a face? Is it still a case of "too old"?
submitted by Desire-4-Comfort to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:34 PlantingTreees Small Business Shoutout!

Let's stir up the local economy and find out some local favourites!
Please only mention 1 business per comment and 1-2 lines about your favourite product or about their services. Feel free to comment more than once!
submitted by PlantingTreees to chathamkentON [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:34 michellefarts ohhh i’m so excited for green bean casserole

i love you green bean casserole, come to mama. let my cold clammy hands scoop up a good ol’ serving of your green gooey mysterious deliciousness. i hear you calling my name from the dinner table. i love you, green bean casserole
submitted by michellefarts to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:34 Optimal-Pollution903 Guys whats the best career mode build

submitted by Optimal-Pollution903 to HoopLand [link] [comments]