2024.11.28 20:40 csvndv Everyone wants me as a friend, but only as a friend
Hey guys,
I am 26y old, pretty young & fool, dreamy type.
I have a problem. Most people want me as a close friend (which is awesome) but no one wants anything more with me. This makes me a little bit confused - people like spending time around me, speaking with me, but that's it. It ends there.
No one has ever told me yet "I love you". Haha, I am always friend zoned.
I thiught that it may be due to looks, but I don't have any problems finding instant hookups. Even some of the hookup guys friend zone me đ.
I don't know what to really do. I tried real life dating, apps, etc. đ” but well, it ends with a beer and another friend.
Any help? Hints? I don't want to be pushy.
submitted by csvndv to gaybros [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:40 1894mc Does anyone elseâs fc25 cm periodically hang and crash ?
submitted by 1894mc to FifaCareers [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:40 ecogo1 Bed bench
Would like to clean this piece up and make it a bench at the foot of my bed. Obviously it is pretty dry and cracking. Would really appreciate some help on where to start if the wood is useable. submitted by ecogo1 to wood [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 20:40 Previous_Knowledge91 Ukraine Leopard 2A4 of 155th Mechanized Brigade
submitted by Previous_Knowledge91 to TankPorn [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 20:40 itsredhands Throw the ball to Williams
Need 12 yards for my parlay to stay alive lol submitted by itsredhands to sportsbetting [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 20:40 Live-Ice7323 Thanksgiving Excitement!
Peoples, Foods, Sights, Sounds, Smells create an elevated level of excitement! One ear tucked back says it all!
submitted by Live-Ice7323 to Pomsky [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:40 VVVGrobotron I got 510k, what should i buy on 7 tier? (No blueprint).
submitted by VVVGrobotron to cursedtanksimulator [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:40 OnceInOnceSet Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it
submitted by OnceInOnceSet to lgbt [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 20:40 Natural-Pear-4246 Just some harmless pants. I absolutely wonât get sneak attacked if I try to put them on
I always check my pants, just in case. submitted by Natural-Pear-4246 to ThereIsnoCat [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 20:40 VioletaRobust test
submitted by VioletaRobust to cqs [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:40 AgreeableKey8093 I hate my brothers girlfriend.
I'm normally a chill person, but they're rude, obnoxiously idiotic and self centered. Always crying poor me, but never tries to fix the issue. I'm so freaking sick of having to be around them at family functions.
I'm not the only person who feels this way about her, but no one will say anything.
submitted by AgreeableKey8093 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:40 Authentic_Jester Best audiobook for a non-Muslim person to learn The Quran?
Pretty much the title. I'm currently working to learn more about various religions of the world, to better engage with the individual people and cultures that exist around the world. Ideally, I'd learn the language and read/listen to the text directly, but that isn't viable for me right now. I'd prefer an unbiased translation, if available, to read and study so that I could form my own thoughts on it. I'd prefer if it were available through Audible, but if there is no such option I'm willing to go elsewhere. Thank you in advance!
submitted by Authentic_Jester to islam [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:40 Nervous_Ari tftg_irl
submitted by Nervous_Ari to tf_irl [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:40 Draegan88 If I had the time and was good at making plugins I would...
Make a plugin that is intended to be used by all plugins. This plugin would be similar to mason in its looks. The main idea is that when developers make their plugin, they set what options are available in this plugin. That way when you are using the plugin, all the options that are available are easy to find without github and many of them could just be a click of a button. Or maybe u checkmark the option you awnt and input a keymap. There needs to be a standard for it. Basically its a UI for modifying the plugins in your config. What do you guys think?
submitted by Draegan88 to neovim [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:40 TripleKickfliped What optic do I have here?
Got this from a buddy of mine. Canât seem to identify what it is or what footprint it uses. All I know is that it uses a 3.5 MOA dot and a 1632 battery. Came mounted on a 1913 rail adapter. Only other clue I have is this marking on the side. Any ideas?
submitted by TripleKickfliped to gun [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:40 SpyrosGatsouli Complaining that "people are constantly on their phones" on public transport
If I'm not making noise or otherwise bothering you, why do you care so much? I have a 45 minute commute inside a packed train every day. What am I supposed to do? Look out the window? Talk to my neighbor? Besides, being on my phone means that I could be: reading a book, reading the news, writing an email, texting my family, looking at the map, watching a movie or doom scrolling social media or playing Super Skabobblesmash. You know what? I don't even need to explain myself to you, I can do whatever I want on my phone. Just leave me alone.
submitted by SpyrosGatsouli to Vent [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:40 reddit_made_me_read Share your GF Thanksgiving dish!
Happy Thanksgiving Gluten Free Reddit friends! I am very thankful that there is so much support and creativity on this board. I have learned so much from managing my new lifestyle, cooking tips and delicious recipes to advice and safety tips. Wishing everyone a wonderful day enjoying turkeyâŠgobble to you wobble!
submitted by reddit_made_me_read to glutenfree [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:40 sozer-ali Buca Electrolux Servisi
submitted by sozer-ali to trservisler [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:40 no-fretete Richtiger Umgang mit Unterstunden
Erster Job, deswegen bisschen ahnungslos.
In meinem Arbeitsvertrag sind 8 Ăberstunden pro Monat festgelegt, die im monatlichen Bruttolohn quasi enthalten sind, also nicht extra vergĂŒtet. Mein AG achtet immer darauf, dass ich pĂŒnktlich gehe, demnach habe ich noch keine Ăberstunden gesammelt.
Nun habe ich aufgrund zweiter Termine ingesamt 3 âUnterstundenâ, jeweils 1,5h pro Monat. KĂŒrzlich musste ich dann wegen Kunden 1 Stunde lĂ€nger bleiben. Habe das so weitergegeben, mit der Frage ob es denn richtig sei, dass sich meine Unterstunden dadurch auf 2 Stunden reduzieren.
Die Antwort lautete nein, die Unterstunden werden erst abgetragen, wenn ich ĂŒber die 8 Ăberstunden komme. Im Umkehrschluss mĂŒsste ich also 11 Stunden kostenlos arbeiten, damit mein Stundenkonto wieder auf 0 steht. Das kommt mir doch ein wenig unfair vor - ist das rechtlich so zulĂ€ssig oder hab ich in dem Fall einfach Pech gehabt?
submitted by no-fretete to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:40 ProbablyTheWurst What's up with all these East Merkopan students?
I'm at student at a pretty good university here in Arcasia (I don't want to say which but in rhymes with "Placard") - and like 50% of the study body are Eastern Merkopan. I'm not trying be racist (i voted for Walker twice!) but it whats up with them. Most of them barely speak a word of Arcasian and don't contribute anything to group discussions. I was talking to this one boy (from Agno-land i think) and he said he's only hear cause he failed to get into a university back home (probably some sh*thole where they still segregate classrooms) as his dad (who he claims is the president of wherever's he's from) shilled out for him to come here! I just think its getting ridiculous.
submitted by ProbablyTheWurst to suzerain [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:40 Total_South439 Was this a good trade?
Im pretty new so idk if it was a good trade submitted by Total_South439 to Soundmap [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 20:40 Tangslanger7 One X has won best album. And that concludes the list.
Loved hearing all you guys opinions. Was fun doing the the list. Thank you submitted by Tangslanger7 to Threedaysgrace [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 20:40 BackRam PixiâVN + React + ink + Typescript Visual Novel template has been added
submitted by BackRam to inkle [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 20:40 Puzzleheaded_Act6875 Stable Wlan connection for Desktop
I recently moved out and now i dont have a ethernet cabel to my room anymore.
Becaus of that my brother inherited me his Powerline 1240E so i could connect my pc but now i have the two problems.
2024.11.28 20:40 wbhh My guess
I'm guessing Grand Theft Auto VI would have two discs, similar to Red Dead Redemption II.
My prediction is one of the discs would have Jason, the other Lucia. Not sure who would be the data and the play disc.
submitted by wbhh to GTA [link] [comments]