
2024.11.28 22:40 ApostlePaul_Simen Bonjour

Je suis nouveau sur cette plateforme. Je m’appelle Simen Nzimba Ronald et je suis chef de mission divine directe spéciale.
De nationalité camerounaise, je suis né le 24-07-1981 à Douala au Cameroun 🇨🇲 de parents camerounais.
Célibataire sans enfants, je réponds directement au numéro Whatsapp suivant : (+237) 675551872
Vous pouvez m’écrire en français de préférence de 10h - 16h (heure locale). Ce sera avec plaisir que je vous répondrais.
Très belle fin de soirée à vous
submitted by ApostlePaul_Simen to Christian_Witches [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:40 MarkoLemon Messaggi sgraditi sui social, è molestia?

Possono una serie di messaggi inviati tramite social network (ad es. Facebook Messenger o Instagram) quale che sia il contenuto (finanche ingiurioso) ma privi di altri contenuti potenzialmente penalmente rilevanti integrare la fattispecie di reato di molesta e disturbo alle persone ex 660cp? Specialmente se letti dopo svariate ore e non nell’immediato?
submitted by MarkoLemon to Avvocati [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:40 arcprocrastinator Careers that don't require a driver's license (US-specific)

I'm about to finish university and majored in something that I genuinely enjoy (GIS), but when I search for jobs related to it, almost all of them require a driver's license and acceptable driving record because there's usually fieldwork involved. I can't drive due to vision loss, but I don't want to hurt my chances of getting/staying hired by disclosing it. And to be honest, I can't guarantee reliable transportation either, unless I get lucky and find an apartment within biking distance of work, find a reliable public transit route, or earn enough to afford taking an Uber each day. The prospect of having to figure that out in case I get hired at all is daunting and makes me hesitate to even apply. I don't want to restrict myself to remote jobs, especially this early in my career. Are there careers I could pivot to where I don't have to worry about being unable to drive, or am I just going to have to hide the fact?
submitted by arcprocrastinator to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:40 lowteq Talking bout life and death at the dinner table.

A nice moment in Chapter 4. You catch Tilly, Hosea, and Lenny eating dinner and talking. Hosea tells Lenny that he was sorry about Jenny, a few lines about Lenny being sweet on her, then Tilly says that she went back and put flowers on her grave.
Tilly says that she wants to be covered in roses when she's buried. Then Hosea looks to Lenny and says he just wants to be buried next to friends. Lenny echos this, looking at Hosea. 😭😭
Hosea asks Arthur, and Big Boi says he doesn't really care about it, but then says this. 😭😭😭
Chapter 4 might be my new favorite. It's a wild Rollercoaster of emotions, and It's when the game really picks up the pace in my play through.
What's your favorite chapter?
submitted by lowteq to reddeadredemption2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:40 juicyvitality Another account linked to my phone number?

I do not have a Cash App account. Today I received a text that "The phone number ending in #### has been added to your cash app account. Not You? Turn on Security Lock and contact customer support." What should I do? What would happen if I did nothing? I'd rather not create an account if I don't have to.
submitted by juicyvitality to CashApp [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:40 RichDLCMemes Mega Altaria 925823641930

Mega Altaria 925823641930 submitted by RichDLCMemes to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:40 Femingway420 Sandwich Duo

submitted by Femingway420 to VeganSandwiched [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:40 jufrancor Hipnótico...

Hipnótico... submitted by jufrancor to Bellamujer [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:40 RadioNameLRIL02 「名誉毀損だけでなく脅迫容疑でも…」NHK党・立花孝志党首を狙う「警察の本気度」

「名誉毀損だけでなく脅迫容疑でも…」NHK党・立花孝志党首を狙う「警察の本気度」 submitted by RadioNameLRIL02 to GiinSenkyo [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:40 ElkSweet7111 Jonah once said….

submitted by ElkSweet7111 to superstore [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:40 Aialeken F-Type P380 RWD

F-Type P380 RWD Bought my first car in 2023 (30m) when I decided I don’t wanna lease anymore. Payed in cash.
submitted by Aialeken to RoastMyCar [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:40 parthenia_ holbein Artist Grade vs Student Grade pastels: what is the difference and which do you prefer?

ive been considering experimenting with oil pastels and saw a old box of virtually unused (but again, old) Holbein's Artist Grade pastels for an affordable price compared to its current retail value now
however, i also saw that Holbein sells boxes of Student Grade oil pastels with more color variations, for cheaper at current unused retail prices
im unsure of which to buy- i know im probably never going to see a box of holbein's artist grade pastels for such a good price but im torn between that vs the wide amount of color variety in holbein's student grade sets for something slightly cheaper. have you used both and which one do you prefer more if so?
submitted by parthenia_ to ArtistLounge [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:40 daniynad Time to winter tires.

Time to winter tires. It's time to prepare for the winter trails. Got tires outta storage and ready to mount. Little sharpie touch ups for style to make wheels less boring.
1.0 nitto trail grapplers for axial scx24 are the worst tire possible. Some thumb tacks and they are the best for ice and hard snow crust. Stretched over 1.3 for a tight fit with hard foams to keep thumb tacks in place. Always happy to find a use for parts laying around otherwise useless.
submitted by daniynad to crawling [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:40 Chemical-Buy988 João Akwa

Galera, alguém já teve aula com o joão ou já ouviu falar sobre ele?
submitted by Chemical-Buy988 to UFABC [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:40 rocketradar Thank you, Arceus!

Girlfriend saw the Pokémon Vending machine getting restocked at our local grocery store and came back with not only everything for a Thanksgiving feast, but four 151 booster bundles. First pack of my bundle…
submitted by rocketradar to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:40 Western1nfo Why in hellfire are "Grounded" bots so damn popular

Whenever I find a ship from a show...say...huskerdust from hazbin hotel as an EXAMPLE its always "you sneak out, get back in, grounded" why is it always that... like... you do you but when it's always that...
submitted by Western1nfo to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:40 Pristine_Toe_4077 Joshua having a Thanksgiving crash out

Joshua having a Thanksgiving crash out submitted by Pristine_Toe_4077 to WorldOfTShirts [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:40 Rich-Organization-67 oet expiry?

does ecfmg look for the oet need to be in 2 year validation period or not? my oet 2 year mark completed this October can I apply for ecfmg certification with my this oet or do I have to rates my oet? thankss
submitted by Rich-Organization-67 to IMGreddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:40 GarbageNecessary8920 Help me find a seed!

I'm just looking for a good survival seed for java.
I guess i just would prefer
a village
an outpost
a stronghold
within a 250 or so block radius from spawn
submitted by GarbageNecessary8920 to minecraftseeds [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:40 Yiannis97s Can I store my Zotero data directory in a cloud storage folder -- IF I only use zotero one a single device?

I use dropbox as one my backup solutions. Right now I only have a laptop and my phone. I want to store the zotero directory on drobox in case something happens to my laptop. I don't think there's any issue with that, but I'm asking just in case.
This post: on the zotero docs, talks about issues that may arise during the syncing process of mulptiple devices, but I only use zotero on one. I don't see what the issue is.
P.S.: As a secondary backup, I backup my laptop on an external drive once a week, but sometimes I may have made tens of ours of notes and annotations between backups. Right now this is the only backup of my library and I don't feel safe with it.
P.s. (#2) I have many gigs of pdfs and syncing would be a bit expensive. I was just about to get a subscription before the last update. I was using zotfile to move all pdfs to dropbox and reduced the size of the zotero dir by a lot. Now that zotfile is broken, the main folder is growing again. I don't know which plugin will replace zotfile in the long term.
submitted by Yiannis97s to zotero [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:40 Significant_Group935 What does 500kg by 5 mean? (Urgent)

For all you gym rats out there, my partner goes to the gym and he keeps talking about 500kg by 5 to me constantly. But won’t elaborate on what it means. I don’t want to look stupid when I ask. So please help a girl out!! 🙏
submitted by Significant_Group935 to GymMotivation [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:40 dirtyharrison WATCH: Pro-Palestinian Protesters Disrupt Macy's Thanksgiving Parade

WATCH: Pro-Palestinian Protesters Disrupt Macy's Thanksgiving Parade submitted by dirtyharrison to NewsWhatever [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:40 DUSTERFED1 Celular se apaga solo. Soluciones?

Buenas, bueno básicamente antes de llevarlo a un técnico quería ver si lo puedo solucionar.
Hice un restablecimiento de fábrica a mi Redmi Note 7 para pasárselo a un familiar. Después de unos días, el celular empezó a apagarse de la nada. Al encenderlo tiene el mismo porcentaje de batería que antes de apagarse solo. No tiene alta temperatura porque no se siente sobrecalentado y tampoco tiene mucho uso. Por ejemplo, se apaga en videollamada de WhatsApp, usando YouTube o en Instagram.
Aclaro que antes de hacer el restablecimiento de fábrica, este problema nunca pasó y tuve el celular de nuevo hasta hace un mes.
submitted by DUSTERFED1 to AskArgentina [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:40 phatrise Life Fitness Black Friday Sales 2024

Visit this page for Life Fitness Black Friday Sales 2024. The website offers a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly, just visit the website to find the perfect one for you.
submitted by phatrise to DiscountExpressive [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 22:40 OffOil Attempting to get “in network” with Triwest.

I’m a dental provider and a Navy veteran who has severe sleep apnea. I want to help other veterans by becoming an in network provider but have been getting some weird emails from an entity I am unable to verify:
I just recieced an “adobe acrobat sign” (adobes version of docusign) form from them.
Is this a ceedentialing contractor for the VA? Or is it a scam? Does anybody have any knowledge or insight as to what my next steps would be I’d appreciate it
submitted by OffOil to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]