IShowSpeed: The Least Degenerate Streamer (somehow) WATCH FULL!

2024.11.28 20:35 FiftyFiftyYT IShowSpeed: The Least Degenerate Streamer (somehow) WATCH FULL!
submitted by FiftyFiftyYT to Sub4Sub [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:35 Fytoxx Help deciding CPU upgrade

So my current situation is I have:

I basically just play E sports titles ( Overwatch, the finals, soon to be marvel rivals) and I also like to stream when I play and make the occasional video to upload.
I am planning to upgrade to the AMD5 platform in the future, potentially right away as there is some decent sales on - mainly as my FPS is not a consistent 144 in overwatch while streaming.
The two options I'm looking at right now is the 9600x or the 7700x - both options come bundled from memory express and all pricing below is in CAD
Both bundles come with the same ram and mobo
MSI PRO B650M-A = $189.99 32GB T FORCE VULCAN DDR5 6000MHZ = $109
When I break down the bundle pricing as I am paying the same price for mobo and ram in both bundles the 9600x is $215 and the 7700x is $270
(The 9600x comes with a m.2 drive in the bundle for an additional $85.99 but I've removed this from the equation as a non factor as I do not currently have a m.2 drive and would want to purchase one anyways)
After looking at enough benchmarks and testing it seems like either the 9600x or the 7700x would be a good upgrade from my current 11600k and give me the FPS increase and stability I want in a single thread heavy game like overwatch.
My question is - do you think the 7700x is worth the extra $55?
My only concern is that the 7700x may perform better while streaming and gaming?but from what I read I'm better off encoding through my graphics card on OBS anyways which may make it more of a non factor but I'm uncertain.
I like to have a few internet tabs open at a time usually while gaming/streaming and maybe even have another game running in the background while I'm in que
My hopeful goal is to increase my current performance right now and drop in the last supported Gen of AM5 chips whenever they relase into the MSI B650 board to have a nice simple upgrade path and hopefully keep the core components for a number of years.
submitted by Fytoxx to AMDHelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:35 Special_Opposite3141 is it really this hard to take photos from Photos and move to an external drive???

Why am I having such trouble figuring this out? I can't find any of my photos as files, they just open right into the app where I seem to be unable to move them from there to my external drive. Am I missing something?
I organized all my photos on my iphone into albums, and now i can't seem to transfer those albums over to my laptop? The albums on my phone don't show up on the photos app on my laptop, and so I'm left to import all the photos all disorganized. Can someone please help here because this is driving me fucking nuts. Just spent two hours on this and am just as lost as i was when i started. fucking mac
submitted by Special_Opposite3141 to MacOS [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:35 No-Bodybuilder-9641 27m down for anything im so bored

Exactly what the title says be 18+ pls. Bring some energy too that would be fun ✌🏽
submitted by No-Bodybuilder-9641 to chat [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:35 MightyPainGaming Daily sketch, line art and coloring practice!

Daily sketch, line art and coloring practice! submitted by MightyPainGaming to krita [link] [comments]


MethStreams is best option for live streams to watch NFL Live Stream Streams reddit and Football Streams HD. Want better NFL streams links? what's the ways of free Thursday Night Football ON: NFL Thanksgiving 2024 streams (live) streams on reddit? hey fellow NFL Thanksgiving 2024 viewers. as i’ve been watching NFL Thanksgiving 2024 for quite a few seasons now, i've done some digging to access the trusty NFL Thanksgiving 2024 live NFL Thanksgiving 2024 streams. i pirate everything: sports, movies, tv channels, and even made my own plex server. but lately i have gotten really into NFL Thanksgiving 2024 and haven't found a great way to watch NFL Thanksgiving 2024 live for free...
submitted by TraZan_Cost_658 to rarebeauty [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:35 Chaindragged Craft essence combos

Craft essence combos What craft essences are the best to use with my servants? (Preferably both ones I currently own and ones I should be looking for after)
submitted by Chaindragged to FGO [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:35 DS30y What is the name of this metal piece?

I’m looking for a metal band to crimp around the cracking handle of my handbag. I know I’ve seen them on bags before. I’ve looked everywhere but I can’t find anything like what I’m looking for. Does anyone know what it’s called?
submitted by DS30y to questions [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:35 BeginningPay762 What are some alternatives of working?

submitted by BeginningPay762 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:35 Far-Employee9244 Left my favorite umbrella at Plymouth gas station - would someone grab it for me?

I was just in Plymouth doing a Thanksgiving thing and had to fill my tires up with air before leaving. It was pouring rain and I had my umbrella and I just realized I left it there. Would someone be a hero and go grab it and I'll come pick it up sometime soon? It's a giant and beautifully hand-painted sunflower umbrella that has a lot of sentimental value to me.
It's by the air pump at Speedway gas station, 105 Samoset Road, just by the entrance to Route 3.
If anyone helps me you'll be a hero forever <3 :-)
submitted by Far-Employee9244 to plymouth [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:35 chastainfam Screw it, I'm hopping on the trend. Pick a number 1-231 and I'll give you a song from my playlist

Screw it, I'm hopping on the trend. Pick a number 1-231 and I'll give you a song from my playlist submitted by chastainfam to boykisser2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:35 Top-Variety947 How can I obey women better?

I feel like I only really obey women when I'm horny, how can I fix this and really practice my inferiority.
submitted by Top-Variety947 to Gynarchism [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:35 IntrepidSpread3435 ED school didn't ask for financial aid documents-is this a bad sign?

I’m an international applicant, and I applied ED to Cornell. After submitting my CSS profile, I noticed that they haven’t invited me to submit any financial aid documents on IDOC, and my financial aid to-do list is completely empty. Should I be worried?
submitted by IntrepidSpread3435 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:35 -TheExtraMile- Filmmaker who never heard of SQ42 reacts to the prolog playthrough. A very cool and slightly different perspective!

Filmmaker who never heard of SQ42 reacts to the prolog playthrough. A very cool and slightly different perspective! submitted by -TheExtraMile- to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:35 olivere1991 22 Pound Turkey

Gobble gobble. 22 pound turkey, brined for 24 hours, dry brined for 12 hours. Cooked at 225f until it hit 100f internal. cracked to 300f for 3.5 hours. Now we rest. total cook time 4.5 hours.
submitted by olivere1991 to Traeger [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:35 Key-Republic-1384 Vai pegar todo mundo daqui kkk

Vai pegar todo mundo daqui kkk Ixi 98% do povão daqui tem mais cabelo no boga do que aqueles penteados afros kkkkkk
submitted by Key-Republic-1384 to ShitpostBR [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:35 Illkhanate94________ Has anyone tried tobacco gourmand by fragrance world ?

Has anyone tried tobacco gourmand by fragrance world ? Is it better than tabac by maison Alhambra and is it worth getting ?
submitted by Illkhanate94________ to fragranceclones [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:35 rosodin Kurwa ale sranie

Kurwa ale sranie submitted by rosodin to 2visegrad4you [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:35 National-Library3066 Happy Thanksgiving mates!

Happy Thanksgiving mates! submitted by National-Library3066 to randomthinggslol [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:35 SchizoCapitalist Continents according to me (An Iranian)

Continents according to me (An Iranian) submitted by SchizoCapitalist to mapporncirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:35 kaxixi7 Can you help me reduce cycling [Navien NCB-190H NG with Nest t-stats]

Hi, I have a very small house with three floors of approximately 550 square feet, each. Each floor is its own heating zone. The first and second floor are heated with baseboard heating. The basement has a combination of baseboard in parallel with in-floor. The boiler is a Navien Combi — the smallest available one.
I have done my best to adjust the outdoor reset curve so that the house temperature is always just shy of the target temperature, and the system is always calling for heat, though this is obviously imperfect. The system does cycle on and off. Sometimes this is because a zone hits its target temperature. Sometimes it’s because the tiny zones require so little BTUs to heat the returning water that the furnace itself cycles.
My three zones are each controlled by a Nest “smart” thermostat. I don’t love this setup because the zones don’t “talk” to each other. If they could, then they could coordinate their calls, and reduce cycling. It would also be nice to have a system with adjustable temperature differentials or other settings that can help reduce cycling. I presume this would require a zone controller but am not a professional and not familiar with these products. Does such a system exist? Do you have suggestions?
🙏 in advance.
submitted by kaxixi7 to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:35 Jakaple Dagger Thursday? Thagger Thanksgiving

Dagger Thursday? Thagger Thanksgiving Haven't put the final edge on it, but it's still sharp as is. Spear head dagger. Butchered the sheath, but I made a random pattern that I like so it's staying.
The chord can be removed and used to secure the dagger on the end of a straight sapling to make a spear if need be.
Pics are bigger when full screen.
submitted by Jakaple to Bladesmith [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:35 DannyP77 Vizio Support USELESS. DONT BUY VIZIO

I have a p65q9-h1 and cannot receive any channels via antenna. I’ve tried several antennas and nothing. I used to be able to see antenna channels and they all went away 6 months ago. Vizio has created two cases and they promise to call back within 1-2 business days but that’s never been true. I will never buy another Vizio. Stay away
submitted by DannyP77 to VIZIO_Official [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:35 Nindroid_faneditor 2007 Japanese Lawson's Exclusive Metallic Bumblebee

2007 Japanese Lawson's Exclusive Metallic Bumblebee submitted by Nindroid_faneditor to transformers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:35 agonyou Squirrels and the thermal cover

Anyone have squirrels tearing up your thermal wrap. Is there a “harder”/different one? I’m guessing keeping it covered properly will help just hoping for an additional solution.
Thoughts welcome!
submitted by agonyou to Traeger [link] [comments]