2024.11.28 22:44 gingretwoble What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by gingretwoble to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:44 MilaRedfox Enhance frozen meal green bean casserole
Hey y’all! I was really craving GBC side for thanksgiving dinner and got a frozen meal pack of it from Target. I know very minimal cooking and this thing is supposed to be microwaved only. I’ve got some baby Bella mushrooms, onions— is there any tips for how I can enhance my frozen meal GBC? Thanks!
submitted by MilaRedfox to Cooking [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:44 Embarrassed_Abroad70 Suns vs. Nets odds, line, prediction, time: 2024 NBA picks, Nov. 27 best bets by proven model | Live Streams, Free Score & Result, Online Update, TV Channel Schedule and More 🔴
submitted by Embarrassed_Abroad70 to fotbals [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:44 MrPocketKings WTS - 32 Pants / S
Never worn, no defects. Either from WTF or never got a chance to wear. Happy to send over pictures if needed. Shipped from CONUS. Also, open to offers/trades in 32 or S
Slim Dungree (Black - 32 - WTF) - $65
New Way Shorts (Papaya Fire - 32 - WTF) - $65
Injex Raglan (GDX Mintdawn - S) - $85
submitted by MrPocketKings to OutlierMarket [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:44 Glupmany Is this legit?
I saw this website on web when i was Searching about abacus and when i got in it and tried to verify the url it verified it without any problems should i login in this website because its working for me or is it just another phishing site
submitted by Glupmany to AbacusMarketAccess [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:44 Abigdogwithbread Panda enjoying the snow
submitted by Abigdogwithbread to UnbelievableStuff [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:44 phatrise Living Social Black Friday Sales 2024
Follow this link for Living Social Black Friday Sales 2024. Access the latest deals and promotions by visiting the link, featuring a constantly updated list of coupons, promo codes, and discounts.
submitted by phatrise to DiscountExpressive [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:44 Strict-Tax-1554 Inspirado em: Viver-Akira Kurosawa(1952)
Nós só percebemos o quão bela a vida é
Quando enfrentamos a morte
O que eu tenho feito com minha vida em todos esses anos?
Realmente belo
Um pôr do sol
Por tanto tempo preso fiquei no meu passado
e me ceguei de como o tempo tem passado
e o tempo tem passado rápido demais
em minha breve passagem, pude perceber que a pior das prisões são as mentais
E agora, com o tempo escorrendo como areia entre os dedos,
Vejo a dança do vento nos galhos como um espetáculo secreto,
Um teatro onde as folhas sussurram segredos que eu nunca quis ouvir.
O cheiro da chuva... ah, não é só água! É a terra cantando,
E eu, por tanto tempo surdo, começo a escutar.
O brilho das estrelas que antes era apenas luz distante,
Agora é uma constelação de memórias que esqueci de guardar.
Um grão de poeira iluminado por um raio de sol
É uma galáxia inteira se revelando em sua pequenez.
As risadas das crianças, ecos de um tempo que deixei escapar,
São sinfonias em um mundo que julgava silencioso.
Até o amargo do café tem um gosto novo,
Um lembrete de que até o amargor é carregado de beleza.
Se a morte me espreita, então ela é uma professora cruel,
Me mostrando que vivi como se a vida fosse eterna,
Mas cada segundo era um diamante que eu deixava cair.
Agora, meus olhos, antes cegos, se abriram para o essencial:
O calor de uma mão, o toque do orvalho,
O simples milagre de estar vivo neste instante.
E se o tempo me escapa, que ele leve apenas o supérfluo,
Pois na pressa de existir, descobri, enfim, a arte de viver
E assim, com os dias contados, aprendi a contar os detalhes,
Os risos rasgados, os silêncios preenchidos,
Os abraços que antes eram gestos automáticos,
Agora são âncoras que me seguram ao presente.
A lua, pendurada no céu como um olho vigilante,
Parece me perguntar: "Por que demoraste tanto a olhar para mim?"
E eu, sem palavras, apenas encaro seu brilho,
Entendendo que nela sempre esteve a calma que eu buscava.
A grama sob meus pés, fria e áspera,
Não é mais apenas um caminho; é um colo,
Um lembrete de que até o chão sustenta sonhos.
E o horizonte... ah, aquele risco distante,
Agora é um abraço sem fim entre o céu e a terra.
Eu, que tanto corri, finalmente parei.
Parecia um rio tentando vencer o mar,
Sem perceber que o destino nunca foi o fim,
Mas o percurso, com seus redemoinhos e calmarias.
Seja breve minha estada, que ela seja imensa no sentir,
Pois no azul de um céu limpo ou no cinza das nuvens,
Na simplicidade de um sorriso ou na complexidade do adeus,
Descobri que viver não é durar,
Mas tocar, com o coração exposto,
Tudo o que antes deixei passar.
E agora, ao sentir o sopro gelado da morte,
Não há medo, mas gratidão.
Ela não vem como inimiga, mas como velha amiga,
Estendendo a mão para me levar ao desconhecido,
E eu, com o coração aberto, a aceito.
Seus passos ecoam como o fim de uma canção,
Mas que melodia me trouxe até aqui!
Cada nota foi um instante, cada pausa, um suspiro,
E percebo que, mesmo breve, vivi uma eternidade.
A morte, essa ceifeira de caminhos,
Não me roubou, mas me devolveu a vida.
Com sua presença, me ensinou a ver o mundo
Como se cada momento fosse o último verso de um poema.
Seus braços não são garras, mas asas,
Me erguendo para além do que os olhos podem ver.
Eu voo, leve, como uma folha desprendida,
Sem raízes, mas cheia de história.
E ao partir, deixo uma prece silenciosa,
Não de lamento, mas de gratidão:
"Obrigado, morte, por me acordar do torpor,
Por mostrar que cada suspiro era um presente,
Por pintar com cores vivas os dias que eu julgava cinzentos."
Agora, no abraço final, entendo:
A vida é um lampejo, uma vela ao vento,
E a morte, longe de apagá-la,
A faz brilhar mais intensamente,
Antes que sua chama se torne parte do infinito.
submitted by Strict-Tax-1554 to writers [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:44 ineditab Trading From Zero Black Friday Sales 2024
Visit this page for Trading From Zero Black Friday Sales 2024. The website offers a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly, just visit the website to find the perfect one for you.
submitted by ineditab to FluentDiscount [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:44 Objective_Flower_553 I (18M) Am having weird feelings from my gf (18F) of close to two years and I don’t know if I should break up or not ?
Me and my gf are our first for each other (First bf first gf) we studied in high school and had a crush on each other ,and ended up talking next year after she made a little move on me I sent her a message and we spoke for every single day without exception until things got worse , first nine months were not so bad But as I remember my relation ship it had really good moments and really terrible moments My gf lost her mother at age of 12 , she had slight anger issues but in real life she doesn’t really yell or scream , but through text she always feels dry soooo dryyy so angry and sometimes really hurtful with her words I did do some mistakes in the past and I know I was a little insecure a lil immature but it’s also my first ever relationship , for religion purposes we wanted to end the relation ship and approach it in the future through marriage (which we completely couldn’t do ) I quickly got really attached to her She would be the person to not text so often , take very long to reply , and that made me more attached and more insecure that she didn’t care , she found it really hard to show love for me , I just couldn’t feel loved all the time , we tried to end our relationship and not talk to each other but we failed , I would a lot of times text her back , call her or anything to meet her , but she just accepted it easily , I always felt like it’s me who goes to see her , she never never calls me and told me she’s not a call person , but that’s fine , fast forward to a couple months we would talk and not talk for a month and it goes on , until we where normally back again talking and trying to sort things out She was really weird this last summer as I didn’t feel her loving me anymore cuz she thinks we are no longer in a relationship , we did talk for a long period of time as if we got back, until she forgot my birthday and I kind of knew it :( , I just really felt that she won’t remember it and it’s not my first birthday with her now , I talked to her normally until three days later she said she was sorry she had forgotten it and that she finds it hard to remember birthdays , but it’s so hard for me to accept that cuz I already feel like she barely cares and now forgets a one day in the year , on her birthday I texted her at 12:00 and made a lot of things for her I sometimes make so many sacrifices but all I want is for someone to do the same for me In this rs I always felt like I was kind of like bullied or idk how to explain it (done wrong to) I feel like there are a little difference between us But I don’t know what to do I feel like she’s doing fine but I’m the only one struggling here I’m a bit emotional and I hate this situation as of now we are not talking but recently I called her trying to meet her , she didn’t answer (I said in my head like the usual as I expected it ) proceeded to not return my call but msg me and ask what I wanted I told her I wanted to meet her She didn’t reply at all , 24 whole hours go by I see her walking randomly and she stops I ask her why she didn’t answer she said she didn’t have an answer or whatever shit that was despite seeing my message I was soooooo mad you can’t imagine the anger I had inside She said are you mad cuz I didn’t reply To you ? As if I was in the wrong I stayed with her and I felt like that was a mistake cuz I always let go of disrespect like this It’s burning inside of me and I wanna swear to not text her again
submitted by Objective_Flower_553 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:44 mighty-Dovahkiin Does this shop update
Morning, just wanted to clarify the situation with the store before sending my tickets. Do there's items refresh?
submitted by mighty-Dovahkiin to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:44 Izanaginookami10 Blue Beard (Marry Me Rerun) - Fiend Hunt Megathread
DotGG Guide (revamped): https://dotgg.gg/brown-dust-2/fiend-hunt-guide-blue-beard-v2/ Lv10 dmg thresold: 201 million Duration: Nov 28th - Dec 4th --- We're testing out the waters with this megathread. We would like to gather in one, far more easily accessible and viewable place strats, info, guides and records or show off about the Fiend Hunt. I'll start: My Day one record https://preview.redd.it/lp4jy6o8zp3e1.jpg?width=1237&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ef717db41b276c0ebf288d997bcde8ba23095a6 Saint Porky (+5, max pots, awakened, UREX) is the main dmg dealer, I just made her hit every turn on the right weak point, with all the others as buffer. Rafina barrier canceller on her base costume is also nice to remove Blue Beard's stacks. 2nd team does almost nothing due to my sad idol-less and dupes Yuri who's paired with Zenith, Celia and Refi for a chain focused team. No QoS Michaela. u/Hage_Yuuna obtained similar if not better result with the Yumi skill spamming. I might try that myself, as I too have her at +5, max pots and UREX. https://www.reddit.com/BrownDust2Official/comments/1h20dg7/dot_happens/ Lastly, for today, a remarkable quote by u/LeftCarpet3520 who's using Rigenette with S.Pigstia. The front tentacle in the middle is cock blocking our light physical damage dealers hard.This makes me want to try it myself, Zenith on team one and Riginette on team 2? Anyways. Share your own strategies and day one results! (Do it, else I'll feel very embarassed. Please.) submitted by Izanaginookami10 to BrownDust2Official [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:44 yad_gniniart Trying to recover from dropping Maddison for Neto
Dropped Maddison for Neto last week and was immediately picked up in waivers. In hindsight a horrible move of course. Any advice to help me recover? 6th in a 7 man… submitted by yad_gniniart to DraftEPL [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:44 ayame400 Why haven’t we had any outdoor challenges in a while?
I bring this up with the dead by daylight episode but there have been past episodes too where I thought it would have been great if they had shot in an outdoor location or done a more skit like situation like with Ian in season 2 cabin in the woods episode. I know they can shoot on location since they did so with the ghost train and I think I heard something about them having a fancier main stage than in seasons past so is it just to make the most use of that or spending the budget elsewhere or something?
submitted by ayame400 to Dragula [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:44 VolbergNO UEFA landskoeffisient - Spilte kamper i ligaspillet: CL [5]/8, EL [5]/8, ECL [4]/6
submitted by VolbergNO to NorskFotball [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:44 alexanderrvb My turn to ask what my flairs tells about me (images potentially related).
submitted by alexanderrvb to DanganAndChaos [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:44 greenpangolin17 LF (shiny go-stamped): regidrago, buzzwole, pheromosa, xurkitree. FT: pics
Im a bit attached to the genesect, so I might not trade it, but I’ll list it anyway in case there’s a good enough offer. submitted by greenpangolin17 to PokemonHome [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:44 Prestigious_Ad_3725 My weapons despawned
So basically, I was trying to put some new enchantments on my old weapons and they just got deleted from my inventory. I had an atlantean cutlass, an atlantean greatsword and a pair of bronze flintlocks. Any idea what happened there?
submitted by Prestigious_Ad_3725 to ArcaneOdyssey [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:44 JB92103 Who was your first 90s TV crush?
submitted by JB92103 to 90sTelevision [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:44 lolacoinorg Ethereum Breakout Potential Anticipated at Critical Resistance 🚀📈
submitted by lolacoinorg to lolacoin [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:44 JoelintonEnjoyer absolutely UNPLAYABLE on xbox series x
70 quid for a game you can’t even play due to bugs and freezes and crashes (and that’s just the standard edition). if you haven’t bought this new game yet and are on xbox, DONT. they will rob you dry and you will be left with a game that runs at 2 fps.
submitted by JoelintonEnjoyer to MicrosoftFlightSim [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:44 DinoPugy Somebody can tell me if they are real?
submitted by DinoPugy to jncojeans [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:44 Middle_Locksmith8839 Alien Mom: Free the skin bird
submitted by Middle_Locksmith8839 to phineasandferb [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:44 Scary_Yam2933 Need start/sit help because I already screwed up by not putting Moore in
submitted by Scary_Yam2933 to FantasyFootballers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:44 Catvispresley Is this (Energeneralism) a real thing?
If so, why? It sounds horrible
Context for those who don't want to read the Link Content: Energeneralism is a Culturally Reactionary, Economically Corporatist, Diplomatically Nationalist and Civically Authoritarian political ideology.
If this is a real thing and if any Energeneralists are present here: why did you choose this particular system? As a non-Energeneralist, could you explain the philosophy of it a little bit more?
I am not trying to be disrespectful, I am tolerant and absolutely non-dogmatic in regards to politics and Religion and I want respectful, productive Conversations Only.
submitted by Catvispresley to neofeudalism [link] [comments]