bonjour, j ai un toshiba satelite p300-27z et je n arrive pas a trouver la pile du bios j ai tous demonter l ordinateur mais je ne la trouve pas je voudrais savoir ou elle peut bien etre
2024.11.28 23:40 Diligent-Job-4786 Estacionamento parque da cidade
Opa boa noite. Tenho certeza que alguém já perguntou aqui mas não achei. O que acontece no estacionamento do Parque de exposições (no parque da cidade) de noite? Tem vários carros q ficam rodeando lá e fiquei curioso.
submitted by Diligent-Job-4786 to brasilia [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:40 Sweetmango5 Absolutely delish Turkey Dinner Kit! Better than anything we could have made ourselves. Happy Thanksgiving Costcoers!
This has become a tradition for my husband and I, 3 years and counting! It’s the one holiday we spend at home because we love this dinner so much. We added the biscuits and the canned cranberry sauce (yes I know, the shame, but I absolutely love it!) We had to cook our turkey for a bit longer than the directions stated. I sautéed the green beans in the frying pan because we realized after 2 years of doing it, we hated baking the green beans with the potatoes! Also, taking the turkey off the stuffing 30 minutes before it’s done allows the stuffing to crisp up SO nicely. Not pictured is the Costco pumpkin pie! 🥧 I hope Costco never stops making these! Turkey Dinner Kits for life! 🦃 Happy Thanksgiving everyone! submitted by Sweetmango5 to Costco [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 23:40 Ok-Crab-2979 Rainy NIGHT Walk [22:00]
submitted by Ok-Crab-2979 to SlowTV [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 23:40 T_Bones254 How do stores work?
I set up three stores at max tiers, how can I tell I make a profit? I waited like 2 ingame days and I see no cap and im a little worried. Im at the Red Rocked near sanctuary so lmk if that is also an issue
submitted by T_Bones254 to fo4 [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:40 impala1984 Need these will trade for these
submitted by impala1984 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 23:40 nattywitdafatty Rate me 21F
Also lmk any improvements I can make submitted by nattywitdafatty to FaceRatings [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 23:40 Velxity How can I get rid of this annoying underline?
Sometimes I’ll type out a whole message and the thing just starts changing words the more I type.. I disabled some autocorrect/auto fill toggles but this still appears 🫠 submitted by Velxity to iphone [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 23:40 Sai_AI__ The winner is who the writer wants to win, but them winning still has to make sense or else people will get upset. So i challange you to find a way your favorite character could win this free for all.
submitted by Sai_AI__ to PowerScaling [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 23:40 AKIRAYZY Bears fans pulling up to Eberflus’s home
submitted by AKIRAYZY to NFCNorthMemeWar [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 23:40 Naturalenterprice The Syrian Arab Army has launched its counteroffensive
submitted by Naturalenterprice to ProRussia_news [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 23:40 lordylisa Wat zijn jullie ervaringen met autisme en een andere aandoening erbij?
Ik vroeg me af of hier mensen zijn die een autisme diagnose hebben maar daarnaast ook nog iets anders, zoals depressie, borderline, bipolaire stoornis, et cetera.
Hoe is dat bij jullie vastgesteld? Hoe zijn ze er achter gekomen dat het niet alleen je autisme was?
Ik probeer wat inzichten te krijgen omdat ik nu in een schuitje zit waarbij ik vermoed dat er ook meer aan de hand is. En autisme kan heel erg overlappen met andere dingen.
Geen idee of dit de beste plek is om het te vragen, want ik zou eigenlijk niet weten waar ik het anders moet vragen. Dit onderwerp valt een beetje tussen wal en schip.
submitted by lordylisa to AutistischLaagland [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:40 SweetPickleRelish My husband and I are celebrating alone today. Luckily Costco had our back
submitted by SweetPickleRelish to Costco [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:40 nowimmotivated10 We can always count on the Overwatch social media team for some gency crumbs, I guess...
submitted by nowimmotivated10 to gency [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 23:40 Italianochris21 Canada CPL Flight Test Pass : Debrief
Hey everyone, today I just passed my CPL flight test here in Alberta, Canada. I'm hoping this debrief helps students who are training for their CPL.
Started off the in morning, arriving to the airport 1 hour before the flight test began. As previously done on the PPL flight test, remember to have all your documents, including aircraft, personal, navigation, and any weight & balance and takeoff/landing calculations , ready in the room with you.
The first part of the ground oral exam was the examiner asking me about the aircraft documents and how are they valid. He then asked me to talk more about the aircraft we are flying in today, in my case it was a C172M. He then went and asked to see my weight and balance calculations and if we were able to complete the cross country journey with picking up 2 passengers at another airport. He asked me the usual questions about Va weights/speeds that are memory items. As well as Vx and Vy speeds, also memory items. He asked me to talk in depth about the stability of the aircraft with a nose heavy and tail heavy C of G. I was also asked to calculate a Vref speed using the proper formula and showing to him how I got it.
For the cross country navigation, he took a look at my flight plan that I would file, he asked to see the VNC, and talk about how and why I plotted things that I did on the map. Asking more about my NAV log, why I chose the cruise altitude selected, TAS, RPM settings, fuel calculations etc. My examiner really dug deep into the CFS and VNC. He asked about the kind of airspaces we would fly through, but also wanted me to talk more about airports that were not on our route of flight. Using your CFS and VNC/VTA, you should be able to read them easily for the examiner and know where to find any information in the CFS. My examiner asked many questions about visibility requirements throughout our flight, and also asked about SVFR and what is required to receive a SVFR clearance. Finally he wants to know if its a GO/NO GO decision for the cross country.
He asked me some good questions about control zones and uncontrolled airports. My advice is to really know your VNC, VTA, how to read them, and especially the CFS. That's all I can remember of my ground portion.
For the flight portion, first of all the weather wasn't the greatest. Using the METAR from a nearby airport, it was showing around 8-10SM vis, BKN-OVC about 6000 to 7000, however we both decided we wanted to go up and do what we could, since we had been rescheduled multiple times in the week and last week due to bad weather (shoutout Canadian winters). Luckily for us, there was actually more visibility and a higher ceiling in the practice area once we got there, so we were able to do all the maneuvers.
Starting the flight with simulated soft field departure with no obstacle, climbing and getting my NAV cross country ready. Turning at the set heading point, starting the timer, and explaining while looking outside and at the VNC, what I was looking for. Correcting for any drift with opening/closing or double track method. Once over the first cross country checkpoint, I revised my ground speed, and gave a new ETA to the destination.
He then told me to descend, imagining the ceiling was getting lower, and told me to divert to a airport about 20NM south of our present position. It's important to know for the CPL that you have to use dead reckoning for your diversion, and not base your diversion on landmarks. Find your heading to turn to, and keep it there, if you have to change headings, verbally tell him. Find your distance, time, fuel burn, amount of fuel in hours at the diversion airport, know your MEF on the VNC, and take out a CFS and describe to him the airport we are landing at, Also tell the examiner you'd contact someone like an RCO that you will be diverting.
Once at the diversion airport, we started with a precautionary landing and overshoot, then we completed a short field landing, then the Precision 180. All went well there. If I can give you any tips for people who are afraid of failing due to the P180, practice makes perfect, know how your aircraft glides. When in doubt, come a bit high and forward slip it down. Much easier to be high than low.
We then did a regular takeoff, going back to the practice area, and started the upper air work. First thing was slow flight, with a 30 degree turn to a selected heading. He asked me to stall the aircraft which was already in slow flight. After this, we went into steep turns, 180 turn to the left, level, then continuous motion 180 turn to the right. We then went and did a spin to the left, which I always love to do spins. I was then put under the hood and was told do turn to a specified heading using a rate 1 turn and my timer, all while in a simulated vacuum pump failure, so I had no attitude and heading indicator. Biggest tip on this, because you need to look at your compass to know which way to turn, to make the quickest way possible, just know your magnetic compass is reversed, I've heard many fail because of this, turning the wrong direction. He then put me into a unusual attitude under the hood and then the hood was off. Once that was done, he told me I had an engine fire, I started doing my memory items, and descended with a high airspeed to try and extinguish the fire. This went straight into my forced landing. I like to use the 360 approach to execute my forced landing, using a high key, low key, and final key point.
After overshooting, I put the hood back on and did radio navigation, back to our departure airport. The area I fly has no VOR's, therefore the aircraft uses a Garmin GPS and the examiner asks to intercept a radial, in this case it was 270 inbound, back to the airport. Simply know how to use your GPS and OBS, and know how to intercept and track it, and fly it properly. On the way back he asked me about what I would do in event of a high voltage light on.
Once arriving back to the airport, my examiner kept me under the hood and gave me vectors to join the circuit, and actually kept me under the hood all the way until very short final, it wasn't until I was coming over the threshold where he told me to look up. I actually quite enjoyed it !
Don't forget to take care in taxiing and parking the aircraft, as this is still part of the flight test. All said and done, parking and securing the airplane, being able to shake the examiner's hand, realizing you passed is an amazing feeling. I scored all 3's and 4's on my ground and flight portion.
I hope this very long debrief can help others who are wanting to complete their CPL training in Canada.
If you have any questions at all, please feel free to message me.
Remember, no matter how tough it gets and how discouraging it can feel at times in your training, NEVER, EVER give up. Because the feeling of passing and succeeding, is the more rewarding feeling.
Time to get ready for my INRAT and my Multi-Engine training starting very soon!
TL;DR I passed my Canadian CPL flight test and if others need any help/questions, please reach out to me !
submitted by Italianochris21 to flying [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:40 yolkbaby Cloud Rap Type Beat
submitted by yolkbaby to beatmakers [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:40 DaviPatten I have red handed,looking for ravager reclaim
submitted by DaviPatten to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 23:40 Only-Breakfast-6325 Pressão por transparência no CPNU
Fala galera, estou tentando angariar pessoas que querem transparência no CPNU para que possamos pressionar o MGI e a banca pela divulgação de resultados preliminares. Então, por favor, enviem esses textos para o email do MGI e o da banca Cesgranrio (deixarei os emails acima dos textos). Mandem também nos diversos grupos e para seus amigos que fizeram o concurso, para que eles também façam o mesmo. Somos muitos e essa pressão pode realmente surtir efeito.
[Para o MGI]:
Email: [email protected]
Prezado Ministério da Gestão e da Inovação em Serviços Públicos,
Trata-se de um pedido formal dos candidatos do CPNU 2024, interessados em maior transparência ao final de cada etapa do certame.
Gostaríamos de relembrar que enfrentamos o segundo adiamento do cronograma, estando imersos nesse concurso desde antes da publicação do edital, em janeiro de 2024.
Nesse sentido, muitos candidatos estão aflitos por não terem acesso à sua posição relativa no certame, considerando que o desempenho individual isolado não permite compreender a real competitividade, sem uma comparação com os demais participantes.
Ressaltamos, ainda, que a divulgação de resultados mais detalhados seria benéfica até mesmo para a organização do certame. Isso porque poderia evitar ações judiciais desnecessárias, como as atualmente ajuizadas por candidatos que, sem noção do desempenho geral, ingressam no Judiciário mesmo com notas muito abaixo do necessário para aprovação.
Ao analisarmos outros concursos realizados pela Banca Cesgranrio, observamos que, em casos semelhantes, são divulgadas listas preliminares, conforme a prática adotada por diversos certames no país. Além disso, é sabido que resultados preliminares não geram efeitos jurídicos imediatos, mas tornam o processo mais transparente e ajudam a diminuir a ansiedade dos candidatos.
Dessa forma, em respeito a todos que paralisaram suas vidas para se dedicar a este concurso, solicitamos que seja garantida maior transparência. Sugerimos a divulgação de listas públicas ou, ao menos, a disponibilização da classificação individual na área do candidato, ao término de cada etapa, a partir do dia 09/12/2024.
Cordialmente, [Seu Nome, candidato inscrito no Bloco X do CPNU 2024.]
[Para a Cesgranrio]:
Email: [email protected]
Prezada Banca Examinadora,
Trata-se de um pedido formal dos candidatos do CPNU 2024, interessados em maior transparência ao final de cada etapa do certame.
Gostaríamos de relembrar que enfrentamos o segundo adiamento do cronograma, estando imersos nesse concurso desde antes da publicação do edital, em janeiro de 2024.
Nesse sentido, muitos candidatos estão aflitos por não terem acesso à sua posição relativa no certame, considerando que o desempenho individual isolado não permite compreender a real competitividade, sem uma comparação com os demais participantes.
Ressaltamos, ainda, que a divulgação de resultados mais detalhados seria benéfica até mesmo para a organização do certame. Isso porque poderia evitar ações judiciais desnecessárias, como as atualmente ajuizadas por candidatos que, sem noção do desempenho geral, ingressam no Judiciário mesmo com notas muito abaixo do necessário para aprovação.
Ao analisarmos outros concursos realizados pela Banca Cesgranrio, observamos que, em casos semelhantes, são divulgadas listas preliminares, conforme a prática adotada por diversos certames no país. Além disso, é sabido que resultados preliminares não geram efeitos jurídicos imediatos, mas tornam o processo mais transparente e ajudam a diminuir a ansiedade dos candidatos.
Dessa forma, em respeito a todos que paralisaram suas vidas para se dedicar a este concurso, solicitamos que seja garantida maior transparência. Sugerimos a divulgação de listas públicas ou, ao menos, a disponibilização da classificação individual na área do candidato, ao término de cada etapa, a partir do dia 09/12/2024.
Cordialmente, [Seu Nome, candidato inscrito no Bloco X do CPNU 2024.]
submitted by Only-Breakfast-6325 to cpnu [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:40 FelixLateralus Who else goes here with absolutely no agenda or just for ASMR?
I keep returning for the scent (inside the store, not outside lol), and i find the unpredictability of book supply charming
submitted by FelixLateralus to vancouver [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:40 ImaginationBig710 Whose down to wank and cum together on snap vid call. Dm. No time wasters.
submitted by ImaginationBig710 to FaryalMakhdoomK2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:40 Louloucharlie Importance of a health tested pup?
I’ve been thinking of adding a basset to the fam for a while.
I messaged a lady who has a litter of 9 lemon bassets looking for homes, but unfortunately the sire and the mother (family pet) were both not health tested nor are KC registered.
I was wondering if this is a massive red flag or a deal breaker?
submitted by Louloucharlie to bassethounds [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:40 tavvyjay Moana 2 exceeded my expectations. What an absolute treat ❤️
32 year old dude, absolutely loved the first one and listen to the soundtrack weekly. I was really worried about the second one, but left the theatre choked up in awe of the wonderful story. The music was so well rounded, the storyline was what I’d expect from a Disney movie, the visuals were beautiful, and Maui didn’t overrun the whole plot in any way. I never saw the first one in theatres as I found it afterwards, but this one will definitely be rewatched at least once more in iMax.
submitted by tavvyjay to moana [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:40 Foreign-Stock3784 Wishing you a good thanks giving
submitted by Foreign-Stock3784 to SelfieDump [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 23:40 TifaStan Trouble swallowing and just miserable
IDK what exactly is up with me but the past 2 days have been kind of miserable for me.
For background, I started having intermittent issues swallowing in 2018 in my very early 20’s. It got called anxiety and GERD. Got put on a PPI. It got a little bit better to the point where most days I didn’t think of it too much, but I get random flares where I have symptoms real bad for a week or few weeks
I don’t get any heartburn ever. I occasionally get globus sensation. Some burping. Rarely get the sensation of acid in my throat. I stopped PPIs for a bit, but now I usually take a few weeks course any time I get a flare
This flare has just really really sucked. First day was a few weeks ago where I really struggled to eat and was having a hard time even swallowing my saliva, but could drink liquids fine
It didn’t totally resolve but was ok until about a week ago. Today is really bad. Right now I’m once again having trouble swallowing saliva sometimes and I have this resting pain just below the adam’s apple on the left side that is really tender to touch. it’s right by my thyroid so maybe my thyroid is also messed up?
But the way I’d describe my issue is that I go to swallow and sometimes I just can’t start a swallow. Like my muscles feel so strained they can’t do it and I have to try again and strain and then I feel like I might choke and get scared. I don’t get the sensation of food getting stuck. Once it’s down it’s down. It just feels like I can’t swallow right. The pain isn’t always there but sometimes when I get like this the bottom of my throat around my adam’s apple just feels very inflamed and irritated all around as well
i’m on a ppi right now. Doing salt water gargles which are really irritating my lower throat by the tender spot. Tried neck massages. It was improving tonight and then bam all of a sudden it’s an issue again
I’m honestly just lost. I really don’t think it’s just GERD/LPR because I didn’t have symptoms leading up to this. I don’t even really know who to reach out to as I don’t have a PCP. These episodes always resolve and I can usually go back to eating normal food without having to think too hard about it or at all, but I hate these episodes
submitted by TifaStan to GERD [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:40 AstridBirb Path to troubleshooting?
Heya! I've been running a pair of Creality CR-10 Smart printers for a couple years now and it's been very smooth sailing with them pretty much the entire time. This particular machine is entirely stock, aside from swapped out consumable parts. When I try to turn on the machine I press the silver power button on the right hand side and it turns on for a second, the fans spin up, the screen lights up but doesn't display anything and then immediately powers itself off. If I press and hold the power button the fans spin up, the screen lights up and the Creality boot animation starts, but freezes on the second frame and then when I release the button it powers itself off. The last time I used this printer (less than a week ago) everything was function perfectly, it's just decided to crap the bed now. Any ideas what could be wrong and where to start looking? My initial theory is something firmware related. submitted by AstridBirb to Creality [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 23:40 Key-Extension-9448 Photomultiplier Tube -- Does anyone know what kind of PMT's these are?
I'm working in a university research lab and I can't find a datasheet on them. I thought they were Hamamatsu PMT's, but I contacted them and was told that they didn't make them.
submitted by Key-Extension-9448 to AskElectronics [link] [comments]