Nothing related showed up

耶哥蕊特为什么对琼恩雪诺说「You know nothing」? 本题已加入知乎圆桌,更多「权力的游戏」讨论欢迎关注 » 凛冬已至,再见权游 然后信仰光之王的 红发女巫也曾对囧雪说过这句,我女朋友也经常对我说“你什么… 龙族中,路鸣泽给路明非很多作弊码,并且告诉路明非如何使用,但是路明非从来没有质疑或者思考过路鸣泽给他定的规则,比如something for nothing只能使用四次,因为路明非也认为这句话的意思是“用什么东西换回了空白”,所以他觉得自己应该支付¼的生命 ... share nothing和share disk是两种常见的分布式数据库模型。 share nothing架构下,每个结点都有自己的CPU、内存、存储。跨结点的数据访问通过结点之间的网络通讯来完成。 share disk架构下,每个结点有自己的CPU和内存,但是共享同一个存储。 Nothing Ear (1) 的透明设计其实是瑞典知名音乐设备厂牌 Teenage Engineering 的手笔。在我看来,这一设计是为了更加鲜明地宣誓某种品牌理念:「带回行业缺乏已久的兴奋感」。 但 Nothing Ear (1) 也并非一款「离经叛道」的耳机。 ③ She saw nothing except snow. 除了雪她什么也没看见。 (2)except经常接名词、代词,也可接副词,介词短语,不带to的不定式或从句等。例如: ④ She looked everywhere except here. 除了这里,她到处看。 ⑤ You may drop in at any time except at noon. 除了中午,你任何时候来都可以。 补充,楼上的猜测,很大可能是对的 @张佳玮. 有点时间看了《断头王后》那句著名的话之后,一直想看这本书,到了图书馆之后发现翻译的不一样,就想查清“她当时还太年轻,不知道命运赠送的礼物,早已在暗中标好了价格”到底是出自哪个版本那个翻译。 口语里这种情况很常见,照语法来说双重否定表肯定,但实际上很多情况里表达的依然是否定的意思,电影电视里不就经常出现这样的情节:一群荷枪实弹的警察到嫌疑人住处抓人,破门而入将嫌疑人扑倒在地,此时嫌疑人大叫 I didn`t do nothing! 或者 I didn`t kill nobody! 很少写回答,但是太爱这首歌了,也没看到很靠谱的回答,所以想回答一下。 我认为“让爱一切成空”的翻译是错误的,先看Making Love out of nothing at all的本意,“make a out of b”,可以粗暴地理解为“用b制作a”,就是“不需要任何东西就可以让我产生爱意”。 字面翻译, a is but b a只不过是b . what is not. 不存在的东西. nothing 什么都没有 虚无 ... 第四种:也就是文章标题的这种,不能提交且工作数里面也是空的。nothing to commit, working tree clean 。 所以出现这种问题,首先应该想一下自己是不是已经提交过一次了

2024.11.29 00:43 DevrineDestiny Nothing related showed up

Me: searches the character Bede The app: None of the results being Bede
submitted by DevrineDestiny to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:43 No-Negotiation-3454 الفوضوية

هل فيه أحد كان فوضوي ولو رتب يرجع يتحوس المكان لقى حل لذي المشكلة؟
submitted by No-Negotiation-3454 to saudiarabia [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:43 bot_neen Lilly Téllez se lanza contra Sheinbaum y la llama secretaria de AMLO

submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:43 Pietro_is_here Arkansas men were arrested for taking turns shooting each other while wearing bulletproof vests after drinking

Arkansas men were arrested for taking turns shooting each other while wearing bulletproof vests after drinking submitted by Pietro_is_here to fuckaroundandfindout [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:43 Conscious_Crow_54 Xdrip and aaps

Hi everyone,
I'm currently using tandem xslim 2 with Dexcom g6 control IQ.
I've been hearing about aaps and xdrip and just wondering if anyone could shed light on my current setup if it would benefit me.
I tried researching and found it to be a little confusing.
submitted by Conscious_Crow_54 to diabetes_t1 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:43 Tarkeynjoy New FF/paramedic

Whats a piece of advice you would give to a new Firefighter that you wish you knew starting out?
submitted by Tarkeynjoy to Firefighting [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:43 Ozem_son_of_Jesse I wish all humans had 4 eyes and 4 arms

submitted by Ozem_son_of_Jesse to monkeyspaw [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:43 GoldenPearlss Selling Enchantraverse Halo for adm/PayPal/cashapp

submitted by GoldenPearlss to crosstradingroblox [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:43 NitwitTheKid With the recent resurgence of Piglet’s Big Game online, is it possible for a spiritual successor to exist that captures the magic of the original?

Ever since people discovered that Piglet’s Big Game was inspired by horror games like Resident Evil and Silent Hill (but designed for children), many have been petitioning Disney to remaster it for current-generation consoles and PC. It's actually a pretty good horror game for kids, featuring memorable music, a spooky castle, and engaging combat mechanics.
I worry that Disney may never decide to experiment with the Winnie the Pooh franchise in this way again. However, I believe that creative gamers could reignite interest in Piglet’s Big Game by developing an unofficial public domain version. This new version could enhance the gameplay mechanics and feature a fresh story that doesn't tie into the original movie or game, all while remaining appropriate for children so that it isn’t overly frightening.
In terms of art style, we could aim for a cute, kid-friendly design that also incorporates some elements to make the monsters look spooky. For instance, characters like Piglet could be depicted as cute but frightened.
I’m even considering pitching my ideas to indie game developers in hopes of funding concept art as proof of concept. My goal is to release this new version around the anniversary of Piglet’s Big Game. I just hope I can secure a job soon to make this project more achievable.
submitted by NitwitTheKid to publicdomain [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:43 Emillahr What essential items should every caregiver for a dementia patient have and why?

submitted by Emillahr to DementiaHelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:43 Cloangi More traditional fanart

More traditional fanart Made some more fanart for Mouthwashing 🗣🗣
submitted by Cloangi to Mouthwashing [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:43 bigguys45s What your typical twink Depeche Mode fan looks like:

What your typical twink Depeche Mode fan looks like: submitted by bigguys45s to depechemodecirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:43 Proof_Guitar4289 Network update

Today, November 28. There are four masternodes and seven peers up and running on the exclusive coin network.
submitted by Proof_Guitar4289 to ExclusiveCoinLive [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:43 wolfrynn1592 Need advice about my boyfriend. He hates my period and idk what to do.

I normally wouldn’t come on here to discuss personal issues but I really need advice because I feel like I’m just hitting a wall. As the title says, my boyfriend (20) hates my (19) period, but it’s more than that. He treats me like I’m repulsive and disgusting. My period is actually the reason we stopped sleeping together as much. Before we got together he was a virgin for 19 years so he barely knew anything about intimacy or women in general really, and I know men typically can be put off by periods but I feel like it’s worse than just him thinking “ew” or whatever typical reaction men have. We used to be able to have a lot of fun with intimacy but as soon as I got my period he was repulsed, and to be honest I can’t really blame him because they can be pretty gross, but his behavior towards me really changed after that. We still have a lot of intimacy or at least a normal amount, but I still get the feeling he’s genuinely repulsed by my female area. He’s said before that my period traumatized him and I took it as a joke because he’s the type of man to joke about everything, but I’m starting to think he was serious. So for a little background; before I got with him I was tangled in a huge mess of really toxic relationships. Starting with manipulation to threats of harm and even really pushy behavior as an understatement. In a gist none of my previous partners ever actually loved me, they all just used me for my body or because they liked the idea of having a girlfriend. For a while I decided I was done with all the abuse so after I managed to get out of my last relationship I stayed single for a while and didn’t really allow myself to have interest in anyone, but of no where I met my boyfriend and we started out as friends but quickly grew feelings for each other. What drew me to think of him as more of a friend was the fact that he actually showed me that he cared about me. He respected me and for the first time made me feel like I was someone who deserved to be loved, and after we became intimate he made me feel like a woman rather than a toy. He respected my feelings and boundaries and he was the only partner I’d been with that had actually cared about my pleasure. In all the time that we’ve been together I’ve never doubted that he loves me, and that’s a first for me. With everyone else I’ve always felt either like I’m a burden or that their intentions aren’t pure, but my current boyfriend has always made sure I don’t feel that way about him and I know that he loves me. We’ve been together for just under a year now and we live together. I know it may seem fast but almost as soon as we got together I got kicked out of my mother’s house. Me and my mom have a very complicated relationship, but my boyfriend supported me in that way and let me live with him so I would have a place to stay where I don’t have to worry about my mom. It’s been really good for the most part, we still have our issues of course but generally speaking we’ve managed really well living together and in most aspects of our relationship. There are some issues that I don’t think I really need to mention, but again that comes with every relationship. The thing that’s really sort of driven me over the line is his behavior towards my period. The other day I started it and I have been insanely moody as well. But now it started to get pretty heavy, and by pretty I mean dripping down my legs. And listen I know that’s bad and it even disgusts me, but I have a weird history with my period. Ever since I got it I hated it. It’s a humiliating thing but for me I was so put off and genuinely repulsed by my body, and not just the period itself but the fact that my body was capable of it. As soon as I hit puberty I gained a lot of weight and my hormones were all over the place. At that point in my life I had been really uncomfortable with my body, inside and out, I felt disgusted just glancing in the mirror. I know everyone struggles with puberty, but I had horrible body dysmorphia as well. When I started to gain weight and grow boobs I was ashamed and depressed by it. I tried so hard to hide the fact that I was changing but I couldn’t help it anymore because the weight just kept coming on. I was so disgusted and embarrassed that I became severely depressed. On top of the weight I was already gaining without any control I started to overeat as a coping skill on top of it. I kept getting bigger and I felt like I had no control at all. Even my posture became bad because I would constantly bend over to hide my boobs and my stomach. After a while my mom noticed my behavior and the changes in my body so she took me to the doctor. They said that my hormones were all over the place and that I needed to go on puberty blockers. So I did, but if course there were side effects. If I took them before my period got regular they said it would mess up my schedule forever and it would never be normal again, as well as the fact that it’s likely to make me infertile mainly because uterine problems already ran in my family. I stopped taking them and got the implant instead. The suspected side effects were spot on. I now have an extremely irregular period and get it maybe 2-5 times a year, and I’m pretty much completely infertile as well. They’re so unpredictable tho that it just comes out of no where, and sometimes I get cramps so I think I’m about to get my period but it never comes. I have no idea when it’ll show up and it’s scary, because if there’s the chance I do become pregnant there’s basically no way of knowing for sure unless I take tests regularly, and my pants and underwear get ruined because they just pop up. Anyway as you can probably tell by now, my body hates me and I also hate it. My period is something that is extremely traumatic for me because it reminds me of the years I was disgusted by my body, the unpredictability, the lack of self worth that lead me to believe the relationships I had were the closest I’d get to being wanted, and the years of unhealthy eating habits switching back and forth between over eating and not eating at all for months on end. My boyfriend has always been good to me, he’s usually very patient with me and my mental health, but he can’t even look at me when I’m on my period, especially when it’s heavy. I got it yesterday and he noticed it first because it was almost all the way down my thigh. He told me to look in the mirror and I was just in a brief state of horror because I can’t remember it ever being this bad. I immediately got in the shower and cleaned up, and I begged my boyfriend to stay in the bathroom with me because I needed his support. It just made me really anxious and I wanted him there to make me feel better, but the whole time he couldn’t even look at me and he refused to kiss me. After that I just told him to leave and I sat in the hot water for a bit to try and calm my nerves but I was still shaken after. I was mad at him for leaving even tho I told him to. He wasn’t much help anyway so I figured if he really wanted to leave it would be no different, but even still just his presence makes me feel lighter. Also I’ve told him before that typically if I tell him to leave never to believe me because I always want him there for me even if I’m mad at him. By he still left and it hurt my feelings. Later on he apologized and that made me feel really good because he struggles with things like apologies and saying please and thank you, stuff like that, so I really appreciated him saying he was sorry but it still didn’t feel like I we really talked about it enough. I got emotional and started crying while telling him it felt like he was really repulsed by me and he just hugged me, so it wasn’t nothing, but I still wanted to talk further about it. Communication and talking in general isn’t really one of his strong suits. He struggles a lot with social things, with strangers mostly but even with me sometimes, especially when the topic is serious. Me on the other hand, I can never stop talking lol. So I don’t really understand him fully, but we usually are able to make it work and I end up forgiving him or giving him the benefit of the doubt, because again I know he does love me and it isn’t really his fault that he struggles with communication and feelings and stuff. But today my period was bad as well and I actually made a mess on the toilet so I was shocked by that and I called him into the bathroom because I felt some anxiety coming on and again just wanted his support and presence, but instead of coming in he just gagged and left and refused to come near me or the bathroom again. I had to shower again and clean up the toilet seat which isn’t hard but the anxiety got to me, I told my boyfriend I needed him, and he refused to be there for me so I felt abandoned and hurt. I understand him being grossed out because again that’s honestly fair, but do you think he’s going too far by refusing to kiss me and be in the same room as me? Because to me it feels like he is genuinely repulsed by me and that’s just a horrible feeling because he’s my boyfriend, the one person who is supposed to support me no matter what you know? And he couldn’t do that and it hurt me. Idk how to bring this up to him because I really don’t feel like he’ll take me seriously. I don’t want to fight with him but I’m genuinely really upset with him and idk if I’m in the wrong for that. Don’t get me wrong though, I know this man is the one for me, I can’t see a future without him and I refuse to give up on this relationship because he’s done so much for me, but I just don’t know how to go about this or how to move passed it. Every time we talk it feels like I bring the same stuff up every time and then we just hit a wall and I forgive him or put it passed me because I know he is trying and I’m trying to be patient with him but I mean it’s been a year and in the areas that are the most important he hasn’t really improved in the way that I need him to, and I know that might sound selfish but I’m mostly referring to the fact that we need to learn to communicate better and I want to be heard by him. It’s just that this period thing really hurt my feelings, idk his he feels and idk how do ask him and tbh idk if I can even believe him anymore, because if he says he isn’t repulsed by me his actions will say otherwise but if he does admit that he is I don’t think I’ll ever feel good about myself with him again. I just feel so lost and I really need advice. Or at least advice for him so he can understand how I feel and take it seriously, because nothing I try works. I love him so much and I really appreciate him and everything he’s done for me but idk how much more patience I have left and I really don’t want it to turn into a huge fight or anything worse. Leaving him isn’t an option though so please don’t suggest that. So I guess in conclusion, what do y’all suggest I do regarding my boyfriend’s behavior? Do you have another perspective you think I’m missing? What would you do in my situation? Is his side valid? Am I thinking too hard into it? How do I go about communicating with him? Any advice in general?? Feel free to ask questions as well.
submitted by wolfrynn1592 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:43 verstappenalt What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by verstappenalt to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:43 Boring-Computer-4360 Goodbye Friede

Goodbye Friede Yesterday: Nameless King, today: Sister Friede. Wow, This is suppose to be top 3 hardest bosses in the series? LIGHT, WORK. My first soulsborne game and I'm already SLAYIN out here. But wow was this fight good. First phase isn't hard but It's best to learn it so you don't waste any flasks. Second phase: Elderly Abuse, It's prob the most strategic phase for me, but her father is a nice punching bag to beat the shit out of. 3rd phase, most epic out of all of them, if your missing even 5% of your health and you get caught by the grab, it's ggs. (Thx for all the support y'all have given me <3. From Dancer to Pontiff, to Cinder to Nameless King, and now Friede. Even thought this community can he pretty toxic at times, y'all are still great, thx) I'll try and post some tips for Friede later today, so stay tuned. And remember friends, don't go Hollow. (2nd picture POV: Ariendel in the 2nd phase)
submitted by Boring-Computer-4360 to darksouls3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:43 BN_Coldesky Caption this

Caption this submitted by BN_Coldesky to W2S [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:43 Ghillie334 well thx ubisoft..

submitted by Ghillie334 to RainbowSixSiege [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:43 Winter_Turn_8246 Need help

So I haven't been on osrs since og 15 years or so ago. Tried osrs and rs3 and stuck with rs3 I have a lvl 140 main . But I'm involved in leagues heavy right now . I need some pointers on progression and where to unlock and what pvm content to do and where they are. I'm a big pvmer in rs3. I'd like to take advantage of these two months we have on leagues but have never played osrs since pvm became a thing.
submitted by Winter_Turn_8246 to osrsleagues [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:43 peanut_bubblegum Clay fanart

submitted by peanut_bubblegum to moralorel [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:43 opusmex Happy Thanksgiving!

First time smoking a turkey.
submitted by opusmex to biggreenegg [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:43 kingdomheartsTyler20 What was everyone's first introduction to the TMNT?

What was everyone's first introduction to the TMNT? Mine was TMNT 2007!
submitted by kingdomheartsTyler20 to TMNT [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:43 BiVoyageur Gay friends in Barcelona, Spain

I’m an American currently living in Barcelona. It’s so hard to make friends here let alone gay friends. I’m from NY if anyone wants to chat I’m willing to.
submitted by BiVoyageur to gayfriendfinder [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:43 Used_Purchase5493 Olivia Rodrigo Collaborations?

Basically the title of this post. Which artists do you guys hope for Olivia to collaborate with in the future? I’ll go first.
1: Sabrina Carpenter. My dream collaboration. I know they’ve been in drama in the past and it has not been confirmed if they’re friends again or not. But both of them are extremely talented with legendary hits like Driver’s License and Espresso. I know both of those queens will produce something phenomenal.
2: Billie Eilish. Both of them won Best New Artist, and all of their albums are amazing. They would be amazing together.
3: Tate McRae. Both of them are great friends. Plus, she was featured in Olivia’s Bad Idea Right video. So I love to see what more they could do together.
4: Chappell Roan. She has been one of the main background vocals of some of Olivia’s hits. Would love to see them actually make a duet song together someday.
5: Mariah Carey. I read a source somewhere that Mariah wants to do a collaboration with Olivia someday when she’s not so busy with her festival shows next year. I am ecstatic for that.
6: Adele. Both of them are absolute queens and produce very meaningful messages in their songs. I wonder what they could together.
These are all of the artists I can think of off the top of my head. What do you guys think? Would love to hear your thoughts.
submitted by Used_Purchase5493 to OliviaRodrigo [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:43 CatLovingPrincess Xmas

submitted by CatLovingPrincess to ElonMuskFanGossipBlog [link] [comments]