"Shining Armor," A Squad of Titansworn Knights Defend The Starport From Wyverns (Sequel to "Saints Among The Stars")

2024.11.29 00:37 nlitherl "Shining Armor," A Squad of Titansworn Knights Defend The Starport From Wyverns (Sequel to "Saints Among The Stars")

submitted by nlitherl to Starfinder2e [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:37 MinimumLie7991 buying any gen1 var 900k

buying any gen1 var 900k submitted by MinimumLie7991 to DragonAdventures [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:37 sTeVe- Guild Exilados [Portuguese Post for al PT Players]

Guild Exilados [Portuguese Post for al PT Players] Olá a todos,
Após a criação do Discord para toda a comunidade Portuguesa ( https://discord.gg/FCdnZtYNut ), foi decidido que seria interessante a criação de uma guild onde todos se pudessem encontrar In-game para completar as mais diversas tarefas que o jogo tem para oferecer.
Segue alguma Info sobre a Guild:
Nome: 𝙀𝙭𝙞𝙡𝙖𝙙𝙤𝙨 Slogan: "Exilii Virtus" (Virtude do Exílio) Redes Sociais: https://x.com/ExiladosPOE Site: Irei trabalhar num site durante os meus tempos livres (que são poucos), algo muito simples só mesmo para a divulgação da guild e da comunidade.
Objectivo: A 𝙀𝙭𝙞𝙡𝙖𝙙𝙤𝙨, tem como objectivo principal reunir toda a comunidade Portuguesa sob um só nome, podendo assim os seus integrantes partilharem experiencia e conhecimento entre todos.
De resto não há muito mais a dizer, esperamos que vejam esta iniciativa com interesse.
Um bem haja a todos!
submitted by sTeVe- to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:37 Imaginary_Tailor_227 Degree by Dishonest Means

I recently obtained a college degree early this year. During my time in college, I made some unwise decisions, including cheating on some tests and skipping class and lying about my reasons, or asking for extensions on things by lying. Of course I regret these things now, and would not do them again.
My question is: would my college degree count as an “ill-gotten gain” that I technically got through some dishonest means, and am I obligated to renounce or return it in order to complete restitution and receive absolution?
Thank you!
submitted by Imaginary_Tailor_227 to AskAPriest [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:37 rennistry Draper’s and Damon’s Black Friday Sales 2024

Check out the link for Draper’s and Damon’s Black Friday Sales 2024. Once on the website, you'll have access to a variety of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly to help you save on your purchase.
submitted by rennistry to ArticulateOffers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:37 Tempomi760 Dendenmushi1064 just had a birthday! Happy birthday to an amazing Sunburn artist!!! 🎉🎂🎊🥳

submitted by Tempomi760 to sunburnOMORI [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:37 Apprehensive_Day212 Dragon Age Morrigan by Jason Chan

Link to the artist https://www.jasonchanart.com/dragon-age
submitted by Apprehensive_Day212 to FemaleFantasyArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:37 diabolikah42 bug projection sous mac os ventura

Bonjour à tout le monde,
j'ai des soucis avec mon ordi qui tourne sous mac OS ventura : c'est un bug qui m'est aussi arrivé l'année dernière (lorsque j'étais déjà sur ventura) et qui est arrivé aussi à mes amis ayant la même version de mac os. Quand je tente de connecter mon ordinateur à un projecteur à l'aide d'un câble hdmi (j'ai testé différents vidéo proj et câbles ça ne change rien) il ne détecte pas mon ordi. J'ai vu que c'est un souci récurent pour les utilisateurs de ventura. Aujourd'hui j'ai tout essayé (deconnectereconnecter, redemarrer l'ordi et le vidéo proj, maintenir option dans les réglages moniteur, changé le cable de hmdi1 à hdmi2) mais ça ne marche toujours pas! Sauf à un moment, où pendant 15 secondes mon ordi s'est affiché en mode "recopie d'écran" et mon image s'est projeté. Mais ça a vraiment duré 15 secondes puis retour à la case départ. Je me suis demandé si c'était à cause de mon adaptateur (hdmi vers usb-c) mais il clignote quand il est bien branché, ce qui était le cas. (mais peut être que c'est faux? j'en sais rien)
J'hésite à télécharger la version sonoma ou sequoia mais je me demandais si pour les personnes qui ont rencontré le même bug si changer de version a aidé. Et si oui selon vous est il mieux de se diriger vers sonoma ou sequoia?
J'hésite sinon à repasser à monterey mais j'ai aucune idée de si c'est possible.
Désolé pour le gros pavé je suis vraiment deséspéré!!
submitted by diabolikah42 to MacOS [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:37 luvtds Steamforge Black Friday - huh?

Steamforge has been promoting a Black Friday sale and I was ready to invest, only to find out it's just really a clearance sale and nothing for Warmachine.
Man I miss the old Privateer Press.
So far, Steamforge has just been a disappointment at a higher cost.
submitted by luvtds to Warmachine [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:37 Realistic-Hope2487 What is this in polish?

What is this in polish? submitted by Realistic-Hope2487 to learnpolish [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:37 Leon_Lover1998 Low amounts of base XP

I don't know if it's just me, but for whatever reason I'm getting over 50 kills a game and only getting 2000 base XP. I feel like with 2XP weekend they lowered the base XP. Is anyone else noticing this.
submitted by Leon_Lover1998 to blackops6 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:37 bot_neen Silvia Pinal habría recibido los santos óleos; según su hijo, la actriz está en el proceso de partir

Silvia Pinal habría recibido los santos óleos; según su hijo, la actriz está en el proceso de partir submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:37 Carryon122 Trying to Reclaim a Little Power

Brief summary: DH and family “friend” had an affair that I uncovered 9 years ago. We had been married 22 years and had a young teen. I chose to stay. Affair kept under wraps because AP’s husband is a loose cannon. As an aside, I am still very hurt, very bitter and very full of malice toward the AP. DH never did a single thing to help me heal. I do little things from time to time to sort of stick the knife in his back and twist it just a little, while he doesn’t even realize it. The AP had one single perfume she wore. Several months after D-Day, I went and bought a bottle of it. I wear it occasionally and it never fails that he says I smell good. Never mentions when I wear another scent. I wore it today to his family’s Thanksgiving and sure enough, he hugged me and said I smelled good. I just give a Cheshire Cat smile. Does anyone else do little things like this or is it just me?
submitted by Carryon122 to survivinginfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:37 maureenmassacre [Repost][Academic] Attitudes Toward Drug Users (18+)

You are invited to participate in a research study being conducted by Wesley Rhodes and Dr. Colleen Biri at Lindenwood University. We are investigating current attitudes toward drug users.
This study has been approved by the Lindenwood IRB and will take approximately 10-15 minutes of your time.
Participants must be at least 18 years old and are able to read, write, and generally understand the English language.
Please consider participating in our study by clicking on the link below and feel free to share this link with any of your friends or family who you think might be interested in participating. Thank you for your time!
submitted by maureenmassacre to SampleSize [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:37 Odd-Yak126 W pulls! 💪🏻

Decided to open a few packs, absolutely W! 💪🏻 Both Liu Kang on f3, that’s what I wanted 😁
submitted by Odd-Yak126 to mkxmobile [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:37 Lopsided-Gas-8059 Seeking Advice: Why Did He Suddenly Go Cold After Our Connection Seemed So Strong?

I need some outside perspectives on a situation that’s been weighing on me. For context, I’ve been interacting with a guy for a while, and we recently met in person for the very first time. Before our meeting, we had shared some deeply meaningful conversations. He has openly told me that he struggles with internal conflicts, particularly surrounding his sexual orientation. He mentioned that he sometimes cries a lot because of it and feels a pressure on his chest, which makes me want to be even more supportive and understanding.
When we met, everything seemed great. Before I left, I told him I wouldn’t say goodbye the way I truly wanted because we were in public. To my surprise, he gave me a hug and then kissed me, and I could see happiness in his eyes. Later, he even texted me saying that, despite the kiss being brief, it was a “beautiful sensation.”
During our time together, he also mentioned in passing that “we don’t live that far apart,” which made me feel like he was considering the possibility of something deeper between us. I’ve always been consistent in showing him affection, and I’ve told him that I care about him. However, since that meeting, things have shifted drastically.
He became distant and cold in our conversations. At one point, I expressed my feelings, and he seemed to pull back even further, like my openness scared him. He has admitted to struggling with internal conflicts but hasn’t explained much beyond that. I noticed he often withdraws when things get too emotional or real.
Most recently, we were supposed to have a serious conversation last Sunday. He told me to wait for him to call, but he never reached out. Eventually, I heard back from him, but he was very cold and didn’t address why he didn’t call. He simply mentioned that he was struggling with some stuff in his life, but he didn’t go into detail. He apologized, but the apology felt very superficial, like he was avoiding discussing anything meaningful.
I’ve tried to be understanding, knowing his internal struggles, but his sudden coldness after everything we’ve shared feels so confusing and painful. Is he afraid of the connection? Is he testing me, or could he have lost interest entirely?
I’m torn between waiting for him to reach out, giving him space, confronting him about how his actions are affecting me or just ending everything already. I’d love to hear your thoughts on what could be causing this shift and how I should approach the situation.
submitted by Lopsided-Gas-8059 to lgbt [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:37 Old_Intactivist The states of New York and Rhode Island et al. were major players in the transatlantic slave trade and they once fielded armies in an effort to suppress the 10th Amendment. In the year 2024, these states appear to be contemplating the invocation of 10A in an effort to defend illegal immigration

The states clearly possess a right under the 10th Amendment to defend illegal immigration, if that's what they want. The main problem with that, however, is that the 10th Amendment was effectively destroyed by these very same states back in the 1860s when they took up arms against the South.
The question is, "what type of action needs to be undertaken by the federal government in the event that the states of New York and Rhode Island et al. endeavor to defy and/or obstruct federal efforts that are aimed at rounding up and deporting illegal immigrants ?" NEW CONFEDERATE VIEW POLL
- Invade the states of New York and Rhode Island with armed troops
- Bombard the state of Illinois with naval gunfire
- Rape and pillage and burn down the state of Massachusetts
- None of the above
View Poll
submitted by Old_Intactivist to TheConfederateView [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:37 Tricky_Chest My little Anthurium colllection

My little Anthurium colllection Hello! I'm new here.
submitted by Tricky_Chest to Anthurium [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:37 Kavinank5 483504630762 be online

483504630762 be online submitted by Kavinank5 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:37 AdStraight8744 Who is your guys favorite of 13 primes

Who is your guys favorite of 13 primes submitted by AdStraight8744 to transformers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:37 bbal87 Finally put this back together after a failed attempt while moving. It’s a pretty rewarding feeling:)

Finally put this back together after a failed attempt while moving. It’s a pretty rewarding feeling:) submitted by bbal87 to lego [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:37 JB92103 Did anyone ever try to watch TV back in the day on this? (Sony Watchman)

Did anyone ever try to watch TV back in the day on this? (Sony Watchman) submitted by JB92103 to 90s [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:37 bundesrepu ich_iel

ich_iel submitted by bundesrepu to ich_iel [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:37 pandatron624 Is there anything else I can do to improve my RTA box

Is there anything else I can do to improve my RTA box https://preview.redd.it/nzbjed7kkq3e1.png?width=1266&format=png&auto=webp&s=1766a6df2fcc1450f3eed334fecc7c14350c3d98
submitted by pandatron624 to summonerswar [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 00:37 bschultz03 Faderpro AND Audible Genius?

I’m a big noob when it comes to producing so I really wanted some guided help.
I just signed up for FaderPro.
I was really thinking of getting FaderPro as well as Syntorial from Audible Genius. They have a bundle for Syntorial and their building blocks 1 & 2. But I see that FaderPro has a whole 6 hour section on synths so I’m wondering if it’s redundant to get both? I assume Syntorial will have a lot more detail and I can use their Building Blocks to help with starting producing as well.. just not sure if I’m wasting my money singing up for both. Anyone have experience with both/either of these that can give me some helpful insight? It would be much appreciated! Cheers.
submitted by bschultz03 to musicproduction [link] [comments]
