What one of you owns this car? Working Security at MSY, Ran Across This..

2024.11.29 02:50 shreddednerves What one of you owns this car? Working Security at MSY, Ran Across This..

submitted by shreddednerves to NewOrleans [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:50 Ok-Entertainer-643 Quest autosave,, intended use or not?

So I was wondering whether or not it was intended that when you progress a quest, it autosaves at your last save point, specifically when the quest isn't tied to a specific location
I'm wondering because I used the hole in the barrier around mother's watch to get in and pick up the power cell, and then couldn't get back out because I forgot to stock up on fast travel packs, so used the "reset to last save" function, only to discover I still had the power cell, despite not manually saving after getting it
submitted by Ok-Entertainer-643 to horizon [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:50 Expensive-Mission-81 essa porra tá dando saque pendente e a fatura na fixed float fecha em 20 min

alguem sabe cancelar um saque pendente? ou então consegue imaginar pq essa porra tá assim? nunca aconteceu antes, sempre foi instantâneo o saque
submitted by Expensive-Mission-81 to BitcoinBrasil [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:50 neon_batman 35 [M4F] #SanDiego #CA #USA - Quadriplegic man looking for future girlfriend on Thanksgiving night

Let's get this out of the way first(don't want to waste your time)....I'm quadriplegic due to a genetic muscle disorder that causes progressive muscle weakness in every muscle of my body. This includes my cardiac and pulmonary muscles. I also use a power wheelchair so as you can imagine dating is a bit more difficult for me but I have found love on Reddit before so I’m back to find it again!
A LITTLE ABOUT ME: I would definitely call myself an introvert. I'm extremely even-tempered so it takes a lot to piss me off and/or offend me. I'm a good listener and very easy to talk to, I have been described by previous partners as genuine, kind and sweet. In person I can come across as quiet and shy at first but, I just need a little time to get comfortable with someone before I really open up.
----THIS IS ME----
Some things I enjoy....
-Making people smile/laugh
-Watching sports(Padres and Chargers)
-The cringiest of puns d4d jokes
-Standup comedy...Tom Segura, Bill Burr, Bert Kreischer, Andrew Schulz, Bobby Lee, Norm MacDonald, Mark Normand, Dave Chapelle, and many more.
-Collecting Batman memorabilia
-Podcasts like YMH, Tigerbelly, Kill Tony, TYSO, 2 Bears 1 Cave, Bad Friends, etc.
-Music...I mostly like Alternative and Classic Rock but I'm into some pop and open to everything really. Foo Fighters, Wet Leg, Cage The Elephant, RHCP, Queen, The Eagles, AURORA, etc. (Current Obsession is Chappell Roan}
-Going to concerts
-Shows...Currently watching Hacks on Max. all time favorite show is Breaking Bad
-Watching movies like horror, thrillers, sci-fi, comedy, and Super Hero stuff is fun Taskmaster!
ABOUT YOU: I’m looking for my best friend and partner, someone who wants a serious relationship. I want someone who is kind and compassionate, trustworthy and genuine. Someone with a sense of (sometimes dark)humor who can make me laugh and doesn’t take themselves too seriously. Someone who is not afraid to be silly sometimes. As for location, anywhere in the U.S. is fine as long as you are able and willing to visit me. It would be ideal if you could eventually relocate because that is currently not an option for me.
To show me that you’ve read the entire post and are serious please include the word football in your message. If you have any questions regarding my condition please feel free to ask me ANYTHING.
Don’t be put off by my disability, I don’t bite....unless you're into that ;)
submitted by neon_batman to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:50 kevingh92 My wife’s uncle has this meme framed in his house.

submitted by kevingh92 to mildlyinteresting [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:50 kibastorm baby dropped

so i’m 32 weeks, i’ll be 33 weeks on monday and i’m pretty sure baby has dropped, it’s been hard about a half inch below my sternum and baby has been in my ribs since about 28 weeks. she is now completely out of my ribs and i can breathe normally but it’s only hard like 2 inches below my sternum now and super squishy… i also keep getting pressure downstairs and have peed about 5 times in the last 45 minutes lol….. is this normal or like am i gonna be going into preterm labor this week ??? 😅
submitted by kibastorm to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:50 Gescartes Ambient/chillout music that prominently uses recordings of rain?

I love the sound of rain, and have passively heard some ambient/chillout tracks on di.fm that use rainfall/storms as the main base of the track, adding synths, samples, etc. over it. I usually enjoy it, but fail to take note of the artist.
I'd definitely be interested in anything in the ballpark of the above description, does not have to be exact by any means!
submitted by Gescartes to musicsuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:50 Shutupcole98 Jealousy

Everytime I'm in the Anomaly I see other players with such badass looking sentinel ships or any kind of salvaged ships I get jealous of their luck cause all I can ever find are ones like these 😭
submitted by Shutupcole98 to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:50 SonOfGerrard En busca de un buen podcast en Spotify

La idea es probar vuestros podcasts recomendados y usarlos para mejorar mi nivel de español (vivo en un lugar con muy pocos hispanohablantes). Sea cual sea el podcast, no me importa el sujeto. Solo quiero encontrar alguna que os gusta y que sea divertido, incluso mejor si está en Spotify. Gracias de antemano!
submitted by SonOfGerrard to espanol [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:50 UntamedNotes Why Paypal these modern days are getting worse!

I’ve been using PayPal for my freelancer since 2018. On November 13th, I received a notification stating that my account was restricted due to activity deemed inconsistent with PayPal’s User Agreement.
As a result, I can no longer send or receive money, and my linked bank and credit card information cannot be removed or used to create a new account. PayPal also informed me that my funds would be held for *** days before I could transfer them, causing significant disruption to my business. I’ve contacted customer service for clarification but have not received a satisfactory explanation of why my account was restricted.
submitted by UntamedNotes to paypal [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:50 queenserene91 [LF] Fish bait. [FT] Bells.

submitted by queenserene91 to Dodocodes [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:50 dpwdpw Algum fotógrafo em SP (pode ser amador) interessado em ajudar um ao outro a tirar fotos e conseguiria mais matches?

Oi pessoal,
Vou tentar resumir: durante os últimos 4 anos tenho focado em apps de relacionamento com um amigo (principalmente bumble), e acabamos indo de 0 matches pra matches e dates com mulheres que eram nosso tipo.
não, não foi só foto e não foi fácil. Comecei academia, pedi ajuda pra amiga que trabalha com moda pra me vestir melhor, fiz mt coisa. Também aprendi como sair do app e ir pra vida real o mais "rápido" possível, entendendo a sensibilidade e disponibilidade de cada mulher, claro. algumas preferem conversar mais online, outras menos, etc.
Eu não vivo no Brasil, já testei em 8 países diferentes e meu perfil funciona mt bem especialmente no Bumble. (3-4 dates por semana, conseguiria mais se as mulheres tivessem disponibilidade de dia de semana) Mas ainda tem potencial pra melhorar.
Por que estou compartilhando isso: minha intenção é encontrar alguém que queira tirar fotos um do outro, em São Paulo.
Eu tb te ajudo a melhorar seu perfil e tudo relacionado a isso, e no final nós dois saímos ganhando.
Se não tiver máquina fotográfica, de boa, eu tenho. Te ensino o básico de fotografia tb.
Só pra deixar claro, obviamente isso não tem custo e não um serviço, só to a procura de um amigo (ou amiga tb, estou aberto).
quem tiver interesse manda DM pra gente conversar e se conhecer :)
submitted by dpwdpw to TinderBR [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:50 Plane_Garbage_1230 Riptide Metronome

This is a bit of a frustration post but please help lmao. I have been trying to learn ukelele off and on for the longest time. I will learn parts of songs, and sometimes even full songs, but as they say, if you can't play a song in time, you can't play a song. I know the chords for riptide, and I use the strumming pattern DD-UDU. I can not, for the life of me, figure out the proper timing to do it with a metronome. I also can't find the right resource online that clicks for me. Literally any tips or attempt at help will be appreciated. I feel like if I learn to play one song in time, it will click for me and this is the song I know best. I will also take any tips on other songs to play to a metronome, I just need to build timing. Sorry that this post is all over the place.
submitted by Plane_Garbage_1230 to ukelele [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:50 Thomas-the-Dutchie SING IT WITH ME!!!!! LET IT GROW, LET IT GROW, LIKE IT DID SO LONG AGO

SING IT WITH ME!!!!! LET IT GROW, LET IT GROW, LIKE IT DID SO LONG AGO submitted by Thomas-the-Dutchie to furrymemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:50 eolson3 I don't have to work, so I won't! Why do you, suckers?

submitted by eolson3 to antiworkcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:50 visyblack Denims

Denims submitted by visyblack to KritiSanonn [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:50 faerie_wheelz666 Can sensory issues develop later in life?

I don't remember having a lot of the sensory issues that I deal with today, the most notable one being light sensitivity. Sure bright lights (especially really bright sunny days) were pretty disorienting and uncomfortable, but it seems to have kind of worsened over the years- i can't even have my warm room light turned on for a long time because it gets uncomfortable. Then again, i didn't really have many environments that had really bright lights like I do now. The same thing kinda goes for my noise sensitivity- i don't know if it's a result of trauma and anxiety or autism or both.. so I'm wondering if they can worsen or develop later. (Side note.. the only thing that has stayed consistent is sensory seeking through touch (having favourite fabrics/materials, grinding teeth together, pinching/fidgeting with skin, etc.))
Side note#2, i haven't been diagnosed yet and want to get as much information as I can before i do as I also have suffered through a LOT of things in my life that could have brought on signs and symptoms that look like autism.. and i don't remember that much of my childhood to fully determine if these behaviours have been consistent throughout my entire life
Sorry for the awkward wording I'm tired😭😭 Idk if this is the appropriate flair. Help.
submitted by faerie_wheelz666 to autism [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:50 PodcastDelivery One on One from Sky Sports

One on One from Sky Sports submitted by PodcastDelivery to PodcastDelivery [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:50 CeleestePhD [F21] Rate me honestly please

[F21] Rate me honestly please submitted by CeleestePhD to FaceRatings [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:50 deadstokk Need a lc on these items I got gifted (ring + glasses w/ case)

Need a lc on these items I got gifted (ring + glasses w/ case) Got gifted these at a party out of the blue
submitted by deadstokk to chromeheartlc [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:50 Informal_Possible_47 What are some instant red flags you see in a person?

submitted by Informal_Possible_47 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:50 Fluffy-Photograph592 What Would an AI-Generated RPG Look Like

With Elon Musk's new AI game studio, I’m curious—what if an RPG was fully generated by AI? Could it make the game world feel more unique and personalized, or would it end up feeling too repetitive and soulless?
submitted by Fluffy-Photograph592 to MMORPG [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:50 Herkmurk Is there a place to find all or most of a scholars works?

For example I want to read Kenneth Waltz, and know where to get his major works, such as online or buy them form amazon. But what about his extensive number of smaller essays he wrote. I can find some of them in places but was wondering if there was a place where all or most his works are organized. This isn't just for Waltz specifically, and not just IR, but just uses as an example. Thanks.
submitted by Herkmurk to IRstudies [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:50 GameProfessional 🌐 24/7 Video Game | SEGA Saturn Video Game Console in Box Very Clean! Plus 4 Games 2 Controllers

🌐 24/7 Video Game | SEGA Saturn Video Game Console in Box Very Clean! Plus 4 Games 2 Controllers submitted by GameProfessional to 247videogame [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:50 OrganizationDue185 Clocking the time — A7III, 100-400mm

@259mm, f5.6, 1/160s, ISO 100
submitted by OrganizationDue185 to SonyAlpha [link] [comments]
