2024.11.29 02:30 Character_Army6084 Help!25 M
What to do next? Am I cooked
submitted by Character_Army6084 to IndianHaircare [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 02:30 ChallengeDry5123 $2000 off on your next Model 3/Y
submitted by ChallengeDry5123 to teslareferralcode [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 02:30 salesbereli Magtech 9AS 9mm 115 gr Full Metal Jacket 50 Per Box/ 20 Cs - $199/1000rd FREE SHIPPING
submitted by salesbereli to ammodeals [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 02:30 Nio-bee Приятного аппетита!
В ходе проверок, проведенных Россельхознадзором в магазинах Мордовии, была обнаружена запрещенная добавка — микробная трансглютаминаза, известная как «мясной клей», в продукции ЗАО «Стародворские колбасы». Как сообщается на официальном сайте ведомства, нарушения зафиксированы на разных производственных площадках компании.
Кроме того, в Санкт-Петербурге в сливочном масле, поставляемом в детский сад и произведенном ООО ПК «Ильинское 95» (Московская область), выявлено 28,1% говяжьего жира, что указывает на фальсификацию продукта. Также в меде, реализуемом ИП Макевниным А.Н. из Ростовской области, обнаружены остатки лекарственного средства (4,6 мкг/кг метаболита фурацилина). Проба была взята в Ставропольском крае.
ЗАО «Стародворские колбасы» — одно из ведущих мясоперерабатывающих предприятий Центрального федерального округа, выпускающее продукцию с 1995 года. Ассортимент включает сардельки, сосиски, вареные и копченые колбасы, ветчину, известные под брендами «Стародворье», «Вязанка», «Горячая штучка» и др. На международных рынках, преимущественно на Ближнем Востоке, продукция представлена под брендом Foodgital.
В августе Генпрокуратура начала массовую проверку российских производителей на предмет использования микробной трансглютаминазы. В Алтайском крае нарушения подтвердились на предприятиях «Алтайская буренка» и «Родные просторы». В Мордовии штраф в размере 100 тыс. рублей был наложен на ООО «МПК „Атяшевский“», где также выявили запрещенную добавку. В Тамбовской области аналогичные нарушения обнаружили у рязанского производителя «ИП Исаев».
Издание The Moscow Times
submitted by Nio-bee to tjournal_refugees [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 02:30 The_MrYours cultivation?
Whats everyone's thoughts on the blazon cultivation?
Personally think it's just another added pay gap
Would be nice for them to add more features that are equal for majority of players.
submitted by The_MrYours to Evony_TKR [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 02:30 astroprices ZWO Seestar S50: €749.00 → €679.00 at Astroshop.eu
submitted by astroprices to astroprices [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 02:30 Narcisstinction Is this real or a fake?
i'll have it in person in a couple of weeks to see it all. if its real. what is it worth?
submitted by Narcisstinction to hockeyjerseys [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 02:30 thefilmforgeuk Is it nearly Christmas?
submitted by thefilmforgeuk to newmusic [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 02:30 unboxedjuice 4 months apart
Can’t believe how far I’ve come already… I’m so happy with my results. submitted by unboxedjuice to Semaglutide [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 02:30 OGBobbyHill Happy Thanksgiving Fellow Coffee Drinkers
submitted by OGBobbyHill to RoversMorningGlory [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 02:30 wasita PC dead, long beeping
PC was working fine until I fired up Stalker 2 game. PC turned off right away and long beeping non stop for 5 mins.
What is the cause ?
submitted by wasita to PcBuild [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 02:30 UnlikelyBluebird484 What is this, and how do I stop it?
submitted by UnlikelyBluebird484 to ThePoliticalProcess [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 02:30 OneSecond13 Mitylene history
Exit 11 on I-85 East has been named the Mitylene/Mt. Meigs exit since I moved to Montgomery in 1979. Exits are typically named for towns/communities in each direction. I know where Mt. Meigs is - take a right at the exit. In 1979, the only thing at that exit to the left following Atlanta Hwy back towards East Montgomery was a gas station, the Arrowhead subdivision, and a small store called the Arrowhead Trading Post.
I believe Mitylene was a community where the train tracks (now gone) crossed the Atlanta Hwy. There was an old cotton gin there (also now gone), and migrant workers would arrive by train to work at the gin each Fall. But in 1979 there was not a community in that area. No one lived there - only the migrants would come and go.
I have searched for information on the history of Mitylene but have turned up very little. A woman worked with in the early-1980s told me a story once about living in that area as a little girl and what happened to the community, but I have been unable to confirm it. So I thought I would ask montgomery to see if anyone knows anything - maybe you have a grandparent you can ask. Thanks.
submitted by OneSecond13 to montgomery [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 02:30 saketho Did you know?: The Beatles only became friends with each other because they were all Green Day fans!!
submitted by saketho to beatlescirclejerk [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 02:30 Resident-Camp-5021 If you were offered $1 million but to get it you had complete a task your 10-year-old self would think of, what would that be?
submitted by Resident-Camp-5021 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 02:30 1_2_34567_8 What fixed gear to I buy!!! Around 500-700 dollar budget
It’s between all the recs the state 4130, mercier kilo tt, fuji feather. I just need someone to tell me what bike to buy I can’t make a decision state has a 100 dollar off sale right now and my local bike shop guy tells me to buy that one but for some reason I hate state bikes. Any other recs or insight would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by 1_2_34567_8 to FixedGearBicycle [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 02:30 berferd77 Any tips for turning the water thing in the bowling alley on solo?
Have tried it a handful of times, but it’s a pain in the ass by yourself. Anyone have any tips?
submitted by berferd77 to BO6Zombies [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 02:30 Puzzleheaded_Tax2036 Curled my natural hair, what do you think? 🤔 💋
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Tax2036 to crossdressing [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 02:30 loopywitch Deep.
submitted by loopywitch to inspirobot [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 02:30 astroprices Omegon veTEC 16000 Color: €1,190.00 → €799.00 at Astroshop.eu
submitted by astroprices to astroprices [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 02:30 No_Comfortable5313 2023 Huaraz landrace pachanoi
These pachs are starting to show some personality, super excited to see how they all grow. My favorite are the last 2. submitted by No_Comfortable5313 to sanpedrocactus [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 02:30 mtkaliz Dreaming
I dreamed last night that I was trying out a variety of alcoholic beverages. About 1/2 way through the tasting, I remembered that I don't drink any more (38 days) and I was so sad that I was going to have to admit that I was back to square one.
It was the kind of dream that stays with you and I had to really think about what had actually happened. And the sense of relief I felt at realizing that it had been a dream nearly brought me to tears.
submitted by mtkaliz to stopdrinking [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 02:30 Athletica_ai No se actualiza mis umbrales
submitted by Athletica_ai to athletica_ai [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 02:30 AltruisticFarmer6830 just took this photo with only using my phone (nothing 2A), stacked in deep sky stacker, taken using a selfie stick, of (m31 andromeda galaxy) ........... (#clear skies)
submitted by AltruisticFarmer6830 to spaceporn [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 02:30 Disastrous-Fig-480 What episode is it the bit where Mike is on the earpiece to Hamish answering Pokémon questions for Sonny? Used in mikes going away segment?
Also I really hope strip fest isn’t a Peter out. I really wanna see how that turns out lol
submitted by Disastrous-Fig-480 to hamishandandy [link] [comments]