Was it only my impression, or people in Mexico always try to cheat you?!

2024.11.29 02:33 MagicTiffany Was it only my impression, or people in Mexico always try to cheat you?!

I spent three weeks in Mexico travelling between Mexico City, Guadalajara, Tequila, Yucatan peninsula, Oaxaca and surroundings. It was my first trip to Mexico and I was really excited about it. Don't get me wrong, I really loved the country and its culture, but I was surprised and sometimes stressed because Mexican people try their best to cheat you. Looks like when you are a tourist they want to squeeze as much money as they can from you.
I travelled a lot, a lot of countries and I would say I am an expert traveller, but I experienced that in Mexico you need to stay alert even for small things.
Examples: in Mexico City I stayed in a hotel which offered in the room bottle of water and Nespresso capsules. During the check out they wanted me to pay for the Nespresso capsules in the room, even if there was clearly no price list present (in the other hotels I stayed, there was always a price list if the items were not comolementary). Another time a guide gave me some money rest and one of the banknotes was not valid (I discovered it and gave it back to him). In another hotel they signed on my receipt a snack from the minibar that I never consumed. I rented a driver and agreed 3 hours of service, and he wanted me to pay 4 hours of service, faking the departure hour. Many times I went to restaurants, I leaved a tip and instead they put the tip they wanted. And many other stuff like this.
It is a pity because the country is beatiful, but all these behaviours only remove my will to come back again.
Anyone experienced it?
submitted by MagicTiffany to MexicoTravel [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:33 Independent-Mix-5568 I just unlocked the 5th builder, what do i do now

I just unlocked the 5th builder, what do i do now I was a maxed th7, and i rushed to Th9 during hammwr jam, i just unlocked my 5th builder, and now im unsure what to do with gems, i hv 0 epic equipment ( i am a returning player after 6 years who just joined before hammer jam and is still unfamiliar to everything mew)
submitted by Independent-Mix-5568 to ClashOfClans [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:33 Powerful-Parfait-922 Superintendent career path?

I have about 8 years of basic golf course maintenance experience (e.g. walk mow tees, greens, cutting cups, etc.) at a number of high end country clubs. I'd like to pursue a career as superintendent at a golf course. I have a bachelors in computer science but could I use that to my advantage? Or should I try and pursue more education?
submitted by Powerful-Parfait-922 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:33 coffeesandmilktea 35 [M4F] A constant FWB/FUBU to break the tension

Need something to take the edge off soon kasi ang hirap just keeping my thoughts inside. Someone who's down to get eaten and fucked and cuddles and good food after a rough fuck.

submitted by coffeesandmilktea to PHR4Rhookups [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:33 TheInaudibleOne SHRIMPSHRIMP

SHRIMPSHRIMP After my Betta died my bamboo shrimp was all alone, got him some friends today and revamped the tank! Looking forward to learning more about shrimp and upgrading my tank soon!!!
submitted by TheInaudibleOne to shrimptank [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:33 fllowercat por favor, me ajude (pfv leia tudo)

sinto que meu vício está cada vez pior, me sinto fraco e parece que não vou superar isso
há cerca de quase 2 meses atrás busquei esse subreddit em outra conta, mas a conta foi apagada, então contarei minha história novamente
tenho 16 anos, aos 9 tive minha primeira punheta efetiva e fui introduzido nisso muito cedo. Não sabia direito o que estava fazendo, então por volta dos 10/11 anos comecei a me masturbar com determinada frequência. Parei por um tempo, porém, desde os 12 me masturbo todos os dias (ou quase todos)
Vai fazer 5 anos que consumo pornografia quase diariamente e não me sinto bem com isso, de maneira que já consumi conteúdos que iam além do pornô normal. Ja ocorreu uma situação em que me masturbei no banheiro da escola, não me orgulho disso, muito pelo contrário.
Desde os 14 anos tenho o costume de me mostrar na internet, seja trocando fotos ou fazendo chamada de vídeo me masturbando com outros caras, coisa que começou com o omegle, depois passou para o discord e até mesmo para sites próprios para isso. Me arrependo de ter feito isso e me sinto sujo.
Nunca cheguei a gastar dinheiro com isso, mas já me atrase para compromissos e deixei de fazer coisas que precisava no meu dia diversas vezes
Por volta de 1 ou 2 meses atrás tentei sair do vício em masturbação e pornografia, mas meu maior tempo sóbrio foi 7 dias e desde que perdi esse marco de 7 dias, não estou conseguindo me controlar e a frequência que eu assisto pornô e me masturbo vem aumentando, hoje mesmo cheguei a 4 vezes seguidas sem intervalo, trancado no banheiro de casa.
Sei que sou capaz de parar, mas estou perdendo as esperanças. Qualquer ajuda será bem-vinda, exceto se vc vier falar que devo ir na igreja ou procurar Deus
sintam-se livres para conversar comigo na DM ou responder aqui, torço pelo meu sucesso e pelo de vocês também
submitted by fllowercat to nofapbrasil [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:33 Beanboy_18 Some doodle lads! Who’s your favorite? Or alternatively, who would win in a fight?

submitted by Beanboy_18 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:33 Stockmadman 2025年最值得投資的前10名港股公司

2025年最值得投資的前10名港股公司 在港股這個充滿變數又充滿機遇的市場,選擇最值得投資的公司可不是一件輕鬆的事。不過,話說回來,誰不喜歡在複雜的數字遊戲中尋找那些閃爍的金子呢?讓我們帶著一點幽默感,來看看2025年可能被視為港股中的十大寶藏公司吧!(請注意,以下分析僅供參考,投資有風險,決策需謹慎。)
1. 聯想集團(00992.HK) 財報亮點:作為消費電子龍頭,聯想集團的財報簡直就是一首“增長進行曲”。2024/25財年第二財季(2024年7~9月),聯想集團PC、手機和平板等組成的IDG智能設備業務實現收入968億元,同比增長17.4%,環比增長18.42%!這簡直就是給投資者送上的一份大禮包啊!更不用說,聯想集團在AI PC領域的優勢已經初步確立,未來增長潛力無窮。
2. 阿里巴巴(09988.HK) 財報亮點:阿里巴巴在2025財年第一季度實現營收2432億元,同比增長3.9%。淘天集團訂單量同比雙位數增長,雲智能營收同比增長6%,AI產品營收更是達到三位數的同比增長!這簡直就是“數字盛宴”,讓投資者看得目瞪口呆。
3. 腾讯控股(00700.HK) 財報亮點:腾讯的財報總是讓人眼前一亮。第二季度實現營收1611億元,同比增長8%,毛利859億元,非國際財務報告準則(Non-IFRS)經營利潤為584億元,同比增速分別為21%和27%!這簡直就是“現金奶牛”,讓投資者愛不釋手。
4. 華虹半導體(01347.HK) 財報亮點:半導體行業可是當下的熱門賽道,華虹半導體作為其中的佼佼者,其財報數據也是異常亮眼。雖然具體數據這裏不一一列舉,但從其股價的穩健增長就能看出,投資者對它的信心可是滿滿的!
5. 德林控股(01709.HK) 財報亮點:德林控股2025年中報顯示,其淨利潤為774.90萬港元,同比增長10.97%!這可是實打實的業績增長啊,讓投資者看到了公司的發展潛力。
6. 冠亞商業(00104.HK) 財報亮點:冠亞商業的財報總是讓人感到驚喜。2025年中報顯示,其淨利潤為3581.60萬港元,同比增長16.61%!這可是商業零售行業的佼佼者啊,讓投資者看到了該行業的復蘇勢頭。
7. 莊士中國(00298.HK) 財報亮點:雖然莊士中國2025年中報顯示其淨利潤為負數(-17733萬港元),但同比卻增長了15.35%!這可是個不小的進步啊,讓投資者看到了公司轉型升級的成果。
8. 敏捷控股(00186.HK) 財報亮點:敏捷控股2025年中報顯示,其淨利潤為2000萬港元,雖然同比減少了81.82%,但考慮到當前經濟環境的不確定性,這個業績已經算是相當不錯了。更重要的是,公司正在積極轉型升級,未來有望實現更好的業績表現。
9. 宏安集團(01222.HK) 財報亮點:宏安集團2025年中報顯示,其淨利潤為13182.70萬港元,雖然同比減少了30.51%,但考慮到當前宏觀經濟環境的壓力,這個業績已經算是相當不錯了。更重要的是,公司擁有強大的市場地位和技術實力,未來有望實現更好的業績表現。
10. 應力控股(02663.HK) 財報亮點:應力控股2025年中報顯示,其淨利潤為2508.50萬港元,同比增長3.61%!這可是個不小的成就啊,在當前經濟環境下能實現業績增長,已經足以讓投資者對其刮目相看了。
submitted by Stockmadman to meigukaihu [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:33 Livid_Permission2437 [QUESTION] I’m not able to view my own story on my account after posting it?

I posted something on my story, and logged out to see how it looks from a burner account. I’m able to view it on burner account like normal, but when I log back in it looks as though I never posted anything. I’m not able to see viewers or anything. I’ve already tried deleting and redownloading, updating the app, etc. I’d really like to see who views the story so it there any way to fix this??
submitted by Livid_Permission2437 to snapchat [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:33 DangerousPublic9023 Cave of Malice map keeps reseting.

Cave of Malice map keeps reseting. I'm not sure if that's normal or not, but it seems like every time I go back and forth those floors the dungeon map suddenly resets? Is that normal? This is my first time looking stuff up online so I'm not sure, but this sure as hell is annoying.
submitted by DangerousPublic9023 to wizardry [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:33 bgbg1234 Is it possible to save Home Screen Layouts?

Heya, Does anyone know if it's possible to back up my home screen so I can revert back to it anytime? And have more than one layout saved? Having different home screens would be awesome
I am using a Samsung Galaxy S22+
submitted by bgbg1234 to AndroidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:33 iBuyHardware C4C + upvote when clicked.

Make sure to upvote after so I can click yours, I'll upvote your comment when I'm done.
submitted by iBuyHardware to PKMNTikTokDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:33 GlumWriting236 How?

How? submitted by GlumWriting236 to BrandonDE [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:33 The_Gaming_Gnome 21m Lonely.

I could use a friend. Unfortunately all I really got is video games hang out with.
submitted by The_Gaming_Gnome to lookingforfriendship [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:33 RedSwordMan Animation text: Japan has reached the aesthetic pinnacle in concept art.

Animation text: Japan has reached the aesthetic pinnacle in concept art. submitted by RedSwordMan to conceptart [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:33 firelark01 that's it, that's the joke

that's it, that's the joke submitted by firelark01 to Dank [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:33 AngelonYT Fan art

submitted by AngelonYT to sypherpk [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:33 Nice_Throat6213 Aussie Broadband Refer a Friend code 14969737 Get $50 dollars off for 1st month

Both of us will get $50 off each for the first month if you use the referral code 14969737. Feel free to use this. Thanks in advance.
submitted by Nice_Throat6213 to beermoneyAus [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:33 Adorable-Combat Anyone got "Handbook of Organizational Creativity"?

Anyone got https://preview.redd.it/437njhq95r3e1.png?width=156&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5932a220e41e0ae40bf1c091406fa71ab7e5b5c
I could only find the one that focuses around individual and group levels. I'm looking for the one that talks about leadership & macro levels
submitted by Adorable-Combat to BookPiracy [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:33 jauggie420 Whoever came to my island and shook my money trees

DONT DO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM PISSED OFF NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BE A NICE PERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!
submitted by jauggie420 to Dodocodes [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:33 montaukwhaler Social determinants of health and variability in treatment for patients with early-stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

submitted by montaukwhaler to nsclc [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:33 necoarcisametalhead This the sort of stuff I be listening to (yes I like slam metal)

This the sort of stuff I be listening to (yes I like slam metal) submitted by necoarcisametalhead to TeenagersButBetter [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:32 leg-facemccullen Would an orthodontist let me wear braces just long enough to get my teeth like 50-75% straighter?

I don't need or necessarily want them perfectly straight because slightly crooked tooth have character, and the last bit of straightening seems to take forever
submitted by leg-facemccullen to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:32 Chemical-Leader9154 Goal Weight Question

Hello! I had my pre-op class on Tuesday and I asked what my "goal weight" could be. I am 5'2 female who is currently 250 pounds. They said it would be anywhere from 201-170 after the Roux-en-Y and it made me feel sad. I wanted to be less than that. Do you think it's possible / what advice would you give? Thanks!
submitted by Chemical-Leader9154 to BariatricSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:32 Necessary_Wing1142 Matthew Chapter 19 Holds the Key to Understanding LOVE

Matthew Chapter 19 Holds the Key to Understanding LOVE submitted by Necessary_Wing1142 to healingspirit [link] [comments]
