Curled my natural hair, what do you think? 🤔 💋

2024.11.29 02:30 Puzzleheaded_Tax2036 Curled my natural hair, what do you think? 🤔 💋

submitted by Puzzleheaded_Tax2036 to crossdressing [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:30 loopywitch Deep.

Deep. submitted by loopywitch to inspirobot [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:30 astroprices Omegon veTEC 16000 Color: €1,190.00 → €799.00 at

Omegon veTEC 16000 Color: €1,190.00 → €799.00 at submitted by astroprices to astroprices [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:30 No_Comfortable5313 2023 Huaraz landrace pachanoi

2023 Huaraz landrace pachanoi These pachs are starting to show some personality, super excited to see how they all grow. My favorite are the last 2.
submitted by No_Comfortable5313 to sanpedrocactus [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:30 mtkaliz Dreaming

I dreamed last night that I was trying out a variety of alcoholic beverages. About 1/2 way through the tasting, I remembered that I don't drink any more (38 days) and I was so sad that I was going to have to admit that I was back to square one.
It was the kind of dream that stays with you and I had to really think about what had actually happened. And the sense of relief I felt at realizing that it had been a dream nearly brought me to tears.
submitted by mtkaliz to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:30 Athletica_ai No se actualiza mis umbrales

No se actualiza mis umbrales submitted by Athletica_ai to athletica_ai [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:30 AltruisticFarmer6830 just took this photo with only using my phone (nothing 2A), stacked in deep sky stacker, taken using a selfie stick, of (m31 andromeda galaxy) ........... (#clear skies)

just took this photo with only using my phone (nothing 2A), stacked in deep sky stacker, taken using a selfie stick, of (m31 andromeda galaxy) ........... (#clear skies) submitted by AltruisticFarmer6830 to spaceporn [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:30 Disastrous-Fig-480 What episode is it the bit where Mike is on the earpiece to Hamish answering Pokémon questions for Sonny? Used in mikes going away segment?

Also I really hope strip fest isn’t a Peter out. I really wanna see how that turns out lol
submitted by Disastrous-Fig-480 to hamishandandy [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:30 UnstopableBoogaloo Flashbangs bugged?

Think flashbangs are bugged, if you drop the flashbang at a pallet as the killer is breaking it, the hitbox of the pallet doesnt allow them to be blinded.
submitted by UnstopableBoogaloo to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:30 Icy_You7995 Why isn't counsel ever wearing gowns in court?

This TV show is so unabashedly Canadian, and sometimes the dialogue and easter eggs that promote the city of Vancouver feels a little corny and forced.
It's all good, but I'm wondering why then did this overtly Canadian show not adhere to B.C. gowning policy where counsel wears gowns in court?
submitted by Icy_You7995 to FamilyLaw_OnGlobal [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:30 astroprices Meade 8" ACF LX200 with Tripod: €3,899.00 → €3,499.00 at

Meade 8 submitted by astroprices to astroprices [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:30 boosackpotatoes So this happened, bs

So this happened, bs Was playing koi and for whatever reason it didn't connect all the way through. Never seen this happen but it should of connected all the way across.
submitted by boosackpotatoes to ChumbaCasino [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:30 Overlytiredqueerspie Them not being real is gonna make me cry what do I do?

submitted by Overlytiredqueerspie to FictoLove [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:30 Horsegoats And you guys said don’t go with lowest bid…

And you guys said don’t go with lowest bid… Ha! I saved so much
submitted by Horsegoats to Roofing [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:30 Rough-Can-4582 Bucket list

This may not be the best subreddit to ask this, but do you guys have a bucket list? Things that you'd want to do if there's an opportunity or when you are already capable of doing them.
submitted by Rough-Can-4582 to MentalHealthPH [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:30 Previous-Grocery4827 Why do people use a cantilever scope mount on SCARs?

On Ar15s, its used because the upper is not monolithic and the hand guard section of rail is separate from the receiver. So, if mounting your optic causes the mount to straddle the receiver and hand guard sections of the rail, you use a cantilever to have the mount only on the receiver section.
SCARS have a monolithic upper, so this isn't an issue. Why do I see everyone running cantilevers then?
submitted by Previous-Grocery4827 to FNSCAR [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:30 Cool_Pair6063 ¿soy el unico al que le molesta que hablen fuerte? ¿Es normal?

Cuando salgo a la calle con alguien y hay personas escuchando lo que me están diciendo, me da vergüenza, puede ser sobre cualquier tema. ¿Es normal?
submitted by Cool_Pair6063 to Colombia [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:30 astroprices Celestron CPC 1100 GPS (XLT): €4,999.00 → €4,499.00 at

Celestron CPC 1100 GPS (XLT): €4,999.00 → €4,499.00 at submitted by astroprices to astroprices [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:30 chairman_cow Do mid-level frontend software dev interviews require leetcode?

Looking to interview soon and I'm wondering how much time I should dedicate to studying leetcode versus standard frontend prep such as javascript, react and typescript technicals.
I know companies like Tiktok, Atlassian, AWS, Google will ask leetcode style questions regardless of the type of software interview but I had heard various (possibly unreliable) sources that Canva frontend interviews are more js/react heavy rather than leetcode style.
Just wanted to make this post and crowdsource some recent experiences
submitted by chairman_cow to cscareerquestionsOCE [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:30 Radiant_Bad1095 Two years

Spent two years of my life going and forth overseas to see my person. Last week a misunderstanding led to her ending things with me. I let my anger get the best of me and now she will not even speak to me or respond to me
submitted by Radiant_Bad1095 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:30 Aryan_Anushiravan Smell advice

Smell advice submitted by Aryan_Anushiravan to rimjob_steve [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:30 astroprices Celestron Advanced VX 8" EdgeHD: €3,099.00 → €2,899.00 at

Celestron Advanced VX 8 submitted by astroprices to astroprices [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:30 css555 First time planespotting (11-24-24 at JFK) - IPhone 16 Pro Max

First time planespotting (11-24-24 at JFK) - IPhone 16 Pro Max submitted by css555 to Planespotting [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:30 MRKX_VFX Almost dammit

Almost dammit submitted by MRKX_VFX to Spacemarine [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:30 Ok_Knee1216 Ready for the next holiday?

Ready for the next holiday? submitted by Ok_Knee1216 to homedecoratingCJ [link] [comments]