2024.11.29 03:49 Kindly_Strain3677 Dyson 20X
I just purchased this. On sale plus 20X points 👍 submitted by Kindly_Strain3677 to ShoppersDrugMart [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 03:49 feellikemakinlove2u Thank You
This is hard, babe… Used to be, I could just cast my thoughts about you out into the world, and the situation may have been complicated, but the feelings were not. Desire. Need. Longing. Love. Lust. All of them deep, for sure, but easy enough to express…
But now… All of those things — all of them, and each of them stronger than ever before — but now mixed in with all the beautiful complexity of an actual friendship, a living, breathing relationship… not based on daydreams and wishes, but on mutual trust and understanding, on support and companionship. Conversations whose depth are limited only by the limited time we have to spend together…
As far as I'm concerned, this is what strong, lasting love looks like, babe. And if just one or two things were just a bit different…
But I just don't know if I have the words for it, my love. I wanted to write to you today about all the ways I'm grateful to you… you know, in the spirit of the holiday. And, I mean… I could rattle things off all night…
Like… how you see me, how I think you have always done so, even back in the beginning, in the "before-times". And how I think you're the first person to do so in a really, really long time. And how, once I get over my self consciousness and fear, I feel like I can always just… be me when I'm with you. Nothing has to go in a box on a shelf. My interests, even the ones you might not be super into, you see them, you accept them, and you validate them. Until we started talking more, I can't even remember the last time I've had that in my life…
Thank you.
The support you give me, your wonderful insights and fantastic advice. And, again… validation. Those walking "therapy sessions"… Gosh. How I feel like I could tell you anything at all, and you would be right there, no judgement, no blame, just… there. To listen, to support. Oh, babe, you make for such an amazing partner. I know we're both dealing with parenting challenges that we could have never foreseen, but it's so much easier to face knowing that we've got each other's back.
Thank you.
The way you've brought me out, reminded me of things that have long brought me joy, but which had maybe gotten lost along the way… music, those camping trips, even just the companionship with our other neighbors. I know some of that is just timing… the kids growing into their teens, and the freedom that follows. But you've given me the reason, and more than a few excuses. I think maybe everyone is in agreement that we may have overdone it a bit with the concerts this summer, but good grief it was fun, wasn't it?
Thank you.
Oh, babe… I could go on. I could probably go on all night. You've brought so much color and light into my life. Thank you. You were so patient with me while I figured out that you weren't just being midwest friendly with me. Thank you. You trust me enough to open up to me when you're stressed or facing difficulties. Thank you. You are just an all-around wonderful human being who makes everyone's lives brighter, and you've somehow decided to shine so much of that light right onto me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Oh, gosh, I love you babydoll. I do. And I am so grateful to you just for choosing to be a part of my life.
Thank you.
I love you, babe. Always.
submitted by feellikemakinlove2u to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 03:49 Darth-Minato It’s late and I’m late posting
Finally get to show this one off. I’m happy. submitted by Darth-Minato to Currencytradingcards [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 03:49 Prof-Fluffy I love Dawn FM
I got into Abel’s music over a year ago, and recently started listening to Dawn FM. Now I have been listening to take my breath for a while, but somehow not the rest of the album. I just wanna say how unique of an album it is, I love the idea of it being its own radio station. Any time I listen I always just play the album together to really immerse myself into the concept. Absolutely genius concept, love it, and I can’t wait for Hurry Up Tomorrow!!
submitted by Prof-Fluffy to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 03:49 Fluffy-Kangaroo-1801 8 ⭐️ each
submitted by Fluffy-Kangaroo-1801 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 03:49 FitBoard3685 How ducked am I?
I had like 120k in my account. They asked for bank statements so I moved the money and provided proof but now it's going to a review team?
And thy want me to hold my drivers license up and take a photo? How sick do you get.
submitted by FitBoard3685 to universalcredithelp [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 03:49 Single-Ad-8164 Aranızdan kaç kişi hater olup sonradan burada Kendine yer edindi
Önceden cok havalı birsey filan zannediyordum pride bayrağı = 🚮 yazınca Vatan görevi yapmış gibi çok Saçma sapan Havalara giriyordum Bunun ne kadar Berbat ve rezil birsey olduğunu fark edince bıraktım ve aynı zamanda Bu topluluğun uyesiyim peki sizde eskiden Homofobik miydiniz submitted by Single-Ad-8164 to kuir [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 03:49 Sarahhellcat Hi everyone! This is me!!
submitted by Sarahhellcat to SpellcasterReviews [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 03:49 flatulasmaxibus More low effort that using a stock photo for a meme
submitted by flatulasmaxibus to SVSeeker_Free [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 03:49 Fun-Standard-6299 Returning player help
Hello, I played until DC first came out then stopped til today. For the hell of it I pulled for aslan and got him and his weapon and now I want to play more lol Holy moly theres a lot of freebies from codes and a lot in game as well. I'm not quite sure where im suppose to even begin. It might be vague to just ask for help but im not even sure what specifics to ask for so any advice would be very welcomed TY!
submitted by Fun-Standard-6299 to astraknightsofveda [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 03:49 Solid-Stomach-4653 Ok hear me out... "Invincible Aegir Fleet" in Sea Power. Can it be done? Coz I feel the need to recreate it....
submitted by Solid-Stomach-4653 to acecombat [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 03:49 Badrpedia الرواتب نزلت توها، تصدقوا قبل ما تخلصونها
عشان الله يبارك في رزقكم
submitted by Badrpedia to SaudiForSaudis [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 03:49 A_Zesty_Carrot What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by A_Zesty_Carrot to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 03:49 Prettysis2023 88 and 96, 200+ hrs review
I didn’t know that after reading the concepts, QUIZLET were literally (the holy grails) what I should focus on and— more on practice questions for RATIONALE from ATI test bank/ practice test, Mometrix practice questions (subscribed for $40), and archer review (free). Brandon Craft 30$ (free videos) 🌸 I reviewed for months. I followed each subject per week but I would do it differently by doing most time on quizlet/practice questions. I highlighted the ATI book cover to cover and Science part in Mometrix book. I did every practice test on ATI book and read the rationale for concepts. If I would do it differently, I would have WATCHED youtube FIRST for concepts: Nursecheung ($9) for all and Mometrix (Science and Language) even while driving to save time efficiently. 🌸 I would have BINGE watched YOUTUBE: mometrix and nursecheung videos first. Mometrix is more comprehensive than ATI book for me. ( I used it for science but would have done language usage with Mometrix). Some are Crashcourse for biology/chemistry (biology: Tour of the cell to Mutations) (chemistry #40 to nomenclature) 🐦🔥 I had problem with reading books 😂 SO, I used the 🔈 speech button at ATI and put large captions for ATI to READ FOR ME— Also, downloaded Speechify to my computer for reading MOMETRIX (Usually, it’s 7 to 15 mins per organ system in A & P) and I used the speed of 1.5X so it’s even faster than that! ⚡️ For math, I used BRANDON CRAFT for all math problems (I watched free videos but bought the workbook. AND later reviewed WITH Math practice test youtube (Nursehub, Smart edition Nursing, Mometrix practice test math which are so easy to follow) ⚡️ And I searched Quizlet questions in Naxclex and studocu (to check all possible questions & a, or explanation). I search up keywords on quizlet: Teas 7 exam, exam sets, etc and look if it’s good quality to review. If they deleted quizlet, then most likely is a question and I would search up the questions that was deleted and review all that’s there. I also read passages even if they only have Q & A. I searched up Amanda and Tristine but I don’t think they’re there anymore. 🌸 I downloaded flora app as well for time management and bought Mr. Pen for highlightenote 📝 🌸 For Language Usage, I think mometrix might be a better help than ATI but I used the later more. I scored least in language usage. I used the ATI testbank most. ⚡️ Thank you for all the recommendations and resources they share here on reddit and fb groups which I find very helpful. I didn’t know where to start at first, until I sat on chair 🪑 and I realized it’s essential for mine. Took me so much time looking for resources, but at the end— pick whatever is best for you and it’s the time in PRACTICE🍀.
Today, we’re one down🎊
submitted by Prettysis2023 to teas [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 03:49 Embarrassed_Tiger983 Looking for / Offering below Spacial Rend Palkia
submitted by Embarrassed_Tiger983 to PokemonGoTrade [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 03:49 Ri_Ollmhor Meet Jack And Jingle, the ASMR Kings!
This is one of my favorite videos of the boys doing what they do best! Jack is three years old while Jingle is 11 months old. They are as thick as thieves and do their best to always keep us on our toes with the new mischief they get up to! submitted by Ri_Ollmhor to labrador [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 03:49 Ok-Rest-4276 Moose Test
Hi, considering buying. Anyone knows if there was any moose test for Highlander? How safe vehicle it is considering potential tumbling during accident? I've heard suspension is pretty soft, and it feels like its not super stable in turns?
submitted by Ok-Rest-4276 to ToyotaHighlander [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 03:49 senbonzakura01 What moment in life did you have it all, and lose it all real quick?
submitted by senbonzakura01 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 03:49 ohnoitsa8 Help w/ surfer/stoner voice?
I'm doing Eddie's monologue from Fading Joy for class. I know nothing about the play, but this monologue takes place on a beach and I want Eddie to have that stonesurfer accent. Like crush the turtle. It's not that important, I just thought it'd be fun
I'm on mobile and don't now how to put the video in the post so it's unlisted on yt instead
As far as emotions go, I know what I want to do and I'll get that figured out, but I can't find anything on how to do that surfer voice and don't know if mine sounds good or not lol
Thanks for any help!
submitted by ohnoitsa8 to acting [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 03:49 jcartw21 WTS: Ottawa Boots in Black Chromexcel 8.5EEE
submitted by jcartw21 to grantstoneboots [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 03:49 Realistic-Balance268 You have one choice and it's 5.56.
submitted by Realistic-Balance268 to ak47 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 03:49 Ansymon Guys Is it Unethical To Use Catgirls as Currency?
Guys this is a seariouous Qwezton!!!
In my isekai fantasy setting Catgirls are not used as sex slaves(real revolutionary idea i know) because people fear being labeled as zoophiles if they do.
But catgirls are too weak and meak to do menial labor. They are too docile and happy too be slave soldiers and yet too ornery and selfish to be good display pets.
So I did the only thing humane and made the catgirls the currency used in trade. Different breeds with different hair colors and cat to girl features have different values. Dichromatic eyed atheltic catgirl milfs are equivalent to gold standart and lolis are zimbabwe dollar.
I dont know how else i can include catgilrs in a storey. I have been told i can include them as having or demanding equal rights to hoomies but who the hell would read such a story? Who am i to judge if people demand catgirls to be objects?
Anyway should i keep this or use catgirls as bricks to build houses and/or furniture instead?
submitted by Ansymon to worldjerking [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 03:49 Arixsus Happy with a Win, but man all I can think of is our Defense basically being the Black Knight.
submitted by Arixsus to detroitlions [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 03:49 SnookyZun SCUTLIX MY FAV
submitted by SnookyZun to Terraria [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 03:49 TweakedSnoopy87 Find the Tzu!
Maverick and I want to know, when you can’t find your Tzu, what are some of the weirdest places you have found them? Some of Maverick’s are under the couch, behind the cushions and on the window sill ONLY when the blinds are down. submitted by TweakedSnoopy87 to Shihtzu [link] [comments] |