Fun facts about "Amir"

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2024.11.29 04:50 Sprinklsthecat Fun facts about "Amir"

•He was originally just called "Uber eats guy" •People have nerfed him 1000x •"Uber eats guy series" was originally by nickcrazyyt •Uber eats guy used to have a nemesis named "Doordash Worker" •Uber eats guy is built different •Original Uber eats guy series actually had a storyline unlike everything else •Uber eats guy had a friend alien named George and a snake named George2 which he found in a desert •New Uber eats guy acts lazy, and whines until the client gives him 2 dollars. Old Uber eats guy gets the task done quickly •Uber eats guy has more lore then FNaF and other things
Just wanted to share these facts :]
submitted by Sprinklsthecat to ubereatsguy [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:50 Narch_Nightroad ¿Que cosas creen que son "creencias de gente pendeja"?

Así como suena gente digan algo que suene vomo creencias de gente pendeja:
Creer que las lechugas son brujas.
submitted by Narch_Nightroad to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:50 Peas_Are_Upsidedown She is the reason I LOVE long haired women !!!!

She is the reason I LOVE long haired women !!!! Can we please get some love for Crystal Gayle and my wife ?
submitted by Peas_Are_Upsidedown to 1980s [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:50 Ok_Landscape8418 29/M one more shift to go, hopefully it flies by

Last day of waking up so early, hope you are all doing well, looking forward to the weekend, anyway if you fancy a chat drop me a message, all are welcome
submitted by Ok_Landscape8418 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:50 CodeTight9730 left or right?

left or right? submitted by CodeTight9730 to vscosloots [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:50 Duration_matte Leadership

Any in here part of leadership?
submitted by Duration_matte to sherwinwilliams [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:50 LeoThe_Goat LC Pokemon White

LC Pokemon White Looks good to me just making sure.
submitted by LeoThe_Goat to gameverifying [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:50 DoCrabsThinkFishFly_ Bruh

Bruh submitted by DoCrabsThinkFishFly_ to LootRoyale [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:50 Norajerickson Tiktok is a bad math goldmine

Tiktok is a bad math goldmine submitted by Norajerickson to sciencememes [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:50 nonairkitzy dam

dam submitted by nonairkitzy to namesoundalikes [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:50 Objective_Present961 Should I just pull the plug and go bald?

Should I just pull the plug and go bald? submitted by Objective_Present961 to bald [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:50 MyNutss Any websites that track websites experiencing high traffic?

Random thought but any websites that track traffic, especially ones that have activated the “waiting room”?
submitted by MyNutss to msp [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:50 Dramatic-Weather-561 ALRIGHT BOYS! CHOOSE A CURSOR!

submitted by Dramatic-Weather-561 to WingsOfFire [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:50 AreYouItchy Sweet - Ballroom Blitz

Sweet - Ballroom Blitz submitted by AreYouItchy to 70smusic [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:50 Far-Dragonfruit5551 Never cashing out again!

Cashed out at halftime because the Dolphins looked like shit and Tyreek wasn't doing anything. A win is a win but I'm never cashing out again!
submitted by Far-Dragonfruit5551 to fanduel [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:50 Primordial_Nyx01 I have aphantasia and never knew until almost 2 years ago.

So, I discovered I have aphantasia almost 2 years ago, when a podcast i listen to brought it up. One of the members talked about their experience having it and it suddenly clicked that having no mental imagery isn't normal.
I never realized the ways it impacted my life until afterwards and I feel frustrated and silly sometimes.
People giving me verbal instructions was always a struggle, shockingly, because I can't picture what's 2 blocks down and to the left. Thus I just repeat it for dear life and hope something stick out to give context clues.
Driving is rough because I can't picture where things are and so I only rely on GPS and familiarity (it took me 6 months to be able to drive to my job without GPS, I still use it because sometimes I still miss the clues I have for myself).
I don't remember people's faces when I don't see them. I can keep certain details to help me remember them for when i see them again, but I can picture nothing. Such as my boyfriend, I know he has curly hair that goes to the nape of his neck. If someone were to get a haircut or change their appearance drastically, I have a hard time recognizing them, if at all. (Ie. My co worker has always been blond, when she dyed her hair to a complete black, i did not recognize her, and had to use context clues to help me such as unique tattoos she has).
I've heard that others with aphantasia struggle to read books, but I don't picture anything. I feel it instead. So books are incredibly immersive for me. (Ie a book describes a large castle, i don't picture a castle. Instead I feel the coldness of the stone, the wind flowing around it, the clang of metals, ect).
I never got into drawing and such because I could never picture what I wanted the result to be and would be free balling the whole time, which would impact the goal of what I'm trying to make.
I almost never dream. The rare times I have, my brain does not treat it as a dream, and it feel incredibly real to me. They are also the same 3 dream/nightmares since childhood, which is how I started to recognize them as dreams.
It's so frustrating because I spent most of my life feeling stupid and frustrated that I couldn't do what others did.
I genuinely thought when someone said "picture ____", it was a figure of speech.
That is all, thank you for reading about what's been weighing on my chest since I discovered i had it.
submitted by Primordial_Nyx01 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:50 pigmentoverde Look Tomar it's you!!

Look Tomar it's you!! submitted by pigmentoverde to OneyPlays [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:50 odnanref101993 Coco Survival

Coco Survival
How long can your Coco fight Yagoos? I guess this is both a throwback and challenge.
submitted by odnanref101993 to holocure [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:50 absentmindedpopcorn Open spot along incision 11 weeks pp

Open spot along incision 11 weeks pp I am FREAKING out. In the shower just now I was running my hands along my CS scar with soap to clean the area when my fingers discovered something that didn’t feel right. Sure enough, there appears to be an open spot right along my incision— see photo. Naturally this happens when my OB’s office is closed tomorrow (Friday) for the Thanksgiving weekend so I can’t contact her. What do I do? It’s late at night for me so I’m planning to put antibacterial ointment & a bandaid on it for the time being. But I am so scared. My incision was healing so well and now this happens out of the blue 😭
submitted by absentmindedpopcorn to CsectionCentral [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:50 False_Assignment_398 WEIRD CALL MADE BY ITSELF

When I was a teenager I was in my room.. my grandma came out of her room and said "Cameron(my cousin) why are you calling me when you're in the house???" He said " I'm not my phone is in the kitchen" he went to grab his phone and it was calling her.
We lived across from railroad tracks. By the railroad tracks was a bar (stupid place for a bar).. That night a man left the bar plastered and ended up being hit by a train. We could actually hear the train trying to stop but didn't think anything of it. The moment her phone started getting a call from his phone BY ITSELF was the moment he was hit.
I will never forget that night. It was so unsettling to me then.
submitted by False_Assignment_398 to Paranormal [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:50 Eclipse_Canon Maid Bocchi

Maid Bocchi submitted by Eclipse_Canon to KessokuBand [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:50 jakob20041911 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by jakob20041911 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:50 CowSufficient9084 Selling Triple Glow Flora!

Selling Triple Glow Flora! submitted by CowSufficient9084 to HorseLifeHQ [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:50 Stef12344321 Why from EU warehouse I have like 80 dollars of taxes

Base game is 333, when I buy I get 80 dollars of estimated taxes? O.o
submitted by Stef12344321 to KingdomDeath [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:50 AutoModerator alex mendes leak alex mendes video vazados alexmendes04 alex mendes tiktok alexwm10

alex mendes leak alex mendes video vazados alexmendes04 alex mendes tiktok alexwm10 submitted by AutoModerator to Corgi474 [link] [comments]