2024.11.29 05:44 BrewsAndBirdies Thinking of Selling
I’ve had my car since 2015, bought it new, and it’s been a reliable daily driver ever since. It’s completely stock, and I’ve always kept up with maintenance. I’ve never taken it to the track, but I’ve heard from other owners that the engine’s reliability can be unpredictable—some have issues, while others don’t. I’ve been thinking about selling, but I’d really love to keep my BRZ forever. The financially responsible side of me worries about potential issues down the road. I’d love to hear your experiences or thoughts on this.
submitted by BrewsAndBirdies to ft86 [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 05:44 ChikaraNZ I never heard of aerogel until I played this game, and up until today I thought it was just a made-up thing in the game. But it's a real thing.
submitted by ChikaraNZ to subnautica [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 05:44 peachsweetkiss Sexy without undressing
submitted by peachsweetkiss to SexyButNotNude [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 05:44 Queasy_Yellow_1666 Kærestesorg af en som ikke er min kæreste
Jeg ved egentligt ikke hvad jeg vil med dette opslag, men måske lette hjertet lidt (F22)
Ham jeg har ses med de sidste 4 måneder, har nu droppet mig. Jeg er græde færdig - jeg tog i skole for at distrahere mig selv, men da jeg kom hjem igen, græd jeg mig selv i søvn. Jeg har haft 2 tidligere forhold hvor ingen af dem har såret mig som i dette - og dette var ingen gang en kæreste. Jeg ved simpelthen ikke hvad jeg skal gøre af mig selv, jeg er ked af det og tankerne flyver rundt. Det har været nogle fantastiske 4 måneder men igår sagde han at vi bare var bollevenner og på ingen måde datede mig romantisk. Han har i de 4 måneder inviteret mig på dates, på museum, ud og spise stor middag, købte mig blomster, snakkede fremtid og om hvad han ville give min mor i gave når han møder hende, mødt hans venner, lavede playlister med sange som mindede ham om mig, alt som gav tegn på vi datede romantisk. Jeg føler mig så dum, og i snakken vi havde, sagde han at jeg var syg i hoved for overhoved at tro at dette var en romantisk relation da han klart havde udtrykt vi bare sås "casual".
Han mente vi skulle blive ved med at ses som venner men det kan jeg slet ikke. I går skrev han “har du fået det bedre idag, du skal ikke gå og være ked af det”, det syntes jeg er en tarvelig besked, for han ved udmærket hvor ked han har gjort mig.
Jeg tror måske trisheden ligger i at jeg nu skal være single igen, og intet har det her betød noget for ham. Der er ingen der skriver godmorgen og godnat til mig mere, sender mig billeder i løbet af dagen, kommer og hygger om mig og fortæller mig hvor smuk og fantastisk jeg er.
Jeg er bange for jeg ikke finder en igen som havde den humor, var så attraktiv i min optik og fik mig til at føle jeg var en fantastik og stærk kvinde. Noget af det bunder nok også ud i at det var det bedste sex jeg nogensinde har haft, og det får jeg ikke igen sammen med ham - han giv mig selvtillid og det er væk nu.
Min veninde har allerede fundet ham på tinder og tankerne køre hvorvidt om han allerede er ude og finde en ny at have sex med, om han finder en at blive forelsket i, nu hvor han ikke ville mig, om han bare er pisse ligeglad eller bare lod som om.
Jeg holder ikke til at være så ked af det. Og jeg ved jeg nok skal komme over det, men det gør det ikke mindre hårdt. Han køre rundt i hoved på mig, og føler ikke jeg kan lave andet end at græde. Jeg snakkede lidt med min mor om det igår, og mine veninder har ikke tid til at ses.
Jeg ved egentligt ikke om jeg søger nogle råd, eller om det bare er for at få skrevet tankerne ned, men tak!Jeg ønsker jer allesammen en skøn fredag
submitted by Queasy_Yellow_1666 to DKbrevkasse [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 05:44 Full-Mulberry5018 Multicolored Gemstone Eternity Band
submitted by Full-Mulberry5018 to Multicolored [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 05:44 LexGoEveryday Let’s Talk About What We’re Thankful For | Happy Thanksgiving
submitted by LexGoEveryday to lexgoeveryday [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 05:44 --DOTS-- I hate the new announcer so much
I'm a long time zombies fan and have been playing since the World at War days and am still having fun to this day in Black Ops 6. While yes I do enjoy the newer games despite their shortcomings, I will never understand the creative decision to change the announcer since Cold War. It makes sense that it would change given a shift into the dark aether story but it was so much better when it felt more intimidating with Sam or even the zaniness of having Richtofen in Black Ops 2 really brought a lot of personality to the mode that we don't see so much anymore. I would love to see a return to form in some of the coming maps but not holding my breath too much.
submitted by --DOTS-- to CODZombies [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 05:44 Mobile_Diamond I just found a gold mine
Hey guyz, I was in desperate need of money so I was searching all over the internet to find a way that can make me a few bucks for my survival, I came across this blog which said "undisclosed way to earn money" which I obviously thought was total BS and the guy would be telling me to open a dropshipping business or start video editing and all that 2018 BS but now I am so glad I went ahead and read the article, this guy had amazing amazing ideas, the best part is I tried the first one and it worked so soo well, I am easily making around $300/week on literally autopilot. you must checkout this site. The site link is - just search earnin2025 blog and you will see the first blogger site submitted by Mobile_Diamond to EarningOnline [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 05:44 Northern_Chef What unsung Leader do you use the most and why
I use Peter and Russia. I find the faith bonus and dance of aurora and you package that with production based pantheons. Have larger boarders in cities I find is helpful as well. Then in the government plaza get the cathedral that gives you the ability to purchase military units with faith. This gives you multiple opportunities for victory and can pivot at anytime. I am addicted to using Peter on Inland map, Standard, Deity, New World, Abundant resources, Legendary start Max AI, and low city states (5). Side now I have a rabbit name Peter lol we call him Czar based off the character so I’m bias submitted by Northern_Chef to CivVI [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 05:44 curiousminde Basic Channel
Spent the holiday fixing a broken NAO. We are still working out a few things, but happy to have a function Nao v4. Anyone have any information on where to get the Basic Channel?
submitted by curiousminde to nao [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 05:44 Yourlocalfurry45 Can someone find what video this is from I want to see the entire thing
submitted by Yourlocalfurry45 to shiba [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 05:44 Plz_Beer_Me_Strength A solid line-up for a Sazerac tasting
Attended a tasting tonight that was quite something. Ended up with an ER single barrel, Blanton gold and Blanton original. submitted by Plz_Beer_Me_Strength to whiskey [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 05:44 Shlub Castle Sinclair Girnigoe. Scotland 🏴
submitted by Shlub to castles [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 05:44 Cautious-Extent-2570 Roommate Problems
I need advice and I need it bad. My roommate and I have been living together for several months now. Before we moved in it seemed like she was really going to be a great roommate. First it started with her owing me $900 for the safety deposit, mind you I paid when we put the initial hold on the place about a month or 2 prior to move in. Then first months rent she didn’t have all of it- at this point the lease was already signed and she was short by $150 so I went ahead and paid it and she said she’d pay me back. Then she lost her job because she refused to quit smoking weed and I had to cover the entire rent and all the bills for that month. Now she has her brother and his dog (who is not reported to our rental company) staying with us and still hasn’t paid her bills for this month. She says she’ll have the money almost mid month and she’ll just pay the late fees. She also continuously violates our lease, firstly having another dog here without reporting it and she smokes in the house. Weed and cigars, and it’s gotten so bad that mine AND my son’s clothes have started smelling like weed. As I said I work a county job and I also have a toddler so that’s something I told her from the get go ABSOLUTELY NOT. She however thinks she can because “she pays bills too” but she really doesn’t. I also have a problem bc she doesn’t even pay me for the water or electric (the smaller bills) but always has money for drugs. She also just told me the other day she was going to get guns and start selling weed. I’m just at my wits end, I tried to have a conversation with her but every-time she just makes excuses or one time she literally started yelling at me. I want to make a police report for the drugs or at least speak with the landlord to possibly have her evicted because I can pay the rent by myself (as I have been). Is it possible? I need to do something we have another 9ish months left and I can’t just suck it up. At this point she’s putting my job at risk, my son at risk, and just my whole life that I’ve work EXTREMELY hard to build at risk. I’m nice but at this point it’s clear she’s taking advantage and I understand having hardships but they’re just an excuse for her to continue being a leech at this point.
submitted by Cautious-Extent-2570 to TenantHelp [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 05:44 BollyDillip 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐂𝐞𝐥
submitted by BollyDillip to B2Q [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 05:44 Inner_Mulberry_4177 🚀 Insider Buying Alert: Nauticus Robotics (KITT) CEO Makes Bold Move
https://preview.redd.it/gcp2qpsx2s3e1.png?width=666&format=png&auto=webp&s=6cb5500baacf5ca52360ecb4430b51db02a672bd The Scoop on the Buy Interim CEO John W. Gibson Jr. has made a power move, scooping up 52,157 shares of KITT at an average price of $1.0348 per share. This $53,972 investment is no small potatoes, especially considering the company's recent stock performance. Why This Matters
What do you all think? I'm certainly going to keep an eye on this one for a while now! submitted by Inner_Mulberry_4177 to TeleSider [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 05:44 GapSignificant1487 What is the most weirdest food combination they have cooked
submitted by GapSignificant1487 to foodhacks [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 05:44 Visual-Ice3511 VP Snubs NBI Subpoena. NBI Director Gives Her Until December 11 To Appear.
submitted by Visual-Ice3511 to Philippines [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 05:44 Certain-Classic-2939 The casting couch
Hello mumbaikars ik Mumbai is the center of film industry so posting this here ..but if there are any other subs where I should post let me know .. so a few months back some of my friends suggested me that I should go up for ads or short commercial photoshoots since I have the face of it and now that I am free and and dont really have work to do so thinking of giving it a try I do not really have any hopes cause there are a lot of aspiring professional models already..but maybe one try and I am a newbei and have absolute no idea as to how the process goes how do you approach them? How do you reach out to them? As of now I am just looking for short commercial ads or photoshoot so if anyone who has any kind of experience regarding this as to where to connect how did you guys approach towards it the portfolio making it will be highly appreciated I have heard about the Facebook ads and Facebook groups but really don't have any idea as much how authentic they really are..n also about the casting bay on insta
submitted by Certain-Classic-2939 to AskIndia [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 05:44 bimaca 241129 Update - 'Koi wo Shitta Sekai' MV has reached 1 million views!
submitted by bimaca to TakanenoNadeshiko [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 05:44 ineditab i Robot Black Friday 2024 Offers
Use the link for i Robot Black Friday 2024 Offers. The website features a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly for you to choose from and make your purchase more affordable.
submitted by ineditab to FluentDiscount [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 05:44 TwistedJackal509 DEC3862 specs were shipped wrong
I just ordered a DEC3862 from the opnsense store. Got it for the 32Gb of RAM. Received it about a week later. Plugged in it. logged in, and it only has 16Gb of RAM. I have sent an email to the sales teem 1 week ago with no response. I have even left a VM on their number they have listed. Also, kind of stupid they don't have a toll free number. Luckily my carrier has free calls to the Netherlands. Has anyone had this happen? Do we have Deciso people in this group?
submitted by TwistedJackal509 to opnsense [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 05:44 Darthsqueaker I wish for the ability to mimic any sound I hear, (including voices).
submitted by Darthsqueaker to monkeyspaw [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 05:44 Time_Proof_6159 Rush events
Love it or hate it, rush events are somewhat more interesting compared to speed one, imagine lending you decks for a period of time submitted by Time_Proof_6159 to DuelLinks [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 05:44 SoftCollaredShirt Lights on the water, Penninsula
submitted by SoftCollaredShirt to longbeach [link] [comments] |