How I Learned to Stop Fighting and Love the Prompt

2024.11.29 23:59 Apprehensive-Gap1339 How I Learned to Stop Fighting and Love the Prompt

I am fairly new to coding with no formal background and couldn't logic code my way out of a paper bag. I know some basic html and css but have only made sparring javascript edits before. I am trying to build a react native iOS/android app and with windsurf have got really far! Here are my tips to stop pulling your hair out and make progress faster.
Tip 1: Whatever you're framework you are using, use windsurf to help you setup a console log of errors. I got it setup for react native since and I can just reference expo.log instead of copy and pasting errors from terminal. If it starts coding in circles adding and then removing stuff to fix errors, instead ask it to add debugging code to better understand the flow of what is happening.
Tip 2: Ask windsurf to create a script for you to combine files like theme and components which it often gets confused on and creates conflicting edits/new files on. Then you can ask it to run the script to update it when you make changes and can reference a combined file that contains all of that data.
Tip 3: Also, one word: espanso ( Install it. Learn about it. Use it. Works on macos and windows.
Some helpful triggers/phrases:
- trigger: ":err" replace: "Please systematically review expo.log's last 250 lines for errors, and check to see if the errors are related, why they're related and explain in excruciating detail what your proposed solution is."
- trigger: ":noc" replace: "Do NOT edit any code!"
- trigger: ":min" replace: "Please make only those minimal changes to the code to implement the proposed solution."
- trigger: ":walk" replace: "Walk me through your proposed solution before you implement it. Justifying every proposed change."
- trigger: ":debug" replace: "Add some debugging code to our file to help us stop guessing at fixes and really understand what is going on with how the code is executing."
- trigger: ":theme" replace: "Run in our scripts folder and then review CONSOLIDATED_THEME_FILES.ts to ensure the file we are working on is using our existing styles. We're using react native restyle."
- trigger: ":comp" replace: "Run in our scripts folder and then review CONSOLIDATED_THEME_FILES.ts to ensure the file we are working on is using our existing components."
Tip 4: When in doubt, start a new chat and try again.
Tip 5: Yeah, the whole .cursor[windsurf]rules documentation helps to a certain extent but the AI quickly gets lost and forgets so I have found this approach to these common phrases and approach works very well.
Feel free to experiment!
These are absolute gamechangers in my workflow and fighting with the AI to get what I want done! Hope this helps! Happy to answer any questions since I have been using nonstop for 2 weeks and have got really far on a mobile app which I've found much more challenging than a simple web app.
submitted by Apprehensive-Gap1339 to Codeium [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 stillguessing99 Ace pro Not Mounted

I have just done a system restore on my Kobra 3, seems to have fixed the problem, but slicer doesn't see tha Ace pro. anybody know why?
submitted by stillguessing99 to AnycubicOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 opinionated_arse The old guardian

submitted by opinionated_arse to Promote_Your_Channel [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 Eman7673 Why Gamersupps is failing their fanbase

In my opinion gamersupps has done a lot right but also a lot wrong during the last few years when they've been expanding.
The biggest knock on GG and their business plan is their FOMO sales tactics. This wouldn't be as bad if drops were spread out more evenly but with everything they've been releasing in the last few weeks shows they are a company that does not understand how to maintain their customer base. They've been doing a good job of growing their customer base (although their social media presence needs work) being able to MAINTAIN the existing customers is another part of what makes a company successful.
I've seen fellow fans burnt out and exasperated at all of the constant releases lately, with the holidays coming up and just life in general for a lot of people, GG is either tone deaf or doesn't care about getting their products in as many peoples hands as possible. This is one of several things that GG can do to improve their operations (I'm speaking as someone with years of experience in the supplement industry running several corporate GNC locations) and yes I've spoken to customer service about many ideas I've had and they told me to reach out to the higher-ups to tell them some things they could be doing better as a company but I haven't heard back from them. I just hope they would pay more attention to how us fans are feeling. Rant over, feel free to add your opinions, if I'm right, wrong, maybe somewhere in the middle.
submitted by Eman7673 to gamersupps [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 LeadershipCool3540 $24 surge on every ride! Yes please 🙏

$24 surge on every ride! Yes please 🙏 submitted by LeadershipCool3540 to uberdrivers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 Ok_Foot_7252 Wonder what’s in the darkness?

submitted by Ok_Foot_7252 to LiminalSpace [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 Nearby-Guarantee-127 Me after thanks giving

Me after thanks giving H
submitted by Nearby-Guarantee-127 to billieeilish [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 Proof-Entrance6424 New toon in town

New toon in town submitted by Proof-Entrance6424 to splatoon [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 Dad_cx Wow something cool might be about to happen finally.

submitted by Dad_cx to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 JJ7017 This year I am thankful for you, Michigan!

This year I am thankful for you, Michigan! Missing an oz of superboof by Kai and half an oz of pink quava by Progro.
Will add photos and reviews as I open and try things. Waiting 3+ hours in line was well worth it, to whoever I met at Higher Love in menominee today, it was great shooting the shit as we waited all day to get our shit! 😅
Progro Moonbow rosin Progro Candy fumez rosin 710 labs persy garlic cocktail 710 labs persy madison zquared garden Peachy PB&Jealous 3.5 Peachy Sweet n' Low 3.5 Bubbleman purple punch rosin x4 Bubbleman banjo rosin x2 IKHC x plant nerd Cap Junky rosin x5 LSF Perfect triangle rosin LSF strawberry swizzle rosin LSF Grape jam live resin EAxMatty B Stackerz Super Gremlin Rogue Hypno stank live resin x5 Rogue pink grapes x4 Rogue lemon sprinklez x2 Various Wojo rosin and disposables Bubbleman strawberry lemonade and queen of diamond disposables. Old school hash 1g temple balls of
Where to start now....
submitted by JJ7017 to Michigents [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 factoryrecords If we can’t see sonic information isn’t everything Acousmatic?

Can someone ELI5 acousmatic phenomena? I am struggling to understand the semantic value of the word in a time where most people are listening separate from the source… why even use it as a descriptor?
submitted by factoryrecords to experimentalmusic [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 sniperplan chiefs and tswizzle when the raiders got the ball back

chiefs and tswizzle when the raiders got the ball back submitted by sniperplan to KansasCityChiefs [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 Famous_Ad_9806 Chapter 3???

Is it me, or is chapter 3 a bit all over the place? I've been working through it for maybe an hour and so far there's been TWO shrines, 2 bosses which were both pretty mid and now I'm in some kind of prison cos a guy hit me with a sword. Just seems kinda wild idk if I really support it. Does it get better from here? Is there any clarity?
submitted by Famous_Ad_9806 to BlackMythWukong [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 Dodo_du_01 Ma copine m'a cacher ses TS je n'arrive pas a l'aider, s'il vous plaît aider moi a l'aider... Je vous en supplie...

C'est la premi\u00e8re fois que je d\u00e9cide d'en appeler a des inconnus... J'ai besoin d'aide... J'ai v\u00e9cu des chose extr\u00eamement difficile ces trois derniers mois et j'ai cru m'en sortir pour une fois dans ma vie... J'explique en \u00e9tant le plus concret possible
Alors voil\u00e0, j'ai 18 ans je suis un gar\u00e7on et il y a a peine trois mois j'ai perdu une amie qui m'\u00e9tait tr\u00e8s cher, elle c'est $uicider... Je n'ai rien vu venir... J'ai eu extr\u00eamement mal pendant plusieurs jours/semaine je ne dormais plus je ne rigolait plus j'\u00e9tais renfermer... Puis j'ai rencontr\u00e9 une fille... J'en suis tomb\u00e9 fou amoureux, elle m'a sauv\u00e9 la vie, le jour o\u00f9 on a parl\u00e9 pour la premi\u00e8re fois j'avais d\u00e9cid\u00e9 d'en finir... Mais elle m'a \u00e9couter... Elle a \u00e9t\u00e9 la Et aujourd'hui sa fait presque 1 mois et demis qu'on est ensemble Je pr\u00e9cise nous sommes dans une relation a grande distance (moi proximit\u00e9 de Lyon et elle Bretagne) donc pour nous voir c'est tr\u00e8s dur. Bref, Je lui ai racont\u00e9 \u00e9norm\u00e9ment de chose sur moi, j'ai eu un pass\u00e9 tr\u00e8s dur, j'ai bien peur que mon esprit ne soit endommag\u00e9 a tout jamais apr\u00e8s ce que j'ai pu vivre mais je lui en ai parl\u00e9 et pour la premi\u00e8re fois depuis des ann\u00e9es j'ai pleur\u00e9... Je ne pleurais plus depuis tr\u00e8ssssss longtemps et \u00e7a m'a fait tellement de bien... Mais... J'ai repleurer aujourd'hui... Pas pour les bonne raison, j'ai appris que ma copine a fait plusieurs TS (tentative de ..icide) cette semaine... Elle ne m'en a pas parl\u00e9... Je sais qu'elle vit des choses extr\u00eamement dur dont je ne vous parlerai probablement pas... Mais j'essaye de l'aider... Et rien ne marche, enfin je pensais que j'y arriverai mais visiblement non... Je l'aime, plus que tout, je lui offrirai ma vie enti\u00e8re... Mais j'ai tellement peur de la perdre, j'ai compl\u00e9tement p\u00e9t\u00e9 un c\u00e2ble je ne r\u00e9fl\u00e9chissais plus, je me frappait en pleurant j'ai le poignet qui me fait mal d'ailleurs... Mais j'ai pleur\u00e9, tellement...
Il faut savoir que mes parents ne savent rien... Que ce soit sur ma copine ou m\u00eame sur mon amie qui est partie... J'ai de gros probl\u00e8me d'\u00e9motion depuis le coll\u00e8ge, du a une sorte de traumatisme que j'ai v\u00e9cu a cause du coll\u00e8ge... Le probl\u00e8me c'est que je les cache trop bien et personne ne le remarque... Mais pas elle... Elle la remarqu\u00e9 directement...
Je vous en supplie si vous avez des id\u00e9es ou quoi que ce soit, je prend tout, tout, je sacrifierai am vie pour elle, je me d\u00e9truirai la sant\u00e9 si elle peut vivre apr\u00e8s... Mais je vous en prie... Je dois faire quoi !? S'il vous pla\u00eet j'ai besoin d'aide...
submitted by Dodo_du_01 to confession [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 motif-game Do you see the motif?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by motif-game to MotifGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 Head_Conversation938 [7d46-0AC0] Help identify issue with my SNP07 watch

Help identify issue with my SNP07 watch
I have a SNP07 (movement #7d46-0AC0) perpetual kinetic watch from about 15 years ago.
It has been pretty reliably accurate for the first 10 years or so. The movement would stop if it hasn’t been used for 24 hours and will auto correct to the current time upon picking it up. Then I stopped using it in favor of smart watches in the last 5 years.
I started wearing it again a few days ago. While it’s fine while I have it on but every time I take it off for more than a few hours the time would stop and would not auto correct to the current time upon picking it up.
Does anyone know if this is a battery issue (I read there is one inside for memory storage) or something is wrong with the watch mechanically?
submitted by Head_Conversation938 to Seiko [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 Yourrlocalfemboy My friend told me something and now I don't think I can see him the same

For a bit of context me and my friend are close we aren't afraid to say anything to each other he is a straight man and I am a gay femboy (not sexual) were both in out 20s we also both have concentration issues (super important) (hope this is enough context), I drove to his house as usual on a Friday we meet up sometimes have a few drinks we didn't tonight (important) a few hours in we were just playing Diablo IV together talking about job/social life/friends normal stuff we just kept on changing what we were talking about (again we both have concentration issues) we got into a rabbit hole of how one of the characters are hot, that then changed to who do you think is hot, that then changed to what is your type, that changed to would you beat it (ejaculate your penis if you didn't understand) to said type, that then changed to what porn do you beat it to he said his type first then I said my type (again we close friends we are not ashamed to talk about this stuff) he then said "sometimes i beat it (ejaculate your penis) to text" I asked "how i have so many questions" but I changed that to one, I asked "what text to you beat it (ejaculate your penis) to" he said "rape survivor storys off of "he lists a few" I then act casual for the rest of the afternoon until I left he didn't notice anything "off" about my behavior thankfully.
What do you guys think I should do? I'm confused, and I really don't know what to think or do about what he told me.
(Repost of my original one)
submitted by Yourrlocalfemboy to confession [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 Successful-Taro-3581 ICON SKIN Tier-List (Ones I Own Only!)

ICON SKIN Tier-List (Ones I Own Only!) The Icon Series Skins Are MY Favorite Skin Rarity WE Got Left! 🔥
submitted by Successful-Taro-3581 to sypherpk [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 Correct_Ad_7119 Ticket prices

Does anyone know the lollapalooza ticket prices on average? I was expecting the $400-$500 range but people are saying $700 and also they’re not even mentioning getting them on the website
submitted by Correct_Ad_7119 to Lollapalooza [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 donivanberube Cycling Alaska to Argentina: The Peru Great Divide

Cycling Alaska to Argentina: The Peru Great Divide I’ve been cycling from the top of Alaska to the bottom of Argentina for the past 18 months, so began the Peru Great Divide with equal parts fear and anticipation. It’s a 1,000-mile Andean marathon with countless passes over 16,000 ft in elevation.
Services faded toward nonexistence as the cold grew increasingly severe. Remote villages might have one tiendita and one comedor, otherwise you’d be lucky to pass through any given town on the same day as the vegetable truck. Atop each mountain waited torrential blizzards of horizontal snow and hail, with shards of ice collecting on my tent by morning.
Just beyond Oyon I reached the new highest pass of my life: +16,300ft [4,968m]. Locals here blockaded the road in protest against mining activity, so the peak had been subsequently abandoned. I’d prepared for the cold weather, but even after months across the Andes these extreme elevations devoured my strength. It took everything I had to haul my bike over the makeshift stone walls and continue down the other side.
Daylight cratered fast as I raced downhill each afternoon, but the colors up top were what struck me the most. Some peaks were sage green, some were the darkest shade of red wine, others a liquid type of orange, all ribboned with veils of ice and snow that hardly ever melt away.
submitted by donivanberube to gravelcycling [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 VermilionX88 Even as a zombie... he still remembers what he truly craves

Even as a zombie... he still remembers what he truly craves submitted by VermilionX88 to videogames [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 MugShots NV Energy Alert

NVEnergy Alert Under Investigation in 89147 1 customer affected ORT: 2024-11-29 15:49:05.000-07:00 ETR:
submitted by MugShots to AlertVegas [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 bradleynana For which players could you argue that the peak of their career occurred in a loss?

For instance Heather Watson’s career probably peaked in her nail-bitting loss to Serena at Wimbledon 2015.
submitted by bradleynana to tennis [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 Cdv3 [CW: Mental Breakdown. Again.] Jealousy

[CW: Mental Breakdown. Again.] Jealousy submitted by Cdv3 to PokeMedia [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 zaz250 does this work found it on instagram

does this work found it on instagram
submitted by zaz250 to AskElectricCircuits [link] [comments]