What face of which mod is this ?

2024.11.29 23:59 tamiloxd What face of which mod is this ?

What face of which mod is this ? i randomized my guardian and now i want her
submitted by tamiloxd to BG3mods [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 According_Sundae_917 I’m starting to wonder ‘who the fuck is Mrs Battersbea?’

submitted by According_Sundae_917 to rickygervais [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 tinned_tomatoes Abandon the stockmarket?

I have been a fan of "responsible/ESG/ethical" investing for a few years now, however deep down I've always feared it is bollocks - we all know how capitalism works, and we all know that an idea like "sustainable Ikea" or "green Unilever" is a joke. Reading some critical perspectives on this, I am now convinced that this is not a solution, nor even a balm. When investing in the ingredients of "sustainable finance" like ESG shares, green commodoties (Carbon Credits; Lithium), and even green bonds or green energy companies, one feels complicit in the planetary collapse happening all around us.
So, has anyone here totally exited from this game? If so, how do you do so while safeguarding your financial future? For example, is it through 100% allocation to term deposits, or just owning your own household, or high interest cash ETFs? And how do you deal with the question of superannuation, which forces us to invest in capitalism?
BTW I'm not here for a re-hash of the sustainable investing debate, I'm more curious to hear about how others safeguard their financial security without becoming more and more complicit in ecocide.
submitted by tinned_tomatoes to AusFinance [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 Formal-Sun-5973 I need help

So tomorrow is my first official day (I completed the online stuff) I'm working for odp and I know where that is. So do I look for someone to give me training or what am I supposed to do?
submitted by Formal-Sun-5973 to WalmartEmployees [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 Spiritual-Thing-6089 Spoke your name one too many

submitted by Spiritual-Thing-6089 to sixwordstories [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 CountrySavings1563 Gør jeres Instagram også dette?

Gør jeres Instagram også dette? Har prøvet at slette appen og geninstallere den. Når den er geninstalleret er den tilbage til normal, men når jeg lukker mine apps/swiper op/ refresher, sker dette. Min IPhone er opdateret til den nyeste version.
submitted by CountrySavings1563 to DKbrevkasse [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 easystimulus13 My Latina holes wants to be fuck and creampied daily daddy!

My Latina holes wants to be fuck and creampied daily daddy! submitted by easystimulus13 to Daddys_Broken_toys [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 einfachspike Was ist eigentlich los und warum kommt kein Content?

Dürfte ja mittlerweile aufgefallen sein das es seit gut 2 Wochen weder Uploads auf YouTube gibt noch Livestreams auf Twitch. Das liegt daran das ich eine Rippenfellentzündung habe (die Schmerzen haben mich gestern Abend ins Krankenhaus gebracht mit Verdacht auf einen Herzinfarkt) und einer schweren bakteriellen Lungeninfektion habe. Ich bekomme schwer Luft, habe keine Stimme und bekomme nach dem dritten gesprochenen Wort erstmal ne ordentliche Hustenattacke. Keine Ahnung ehrlich gesagt, wann es weiter gehen wird. Ich muss jetzt erstmal schauen das sich meine Lunge so gut wie möglich erholt. Drückt mir mal nen Daumen das keine Folgeschäden bleiben werden. Die Lunge muss nicht noch mehr kaputt gehen, als sie jetzt schon ist.
Ich versuche euch auf dem Laufenden zuhalten. Hoffen wir mal das es schnell wieder besser wird, es nervt nichts machen zu können
submitted by einfachspike to einfachspike [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 ReidZaxby23 Reid’s easy to fluster.

Reid’s easy to fluster. submitted by ReidZaxby23 to Eevee [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 boxsmith91 Kobra 2 Layer Shifting at Specific Z Height

Kobra 2 Layer Shifting at Specific Z Height https://preview.redd.it/gyxw54shhx3e1.jpg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f7ac99cdebabf14ddc5d82cb99657ef113abcb8
So I bought 2 Kobra 2s recently from an amazon return reseller. A regular Kobra 2 and a Kobra 2 Max. I plan on tackling the Max again at a later date, but for now my focus is on the 2.
Right out of the box, no filament was coming out. I bought a replacement head in anticipation of fixing the Max, but it was the exact same model as the faulty head here, so I replaced it and started testing. Filament will come out now, but a very specific problem has emerged: at a specific height, the print will always begin to layer shift. Before the tuning, the print would fail at random levels before this, but now it's consistently failing at about 1 cm in height.
  • I've made sure all my belts are tight and rollers have been tightened to the best of my ability (some of them seem to be unable to tighten further, but none of them are loose anymore at least),
  • I've tried various printing speeds and configurations, and I've tried printing at an angle to reduce the Y axis strain. Nothing works.
  • Tried another model and another SD card to make sure it wasn't either of those. I've also tried unplugging and plugging in the Y axis motor connectors.
  • Tried reducing print acceleration in Cura, also didn't work.
Is there something I'm missing? What could be wrong. This was a bargain printer so I'm tempted to just cut my losses and junk it.
submitted by boxsmith91 to anycubic [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 90leprechauns Internationally Localized Print Farms Services

I am a small business owner doing 3D printing for pretty small/affordable parts. The issue I am facing is that I am located in Canada, my top 4 customer markets are US, UK, Germany, and Singapore. For shipping to everywhere except US the shipping costs + customs/VAT are more expensive than the actual product.
e.g. Product costs 15 CAD US shipping is 10 CAD UK/Germany shipping is 20 CAD Singapore is 25 CAD
This is where the discussion comes in:
Slant3D seems to be the leader in 3D printing farms, with their new Teleport application and whole print farm system, it would take the order fulfillment totally out of my hands for US customers, and then I could spend time doing new product design. That is great for me, my income per product would decrease significantly, but it would be totally passive income. My BOM cost is $3, Slant3D charges $10 per product.
The bonus for customers is that if they are located in the US, their shipping costs and time to delivery would also drastically decrease.
For the other 3 markets being UK, Germany, and Singapore, if there were local print farms also connected to Teleport app those savings for customers being reduce shipping time, and reduced shipping cost would be a way bigger benefit. Especially with Singapore which has high import fees and customs fees. This would essentially be circumnavigating the customs fees and reduce their final purhase cost from $40 down to $20.
Do you forsee a future where Teleport by Slant3D grows, or a service like craftcloud3d.com that is able to link your e-shop to a print farm that is local to that customer, and get the product to the customer faster and cheaper?
Of course this comes with a bunch of caveats:
- packaging differences -- wouldn't be able to add things like mounting hardware, stickers, etc. - risk of quality issues - international customer support - managing returns
submitted by 90leprechauns to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 Hot_Engineering_2423 Failed to place order, but money is pending

Hi all I went to place and order but forgot to change cards so it used the wrong card with expired card details, no order was placed but a pending transaction was placed removing that money from my account.
Am I to be concerned? I called the bank couldn’t get to a human but the bot said my account balance was what it was prior to the pending transaction, should I just wait a couple days see if it posts or not?
Sorry if this is all jumbled it was a large amount not to be taken from that account thanks for all reading this.
submitted by Hot_Engineering_2423 to Banking [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 Many-Wasabi9141 THAT BEING SAID

I haven't heard Chris say that all season. The SEAL IS BROKETH.
submitted by Many-Wasabi9141 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 Phalloblaster What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Phalloblaster to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 TheHallowGent M22 [Friendship] Longterm Friendship?

Hey there=) I'm a 22 year old from Pennsylvania (no not the place with the vampires). If it wasn't obvious I love horror, but I'm also a bit of a romantic sap. I also have a lot of other hobbies: anime, drawing, trying to get in shape, travel, video games, game dev, and a few more!
I'm looking for someone who matches my vibe. Someone who enjoys chatting a lot, calls, silly random interests, just being silly in general, who also has a sense of wonder and adventure! Now, you don't have to picture perfect fit what i'm looking for. Even just taking an interest is good enough, but the more we have in common the better! Hopefully i'll be hearing from you soon!
submitted by TheHallowGent to MeetPeople [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 kittygod6660 PSX W: Nagakiba H: Karma

submitted by kittygod6660 to PatchesEmporium [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 IamAcapacitor Basic economy upgrade to get full flight credit?

I have basic economy tickets and need to cancel my flight, I was thinking of upgrading to anything higher and then going for a flight credit refund. Would making this change allow me to not loose any money or at least get the full value as a credit? I am fine with the option to have a credit. If I just cancel I loose at least 500$ so I want to avoid that.
submitted by IamAcapacitor to unitedairlines [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 Lost-Comparison5542 Troll chart - got BFN 12 dpo

Troll chart - got BFN 12 dpo What’s wrong here? We timed BD right.. my temps were increasing fine…
But I still see BFN! What am I missing?
submitted by Lost-Comparison5542 to TFABChartStalkers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 lechienharicot Population seems to be changing without me editing it?

What things will impact population? I feel burgs change their size without me doing anything. I haven't made any edits to a map for a few weeks and came back to it to find populations of all my burgs is different. I've made manual changes and it shifts on its own. Do I need to lock every single burg? What are the factors that can change a burg's population without regenerating anything? When I was originally making the map, things like changing the biome seemed to change town size. Does turning a trail into a road impact things?
I've almost wondered if time is passing on my map and population is changing to reflect that my unrealistically large, manually set populations of a city that IRL wouldn't viably support that many people or conversely my perfect river valley hotbeds of growth that I manually made smaller are growing. If so, how do I turn this off? Even if that's not what's happening, how do I stop burgs from changing in size while I tinker in little ways? Is it just putting a lock on all of them and even then, is there a non-tedious way to do that?
submitted by lechienharicot to FantasyMapGenerator [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 Coach_strong Thoughts on authenticity?

Thoughts on authenticity? These came as a set from an old house clearance. I have my suspicions, but I don’t know enough on the topic to be sure.
They are an early pattern SS Cap badge and 12 year long service medal, but are they authentic, or repros?
submitted by Coach_strong to Militariacollecting [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 Difficult_Coconut174 What do you think?

What do you think? submitted by Difficult_Coconut174 to FUTMobile [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 Vertigomums19 Moved onto the epilogue

My Arthur had a few gold bars and ingots in his bag when his storyline ended. Are they gone? I thought I’d read John is never wanting for money and the gold Arthur had carried over. Did I read that incorrectly?
submitted by Vertigomums19 to reddeadredemption2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 No_Blackberry_9549 What would you have done if you had gotten results like this to make them better?

What would you have done if you had gotten results like this to make them better? submitted by No_Blackberry_9549 to HairTransplants [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 CautiousIce5776 WB Regidrago - 707184957497 - any help appreciated!

Need a few more raiders!
submitted by CautiousIce5776 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 23:59 RicardusAlpert How is this match-up fair?

How is this match-up fair? Hello all,
I 5-stack a lot with friends (EU, console); we're all SilveBronze/Iron. We usually end up facing also Iron/Bronze/Silvesometimes Gold, and that's very much okay.
But tonight we got matched up against a team with 1 Diamond, 1 Silver, and 3 Iron players.
As you can imagine, it didn't go well. The diamond player on his own was banking Aces, quatriples, etc.
That's the first time it has ever happened and to be honest I thought it was not possible to queue with people more than 2 whole ranks below or over yourself. But diamond is 5 ranks over Iron, so... how is it possible? Is it a bug?
Secondly, how can Riot's matchmaking even think it will be a fair game?? I'm okay with a bit of challenge, but it's obvious such a level diff will be unbearable.
You wanna know what's even worse? We got matched up against this exact team 3 times in row! Of course with the same result...and we all called it day with a bit of disgust for this horrendous matchmaking system. Nice. Here's to hoping it dosn't happen again.
submitted by RicardusAlpert to VALORANT [link] [comments]
