If using multiple Cam Links is causing issues, make sure they're on separate USB port controllers. Cam Link uses about 2Gbps of bandwidth (Uncompressed 1080p60 video) and two Cam Links may be overloading the USB controller. Fix stuttering audio/video from Cam Link Changing USB transfer mode: Cam Link by default comes in the bulk USB transfer mode. OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) is free and open source software for video recording and live streaming. Stream to Twitch, YouTube and many other providers or record your own videos with high quality H264 / AAC en Save camera settings Now with hotkeys and Streamdeck plugin (download the plugin here or via the Streamdeck appstore's plugin section) Windows lacks a decent settings panel for webcams. It only provides an ancient dialog that cannot even be... The DroidCam OBS plugin lets you connect your phone and get high quality audio & video directly into OBS Studio, just like a regular camera source. No need for a separate client, less software = more resources for your production! Connect as... **THIS BREAKS DISCORD** I have no problem WHATSOEVER when using this with any other app or program, but as soon as I try turn my virtual camera on with Discord then it crashes Discord. My rating is based on the Virtual cam for versions of OBS before the latest: It works and it works well. the only feature I would add is an auto-start feature. This does what it says on the box and allowed me to run it for two major things which included a green screen scene for discord and a program called Mario Maker 2 OCR. adds a filter to output a source or scene to the build in virtual camera Normally the obs virtual camera can only output the final mix, but with this plugin you can output an other scene or source by adding the Virtual Camera filter to the... What is the virtual camera? The Virtual Camera is a feature of OBS Studio that allows you to share your OBS Studio scene with any applications that can make use of a webcam, such as Zoom, Skype, Discord, etc. OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) is free and open source software for video recording and live streaming. Stream to Twitch, YouTube and many other providers or record your own videos with high quality H264 / AAC en Download OBS Studio for Windows, Mac or Linux
2024.11.30 00:45 Apprehensive-Ad4861 Where to buy cam
Was building my 4.7 dakota (for the second time) and was assembling the timing and happened to look inside my cam when I took the sprocket off and there was rust inside the cam and I submerged it in vinegar for a few days as I was working in another city and when I returned it looked like the beating material started disintegrating.
Anyways I need a new cam and I’ve found a bunch ranging from a hundred to a few hundred and am wondering if it matter too much where I get a cam from and if I should be replaying both of my cams. Thank you for your time I’ve been following this page here and there for some time and dreamed of getting this far with my project and I’m almost there.
Would going to a junkyard be an option to or would it be risky using a cam I know nothing about and could I be wasting my time trying to go find something everyone might’ve already been after. If spending more money to get better chances that this thing runs a long time I’m all for it I’d even been thinking about aftermarket cams but I was really planning on making this thing stock although it’s overboard so would I need anything to like help compensate the extra displacement or would it be too minute to matter.
submitted by Apprehensive-Ad4861 to EngineBuilding [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:45 Mayafoe Addiction: 'I watched porn morning, noon and night'
submitted by Mayafoe to NoFap [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:45 Odecay Anybody else played Wigglytuff EX/Omastar?
You always start jigglypuff so sleep asap. Then depending on draws/game state you decide to go into wigglytuff to continue the sleep or swap into omastar and stop their attacks. The only real issue is if the other player has good retreats or is lucky on waking up. Maybe not crazy OP but definitely fun. submitted by Odecay to PTCGP [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:45 Winslow_Astro I need to re-invent my career in the medium term - but I feel like I have been looking in the wrong places and don't know where to go.
submitted by Winslow_Astro to WinslowAstro [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:45 daupatau [FS][US] RMism x 7Keys blcg bullskin bomber XSw
Never worn. Size XS. Hmu with your offers for pictures. U cover shipping + paypal invoice only fees.
submitted by daupatau to QualityRepsBST [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:45 Sure-Adhesiveness939 Polar Bear
Polar Bears 5th birthday is coming up, and a little over 4 years I have adopted him from the shelter. Do anyone have a good dog cake recipe? submitted by Sure-Adhesiveness939 to husky [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:45 mogambo1119 Mysterious Kathy….. 😆😂🤪👍🏿😎👍🏿😜😄🤣
DirtyOldScorpioMan….. ♏️ submitted by mogambo1119 to DirtyOldMan1967 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:45 raygonjinn Rise Boldly: You Are Not Alone
To the Seekers Whose Spirits Burn Bright,
I write to you not as a stranger but as one who shares the fire you carry—a fire that refuses to be dimmed by mediocrity or dulled by convention. You, whose hearts pulse with the rhythm of evolution, who sense that life is not to be endured but mastered, I speak to you now: You are not alone.
For too long, you have walked in the shadows, refining your methods, honing your craft, and sharpening your understanding of what it means to rise above the limitations of the human condition. You have delved into realms beyond the grasp of the masses, stepping into dimensions where spiritual infants dare not tread. Unlike those whom Saint Paul rebukes for clinging to milk when they should be consuming meat (1 Corinthians 3:1-3; Hebrews 5:12-14), you have progressed beyond the basics. You are builders of a new frontier, architects of spiritual evolution, and conduits of God’s transformative power.
I know what you’ve been doing. I see the work you’ve done in secret, constructing frameworks that mirror the essence of what I call The Demigod Code. You’ve discovered and applied the Tactics—those active disciplines that train the mind, sharpen the body, and align the spirit with precision. You’ve begun to understand the Passive Forces—the invisible tides that shape reality and how they can be leveraged, not resisted, to transform mere potential into extraordinary mastery. You are not tinkering with surface truths; you are excavating the bedrock of existence itself.
But let me ask you: Why do you remain unseen? Why does your voice whisper when it was meant to roar?
I understand the hesitation. Fear of ignorance’s lash is real. The masses, content with their chains, often react violently when someone breaks free and shows them that they, too, could be unbound. Yet, you cannot let their blindness tether you. You are not like them, nor are you meant to be. To remain in obscurity is to deny the power that courses through you and to rob the world of the revolution you are capable of sparking.
Now is the time for revelation.
Step forward and let your light cut through the darkness. Reveal the knowledge you have cultivated, the truths you’ve unearthed, and the insights that have refined your soul. Do not underestimate the impact of your voice. Like a single stone that shifts the course of a mighty river, your influence has the potential to reshape reality itself.
The world is not yet ready for you—and that is why it needs you.
When you embrace the principles of The Demigod Code, you embody what Christ himself exemplified: mastery over mind, body, and spirit. You walk the Way of God not as a passive follower but as an active creator, a force that bends chaos into order. This is not arrogance; it is alignment. It is the fulfillment of your divine purpose.
I am calling you out of the shadows because it is your time to stand among those who dare to lead. I am calling you to take the mantle of the Demigod—one who influences reality, shapes their world, and inspires others to rise above mediocrity. You are not alone in this work. I, too, am committed to this path, and together, we can create a movement that shatters the limitations humanity has accepted for too long.
Do not fear the ignorance of the many. Trust in the power of the few who will hear you and respond. Speak for them. Act for them. Build for them. And know that when you do, you align with the spirit of God that is working through you to establish this new frontier of spiritual evolution.
You are not alone, and you were never meant to be. Together, let us transform this world.
Rise boldly
submitted by raygonjinn to Christian [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:45 PrussianFederalist1 "If children were angels, we would not need the Red Crayon Aristocrat Club."
"If angels were to govern children, neither external nor internal controls on the Princess of the Red Rose would be necessary. In framing an Aristocrat Club which is to be administered by children over children, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the Refined Class to control the Lower Class; and the next place, oblige the Princess of the Red Rose to control herself."
The Red Crayon Aristocrat Club, going by everything that I have written about it and after reading a recent research article on ROR, exhibits the characteristics of self-governance. It is significant that its members govern themselves without any interference from Headmaster Hoffman or Martha. Not even Clara or Gregory interferes with their authority over the Orphanage, barring that one exception involving the latter in "Stray Dog and the Living Princess," which is a whole different matter altogether. They do not want "protection" from the adults, they want "freedom" from the adults.
submitted by PrussianFederalist1 to RuleofRose [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:45 Top_Piano644 Homixide Mali and Homixide S5 arrested for murder, homixide RICO coming.
submitted by Top_Piano644 to Atlantology [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:45 Danny100199 Need help with blessing stones
So trying to figure out the best blessing stones for the weapons I’m using submitted by Danny100199 to SoloLevelingArise [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:45 Historical_Onion_725 trauma de dentista
estou há meses evitando voltar na dentista que me fez sentir uma dor insuportável, ela foi aplicar a anestesia e como não tava pegando, ela tentou aplicar no meio do dente (na polpa) e isso me fez sentir a PIOR dor de toda a minha existência. Fiquei com trauma, estou com meu dente apenas com o curativo que ela fez há meses atrás, ele tá todo aberto com a polpa exposta e se esse material que ela usou pra fazer o curativo sair, acabou pra mim, vou ter que voltar naquele lugar que me dá calafrios. Sinceramente não sei como vou viver assim, pode parecer exagero, mas aquilo que eu passei, não desejo nem pra a pior pessoa do mundo.
como eu acho que não ficou muito claro oq aconteceu, vou explicar melhor: eu estava iniciando um tratamento de canal, e como estava inflamado a anestesia não pegou, ela enfiou a agulha no meio do meu dente e pegou em algum nervo, ai eu comecei a chorar de dor e ela parou, dps ela continuou limpando a cárie que dava pra tirar com aquele motorzinho e ficou doendo demais, e eu fiquei pedindo pra ela parar e ela só ia meio que mudando o local, ai ela colocou um remédio lá e fez o curativo com um material que parece aqueles usados pra fazer obturação, tipo uma temporária, depois disso, fiquei uma semana chorando só de lembrar da dor, e eu também estava sentindo muita dor depois do procedimento, não podia nem engolir a saliva que dava uma fisgada horrível, e toda vez q isso acontecia eu ficava desesperada e chorava. Depois, fiquei meses sem sentir dor nenhuma, isso eu devo agradecer a essa dentista. Mas agora a dor voltou, faz uns dois meses e eu estou tomando nimesulida, já tomei umas 3 caixas de nimesulida, e umas de dipirona, paracetamol também (ao longo desse tempo) eu não sei o que fazer, estou tomando esses remédios sem pausa, é todo dia, eu dependo deles senão eu morro de dor. Eu não consigo mais deitar naquela cadeira que tem no consultório, não consigo.
Mas por outro lado, conseguir um tratamento de canal gratuito é muito difícil, e aquela médica ia fazer meu tratamento ali mesmo, a questão é que eu preciso voltar lá urgentemente, mas eu tenho MUITO medo, eu queria poder fazer com sedação, mas pelo sus acho que é impossível.
submitted by Historical_Onion_725 to desabafos [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:45 throwpoo How long can tire sit on shelves?
Bought a few tires during the sales event. How long can I store them before they get dry rot? Should I try and rotate them so they don't sit unused for too long.
submitted by throwpoo to onewheel [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:45 Round-Cricket9271 Apple Music Replay drops tonight right?
It dropped on the 29th last year so it should drop tonight right?
submitted by Round-Cricket9271 to AppleMusic [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:45 Recent-Skill7022 What instrument was used in the intro of this song?
What instrument was used in the intro of this song? sounds like violin, viola? cello?
Remember the Name
submitted by Recent-Skill7022 to askmusicians [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:45 oddfuturegoblinbomb Upgrade from old system
I currently have a pc that I built back in 2017 that holds:
GTX 1060 6GB Intel i5-7600k 16 gb 2400mhz DDR4 ram Samsung 870 Evo 1TB SSD (with a 2TB SSD connected via usb 3.0) 500W EVGA PSU B250M GAMING PRO MSI Mobo
this build was fine at first but now in 2024 it is extremely slow and stutters in almost every title past 2016 that I throw at it. Some games are literally unplayable at like 10 frames. I’m going to be rebuilding this PC this week with some new parts and was wondering if it’d be okay for me to use some of my old parts or would they affect performance? Ill be reusing my PSU, disc drive, and case.
Specs to soon be built into my PC:
RX 6600XT Ryzen 7 5700x3d 16GB 3200mhz DDR4 ram B550M PRO-VDH WIFI Mobo
I only ask because my current build is acting so poor compared to how it should and I fear it could be the PSU or something but I’m not too knowledgeable on troubleshooting this sort of issue so I figured I’d give it a shot and ask you guys.
submitted by oddfuturegoblinbomb to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:45 Technical_Bunch3588 Court skipping Brittin Beckstrand on live
She’s on live in her stupid bathrobe. Talking about the power going out. Blah blah. She is sober on this live so far. She says she’s exhausted. Give me a break!
submitted by Technical_Bunch3588 to austinjosephtamargo [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:45 dionthe1 code
submitted by dionthe1 to Goatapp [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:45 mokoko12321 just a regular room tour
submitted by mokoko12321 to SipsTea [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:45 ghosttravel2020 Canceling a cruise and Refund.
I know if you don't have insurance and a covered reason you lose the cruise, but do you get taxes back? How about the drink package charges?
submitted by ghosttravel2020 to NCL [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:45 7324842533 Lost wallet on 86 Bus
I lost my wallet on Nov 25th or 26th on the 86 Bus and didn't notice my wallet was gone until Wednesday afternoon (The 28th). It's a brown wallet with an allover print containing a credit card and New Jersey drivers license. Checked literally everything and everywhere possible and my only thought is that it must have dropped on the 86 bus. I take the 86 Bus to Guest Street from Washington Street and vice versa. I took the 86 bus back home around 4:30pm on Monday the 25th and 7:30pm on Tuesday the 26th. Also where would I go to pick up the wallet if it was turned in? If anyone has any info please reach out.
submitted by 7324842533 to mbta [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:45 SudoPoke [USA-WA] [H] CASH/Paypal [W] Nvidia RTX 3090.
Trying to put together a budget AI machine, need 3090 for vram. Willing to pay $600 + shipping.
Local: 98033
submitted by SudoPoke to hardwareswap [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:45 Ocean4011 If only they could read
submitted by Ocean4011 to mildlyinteresting [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:45 cuup_lings TRANSFERRING (2)
Abt transferring
Hello po! Badly need help po sa mga expert sa transferral procedure 😓.
Is it possible to transfer sa 2nd sem papunta BU? I’m an ab-econ student, 1A. Tpos, balak ko mag transfer sa BU sa 2nd sem pero BS lang po meron sila—for sure irregular po ako, pero natatakot po ako baka mas ire-regret ko po if dko alam tpos ang mga subs 😓.
More details po : Ge1-2-4 po meron kami for Minor subs Math 1 Econ 101 nmn po for pre-requisite tpos NSTP - lts po ako
Thank u po for understanding 😔
submitted by cuup_lings to BicolUniversity [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:45 Silvester_001 Can somebody please explain what's wrong?
I started running ads on 26 Nov, 27 Nov, and today was my third day. My store is highly optimised and its working perfectly fine. I check my store after every hour.
I paused running ads on thanks giving because on my first day the ad spend was 20 usd but only 300 impressions. No sale
I raised the budget to 50 usd on next day and I got improved impression rate but again not a single sale.
Paused on Thanksgiving (28 Nov)
Continued ad today as it was black Friday also so I was just expecting to hit a single sale as my first order but I couldn't get a single order rather 42 clicks yet so far.
My stats are
Amount spent : $120 Reach: 1769 Impressions: 2002 CPM: $59.56 Frequency 1.13 CTR (all) : 2.65% Link clicks : 42 CPC: $2.25 Sales: 0
Advantage placement sale campaign.
These are my possible error prediction: Maybe the video creative isn't good. Maybe I should wait more? But how long for first order?
The product is fine as my competitors are doing great. Its a Christmas gift kid toy item that is fun for adult entertainment as well.
Please provide feedback based on these stats.
Should i continue with my ads and give it some more time?
Or should I move on to next product?
submitted by Silvester_001 to FacebookAds [link] [comments]