2024.11.30 00:57 TheWitchRenna Buccs
Can some explain to me why Mike evens isn’t appearing whenever I play online head to head but he’s there every other game mode
submitted by TheWitchRenna to Madden [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:57 WhatAboutMeeeeeA 30F does anyone want to talk??
Just looking for some new people to talk to. I’ll talk to anyone about anything, as long as you’re not being weird. I actually really like talking to random strangers from the internet because you can hear some pretty cool and interesting stories and just be exposed to people that you would not normally cross paths with.
Hope to hear from you 👍
submitted by WhatAboutMeeeeeA to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:57 ethereor [22,19€ statt 36,99€] FUNWHOLE F9030 Schreinerwagen mit LED Beleuchtung - Schreiner Set (496pcs)
submitted by ethereor to deals_de [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:57 Not_the-kind Trump wants Gaza ceasefire deal before inauguration
submitted by Not_the-kind to geopolitics [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:57 AccurateInflation167 Has there ever been a case of "running up the score" in a professional sports match?
submitted by AccurateInflation167 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:57 PointUseful4148 Need a group
Need 3 to run a bunch of heists if anyone is willing i’ll obviously be fair with cuts just want to get a bunch of setups and finales done tired of people leaving or waiting forever for people to join
BettyBeatzer - PSN
submitted by PointUseful4148 to HeistTeams [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:57 franklink_1 Hard life for these Roughnecks...too much mink oil over the years. Just saddle-soaped them (Fiebings). My hard-work boots since 2017-just kept slathering more mink on em. They've got some cracks but seems the worst of those cracks were just in the mink oil.
submitted by franklink_1 to RedWingShoes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:57 Big-Pilot1984 Evrart Claire, Summer ‘29
Decided to take a stab at Evrart in his younger years. submitted by Big-Pilot1984 to DiscoElysium [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:57 Just_Ant_8825 every activision game on cheap sale besides cod is wicked work💀
z submitted by Just_Ant_8825 to Steam [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:57 Anonimo_4 On a serious note, now. Is the title too much? In the sense it doesnt looks professional.
submitted by Anonimo_4 to StatementOfPurpose [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:57 Dazzling_Amanda273 Upvote and commente Thanks
submitted by Dazzling_Amanda273 to raisingkarma1 [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:57 BillShyroku Q and A
Has any author on royal road did q and a? If so how would they do it with Patreon who had their ch ahead
submitted by BillShyroku to royalroad [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:57 Forward_Gain6674 Black squares flickering and game crashing
Just got kingdom come deliverance and the game has crashed multiple times and keeps on showing these black squares flickering very quickly, this has also happened with a few other games like rdr2, could anybody help? submitted by Forward_Gain6674 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:57 Mother-Marzipan-5045 I've spent the past 3 weeks building and about to launch
like the title says...
i’ve spent the past three weeks building a product and i’m getting ready to launch this weekend!
no real coding experience. no product validation. just a lot of coffee and determination.
it all started when i landed my first consulting client. my background is in ops—i worked as a founder's associate for a scaling b2b saas. my job? find the biggest problem the company was facing, figure out a solution, and build systems to fix it.
fast forward to a chat with a friend. he’s a business coach and ghostwriter for linkedin clients. turns out he was spending hours every week writing content for them. so, i did what i do best: built a system. i used airtable and make to create something that could generate content in their brand voice, complete with templates for specific formats.
he loved it. in fact, he loved it so much he wanted me to implement it for his clients too.
awesome, right? well, not exactly.
i had two options:
2024.11.30 00:57 Commercial_Reserve95 I want to dehumanize you and make you understand that you are not a man you are an item that I own and use
submitted by Commercial_Reserve95 to findommes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:57 iscoleslaw Anyone else regret using sand and pebbles 😅
Still so new to this, every day I have new ideas about how I want the tank to look. Definitely regret the sand and pebble mix as it gets so messy but I guess nature isn’t perfect right? Any suggestions? Probably gonna get a bigger tank and take my time making it. I love this boi and I love this hobby! Azul is a chill fish I hope just hope he’s happy 😭 submitted by iscoleslaw to bettafish [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:57 ReasonableGator When your game is off, just leave the court and go to the metaphysical section.
submitted by ReasonableGator to 10s [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:57 TangerineOk5522 Does counterclockwise wise rotation decrease tooth show?
If counterclockwise rotated by about 2-3 degrees and bringing maxilla down 1mm would that increase tooth show or keep it about the same?
submitted by TangerineOk5522 to jawsurgery [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:57 davidesteban1988 Who farted?
View Poll
submitted by davidesteban1988 to superstore [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:57 Specialist_Syllabub6 Finally can post!
I have watched in here for a while trying to get ideas for Sapphire engagement rings. I found the perfect stone. 2.5 carat African Sapphire in a deep step cut. It is so moody depending on the light. My boyfriend, now fiancee got it set and proposed today and it's perfect! Enjoy a couple photos at the end of the loose stone photoshoot I did with it. I also don't do my nails 😂 submitted by Specialist_Syllabub6 to EngagementRings [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:57 ConcernBig5862 What's your opinion on Vase?
submitted by ConcernBig5862 to ObjectShows [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:57 jomaty Ornaments
Does anyone happen to know if the new ornaments are plastic or glass? It doesn't say on the website and I don't recall them saying in the last couple of episodes
submitted by jomaty to goodmythicalmorning [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:57 StylisticNightmare Sadistischer Frauenarzt verstümmelt hunderte Frauen
▪︎ 20min
▪︎ BZ
》Ein australischer Frauenarzt verging sich neun Jahre lang an rund 500 Patientinnen. Zur eigenen Lustbefriedigung nahm der Arzt auch Beschneidungen vor.
Er wird in Australien «der Metzger aus Bega» genannt: Dr. Graeme Stephen Reeves, Gynäkologe und Geburtsarzt, missbrauchte oder verstümmelte zwischen 1993 und 2002 in verschiedenen Kliniken rund um Syndey hunderte von Frauen.
Seit Dr. Reeves unter Verdacht steht, Frauen zur eigenen sexuellen Befriedigung sadistischen Prozeduren unterzogen zu haben, gingen rund 500 E-Mails betroffener Patientinnen des Horror-Arztes ein. Dies berichtet die Zeitung «The Daily Telegraph» in ihrer Online-Ausgabe.
In einer Stellungnahme der medizinischen Kommission Australiens ist von Dr. Reeves' psychischen Problemen, die die «Fähigkeit zur Ausübung einer medizinischen Tätigkeit beeinträchtigen», die Rede.
Die Genitalien entfernt - ohne medizinischen Grund Einige Patientinnen des Horror-Arztes wachten nach der Narkose auf und stellten fest, das Teile ihrer Genitalien fehlten. So erging es auch Carolyn Dewaegeneire aus dem australischen Bega Valley. Sie wurde 2002 ins Pambula Hospital eingewiesen, um eine Genital-Verletzung operieren zu lassen. Bevor Dewaegeneire durch die Narkose ihr Bewustsein verlor, flüsterte ihr Dr. Reeves ins Ohr: «Ich werde dir die Klitoris herausoperieren». Als die Patientin aufwachte, kam der Schock: Dewaegeneire stellte fest, dass alle ihre äusseren Genitalien entfernt worden waren. Ein Vorgehen, das medizinisch gesehen überhaupt nicht nachvollziehbar ist.
Von einer Klinik zur nächsten Als Reeves 2004 auf gerichtlichen Beschluss das Praktizieren als Geburtsarzt in Sydney untersagt wurde, wechselte er den Wohn- und Arbeitsort. Sein neuer Arbeitgeber wurde nicht über Reeves Vergangenheit in Kenntnis gesetzt.
Gibt es weitere Opfer? In Australien wird vermutet, dass sich weitere Geschädigte melden werden. Der Grusel-Doktor selbst äusserte sich bislang nicht öffentlich zu den Vorwürfen.《
submitted by StylisticNightmare to philogyny [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 00:57 Norsk-Altmuligmann I never posted this one from last Sunday, so… here it is!
submitted by Norsk-Altmuligmann to TheOldStyle [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 00:57 softchocolips TDS IS REAL
submitted by softchocolips to Jordan_Peterson_Memes [link] [comments] |