What should I get as my first car?

2024.11.30 01:40 FanNational What should I get as my first car?

Looking for a used small sedan, as reliable as a Toyota or Honda but cheaper. My two conditions is that it has a backup camera and blind spot detectors. I know blind spot detectors didn’t become standard in Toyotas and Hondas until around 2021 but I don’t know about other brands. Otherwise I would be fine with something older. Please help
submitted by FanNational to askcarguys [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:39 orltpavnzl Found in Jupiter florida. Would love help identifying

Found in Jupiter florida. Would love help identifying submitted by orltpavnzl to sharkteeth [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:39 EternalVictory01 Hello with screen protector

Have any of you ever tried using a PaperLike screen protector on your iPad Pro?
I recently upgraded to the 13” M4 model and wast to put a new PaperLike screen protector on it. I have never tried it on this model although I tried several times on me 12.9” 2021 iPad Pro and NEVER could get one applied without a significant amount of air bubbles! Yes, they were air…not dust!
I tore every one of them off and installed a tempered glass protector instead. I had no trouble installing it without bubbles if I was careful.
I finally gave up on PaperLike and forgot about them for a while. But now with the new iPadI want to begin doing digital painting and I am being advised again to get a PaperLike screen protector protector to make it a bit more natural feeling!
What is the secret for putting one of these on without bubbles???
Thanks for your help?
submitted by EternalVictory01 to iPadPro [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:39 throwaglow Tired and lonely

Hi, I'm just here to vent. It's often all I feel that I'm able to do. For context, I'm in my 40s, with kids, and married to a narc. She seems lower on the spectrum based on a lot of what I read here, but she definitely checks all the boxes.
My mother texted me the night before Thanksgiving, telling us not to come. Never happened before. I've missed a couple Thanksgivings before because we've lived far away, but I never would have imagined anyone at all telling me, no, "don't come". Least of all my mom who absolutely loves TG.
I won't go into details for privacy, but we had been back and forth with my parents about accommodations. My wife was planning to not go to make things easier, but we suggested it could work out if we stayed in the basement. I know that sounds strange, but I promise all of that was entirely reasonable under the circumstances.
I'm still not sure why, but one of my siblings (everyone else was already there) had a problem with that, and I guess it turned into a huge fight somehow centered around there being too many concessions for us over the years. There have certainly been conflicts over the years, and my wife absolutely instigated many of them, but it was never one-sided. Anyway, the worst of it was years ago, and we were all just together a few months ago with no problems.
I know many here might say I'm gaslit to the point where I'm defending my wife. Honestly, I'm not even sure anymore, which I guess means that I am. But since we weren't there, I'm having a really hard time connecting the dots to not being welcome at TG.
I was working outside all day today and my wife just blew up at me because I spent an hour on my computer to relax while she was busy, and didn't immediately stop and look to do something with her when she was done. Not that I didn't want to, just that I didn't suggest it. I know she will be pissed all night now and do everything she can to make me miserable unless I spend the next hour or two begging for forgiveness. I'm not really feeling it right now.
What I feel is tired and more lonely than ever. I don't really have any friends because I've never been good at making them, and my wife would never allow me the time to sustain a friendship. She pushes all her own friends away, too. I've tried therapy, but they only focus on things like the drinking. The few crutches I have to keep me going every day, with nothing to replace them. Not one has ever had anything useful to say about my wife.
Anyway, I hope everyone who reads this is doing better than I am tonight. I'm a resilient person, so I know I'll be alright. It's the long-term toll of this shit life that worries me.
submitted by throwaglow to NarcissisticSpouses [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:39 starliiiiite $50 for kitty cat spay surgery

Hello, my kitty cat Kitana is getting her spay surgery this week. I am about $50 short and would like some assistance to get her the care she needs. She's an adorable sweet tortie cat (I tried to add a photo but will send you photos as a thank you!) and I want to make sure she gets her treatment. Thank yall and have a happy holidays!
submitted by starliiiiite to Assistance [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:39 Exaltrify Parking at Honda Center?

Have a concert to go to tomorrow. What’s a good free option for parking nearby to avoid the construction mess at Honda Center at the moment? Thank you!
submitted by Exaltrify to Anaheim [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:39 Interesting-Ride-507 8x8 mg poster

8x8 mg poster printed this out cut and taped.. diy… so badass.. (yes i know walmart n walgreens print but still..)
submitted by Interesting-Ride-507 to machinegirl [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:39 Healthy_Conference_6 [Post patch 1.0.1] - The Boundary quest bug

Richter still found dead on the floor in 100 Rad Bar after fighting the Monolith assault at Yaniv. This bug got me to take a break off the game for quite a while, quite a bummer to see that it's still happening :(
submitted by Healthy_Conference_6 to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:39 kudes13 Help finding this!

Help finding this! Blaise from cruel intentions has some great outfits but a sweater in episode 1 was a standout for me. Can't seem to find it anywhere Would anyone be able to help?
submitted by kudes13 to mensfashion [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:39 Abjak180 I'm 23 I want to start investing for my future without having to be a constant stock trader. Is there some type of plan I can follow or a general step-by-step?

Basically the title. I am a 23 year old man with a lot of spending money. I have a low cost of living and have almost $700 of pocket money each month after all my bills are paid. I've been saving but I just have a single checking account where I keep my money with Chase bank (started it in college). I want to really start investing and put my money somewhere careful and I have no desire to learn or play the stock gambling game. I have no real hope for retirement, but I put 6% of every paycheck into a 401k with my employer match. Idk if that money might be better put somewhere else, but I want to truly start investing and passively generating money with all of this pocket money I have. It needs to be somewhere other than my chase checking account, but I honestly have no idea where to even start.
I've heard people say I should move money into a high-yield savings account, but I would like to actually invest in something with guaranteed gains so Im not just getting 5% interest, but an actual passive income. Something I can diversify so all my money isn't in one place.
Any help is appreciated.
submitted by Abjak180 to Bogleheads [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:39 The_Unofficial_Ghost Help Frailea Seeds?

Help Frailea Seeds? I pulled out one the tuffts and I think they are a seed pod? Have I done it too early. Will they be good to go if left to dry, assuming they are seeds
Frailea (grahliana)
submitted by The_Unofficial_Ghost to cactus [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:39 Pure-Environment-548 LLF aged really well so many bangers

LLF aged really well so many bangers I still don’t understand all the slander it received, top 5 rap albums this year imo
submitted by Pure-Environment-548 to DestroyLonely [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:39 Jacqueline-Dax I've always been a big boned goddess but sadly my teddie have to be covered up here.

I've always been a big boned goddess but sadly my teddie have to be covered up here. submitted by Jacqueline-Dax to Crossdress_Expression [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:39 National_Answer2941 [NJ] Manager overstepping?

So i work at home depot, just as a part time gig. A coworker tells me his wage, even though he technically has a different title now, were doing the same exact job. Ive been there for about 9 months as opposed to him at 2 monts. he earns a dollar more than me. I go in to talk to the manager, I tell him about what i’ve done so far and how i can work across different departments and how another associate that does the same job but gets paid more. I specifically said id rather keep it confidential but he insisted that he needs a name so i told him the name. He got all personal asking me about my personal life etc and then offered a different position at a higher rate which i was interested in. The next day the coworker got mad that i was discussing him with the manager. The manager had brought him into the office to apprehend him for discussing his pay. I confronted that manager asking if he had repeated our conversation to the associate and with an angry look on his face said “yes i did, discussing pay is not something we do here.” He then says that the position he was talking about is not available for me because it “my level of productivity doesnt match the requirement’s of the job (this is still just above min wage btw)“. He has no way of checking my productivity as he’s literally on his way home when i start my shift.
As far as im concerned, its illegal for a job to prohibit talking about earnings between coworkers via the national labor relations act. Would calling corporate hr even do anything in this case? Is it worth it to retaliate now that I dont play to stay here?
submitted by National_Answer2941 to AskHR [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:39 bot_neen ¡No te dejes engañar! Profeco alerta sobre página web pirata

¡No te dejes engañar! Profeco alerta sobre página web pirata submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:39 Santa_Devotee801 New pendants

New pendants Matching
submitted by Santa_Devotee801 to SantaMuerte [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:39 Individual_Aioli2442 Just Ada

Just Ada Ada Appreciation Post. Loving September Ways
submitted by Individual_Aioli2442 to residentevil4 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:39 hannahthebetch college perks

so glad i didn't have to work black friday! i'm at the service desk and i just know it would've been hell. my hr manager literally lets me take off any day i want bc im a college student 🙏 would highly recommend working at home depot if ur in college the hours are so much more flexible than my old job
submitted by hannahthebetch to HomeDepot [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:39 Special-Book-7 HuskyLiners vs $30 floor mat(that may need trimming) from Amazon for your corolla?

Winter is here and it'll start snowing soon. Being a new driver and first time car owner, I am coming across new things I should add to my car and since the black friday deals are going on, I am thinking to get a floor mat.
The amazon product has 116k reviews but I read on this sub about HuskyLiners and how people like the way these liners fit seamlessly. Here's what I am thinking: To order from amazon and see if it fits my 2020 LE well and if its good, I keep that and if not, I'll order HuskyLiners.
Also, any suggestion for seat covers are appreciated. I did not start researching that yet but I don't like the water drops from rain and such leaving stains on seat cloth.
Looking forward to your opinions and ideas. Thanks!
submitted by Special-Book-7 to COROLLA [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:39 CrazyRules78 Elsa Hosk

Elsa Hosk submitted by CrazyRules78 to celeb_nylons [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:39 Kyanani Best 2 in 1 tablet?

The screen on my SL7 cracked so I'm looking for another tablet. I'm stuck between the Samsung and the SL 11. I'm hearing a lot of compatibility issues with snapdragon? The battery life sounds amazing though and the colors look amazing. I want to do minor gaming and more graphic designing. I'm open to any other options though.
submitted by Kyanani to SuggestALaptop [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:39 SpecialistDesign6 New domme in findom

New domme in findom https://buy.stripe.com/14kbJi2c46oT7ssaEE
I’m new to findom. Introducing myself as the domineering character I am. Twitter- goddessgingery
submitted by SpecialistDesign6 to findommes [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:39 egancaufieldmusic Jack of Hearts Mystery

"Lily, Rosemary, and the Jack of Hearts" is one of my all-time favorite Dylan songs. I've listened to the song, turned over its meaning, gotten lost in the lyrics countless times -- and still I've never quite decided where I come down on the following question:
In the song, has Rosemary known the Jack of Hearts prior to the night of the dramatic encounter in which Rosemary kills Big Jim? In other words, is it a heroic act to free the two lovers to be together out from the shadow of her evil husband? Or is it a tragic sacrifice of her own love for the Jack of Hearts?
I decided to see what others think. There are only two answers, but of course, opinions/evidence/theses/dissertations welcome in the comments.

View Poll
submitted by egancaufieldmusic to bobdylan [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:39 ta1no You haters doing okay?😭

You haters doing okay?😭 submitted by ta1no to HEXcrypto [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:39 macandcheese2015 Which one would be better

Which one would be better I just want one piece in the game
submitted by macandcheese2015 to sypherpk [link] [comments]
