Anyone found yonex ezone deals this BF weekend?

2024.11.30 01:57 solid0K Anyone found yonex ezone deals this BF weekend?

Please do share, I desperately searched for hours and can’t find a good deal, so far seems like cheapest way is to buy from Canada and ship to the US😭
submitted by solid0K to 10s [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:57 PressBoxPete Remaining Autos from Black Friday Sale!!

Remaining Autos from Black Friday Sale!! $1 PWE - $5 BMWT PayPal or Venmo!
submitted by PressBoxPete to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:57 RustX-woosho why does purple go hard with the drive

why does purple go hard with the drive submitted by RustX-woosho to WidowmakerMains [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:57 LackofBinary [SERIOUS] Anyone else starting to feel uncomfortable?

With the frequency in sightings and the lack of explanation on it I have been feeling a little nervous this week, haha.
Anyone else feel that way?
submitted by LackofBinary to aliens [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:57 cookiemonarchy Mac cosmetics sale?

In past years mac had 50% off for black friday but today it was only 30%, any chance of mac having 50% off for cyber monday? Not a lot of good makeup deals this year tbh
submitted by cookiemonarchy to Makeup [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:57 FlatAd1892 collusion?

Team A: 7-5, good shot to make the playoffs but i'm creeping up on him in regards to the playoff picture (im 5-7), but he clinches with a win Team B: 4-8, outside shot at the playoffs but still possible for sure
both teams play each other this week
i need team A to lose out which isnt unrealistic, while i need to win out, which is a definite possibility
Team B has alvin kamara and garrett wilson, yet both are benched in favor of d'andre swift and tyler lockett respectively
maybe i'm overthinking, but this seems incredibly odd to me given
A. you should always start wilson B. kamara plays a bottom 10 defense C. i have a really good roster despite my record, so Team A losing out and me winning out has a decent shot at happening D. team B still isn't out of the playoff race by any means
i may just be overreacting, but outside opinions would be welcome
submitted by FlatAd1892 to fantasyfootballadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:57 sidneileeart In auction nown on my patreon!

submitted by sidneileeart to mtg [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:56 Ok-Spread-6559 $60 US/ 60€ /$70 CAD/46£ limited time increased device referral. Take advantage for the holidays.
submitted by Ok-Spread-6559 to OculusReferralLinks [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:56 Advance_quin Pelle’s value

Is it just me or for a 2nd rounder that kinda went unnoticed by almost everyone or maybe just me, has gotten to be one of our more promising guys. I mean Pelle has been coming off the bench and delivering almost every time, he’s been doing what we need our other guys to do.
submitted by Advance_quin to heat [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:56 AdhesivenessPure5643 anyone in Florida looking to runaway?

I'm planning to runaway in late summer and wanted to look for a group to join/go with
submitted by AdhesivenessPure5643 to runaway2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:56 ArachnidRemarkable85 (pregunta para hombre que se acostaron con una mujer madura) Como y donde la conocieron?

submitted by ArachnidRemarkable85 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:56 RipIntelligent6912 M20, Insane diffuse thinning. Worth it to go on fin+min or just go bald?

submitted by RipIntelligent6912 to Hairloss [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:56 digitalsimian78 Action Express - Whelen Cadillac Livery Concept

Action Express - Whelen Cadillac Livery Concept submitted by digitalsimian78 to wec [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:56 Cheap_Baseball7778 Planning to buy my first-ever car on Feb, any tips/tricks/advice?

I'm set to purchase my first-ever car on February! Bago mangyari 'yan, since I'm a first-time driver too, I'm enrolling sa isang driving school for XX number of hours.
For context, I'm still in my 20s, single, and living in an adjacent province from NCR. I work from home most of the time (once in a month lang RTO). I'm currently commuting pero sobrang hassle coz I have to brave through three different byahes from where I live just to get to my office. I can't rely too much on TNVS coz bloated din fees nila.
I really want convenience, and since I earn on the more comfortable side, I have enough for this big ticket purchase + those late-night rides, charms/humbles me. ✨️
Any tips, tricks, advice or anything in between?
Here are some of my considerations for my next cacompanion: - Should be 4-seater - Hindi matakaw sa gas - 1M max gross price (i'll opt for MAs) - Hopefully hindi kailangan ng maintenance masyado or if ever man, what do you recommend for longevity - No particular manufacturer in mind
Please, share your stories din when you decided to invest in your first car. I'd love to hear it! Thank you!
submitted by Cheap_Baseball7778 to CarsPH [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:56 ThaStiffler Ya think he was talking bout Jack or wiz ?

Ya think he was talking bout Jack or wiz ? submitted by ThaStiffler to FromDuvalToDade [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:56 Obvious_Young_8595 Does my boyfriend find me unattractive?

My boyfriend and I have been together about a year and a half. Our relationship started as just friends with benefits but eventually evolved into us seriously dating pretty quickly. I am currently 7 months pregnant with his child. Prior to me being pregnant, we would sleep together 4-5 times a week. Now we have sex maybe once a week. I can’t tell if it’s because I’m pregnant and he’s simply not attracted to me anymore or what else could be causing it? I understand we might not be in the honeymoon phase anymore as well so maybe I need to take that into consideration but in my head, all signs point to him thinking I’m gross. I’ve asked him so many times but the issue never gets better and he’s not clear or gives me a direct answer what’s wrong. And I know he would never tell me to my face he finds me ugly. What could be the issue?! If not that?! Am I being dramatic?
submitted by Obvious_Young_8595 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:56 No_Put_8503 The Missouri Boat Ride: A CountryDumb Investment Strategy 🎯

You can learn a lot from watching movies, especially westerns. And if you want to get rich in the stock market, it's pretty easy. All you've got to do is be patient, pick your shot, then concentrate all your firepower on a single target.
submitted by No_Put_8503 to CountryDumb [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:56 throwawayvinf Is this profession making you depressed or were you always depressed

Lol sorry to darken the mood but I’ve realized that I’m not living a healthy life. This profession gave me the space to strengthen the weaker parts of my personality and for that I am grateful but it also causes me a lot of distress. I genuinely feel like I can only tolerate it as a casual worker. Or maybe I have some inner healing to do. At the end of the day, I feel this job and I are not compatible. I just feel really lonely, I think I need to hear other’s experiences.
submitted by throwawayvinf to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:56 Corndogeveryday Alan Rickman played one of the best villains of all time!

Alan Rickman played one of the best villains of all time! “Yippie-ki-yay”
submitted by Corndogeveryday to 80s [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:56 Laicbeias If you run into message limits .. deactivate artifacts

i constantly see people complain about message limits. if you use artifacts it apparently adds around 26k characters to the system prompt.
At least back in summer >>
Their main system prompt seems to be around 12.k characters >>
So deactivate whatever possible or you will end up eating through the tokens quickly.
submitted by Laicbeias to ClaudeAI [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:56 Adventurous-Water215 Scaling up and holding trades

I've been a seconds scalper for some time now. Not net profitable yet but things are looking up. Got a couple of questions for the pros -

  1. How do you go from seconds scalping to longer hold trades? (I feel motivated to make this transition as im trading small capital and brokerage++ eats up my profit)
  2. How do you plan a scale up? The way I see it, one of my requirements at this time is to scale up enough so that my brokerage+tax are single digit percentage or my total profit. Currently it's not. What parameters do/did you use when you scaled up?
(I scalp Indian Indices.)
Thank you!
submitted by Adventurous-Water215 to Daytrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:56 Proud_Pineapple_5016 Emma Watson

Emma Watson submitted by Proud_Pineapple_5016 to NoseKink [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:56 SleepyLondonFog Deer X-ing 🦌✨

Deer X-ing 🦌✨ Lately I’m being commissioned to do these kinds of portraits but before I say yes, how should I spice it up? Gentle CC welcome 🙏
submitted by SleepyLondonFog to furry [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:56 Significant-Hat-7545 My little destroyer and shark

My little destroyer and shark submitted by Significant-Hat-7545 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:56 JimCripe Billionaires and big corporations are the real winners

Billionaires and big corporations are the real winners submitted by JimCripe to MeidasTouch [link] [comments]