PCL - Text in DCS Quality vs. MSFS 2020/2024

2024.11.30 01:40 ninetyonebottles PCL - Text in DCS Quality vs. MSFS 2020/2024

Just received a PCL a few days ago and have gotten around to fiddling with it.
Why is cockpit text so much more readable in DCS than in MSFS? Is there a setting I’m missing?
Bonus: Any add on or otherwise that people are using to read charts/sectionals in the PCL?
submitted by ninetyonebottles to Pimax [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 peanut-tasha Join this group

submitted by peanut-tasha to YTVloggerFamilies [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 Elnegroback 14, 16,20, 33

14, 16,20, 33 submitted by Elnegroback to uglyduckling [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 sir_owliest This set has me in a chokehold

This set has me in a chokehold submitted by sir_owliest to lifemakeover [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 lucili9843 Thanks, i hate the new IOS layout

Thanks, i hate the new IOS layout submitted by lucili9843 to thanksihateit [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 successXX DOA 5 ingles 11/29/2024 PS4

DOA 5 ingles 11/29/2024 PS4 submitted by successXX to videojuegos [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 kashuntr188 What with the anime and donghua series not being updated?

I've noticed over the past week that some anime and almost all donghua haven't been updated on the site. Only like 5 episodes get posted a day whereas it was like 20 before.
Also in the comments on the episodes its pretty much empty. Shows that used to get 100 or 200 comments have like 5.
I know that the site pulls episodes from somewhere because people in the comments are watching from a different site(can't remember the name). looks like that other site is completely down?
submitted by kashuntr188 to allanimesite [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 motif-game Do you see the motif?

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submitted by motif-game to MotifGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 SenseJazzlike398 talismans

there is like a hundred questions just about them 1:what exactly are they? 2:who (or what) made them 3:who left them in that cave? 4:can more be created? 5:did a ritual give them the abitlty to protect 6:how do they work exactly? (turns outs there weren't like a hundred questions )
submitted by SenseJazzlike398 to FromSeries [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 1205723 Where can I find baggy jeans with this type of wash or what is the name of the type of wash

I’m not really into jorts but I’d love a baggy pair of jeans with a similar color
submitted by 1205723 to Denim [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 Singer-Maximum What is this?

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submitted by Singer-Maximum to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 Nknown_location S8610U issues

I a s8610u (brand new) that's givig me issues by dropping voltage to my gas valve. This is the same issue I was having before the initial replacement. I've got good ground connections, (no flame sensor) so jumper is still attached on module, clean pilot light/good flame, clean offices and no drafts disturbing flame. One moment I'm running strong for maybe a minute and the next I'm cycling the burners on and off constantly re-igniting.
The flash code I'm getting is #3 (pilot fails during run mode) and then shortly after it re-cycles, I got a flash code #2 (pilot fails to ignite), even though I have a constantly lit pilot.
Any ideas on what could be causing this constant cycle of operation.
Application: supermarket hanging heater
(NOTE: Thermostat in perfect operation)
submitted by Nknown_location to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 Wishingal CCTV

CCTV submitted by Wishingal to Gujaratpolice [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 Argent_Haze Stellar Crown Progress

Stellar Crown Progress Was opening packs from an ETB I bought and picked up today. That's the most valuable card I own and I love the design. Little turtle is adorable
submitted by Argent_Haze to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 Kind_Draw2518 Sunny was gloatin that she came up 4k and got greedy and gambled again and lost 1.5k 😂 she missed her trey series because she thought her gambling problem would make up for it

submitted by Kind_Draw2518 to Snark4sunnyChristina [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 caubert Yellowstone - S05E08 - A Knife and No Coin

"Progress. It's uh... seems that's all I ever talk about. But I never talk about what the word actually means, it means 'to proceed,' 'to move forward,' that's all... Typically we interpret moving forward as better, better for us as people, better for the planet, which is usually better for us as a people. And if we use it in that manner, I agree. But when something benefits one group over another group you can't use that word any more. You must use another word. You must use 'bias,' you must use 'favouritism.'" // #YellowstoneTV / John Dutton1
submitted by caubert to caubert [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 Sej0090 I knew we couldn’t trust this lady!👍

submitted by Sej0090 to thesims4 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 ShiningDenizen Just saw a lady (30s 40s?) running towards bus stop on the last lane of the road to literally try to stop a bus from leaving (which just exited to the last second lane and left). Singaporeans are funny at times.

submitted by ShiningDenizen to SingaporeRaw [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 Outside-Search-2652 Engram,Otton, or taysom this week?

Full PPR
submitted by Outside-Search-2652 to fantasyfootballadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 Upper-Anywhere4169 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Upper-Anywhere4169 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 Can_I_Ask_You Astro a40 & Creative Labs t60 Microphone Issues

I have my Astro a40 headset plugged into my Creative Labs t60 speakers since they have a port on the back and a handy button that allows you to switch between the speakers and a headset without needing to plug or unplug it. Unfortunately my mic doesn't seem to connect or work. No input is detected. The speakers are plugged into the red front speaker jack on the back of my PC.
submitted by Can_I_Ask_You to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 RiotBananasOnTwitch PlayStation buttons for the RP5

Has anyone replaced the RP5 buttons with PS buttons yet?
I’ve seen they’re swappable but not sure if anyone’s doing buttons specifically or if there are mods.
I’m mostly getting mine for PS2 games so this would really complete the look for me!
submitted by RiotBananasOnTwitch to retroid [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 Informal_Hunter8783 i need help

my boyfriend and i broke up about a week ago. and to say i’m devastated is an understatement. i haven’t been eating, sleeping. i tried to fix things with him when it initially happened and he just doesn’t want to try. he still has me on all social media and called me the other day. i wanted to meet up in person and talk but he refused, his reasoning was it would be too hard to see me. how can i try to get him back? we both have things we need to work on and im willing to fix whatever i need to
submitted by Informal_Hunter8783 to Breakupadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 Trelosa21 Noivo não aceita ser questionado

Namoro há alguns anos e fiquei noiva recentemente. Estávamos conversando sobre traição, que ele me contou a história de um tio dele que traiu a tia. Resumindo, a tia tinha uma irmã que foi passar alguns meses com ela por questão de trabalho, daí essa irmã acabou se envolvendo com o tio e o casamento deles acabou.
Quando estávamos falando sobre isso, ele disse que a tia errou em colocar a irmã dentro de casa, e eu o questionei sobre isso, perguntando se ele achava que o fato de ter outra mulher dentro de casa constituía uma tentação pro homem, e ele não respondeu. Eu insisti na pergunta, já com raiva porque ele se absteve de responder e dei um exemplo, perguntando-o se ele acharia que ter uma amiga minha ou parente em casa seria uma ameaça pra ele e ele saiu batendo porta e ficou ofendidíssimo comigo. Disse que eu o estava acusando de ser um degenerado.
Eu achei estranhíssima essa reação, ele nunca agiu assim. Sempre confiei nele, mas não sei o que pensar diante disso. Para além disso, já faz um tempo que me sinto preterida, ele não faz muita questão de me oferecer palavras de afirmação e gestos de carinho, mesmo eu já tendo falado o quanto isso é importante pra mim. As vezes penso estar sendo exigente demais, não sei o que pensar. Por favor, conselhos…
submitted by Trelosa21 to relacionamentos [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 01:40 Brilliant_Tutor_8234 Im not happy with my Career choices.

Im a 16 year old in high school whos in his senior year. I already know my passions but Im not too happy with career test results. Heres what I ended up with
Intelligence Analyst(CIA,FBI.etc) Geopolitical Risk Consultants Air Traffic Management or Aviation Planner. Cybersecurity Specialist Diplomat or Foreign Service Officer Geospatial Analyst
As you can see I interested in maps, and politics and govt interest me. Im very interested in criminal related stuff, I like looking at country’s stability, culture, and rivalries and everything geopolitical related. I like history, and I guess have a knack for technology but not too much, I dont even know any programming language. Science does interest me but not too much. I’m also fascinated with airports and airlines, even mapping my own routes.
But Im pressured into taking medical by everyone else because theres not much for me to do. Im not sure if these jobs are in high demand or even pay good. Everyone wants me to do medical because its recession proof and as a nurse Id be all set, but I hardly passed chemistry and Im not really looking up human body parts all the time, only thing slightly related to it is looking up diseases and their information.
And also college, Better hope the majors I take related to these will help me and not end up with me in loads of debt with a shitty low paying job.
TLDR: My career options seem to suck, and I guess Ill have to take something im not to interested in.
submitted by Brilliant_Tutor_8234 to Career_Advice [link] [comments]
