Zulu games preorders for prismatic evolutions

2024.11.30 02:24 Astro_nut17 Zulu games preorders for prismatic evolutions

submitted by Astro_nut17 to PKMNTCGDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:24 Sad_Parking1678 Two Rear Facing car seats.

Malibu has shit the bed. Need more space to soon fit 2 rear facing car seats. Been doing research and these are my top three atm. Approx. 20k budget. Would prefer lower mileage but probably won’t happen any time soon. I need opinions. How do these options look? Is going for a brand new Hyundai basic better than this?
submitted by Sad_Parking1678 to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:24 NA30SC How do I even get these? I really wanna get them!

How do I even get these? I really wanna get them! submitted by NA30SC to Soundmap [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:24 RSPS_317 SnowRSPS - Rust PC/Console servers & Runescape private server

Hello everybody I’m the owner of www.SnowRSPS.com and if you’re tired of admin abuse and boosted to hell servers then come check out our Console & PC servers. We have Easy mode and Hard mode servers on Console Rust. Please stand by for more servers. https://discord.gg/snowrsps
submitted by RSPS_317 to runescape_servers [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:24 thegoodyoutuber To cool shital

Tmlai maile chia khana aau bhaneko k bho?
Darako hora?
Jhan dudh lina jada farkeko paisa bachai bachai 100rs garaxu
Yedi cafe ma aauna darr lagxa bhane ghar aau, mero mummy ra father sita vetamla, weren't psycho , he's the most wholesome and friendly person in neighborhood he will appreciate your visit, ani coffee xa ,dalmoth xa, chiura ra lapsi ko achar😋
Natra hillpark aayeni bho, bholi maile sunrise ko photo khichu bhanya, tyo red sun balla udaudai gareko ani rangi changi rooftop ko view
K ho kura spasta garana, yedi bf xa bhane ni thikai xa ma scriptwriter ho romantic scenes lekhna sajilo hunxa
Tyo bhanda ni you're woman timro perspective bujhera i can include females also in my target audience
La xito samparka gara hai ,i will be waiting
submitted by thegoodyoutuber to NepalSocial [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:24 AutoModerator A oração como um remédio para a alma: encontre alívio e conforto em Deus

A oração como um remédio para a alma: encontre alívio e conforto em Deus submitted by AutoModerator to Noticiasdodia [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:24 Educational_Share147 Anyone know the cause of these flickering textures?

A while ago I started to have these flickering textures. I don't know what the cause of them are but it is really annoying. Switching to DX 11 stops it but the graphics look horrible. Anyone got any advice? These are my specs: Intel i5-11400 24 GB RAM NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Super
submitted by Educational_Share147 to dyinglight2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:24 Dangerous_Dog_5905 Motion Picture Soundtrack-Radiohead (cover)

Motion Picture Soundtrack-Radiohead (cover) submitted by Dangerous_Dog_5905 to newmusic [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:24 DulceLech3 Tim Dillon Tickets available!

Get them while you can. Dec 10th/11th 4 total shows.
submitted by DulceLech3 to comedymothership [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:24 Frequent_Way_3007 Le digo a mi shugar daddy que me enamoré?

Holaa, soy una chica de 20 años, y el tiene 48. Buenooo todo comienza por una app donde conozco a (nombre falso) Pedro. Yo nunca había salido con nadie que conociera por app y menos con alguien tan mayor pero llevaba un tiempo hablando con el, además de que me parecía muy agradable, vivía no muy lejos de mi y no tenía nada mejor que hacer ese día. Pedro y yo desde la primera cita tuvimos una buena plática por lo que salimos algunas veces más. Siempre dejamos en claro lo que ambos queríamos, el es divorciado con 2 hijos (15 y 14 años) además de que tiene un trabajo que consume mucho de su tiempo por lo que no buscaba una relación de verdad pero tampoco buscaba meterse con una y con otra mujer, según lo que platicamos a el le agradó que yo esperara muchos meses para aceptarle una salida, el quería una sola mujer que no le demandará tanto tiempo. Yo la verdad solamente estaba ahí por curiosidad jajaja
Una cosa llegó a la otra y ahora 6 meses después tenemos un acuerdo bastante simple, me pasa $$$ semanalmente, paga mi universidad y todo lo demás que podría yo necesitar además de que frecuentemente salimos de viaje juntos y si, también tenemos intimidad.
El me agrada por que siempre me ha respetado en todos los sentidos, siento que tanto el como yo tomamos las veces que salimos para divertirnos y poder hablar (de nuestros trabajos, preocupaciones o simplemente cosas que nos pasan en los lapsos que no nos vemos) El es un hombre muy estable y constante, sinceramente me divierto mucho con el y creo que el conmigo
Últimamente tenemos bromas del tipo... hacer como si lo nuestro fuera una relación de verdad. Por ejemplo, la semana pasada fue la fiesta de cumpleaños de mi hermana y antes de asistir tuve una cita con Pedro, cuando le hice un comentario de la fiesta el dice "si quieres dile a tu hermana que ahorita llevamos el pastel" o "deja que me cambie de ropa y nos vamos a la fiesta" o cuando el habla de que sus hijos ya casi salen de la escuela yo digo algo como "vamos a recogerlos y después comemos todos juntos en familia" en fin, esto nos parece gracioso por que es obvio que nadie más que nosotros dos sabemos de nuestra peculiar relación.
El problema aparece con el hecho de que frecuentemente me auto descubro pensando en lo que pasaría si de verdad le dijéramos a alguien sobre lo nuestro. No sé que es lo que el opine al respecto por que si yo fuera el no me arriesgaría a decirle la verdad a mis hijos o a mi familia y poner las cosas de cabeza solo por tener una relación sentimental. Y yo personalmente tampoco se si podría con la presión socual o con decircelo a mis amigos o familia pero internamente puede que tenga un pedacito de mi que quiere que sea algo real.
¿Ustedes que opinan? ¿Le digo o no le digo como me siento?
submitted by Frequent_Way_3007 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:24 byAugos GOLD GR Supra!

GOLD GR Supra! submitted by byAugos to Toyota [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:24 lonelythrowaway4eva Will he (SAG,m, 34) forgive me (PISCES,f, 33)?

Tl:dr - platonic guy friend casually started seeing is upset with me that I didn't text him know I was at a mutual event he saw I posted myself there on stories. I apologized via text. He didn't reply in 2 days. I'm still part of his close friends. Is our friendship over? What can I do to show him I'm sorry?
've been platonic friends with a sag over a year from mutual friends. Recently we both shared we have romantic feelings but he wanted to take things slow sexually be respectful. It took a few months for our first kiss.
He posted he was going to an event online as an open invite on his story. I said I'd go and got my ticket.
Night of the event, things kept going left. I ended up showing late. I regretfully didn't text him I was there. I posted on my story I was there and he wrote "wowwww" with rolling eye emoji. Then he wrote 3 points why . Because I didn't say anything , he left, and that I just don't get it.
I apologized for not texting him and telling him I was there but he left me on read. We still follow each other and I'm still on his close friends.
I want to reach back out in 2-3 weeks and ask if he would like to meet for drinks. I want to express how I feel but I don't want to be soapy.
What's the best approach?
submitted by lonelythrowaway4eva to Sagittarians [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:24 hazelEarthstar user flairs broken

user flairs broken submitted by hazelEarthstar to homestuck [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:24 XWolfyCat I will retire to the salton sea at the age of twenty three

submitted by XWolfyCat to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:24 Dima_135 Did Disco Elysium radicalize you?

I mean, I've been drifting towards the center for the last few years. But disco, disco reminds me that struggle is real, and disco does it in a bright and effective way.
Sometimes the rich can really charm you. And you forget that they're ghouls, you let them talk. But my last run through disco coincided with these YouTube scandals. And now I just look at it like "how crazy are these rich people!!"
We should understand that even when they behave well, when they smile and pretend to be "one of us" - they despise us. They may not think so themselves, but they will never give up luxury. This tech review guy who drove 96 mph - I honestly, in my naivety, did not think that he was a "Lamborghini" type of guy. But why ? Well, i was a fool, but what is important is that luxury goods are embedded with contempt for others. And owning them is a manifestation of such an attitude, simply by definition, you can't fix that with calm words or a pretty face.
And of course the guy who bought a Lamborghini will allow himself to endanger the lives of "mere mortals", at least when he thinks that no one sees him - what did we expect ?
Joyce is much better than any of them. She has intelligence and is much more consistent and disciplined than the "faces" of our world. She is the perfect rich - an unattainable goal for these ghouls of our real world. But the game gives you the opportunity to dissect her and find out what she really is.
So what right to dignity, what justification can our real world goblins have? All these faces, all these "successful people". I mean, some of them don't even hide that they are bad people and don't even build a complex ideology that would justify or hide it. Joyce is a liberal. Many of the guys in our world are outright fascists.
So there is a struggle. And there is a pale behind these people's backs. They don't turn around to see the pale, as they are too busy biting off chunks of flesh from us. And if we don't go *against every living thing, against every human alive, against the atom, the charm and the spin*, then this pale will collapse and destroy us all around the time they finish eating our bones.
submitted by Dima_135 to DiscoElysium [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:24 Beyond_Reckless POLL: Which QB STARTS? (4pt TD)

View Poll
submitted by Beyond_Reckless to Fantasy_Football [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:24 AdrianBeatyoursons track saw blade sold as new on Amazon…would you use this?

would you be ok using this with a track saw? it looks like it’s been refurbished..it’s about a 13% wider kerf than advertised. it’s a DW5258 made for a track saw
submitted by AdrianBeatyoursons to Dewalt [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:24 Sufficient-Quail-265 NOOOOOOOOOO

submitted by Sufficient-Quail-265 to AnarchyChess [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:24 parrotbirdtalks My Collection (Part 29): T. ionantha haselnuss x ionantha apretado

My Collection (Part 29): T. ionantha haselnuss x ionantha apretado Sharing baby photo of this seedling while it is still a cute fuzz ball. The grower who created this hybrid told me that when it matures, it will grow thick leaves and have a different form. Very interesting.
submitted by parrotbirdtalks to airplants [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:24 KarlsLastReMarx Baldur's Gate 3 - OST

submitted by KarlsLastReMarx to VinylReleases [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:24 ivastiel Alternate Universe?

Alternate Universe? submitted by ivastiel to victoria3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:24 Tokokkino Transitional Emp Negative Cros

Transitional Emp Negative Cros Can someone please explain to me what this means?
submitted by Tokokkino to USPS [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:24 AcademicAstronaut395 Rachel ig post

Rachel ig post submitted by AcademicAstronaut395 to TeenMomOGandTeenMom2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:24 seattleswiss2 Best way to maintain healthy base tan to prevent burns during tropical vacations?

I really enjoy visiting tropical locations during vacations as the vitamin D benefits are exceptional for energy and libido. The effects are stark. I find I get optimal sun exposure April through October in NorCal, but as soon as November hits I turn very pale. I am generally averse to using tanning booths but am considering it. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to maintain a healthy baseline tan in NorCal?
submitted by seattleswiss2 to Biohackers [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:24 tangohtango Central Park. History, Design and Visitors' Guide

Central Park. History, Design and Visitors' Guide submitted by tangohtango to gosubcoda [link] [comments]
