Nhóm vệ sĩ phân luồng cho đoàn xe đám cưới bị tạm giữ

2024.11.30 03:26 OddSign4676 Nhóm vệ sĩ phân luồng cho đoàn xe đám cưới bị tạm giữ

Thanh HóaCông an Thanh Hóa tạm giữ 4 vệ sĩ với cáo buộc tự ý phân luồng, điều tiết giao thông trên tuyến đường lớn nhằm phục vụ đám cưới, gây mất an ninh trật tự.
Lê Kiên Quyết, 39 tuổi; Hoàng Kim Chung, 28 tuổi; Nguyễn Đình Dương, 33 tuổi và La Văn Thủy, 39 tuổi, đều là nhân viên Công ty TNHH Vệ sĩ Security, bị Công an tỉnh Thanh Hóa tạm giữ vì cho là có dấu hiệu của hành vi Gây rối trật tự công cộng.
Những ngày qua trên mạng xã hội lan truyền một số video ghi cảnh hôm 24/11 nhiều vệ sĩ cầm gậy điều khiển giao thông trên đại lộ Lê Lợi, Thanh Hóa, khi đoàn xe đám cưới đi qua. Đoàn xe không chấp hành tín hiệu đèn đỏ, khiến giao thông hỗn loạn.
Việc làm của các vệ sĩ bị Công an tỉnh Thanh Hoá cáo buộc đã "tạo ra những phản ứng tiêu cực trái chiều trong dư luận và có dấu hiệu vi phạm pháp luật", "trong số ôtô bị chặn đường có những xe công vụ đang đi làm nhiệm vụ".
Đám cưới có liên quan người thân của một lãnh đạo Công ty vệ sĩ Security.
Chiều 28/11, trụ sở công ty tại phường Đông Hương, TP Thanh Hóa, đã bị hàng chục cảnh sát phong tỏa, khám xét trong hai tiếng. Một số nhân viên bị di lý về trụ sở công an lấy lời khai.
Đám cưới có liên quan người thân của một lãnh đạo Công ty vệ sĩ Security.
Chiều 28/11, trụ sở công ty tại phường Đông Hương, TP Thanh Hóa, đã bị hàng chục cảnh sát phong tỏa, khám xét trong hai tiếng. Một số nhân viên bị di lý về trụ sở công an lấy lời khai.
Lê Hoàng
Link video: https://vnexpress.net/nhom-ve-si-phan-luong-cho-doan-xe-dam-cuoi-bi-tam-giu-4822094.html
submitted by OddSign4676 to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:26 KellyfromLeedsUK Truth about how woman who died in Sarco suicide pod got those 'strangulation marks' - and why I'm now coming to Britain: Its inventor 'Dr Death' in world-first interview

Truth about how woman who died in Sarco suicide pod got those 'strangulation marks' - and why I'm now coming to Britain: Its inventor 'Dr Death' in world-first interview submitted by KellyfromLeedsUK to BreakingNews24hr [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:26 gamer424 Suffering Transmutation in Jiddu? Please read and criticize this.

Suffering Transmutation in Jiddu? Please read and criticize this. "A new strength, born of suffering is pulsating in the veins and a new sympathy and understanding is being born of past sufferings— a greater desire to see other people suffer less, and if they must suffer, to see that they bear it easily and come out of it without too many scars. I have wept but I do not want others to weep; but if they do, I now know what it means." -K (Read more here)
13 November 1925, at age 27, K's brother Nitya died. This was his last communication to K (I believe).
Why did K reject any leaders, gurus, teachers, with SUCH conviction? I often wonder if this was a cause...
"Nitya had a very bad relapse and was very, very ill again. And Mrs. Besant wanted Krishna to go to Adyar for the Jubilee Convention of 1925, because it was important that he should be there. And he didn’t want to go because Nitya was so ill. But he was promised by all the leaders, including Leadbeater and Mrs. Besant, that Nitya was much too valuable to die and that Nitya would not die, he would recover. And because of that promise, which he believed, Krishna agreed to go to India, leaving Nitya very ill, well looked after, but very ill in Ojai." - Here
"And on the voyage, when he got as far as Port Said, he had a telegram saying Nitya had died. This was an absolutely shattering blow to him. He never believed it could happen. And it destroyed his faith, very largely, in the Masters who were part of the hierarchy of Theosophy who promised this through the clairvoyant people like Leadbeater, and he was absolutely distraught.
And he said that he had now suffered, he now knew what death was and he knew now that there was a love that transcended death and it was no longer to be feared."
In this video, a woman ask's K, why he can cease thought and the rest of them cannot. I have focused on this question deeply over the weeks. Was it the suffering he endured in his brother's death and being lied to? Can he do it because it is his natural reaction, and he is able to have non action as his conditioning? Our conditioning on the other hand is to think, over think and use time and knowledge, therefore that is why we ask how and cannot see?
“When the brother died, you know, I was here and we left, and I didn’t know he was going to die. When I got to England, they said, ‘We are the disciples. If you accept us, your brother will live.’ And when he died I said, ‘What a joke this is.’ That is the phrase K used.” - Here
Please stay with me as I briefly explain...
I for some time have wondered if suffering is the door to seriousness and the ending of thought. As in suffering, I am in the now, there is no time, no thought, no movement. I simply exist. I have experienced suffering to be an immediate end of thought, and at times able to in this moment also look at myself. This had no meaning, no words of what occurred to me until now. The thinking ended.
Through this looking at myself, is personally where my seriousness rose. In looking into the life of K I wondered, as David B. might of some foundation of seriousness in others, so naturally my brain conjured up when reading his biography, the true possibility of K's intense seriousness furthering when his brother passed away, and he was lied to about being able to save him.
I find that in this suffering, you can either transmute the energy into seriousness to look and open your eyes at everything around you in that stillness or stay numb keep your eyes closed and wait for the body to be readily available to return to the world. However, in deep deep suffering, breaking a bone, being wounded, you are immediately placed into the present moment as the body thinks it is ending. Time does not exist, there is no thinking, there is only the moment of I am dying. This is the same immediacy of I am hungry. You are one, the observer is the observed in this moment. In this there is what I would call a great deal of energy wound up, and this energy is what one can use to go deeply into the self.
This "suffering transmutation" is something I am wondering if anyone else has heard of? I have come to this because of my investigation and reading into the idea of sexual transmutation.
Usually, sexual overindulgence destroy willpower. When driven by this desire for sex, men develop importance of imagination, courage, will power, persistence, and creative ability unknown to them at other times.
In a great book " Think and grow rich" , Author Napoleon Hill says, " A river may be dammed, and its water controlled for a time, but eventually, it will force an outlet. If it is not transmuted into some creative effort it will find a less worthy outlet.
Is suffering not also liable to a less worthy outlet than to go deeply into one's self?
Please pick this apart and deliberate this with me. Is there no way to evoke to process, because you cannot stimulate suffering, the environment dictates suffering, and you cannot plan for it nor use time. However, when it comes, you must be ready, and in that suffering it is also light, to look at oneself very deeply and clearly. In this, does one possibly awake?
submitted by gamer424 to Krishnamurti [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:26 b_rolla12 Can I bring this in a checked bag?

Can I bring this in a checked bag? Currently experiencing power outages where I’m at and this would come in handy?
submitted by b_rolla12 to tsa [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:26 mritunjay188 BC ROY Reimbursement

Suppose I have some problem in the holidays and I undergo treatment or meet the doctor at my hometown, do bc roy people reimburse in these cases?
If yes how to, if no why no?
submitted by mritunjay188 to iitkgp [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:26 KellyfromLeedsUK Revealed: One of the consultants who helped jail Letby 'accidentally killed a baby' - yet this was kept from the jury. JOHN SWEENEY'S devastating expose of what really went on in 'broken' hospital

Revealed: One of the consultants who helped jail Letby 'accidentally killed a baby' - yet this was kept from the jury. JOHN SWEENEY'S devastating expose of what really went on in 'broken' hospital submitted by KellyfromLeedsUK to BreakingNews24hr [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:26 Ispeedytoxic What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Ispeedytoxic to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:26 Jeeves-Godzilla False positive? Metrix?

Wife took two metrix tests yesterday =negative
Took a Metrix test this morning =negative
Took a Binax test =negative
Took a Pluslife test this evening= negative
Took a Metrix test this evening= positive
Took another Metrix test this evening = negative (which should say positive right?)
—- So false positive for the Metrix? Or should we consider it positive? I think she needs a PCR test but that takes days She does have symptoms (runny nose).
submitted by Jeeves-Godzilla to ZeroCovidCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:26 Emotional_Doughnut86 Yurdumuza mühür vurucaklar.

Merhaba abiler kardeşler, ben makine mühendisliği okuyan 1.sınıf bir kardeşinizim, direkt konuya giricem. Dün özel yurdumuzun gsb hakları bir anda iptal edilmiş olup sonrasında yurdumuza mühür vurulması için 3 defa art arda ceza kesilmiş. Bu karar dün çıktı ve bizden 4 aralığa kadar yurttan valizimizi bavulumuzu alıp çıkmamızı istiyorlar, akıl var mantık var bi anda neden çıkmak zorundayız mesela? Direkt kapı dışarı edilmiş gibi hissediyorum. Burada bir elin parmağını geçmeyecek kadar insandık biz, bize niye böyle yapıldı aklım almıyor gerçekten geceden beri düşüne düşüne aklımı yitiricem, en azından ara tatile kadar bekleselerdi. Diğer sözüm valiliğe, yeni atanmış bir valimiz var ve hiç sesi soluğu çıkmıyor, bize sahip çıkması gereken yerde sanki boğazına bıçak dayamışlar gibi.
Şimdi biz ise 2 kişi 1+0 dairelere bakıyoruz. 2 kişi kalmaya izin vermezler ise bir odada 6 kişinin kaldığı kyk yurduna göğüs gereceğiz galiba, kötü demiyorum ancak biraz yorumlarına bakmam fikir sahibi olmam hakkında birçok şey anımsatmıştı zaten.
Ne yapmalıyız? fikriniz nedir arkadaşlar? Biraz dert yandım, içimi döktüm kusura bakmayın size iyi geceler ve günaydın.
submitted by Emotional_Doughnut86 to KGBTR [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:26 KellyfromLeedsUK Just why IS John Torode keeping so quiet? TV insiders reveal truth about his and Gregg Wallace's 'friendship' to KATIE HIND, and tell what was really happening on MasterChef set

Just why IS John Torode keeping so quiet? TV insiders reveal truth about his and Gregg Wallace's 'friendship' to KATIE HIND, and tell what was really happening on MasterChef set submitted by KellyfromLeedsUK to BreakingNews24hr [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:26 extropiantranshuman 🇯🇵 Updated Japan Guide For Vegan Foodies 🌱

submitted by extropiantranshuman to VeganTravelStuff [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:26 KellyfromLeedsUK Ultimate guide to weight-loss jabs: Top experts answer every question, from what REALLY happens to your body, the upsides and downsides, to how to pick the right one for you

Ultimate guide to weight-loss jabs: Top experts answer every question, from what REALLY happens to your body, the upsides and downsides, to how to pick the right one for you submitted by KellyfromLeedsUK to BreakingNews24hr [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:26 Murky-Owl8165 Christmas decorations of Ghibli Museum.

Christmas decorations of Ghibli Museum. submitted by Murky-Owl8165 to ghibli [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:26 hypercosmictales Almost hit my mom tonight…

My mom has frontotemporal dementia and has been having aggressive, manic episodes. She was just refusing bed and threatening to leave or sneak out later. She then started saying lots of things about our family, including my wife, who she thinks are all trying to kill her.
I nearly lost it. Never in my 50 years have I ever been close to striking my mom.
That’s the post.
submitted by hypercosmictales to dementia [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:26 KellyfromLeedsUK My partner's murderous GP son injected me with pesticide while disguised as a Covid nurse. It flayed my flesh - I've been to hell and back: Patrick's world-exclusive interview

My partner's murderous GP son injected me with pesticide while disguised as a Covid nurse. It flayed my flesh - I've been to hell and back: Patrick's world-exclusive interview submitted by KellyfromLeedsUK to BreakingNews24hr [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:26 justin_quinnn Goldman Sees ‘Significant’ Hit to US From Trump’s Canada Tariffs

Goldman Sees ‘Significant’ Hit to US From Trump’s Canada Tariffs submitted by justin_quinnn to USNewsHub [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:26 HairyGoatX Sudachi installation guide (Linux/steamdeck)

I’ve spent the last couple of hours googling and am feeling stupid because I can’t figure out how to install Sudachi on my deck via Emudeck.
I’ve seen a few posts that say “just follow a yuzu guide and replace yuzu with Sudachi” but I’m having difficulties getting this to work as well.
Would someone be able to guide me through installing Sudachi on my deck… I have basically zero Linux experience and don’t have yuzu installed (but I think I have the firmware keys and bios in the right places)
Any help would be appreciated!
submitted by HairyGoatX to EmuDeck [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:26 dave-stikorno Best Smart Bluetooth Speakers

Hi everyone! I'm looking for recommendations on the best smart Bluetooth speakers, Any favorites you’d recommend for a small apartment? Thanks in advance!"
submitted by dave-stikorno to BestBluetoothSpeaker [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:26 KellyfromLeedsUK British girl, 18, is fighting for her life after horrific car crash during trip to Albania to celebrate her sister's birthday

British girl, 18, is fighting for her life after horrific car crash during trip to Albania to celebrate her sister's birthday submitted by KellyfromLeedsUK to BreakingNews24hr [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:26 berrylovebugs I was 1 off 😭

I was 1 off 😭 This was the most annoying thing to happen today. I was 1 off 😭
submitted by berrylovebugs to balatro [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:26 Ploy_cutie so where would you take me if i go out with you

so where would you take me if i go out with you submitted by Ploy_cutie to DateOrNot [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:26 TrustyBagOfPlaylists I thought I was just dipping my toe into the edc world a few days ago. I’ve spent >$500 after a chain of purchases. Please send help.

Please understand that every person who knows me would call me a cheap ass motherfucker. Yet, somehow, I’ve allowed myself down the rabbit hole this Black Friday.
Charging block
Battery bank
Keychain fixes
Bag organization
Charging stations
And it still feels like I’m less than halfway there. Wtf did I get into?!
submitted by TrustyBagOfPlaylists to EDC [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:26 ActualBenFranklin PMW Crew as Sex Offenders, greetings from Maryland!

PMW Crew as Sex Offenders, greetings from Maryland! submitted by ActualBenFranklin to PaymoneyWubby [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:26 papasmurf00 How often do all of you fine chefs burn your mouths/tongues testing hot food?

submitted by papasmurf00 to Chefit [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 03:26 Redbeardwrites Originally Inspired

How do you write anything original when it seems it’s all been done? I am inspired so easily and feel that I can take that inspiration and build on it to an original story, yet when I look back, it seems like I just changed the names. So many stories have been told that it feels like I’m too late to make an original setting or characters. I’ve got a stack of ideas I’ve wanted to turn into something real for a long time, but I fear it will come across as fanfiction. I mean, I feel like my attempts at fanfiction end up being more original than my original works!
So how do you do it? How do you have an idea like a vigilante in an island city set in the future that doesn’t just end up being Cyberpunk Batman? Or a swordsman trying to make a name for themselves in a world of magic and dragons that doesn’t turn into Vikings in Middle Earth (or Hunger of the Gods, IDK, I haven’t read it yet)?
There are a hundred half started ideas, either a few words or whole chapters or scenes that would be amazing if it felt original, just sitting in my folders. How do I take something and make it obvious that I created something without someone saying “Ah, yes, that is the Dragonborn”?
Thank you wonderful humans, I look forward to your sage wisdom and wish you all a happy weekend.
submitted by Redbeardwrites to writers [link] [comments]
