Battle 23 YES! YES! YES!

2024.11.30 04:34 IkiOokami Battle 23 YES! YES! YES!

Battle 23 YES! YES! YES! submitted by IkiOokami to ForHonorVikings [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:34 Same-Faithlessness87 What is this deck

What is this deck They disconnected after 2 turns. I’m still trying to figure out what the strategy was here.
submitted by Same-Faithlessness87 to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:34 SpeedwagonClan Has anybody else noticed the Clay Dolls in the Doomsday Clock fight can’t “die”?

As the title says, they die differently than all enemies in the game, to my knowledge. Killing a Clay Doll doesn’t seem to activate any On Kill effects on skills or ego gifts. I’ve probably seen it dozens out times without noticing it, but here’s some examples from recent MD runs I’ve done:
-Wild Hunt Heathcliff doesn’t gain Coffin from killing them
-Seven Association Faust doesn’t get her next turn buffs when killing them with the last coin of her S3
-TT Hong Lu’s, Butler Ryoshu’s, and Cinq Meursault’s S3 were not reused when their conditions were fulfilled
Has this been in the game since launch? Could this even maybe be intentional?
submitted by SpeedwagonClan to limbuscompany [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:34 s0nic_2 [WTS/WTT] Zenith El Primero Ref. 30.0500.400/21

[WTS/WTT] Zenith El Primero Ref. 30.0500.400/21 submitted by s0nic_2 to Watchexchange [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:34 Distinct_Gas8301 GA645 focusing wildly inaccurate. How accurate is

GA645 focusing wildly inaccurate. How accurate is Giving my GA645 another go in the hopes that the roll won’t come back entirely out of focus. It’s seems to still be wildly inaccurate. For instance, a subject 5 feet away will show as 8 or 10 feet. Or subject at 12 feet showing at 30 feet.
I’m considering using it with manual focus and zone focusing so pulled up and entered my variables. Cross-referenced with ChatGPT and I get different results.
Which is correct?
Anyone shooting with the GA645 experiencing the same ubiquitous focusing issues?
submitted by Distinct_Gas8301 to AnalogCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:34 shrimp_circus She knows how hot she is

She knows how hot she is submitted by shrimp_circus to Pineapplebrat_Alice [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:34 ModestyMan Simple, modest, and pretty

Simple, modest, and pretty submitted by ModestyMan to ModestDressLovers [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:34 Budget-Direction-946 Why bother playing supp in ranked?

Why bother playing supp in ranked? I'm the umbreon, the mewtwo was the only one capable of dealing any meaningfull amount of damage so i put most of my wishes on him, but why should I bother playing a support when the rest of the team have a no impact? Because I started with the decidueye and he was just afk farming and his ultimate did zero damage, I'm a supp but the players I'm supporting aren't worth a penny.
I'm a garchomp and dragapult player, but I wanted to try some more supportive roles, please tell me that there is still hope for the support role, and for it not just be a ungrateful role that players just use since their favorite pokemon are classified as such.
submitted by Budget-Direction-946 to PokemonUnite [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:34 AdvantageDiligent240 Whats the "hardest" pic of your Favorite driver? I'll go first,

Whats the Drop yours! 👇
submitted by AdvantageDiligent240 to NASCAR [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:34 letsgoagain246 What’s this tight babe’s best feature and why?🤤💦

What’s this tight babe’s best feature and why?🤤💦 submitted by letsgoagain246 to indianamericanthots [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:34 DrThrowitallaway Puppy growling when we try to inspect scrape

Our eight month-old came to us with a hairless patch on the side of his foot. Not sure how he lost the hair originally but it's never grown back and the vet thinks it likely never will. It seems to be prone to cuts and scrapes, which isn't surprising given its location, but when it does get scraped up our puppy tends to defend it. I'd like to be able to look at it, evaluate where the scrape is and how bad it is, and tend to it if necessary, but even just petting his leg higher up he gets low, stiff, and starts growling.
I know enough that you shouldn't punish the growl and I always respect it and back off, but it really worries me. Introducing treats or a lick mat sort of helps, but he's still REALLY stiff and so far rewarding him by mainlining treats while trying to take a look doesn't seem to have helped him start to feel more comfortable. And this is just for looking at little nicks-- nothing big or painful or that needs any real attention. It really concerns me that this is going to continue to be an issue as he grows, and what if he's like this for other injuries? What if he's like this at the vet's office if he ever needs treatment for anything? Ugh. He's totally fine having his feet handled otherwise and does well with nail trims. It's just when he's licking at those little scrapes. It's almost like resource guarding a favored bone or something. It's genuinely a little scary when he growls like that and I'm not sure what else to try.
submitted by DrThrowitallaway to puppy101 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:34 chikawaaa Wicked in 4DX Cinema

Hello, I've been looking at websites and I can't seem to find where Wicked is being offered in 4D. It's all for Moana 2. Did they stop showing Wicked on 4DX already? I checked UPTC, BGC, and Greenbelt. This is for next week, December 3.
submitted by chikawaaa to FilmClubPH [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:34 SoundCloud_Ramiz Trade in my 2009 Nissan Sentra for a 2006 Toyota Matrix?

Is it a smart idea to trade in my:

for a
My Sentra's CVT fluid was replaced, radiator replaced, spark plugs replaced, tires replaced, struts/shocks replaced, battery replaced, and brakes replaced. I've never missed an oil change either and often use fuel system cleaners to make sure the engine is tip top. It has trouble climbing hills lately and the A/C compressor coil is out. I suspect the transmission is on it's way out as I hear an odd grinding noise at higher speeds and when going uphill.
The Toyota looks like my dream car with it's utility and size. I just need something to take me to work and back, maybe up hills when driving through to San Francisco or San Jose on a weekend trip. The Matrix is a single owner being sold by a Toyota dealership and had it's computer replaced to avoid that common Matrix recall failure. It is older and has higher mileage but I trust the Toyota reliability.
The Toyota is being sold for 8k not including fees/taxes. I understand an independent seller can offer the Matrix for 4k but the Carfax for this Matrix looks impeccable.
Should I just wait until the Sentra dies and get a newer car later or go for the Matrix now?
I would be paying cash and it's a hefty bill on my bank account but nothing that will send me into the negative. I'd just have to be more frugal I suppose.
Thank you!
submitted by SoundCloud_Ramiz to Toyota [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:34 Traxonn FYI a 50 inch TV does fit in our cars

FYI a 50 inch TV does fit in our cars submitted by Traxonn to GR86 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:34 Routine_Victory6341 Am I ugly?

I have talked with some people online and they think I'm ugly is this true please be honest I don't get hurt easy
submitted by Routine_Victory6341 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:34 Few_Claim_7452 anybody know who will be the "new border - coming soon?"

Im about the spend my f2p tokens on Jayce... should I wait? Jaybe or jaybe not?
Sry for this low effort post
submitted by Few_Claim_7452 to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:34 ImWeqzy 3 month old cat feeding schedule

So this is my first time having a cat she is 3 month old and from all what I have heard I decided for her eating schedule to be 8am 1pm 6pm and 10pm splitting her meal and calories she needs in 4 meals but 10pm till 8am seems like a long time without food for a young cat Is this ok or should I feed her later than 10 pm.
submitted by ImWeqzy to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:34 AdradBx I found a shop irl that stocked headgear from Antiva!!!

I found a shop irl that stocked headgear from Antiva!!! submitted by AdradBx to DragonAgeVeilguard [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:34 ToothfairyAB Down 41 lbs

I’ve been using semaglutide for 5 months and have lost 41 lbs. the only place I’ve noticed a difference is in my face. I have not changed pant or shirt sizes. Has anyone else had this problem?
submitted by ToothfairyAB to Semaglutide [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:34 Jason_McCormick help

help submitted by Jason_McCormick to youngpeopleyoutube [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:34 howhow326 Anyway, the worst part of Hades demonization is that he's made to be enemies with Zeus when they were "very close"

I'm thinking about Hades discouse again because I'm bored.
So, in what I consider to be the two most well known examples of "Hades = Devil" in modern media (Disney's Hercules and 2010 Clash of Titans), Hades relationship with Zeus is shown to be a negative sibling rivalry between the two with Hades hating Zeus's guts for either not being the king of the gods or being forced to rule the underworld. Of course, the brother that's murderously envious of Zeus in myth was Poseidon and not Hades. But despite the Hades stans going out of their way to woobify him, they leave this incorrect idea of Hades and Zeus relationship in tact, reframing it so that Hades is in the right to hates Zeus because he bad.
And that's what brings us to today's post: Zeus and Hades positive brotherly relationship.
Ok, I'll be honest and admit that these two barely interact in any myths because Hades is a borderline background character, buuut from what little we do have, Hades gets aling a lot better with Zeus than Zeus does with his other siblings (Poseidon, Demeter, Hera).
Exhibit A: Persephone
Hades asks Zeus's daughter hand in marriage, and Zeus not only accepts but goes out of his way to hide it from Demeter (who its implied would have not accepted the arrangement).
Exhibit B: Asclepius
Apollo's son starts resurrecting people/stealing Hades subjects basically and Hades complains to Zeus about it. Zeus then, very quickly, kills Asclepius with a lightning bolt like a prideful mortal. Note: Poseidon complained to Zeus about Oddyseus and the best he did was let Poseidon go crazy for a few years. Also Note: Zeus sided with Hades over Apollo, who is Zsus favorite son in most myths.
Exhibit C: I actually don't have anything lol
So in conclusion, Zeus and Hades are partners in crime, do not seperate.
submitted by howhow326 to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:34 SurrealNautilus OK... Wtf?

OK... Wtf? submitted by SurrealNautilus to Aliexpress [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:34 Elegant_Conflict8235 I'm cursed. Reaves out after getting hurt

This keeps happening
submitted by Elegant_Conflict8235 to DraftKingsDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:34 Bapheeeee Curious lang, paano kayo magalit?

submitted by Bapheeeee to AskPH [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 04:34 DJSushiCat Episode 7 of my building tutorial series is out!

Episode 7 of my building tutorial series is out!
Hey everyone! I've just released the next episode of my NMS building tutorial series, and I'm excited to share it with you all. This episode covers the best tips and techniques to take your builds to the next level! You can find the video on my YouTube channel here:
submitted by DJSushiCat to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]