2024.11.30 05:30 lalu363 New Members Intro
If you’re new to the community, introduce yourself!
submitted by lalu363 to Easypregnancy [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:30 Boxboypivot2 Liberate Coohe major order
Coohe is a space station. Nothing to liberate. This community progress being 0%. Is this a bugged mission?
submitted by Boxboypivot2 to helldivers2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:30 87Craft Favorite Fiona Dourif film(s) or performances?
submitted by 87Craft to Letterboxd [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 05:30 tibevis "Cops in the train" (Martha Cooper - Bronx - 1981)
submitted by tibevis to NightmareNewYork [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 05:30 Onlyhereforleaks_ amore complicato
circa 1 annetto fa, a scuola, il mio migliore amico si era fidanzato con una ragazza di un'altra classe. Ogni tanto mi capitava seguirlo e, quando incontravo la sua ragazza, notavo che essa era a sua volta seguita dalla sua migliore amica (?) che subito mi è sembrata molto carina, ma non ho mai avuto la possibilità di parlarci (un po' per imbarazzo, ma anche perché quei fottuti 2 minuti di intervallo me lo impedivano). Arriva l'estate e un giorno questo mio amico mi invita ad uscire. Io accetto e dato che eravamo annoiati, lui ha deciso di invitare qualche persona, inclusa la sua fidanzata e di conseguenza la tipa che m'interessava. Lì diciamo che sono riuscito a scambiare qualche parola (era molto simpatica, ho fatto progressi). Fatto sta che all'inizio dell'anno, li mio migliore amico si è lasciato ed è qui che arriva il problema. Tra l'altro (ma parlo di qualche mese fa) il mio amico mi ha riferito che questa ragazza gli ha detto che mi amava (ero al settimo cielo, non mi aspettavo che una persona così bella mi stesse dietro), ma come ben sapete, la situazione è molto difficile. Ora avrei bisogno di consigli. Come faccio a capire se questa ragazza è ancora interessata in me? Come posso approcciarmi se molto probabilmente la sua migliore amica (ex del mio amico) avrà un'influenza negativa per colpa della rottura? Non so come fare, sono disperato perché è veramente bella e simpatica. So che probabilmente dovrei lasciare stare (la mia paura è che nel giro di ormai 3 mesi lei non è più interessata) però è veramente bella e simpatica. Consigli ??
submitted by Onlyhereforleaks_ to CasualIT [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:30 Aware_Door395 I gave my grandpa the sweater I gave to my ex
I’m not even sure what context but I was in a relationship beginning of this year and it ended pretty rough for me. I’m 6 months post breakup and still deal with negative feelings time to time. This past week, my grandparents were flying out to India and my grandpa needed a sweater. He’s a big guy so I was looking in my closet for a big sweater. I found the one I gave to my ex and I realized I didn’t ever want to see it ever again. I gave it to him and it fit him well.
submitted by Aware_Door395 to stories [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:30 Angoose_god_of_geese Anyone excited for terrria X palworld
To be honest I’m very excited for this cross over as palworld and terraria are both some of my most played games… what are your thoughts
submitted by Angoose_god_of_geese to Terraria [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:30 dlayton1 What can/should I do as the home buyer during the home build process?
I'm building a home here in the next couple of months in a master planned community with a reputable builder, but in the documents it clearly says "you can't enter the house unless permission is given."
I get this due to liability but what can or should I do during the home build process even if I somewhat break that rule.
2024.11.30 05:30 brontokoli What's your favorite pizza?
submitted by brontokoli to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:30 BroMandi [Amazon] 10-Book Disney Learning Disney Princess Adventures in Reading Book Set [Deal: $5.20, Actual: $12.99]
submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 05:30 novemberdaymusic ok guys i tihnk i might have crushed my motorist ... WITH A SIGN !!!
LET ME KNOW IF THIS IS TOLERABLE MY FAV SONG IS PETER TIME https://open.spotify.com/album/6l1iwoG8kL0IjGBHy3JeLJ?si=Dr_dVDFLQu2n76pUZeCr6Q https://preview.redd.it/qfvrkw706z3e1.jpg?width=939&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5686536dd4dce797c05e8c760fba744399920e0f submitted by novemberdaymusic to signcrushesmotorist [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 05:30 -_-Finger-_- Help guys
2nd sem ko form varda jhukera 5th sem ko ma gayo. Can this be edited by college or do you have to re-send the application?
submitted by -_-Finger-_- to BCA_TU [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:30 SceneStrong3 Whats everyone doing while we wait
Me? I’m reconnecting with nature in the garden and bang my head against a tree submitted by SceneStrong3 to AnimalJam [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 05:30 Unknown_Geek027 Capital gains after gifting equities to low-income adult child
I have some growth stock I'd like to sell but the cap gains are quite high. If I give $18K of long position equities to my not-yet-employed college graduate son, can he turn around and sell them (at 0% cap gains tax), or does he have to hold it for another year? He has some gig income but not above the $48K cap gains threshold. I was planning to gift him a down payment in the future anyway.
submitted by Unknown_Geek027 to tax [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:30 DodoLecoq Ist KI zur Optimierung des Schreibstils erlaubt?
Ich habe ne Hausarbeit geschrieben, habe sie interessenhalber aber Mal durch ChatGPT gejagt, mit dem Auftrag, es soll meinen Schreibstil überprüfen und gegebenenfalls optimieren. Einige Veränderungen gefallen mir und ich würde sie übernehmen. Ist das erlaubt?
submitted by DodoLecoq to Studium [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:30 qidi_3dprinter [QIDI Giveaway] Just leave a comment to win QIDI Flagship 3D Printer
QIDI is excited to host an awesome giveaway with 3dprinting community once again. Participate in the comments has a chance to win a QIDI 2024 Flagship Plus4! https://preview.redd.it/k481uama5z3e1.png?width=844&format=png&auto=webp&s=5081c9dad52b910036349239ddaff2c0fe2a2bfe How to Enter: 1. Share the types of filaments you usually print with your QIDI printer or other printers in this post. 2. Join QidiTech3D (https://www.reddit.com/QidiTech3D/) for the latest QIDI news!
Prize Details: 1 x QIDI Plus4 ---Nozzle heats up to 370°C for high-temp printing. Second-gen 80W bimetal hotend for advanced filament handling. ---Second-Gen Active Chamber Heating, 400W Ultra-high heating efficiency ---Higher precision with dual independent motors and 10mm linear shafts and screws. ---The belt has been upgraded from 6mm to 9mm with smaller 1.5gt pitch, which will further improve the surface quality of the model and reduce resonance patterns. ---The operating system and slicing software have been completely upgraded. Click here (https://qidi3d.com/) to know more about QIDI's printers, filaments and accessories on QIDI official website. Many thanks to the 3dprinting community for helping 3D printing enthusiasts and we are honored to collaborate with you guys again! Enter to win a QIDI Flagship Printer and unlock more 3D printing possibilities! submitted by qidi_3dprinter to 3Dprinting [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 05:30 Full-Mulberry5018 "Say Cheese!!!"...
submitted by Full-Mulberry5018 to AnimalsBeingFunny [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 05:30 Solanastud Grey pump
Now is the time boys this won’t be cheap for long 👀
submitted by Solanastud to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:30 Significant_Ask764 The mighty Himalayas 🗻
submitted by Significant_Ask764 to AmateurPhotography [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 05:30 FlatCapWolf Breakfast with Santa
A buffet-style breakfast with craft activities and a meeting with Santa.
Pre-booking is essential - call 01298 23114
For ages 2+
Find out more about the venue here.
The Pavilion Gardens, St John's Rd, Buxton SK17 6BE, UK
November 30, 2024 at 09:30AM
November 30, 2024 at 11:00AM
submitted by FlatCapWolf to Buxton [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:30 ASPYDERMONKEE Inflatable Christmas decorations are lazy and tacky.
What happened to a whole street lit up with lights? Houses dressed head to toe in multicolor bulbs and shimmering icicles.
Now we can just plug in whatever famous cartoon character thats wearing a Santa hat a call it a day? Is that a minion with antlers? I'll take 6.
Oh and if the inflatable is taller than the house that worth article in your local paper.
submitted by ASPYDERMONKEE to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:30 Sea_Asparagus_526 Bias in quality
Does Australia really stick to points or does it make sense exceptions based on quality of education or school or employment history? Who gets across the line?
submitted by Sea_Asparagus_526 to AusVisa [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:30 _HiWay Last night I learned the legend of Storm Duck, today I immortalized him.
submitted by _HiWay to miamidolphins [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:30 ConfusionBorn510 Come and See (1985) is not anti-war
I've just finished this masterpiece and I'm still at awe, one of the best movies ever made, a perfect film. About it being an anti-war film, I don't think it is, and this doesn't mean anything in terms of quality, it is also not a moral judgement, I don't see a problem with it AT ALL, it's simply an observation about the movies themes/message.
So first, what does it mean to be "anti-war", in my opinion it shouldn't condone AND deromanticize it completely, the latter is done, the former I don't think it is. The movie shows the barbarity of the nazi regime, every single nazi in the movie is absolutely disgusting and inhumane, while practically every soviet is an everyday person doing what is necessary to survive. The movie at no point questions any soviet policy during the war, in the movie they are justified at every point, even the boy robbing the cow can be sympathized and understood easily.
And see, this is not a problem, we know the horrors of the nazi war machine, we know that 25million soviets died in WW2, they have every right to be pissed and to tell the story that way, which brings me to what I think is one of the main messages of the movie: sometimes war can be justified. The movie shows: "the nazis are attacking us and it is either us or them", what brought the end of the nazis? It was war, not pacifism or diplomacy, no, war. Particulary the USSR, we know they were the main protagonists in the defeat of the nazis, that's history, and the movie came out on the 40 year aniversary of the soviet victory. The movie ends with the soviets marching together towards nazi defeat. With the kid shooting Hitler's portrait. Even when they had the upper hand on the nazis they were pretty humane, considering the level of barbarity that was shown towards them throughout the movie, they quickly shot them and moved on, no sick games, no torture, etc. This is a very nationalistic and pro-soviet movie, and again this is not a moral judgement, this is not a flaw, it's just the story they chose to tell and it is a masterpiece.
I think a truly anti-war movie should portrait war as something pointless and unnecessary from the pov of the everyday man like in Grave of the Fireflies. The war reflects on the kids as something that only harms them, they have no reason to engage in it, they don't understand it, it happened for the political/economic interests of the japanese empire. We know from history that Japan was more in the wrong than not and they were the agressors most of the time, so the movie shows this nihilistic perspective in which the war serves only to cause suffering even to japanese citizens and the kids die for nothing, they are not remembered, what happened during the film is absolutely pointless, as was the war. Another alternative would be to make a pro-peace movie, I like a quote from Coppola about it:
But an anti-war film, I always thought, should be like The Burmese Harp – something filled with love and peace and tranquillity and happinesssubmitted by ConfusionBorn510 to movies [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 05:30 pinkysugarbunny Which club penguin remake is the best
I am currently playing club penguin legacy and I can definitely tell it is more like the older version of club penguin like the og version. I played new club penguin but it lagged sm I couldn't even play but it was more the type I remember it had all the old games but also had some new and changed how the game looked a tad. Any recommendations???
submitted by pinkysugarbunny to ClubPenguin [link] [comments]