georgie got rizz, georgie got class... step to prez and he'll breakdance fast

2024.11.30 07:33 Rambling-Rooster georgie got rizz, georgie got class... step to prez and he'll breakdance fast

georgie got rizz, georgie got class... step to prez and he'll breakdance fast submitted by Rambling-Rooster to Dank [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:33 Mozzie_15 What are the best stats for pvp? As well as the best stats for pve?

i don’t know much about pvp so i was wondering what good stats were for it. and for pve i kinda just go with 200 dmg or 175 dmg and 25 special
submitted by Mozzie_15 to AUniversalTime [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:33 Spare_Ad_7405 Opinions about Carlotta

Can you guys share why you like Carlotta? I've seen a lot of people super hyped about her, and I kinda don’t get it. I was wondering if I’m missing some info or reference, or if she’s just not my type of character. Am I the only one who feels so uninterested in her?
submitted by Spare_Ad_7405 to WutheringWaves [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:33 Kyedin IIL Savage Garden

Let's say the only music I like is Savage Garden what would you recommend to be?
submitted by Kyedin to ifyoulikeblank [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:33 nabuit Oscilloscope Noob - What to Set My Rigol DS1054Z to for Following a Vintage Synth Service Manual

TL;DR: What settings should I set my Rigol DS1054Z to emulate the kind of analog scopes used for vintage service manuals?
I’m a bit of a noob with scopes—haven’t used one in a while—and the last time I did, I just hit "Auto" to tune my Juno, which somehow worked. Now I’ve got a Roland System 100 I’m working on, and I’m trying to follow its service manual ( ). Unfortunately, I’m struggling to get my Rigol DS1054Z to display the expected waveforms.
Here’s what’s happening:

What I’ve tried so far:
For example, on test points where I’m supposed to see a saw waveform, I measure 220mV Vpp (as per the manual), but it doesn’t look like a saw at all—it looks more like a fuzzy sine or just noise. I also feel like the Vpp should be higher, but I’m not sure if my scope settings or something in the circuit is limiting the amplitude.
Some specific adjustments I’m trying to make:
What I need help with:
Any advice on how to adapt a modern digital scope for this kind of work would be massively appreciated! Thanks in advance!
submitted by nabuit to synthdiy [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:33 FieryIsAwesome basemod and LMM?

Just wanted to ask if the two are compatible with one another. There are some mods which are only available through LMM, but i have some basemods mods that i just can't live without.
submitted by FieryIsAwesome to LobotomyCorp [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:33 the4069 Where to unlock artificer

I just started and i want to build a good team the steampunk character looks good don't know how to unlock though
submitted by the4069 to KnightsOfPenAndPaper3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:33 Subject_Sea_4532 Cursed chair

I don’t know bro
submitted by Subject_Sea_4532 to Cursed_Images [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:33 Aggravating-Two-6259 No explanation will be given.

No explanation will be given. submitted by Aggravating-Two-6259 to ResidentEvilVillage [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:33 Onisoq Share which country you would never visit again,and why?

submitted by Onisoq to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:33 LondonCatt I'm very overdressed and I don't like it

submitted by LondonCatt to reallygorgeous [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:33 Mammoth_Pay_7497 I keep finding myself, talking to myself, pretending to talk to someone that I used to talk to about my problems; it's a habit, and I’m sick of it, and I just don’t know what to do with myself, my psyche, my life feels like I'm stuck in limbo, only forever observing

I want therapy, but I don’t have a lot of money, I can’t drive, and I can’t get a job. Trying to feels like lifting heavy weights; I don't know what to do.
Maybe all of this has a simple explanation, and I'm dumb or lazy.
submitted by Mammoth_Pay_7497 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:33 MajesticMulberry7037 Need help with beating the Queen

Hi, I am a new Dead Cells player and just got the Queen and the Sea DLC after having gotten to 2BSC. I wanted to beat the Queen on this difficulty, however I’m finding it impossible. In the practice room where you are able to practice the boss fights, I have not been able to win against her once in over thirty attempts. At this difficulty she is just too fast, tanky and hits like a truck. I cannot dodge her consistently unlike most of the other non-DLC bosses. I found the servants to be really hard and fast, but at least they didn’t have that much health and did not two shot u from full health. Was wondering if there were any consistent strats to beat her.
submitted by MajesticMulberry7037 to deadcells [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:33 flammu Is this considered good?

Is this considered good? And for context this is sped up by 1.5.
submitted by flammu to IndiaCoffee [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:33 imcheese_areyoubread How much does the school you’re transferring from matter?

Like for example. We have 2 people similar stats and ECs applying to transfer into say Duke. One is from Arizona state and the other is from say university of Washington.
submitted by imcheese_areyoubread to TransferToTop25 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:33 tobaloooo Info-Doppelpack

💥🥊 Heute zählt‘s beim FCA! 🦾 Hier noch der Info-Doppelpack von uns für euch! 💙🤍
📰 Faninfos 👉🏼
submitted by tobaloooo to vflbochum [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:33 Savings-Valuable-839 how can I tell if this guy likes me as a friend or more?

is this guy actually interested in me? sometimes he confuses me and sends mixed signals. His friend told him I like him, so not sure why he's not made a move yet? he does make an effort to speak to me, for instance he will come and sit with me, make conversation with me, he remembers little details, he sticks up for me and agrees with things that I say. My friends have seen him check me out and I catch him looking at me often (he usually looks away quickly or will hold his stare, when I smiled he smiled back). Also, sometimes he will randomly touch me (he asked for a hug and wrapped his arms around my waist or grabbed my hand in the club, shared his drink with me). we watched a movie once with our friends, he shared my blanket and pillow, our legs touching throughout. In the first 10 mins of the movie he looked at me about 4 times, he kept put his hand on my feet multiple times. what do I do?
fyi - we are both in our early 20's
submitted by Savings-Valuable-839 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:33 grenolinn Peaceful Lakeside

Peaceful Lakeside Jinju
submitted by grenolinn to koreatravel [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:33 Excellent_Survey_610 Groceries are so expensive nowadays... Why did this cost 122$???

Groceries are so expensive nowadays... Why did this cost 122$??? submitted by Excellent_Survey_610 to YouBelongWithMemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:33 yearningfrost Sz54 pursuit frame

Is it too big for a 5'5 person? Should i use drops or riser, and what would be better short or long stem
submitted by yearningfrost to FixedGearBicycle [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:33 _Streak_ Money for subscribing to YouTube Channels scam

I got a message recently on WhatsApp asking me to subscribe to YouTube channels and earn money. This is not the first time I have received such messages, and I am fed up with them. I know they are all scams. How do I stop these people from getting my phone number? How do I report them?
But, how do their operations work? I am curious to know this. They ask to subscribe to YouTube channels and then pay after a certain number of tasks, but what happens next? Does anyone have experience related to this?
submitted by _Streak_ to IsThisAScamIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:33 CandidatePast6793 Selling new TOFFLE 'Sashiko Jeans'

submitted by CandidatePast6793 to IndianStreetWear [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:33 baguettevinyl Preggo?

submitted by baguettevinyl to Aquariums [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:33 abjinternational Budget friendly! Influencer Sophie Guidolin flies Jetstar as she returns home after secretly competing in bodybuilding contest in Hawaii

submitted by abjinternational to newslive [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 07:33 Relevant-Barber8100 Avril Lavigne

Avril Lavigne submitted by Relevant-Barber8100 to CelebPortraits [link] [comments]