2024.12.01 00:52 RazorStoJ Weekly Steel Battalion Online Campaign Event is going Live!
submitted by RazorStoJ to steelbattaliononline [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 00:52 BathroomConnect8885 Priced as Marked Sale
$5 BMWT $1 PWE FREE PWE WITH MORE THAN 1 CARD submitted by BathroomConnect8885 to baseballcards [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 00:52 AnyEnd8354 How do I make career mode harder?
I play careermode on ultimate, I’m on my 4th or 5th season and it’s simply too easy. Played legendary for the first 4 seasons and at the start of the 5th switched to ultimate to make it challenging, or so I thought. First 3 matches, Middlesborough at home 5-1W, Leicester away 6-0W and finally newcastle at home 9-1W. Obviously my squad is perhaps a bit too good but I wouldn’t really want to give my self a handicap by getting rid of good players, for example Szobozlai has developed into a 92 ovr cam and he alone had 50+ goals and 100+ assist just in the last season. It’s ridiculous how easy this game is and idk what I could do to make it more fun.
submitted by AnyEnd8354 to FifaCareers [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 00:52 natetheg8one Cringe
Someone I know compared themselves to Archer and said Archer just reminds him of himself and it was a total yuck moment for me 🤢
submitted by natetheg8one to ArcherFX [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 00:52 RebelionFiscal Mercadolibre me estafa con la visibilidad de las publicaciones en venta y me ignoran cuando me comunico con soporte
Hola a todos!
Les escribo porque ya desde hace por lo menos un mes, vengo teniendo que soportar que mercadolibre me estafe de forma consistente, me ignore cuando hago un reclamo y me fuercen a incurrir mayores comisiones, o pagar publicidad para poder ganar visibilidad cuando, por mi puntaje y reputación, mis publicaciones deberían estar primeras.
Para darles un poco de contexto, mercadolibre tiene un sistema de puntuación de publicaciones donde en teoría se le da visibilidad a un producto en base a una serie de criterios: disponibilidad para entrega inmediata, ofrece cuotas sin interes, tiene precio competitivo, etc. Si uno cumple con todas las altisimos y costosisimos requisitos que establecen y logra un puntaje de 100, en teoría, se gana la visibilidad en la parte superior del buscador.
Particularmente yo soy vendedor en una categoría donde soy literalmente el unico que ofrece entrega inmediata, cuotas sin interes y encima el precio más bajo del mercado entre muchas otras cosas. En contraste, ninguno de mis competidores cumple con ninguna de estos criterios. En consecuencia, y en base a lo que establece mercadolibre yo debería figurar primero en el buscador cuando se realiza una busqueda por categoría. El problema es que no, no solo no figuro primero, directamente figuro ULTIMO.
En numerosas ocasiones me intenté comunicar con los inutiles de sporote y siempre te responden el mismo disquito. Ignoran completamente tu reclamo, te chamuyan con que el algoritmo mezcla las publicaciones arbitrariamente (no debería ya que están priorizadas por puntaje), no se fijan en lo mas minimo si hay algun tipo de error, te buscan algo para culparte a vos por no tener visibilidad (no importa que tan pequeño sea) y se agarran por completo de eso para desestimar tu reclamo. Paso seguido te dicen que si queres figurar primero pagues publicidad.
El gran problema es que mercadolibre no está cumpliendo con su parte contractual (visibilidad en base a puntaje) y encima te dicen que si queres resolver el problema, ademas de pagar las altisimas comisiones, tenes que encima pagar publicidad. Y como costo adicional, estoy incurriendo un enorme costo de oportunidad ya que no puedo vender absolutamente nada porque estoy en el fondo de la lista.
Ya busqué por todas partes y en los terminos y condiciones no dice en ningún lado el chamuyo que me dan por soporte, y encima llegaron a una instancia en la que simplemente me copian y pegan respuestas. Como se imaginaran no solo me tienen harto sino que encima me estan cagando de arriba de un puente.
La cagada de todo esto es que encima defensa al consumidor seguro se lave las manos o no tome ningún tipo de acción (son munipas y siempre hacen lo minimo indispensable, ya me han cagado varias veces).
Es posible que la unica via posible que tenga sea poner un abogado? Me preocupa encima que por iniciar algún tipo de reclamo por medio de un representante legal reculen, y directamente me cierren la cuenta (resevandose el derecho de admisión) o algun shadowban como el que me estan haciendo.
Nada. Todo tipo de info que me puedan brindar va a ser enormemente agradecida ya que estoy perdidisimo en esto.
Mil gracias de antemano por tomarse el tiempo de leer y darle la mano a un desconocido!
submitted by RebelionFiscal to DerechoGenial [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 00:52 doomslayer30000 Pathetic Blizzard's Pawn
submitted by doomslayer30000 to TrueOverwatch2 [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 00:52 thnwgrl Merch Picture dump
Went there early this week, here are (lots of) Merch Picture. Of course I'm regretting not buying enough. Just so you know the coin and penny machines only take alipay or Wechat pay. There are also cool passport machines around the park. submitted by thnwgrl to ShanghaiDisneyland [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 00:52 patsand17 Confused ?
Hi! I received this text and I’m not sure if I’m having a brain fart but the price looks more like 30% off rather than 35% or is my math wrong 😅. submitted by patsand17 to BAGGU [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 00:52 xkxlxtxn AITAH for not wanting to meet a girl after she decided for us to postpone our first date to the next day?
Long story short, this is all what happened:
My friend (J) works as a hairdresser in another country…she posted a photo of this girl on her ig to which I replied saying she was gorgeous.
Funny enough my friend told this girl (let’s call her A) about me and after showing A some pictures of me, J said A was super interested in me.
To the point of without me saying anything, A followed me on ig and a few weeks later after us liking each other stories (I didn’t strike up a convo cause even though I found her super pretty I didn’t feel like we’d have a substantial connection since we have diff vibes), A one day just texted me for the first time and told me she would be in my country for 24h due to the fact she works as a flight attendant.
So basically A sounded pretty interested to meet me and I was very happy for that. After she texted me and we agreed to go on a lunch tomorrow (Sunday), the conversation sort of evolved and got a bit spiced up…to the point A suggested I could just come to her room on Saturday night after I left work so we could hang out and watch a movie but we all know that we definitely had second intentions with this.
We had been pretty much set in stone I’d leave work (she knew I leave work late) and come over to her room, she even stated something in the likes “don’t you dare changing plans” etc.
Comes the day (today), everything is pretty much going to plan, she arrives, goes to her hotel to rest, I tell her I will arrive more or less at x time…and I’m pretty much on schedule too.
After I texted her I got in the taxi to her place…she told me she’s so tired (to which I replied “yeah me too”) then suggested for us to meet on the next day for brunch due to how tired she is also me etc…
Now, some things that are important to know:
She expected me to plan our whole day to which I did to a degree.
The first idea was for us to meet at her place, sleep together and then come next day hang around town on some cool spots before she had to leave for her flight
She knew I had planned a lot of my schedule ahead for this since I have quite an intensive training regime and I moved everything around a week in advance to fit this in
After she suggested for us to have brunch, I told her I’d think of a place and she said she’d just go to bed then while I think and come up with a solution (So again now it’s up to me to come up with another plan and places since it all changed while I’m actually in the taxi to her place)
I told her I was in the cab, but I could turn around if she really felt like seeing each other tomorrow. I think it was a bit disrespectful for my time for her to wait until I’m in the taxi at almost midnight to tell me to turn around. Plus like I said she knew I’d be late and to quote her “she would be happy to wait for me as much as I had to take” since she was happy we’d meet.
So quick tldr:
I don’t wanna see her because I feel disrespected.
I think she could’ve told me before that she had second thoughts and I’d be okay with coming up with another program for us just for a Sunday.
It’s not about my ego, but the fact that she stated more than once she was decided to do it the way we both agreed (and it was also her suggestion), and then proceeded to tell me to turn around in the taxi while I’m 7 minutes away from her.
The fact she’s the customer of J and me and J have a very close friendship is a bit funny also cause it’s gonna be a bit awkward but they’re both not in the same country as me…although I do visit J sometimes.
I feel like if she has the right to change her mind while I’m on my way to her…I also have the right to change my mind about the whole thing.
Am I the asshole?
submitted by xkxlxtxn to AITAH [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 00:52 BackgroundAdmirable1 How did i get killed so quick? Is Static-HV TTK this OP in BO6?
submitted by BackgroundAdmirable1 to Warzone [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 00:52 NimblePotato02 Is Sparking Zero better than Fighter Z?
The answer is obvious, yes. Now I know i'm gonna get salt from people who are trying to say Fighter Z is better or from people who are big fans of Fighter Z. But my answer is quite simple why it's better.
Gameplay : Gameplay wise Fighter Z is good but Sparking Zero does it better. With Fighter Z you have a 2D combat system. But with Sparking Zero you have an open world combat system. Which, right off the bat, is better than Fighter Z's combat system.
Graphics : Yes, Fighter Z does have better graphics than Sparking Zero. But that's because Sparking Zero has to support the open world combat system. But also, because the development team is still working on Sparking Zero. S in a few months time, Sparking Zero's graphics will be as good or even better than Fighter Z's graphic's.
Characters : That's the main reason why Sparking Zero is better. In Sparking Zero we have over 200 character's or more. While in Fighter Z we have only 30 or so character's, and most of those character's are dlc character's that cost 5 dollars each. Doing the math, if you want all the dlc character's for Fighter Z you have to literally spend over 70 dollars.
People are gonna try to convince me that Fighter Z is better than Sparking Zero. But honestly, idc what people say, you can't convince Fighter Z is better than Sparking Zero even though it's obviously not.
submitted by NimblePotato02 to dragonballfighterz [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 00:52 elegantloveglimmer Shiroko Terror in the bathroom with towel (kuro torie)
submitted by elegantloveglimmer to SunaookamiShiroko [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 00:52 nexus-44 friendship vibe on first date
Went to a date with this girl and I kinda felt more like a friendship vibe than a relationship. I don’t know… I like her extroversion, she talk a lot but at the same time I don’t know… Should I go on a second date with her? Any tips ?
submitted by nexus-44 to dating_advice [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 00:52 Fraide América fans… we are in the Good days
Win or not this season, these are the good days boys!! submitted by Fraide to LigaMX [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 00:52 InexperiencedCoconut Tell me about your first market/selling experience?
I would love to sell one day.. but I am still not a seasoned potter (I started this spring). However, today I went to a local pottery sale and I mean this in the nicest way possible…. It made me feel like I could definitely sell my stuff sooner than I thought! I also ran into my old pottery teacher and she made it sound much more feasible than I thought. She said you really don’t need to be an expert before you sell… and you only really need a table worths of stuff. So it made me start to think. How did you get around to your first market? What did you do to prepare and how did you know when you were “ready”?
submitted by InexperiencedCoconut to Pottery [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 00:52 Besho0o0o0 SSD 2.5 inch help
Hey guys , I am thinking to get ssd and my options according to my pc is sata so for Ssd 2.5 inch whats better in those WD - SA 510 Blue 1TB cruical BX500 1TB samsung 870 EVO 1 TB ? And my usage for it gaming and saving shadowplay videos etc and might go for 2TB not sure yet .
I am having good experience with gigabyte ssd 256gb its been 4 years and still good no issues with health now 94% but gigsbyte stuff soldout arround here so only those 3 options above.
submitted by Besho0o0o0 to buildapc [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 00:52 Dry-Secretary-1683 Looking for attorney
Hi everyone, I am looking to hire a lawyer for my NIW case. I don’t have papers yet, hopefully I’ll have my first one written by the end of spring semester. I have a master’s degree and have defended my prelim and I’m a STEM major (natural sciences), on F1. I also need to add I am pending a work permit through another application and in the meanwhile I had to start working due to financial insecurity and have filed a pardon form with immigration (different legal team that cannot assist with anything NIW related). If anyone has been in similar situation as mine, and knows of law firms that can win a case like mine, I’d really appreciate it if you share your experiences with me, in comments or dm me, whichever u r comfortable with. I don’t know if the lawyer has to be in the same state as I am or I can hire lawyer from any states. Also, I can’t believe I have to write this, but I am only looking for the answer to my inquiry, keep your judgements and insults and hatred in your own intestines please lol, get a life and a therapist!
submitted by Dry-Secretary-1683 to EB2_NIW [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 00:52 liveforeverrr77 Got roasted about my style—any advice for a glow-up? [28]
Some girls roasted my look, and it hit me hard. Decided it’s time to step up my game. Learned about a bunch of new brands recently, and it feels like a good start. Planning a full glow-up this December to make 2025 my year! Any advice on leveling up? 🙏 submitted by liveforeverrr77 to GlowUps [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 00:52 FoundationKooky2311 Beautiful view of (a) Rainier from an undisclosed location in the Cascades
submitted by FoundationKooky2311 to Seattle [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 00:52 brandless_water Been a while since ive drawn Gnaw. I'll also try doodling the answers to any questions about them / their reaction to other OCs ^w^
submitted by brandless_water to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 00:52 lumindirn Such a fun mini to paint
Azrael has probably been my favorite mini to paint, out of all of the Space Marine characters I've painted. Such a good sculpt. submitted by lumindirn to DarkAngels40k [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 00:52 Gullible-Second-7961 Are these warts dead? Can someone help me asap I’m going to a doctor and it would save me a ton of money to know before hand
submitted by Gullible-Second-7961 to Warts [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 00:52 New_Cantaloupe_2083 What can I get for this?
It has a Ryzen 5 Pro 2400G 2x16 3600MHz ddr4 Nvidia GTX 1650 Super 1 tb hdd 240 gb boot ssd
submitted by New_Cantaloupe_2083 to PcBuild [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 00:52 candfI8 Title
submitted by candfI8 to Discordmemes [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 00:52 Rare-Cable-4820 3kg mini haul to Australia before Christmas, (all unbanned items)
Shipped with ems (hopefully won’t get seized) Shipping cost $90 Total cost of everything was around $400 aus submitted by Rare-Cable-4820 to rep [link] [comments] |