A hardware idiot needs help please be kind!

2024.12.01 00:33 TitopaoonReddit A hardware idiot needs help please be kind!

Hi PHbuildapc,
It's about to be my birthday on December 5 and i plan to build a new desktop computer. I did build mine before but it was about AMD A8 series so I don't remember I also don't remember anymore or updated with parts , trends etcc..
So I need your help. My budget is about 30-40k on the system unit not sure what to get nowadays.
I did read this one before it seemed pretty good.
PHBuildapc Guide
Any shops to suggest in the South area or Near Cavite?
PC uses below

Thanks you very much PHbuildapc!
P.S I plan to buy the computer by parts so right now I am planning and searching to get a CPU + Motherboard combo!
submitted by TitopaoonReddit to PHbuildapc [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:33 Civil-Soil-677 blue prints broken

so I bought a blue print and when I put on attachrments it forces me to run the attachments from the blueprints not the ones I put on. any one else experience this ?
submitted by Civil-Soil-677 to BO6 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:33 strawberrypockyx So exciting!!

So exciting!! I can’t believe my luck, 4 cottage core gum ball outfits! 😭 I just had to share with y’all!!
submitted by strawberrypockyx to Episode [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:33 Great-University3087 People in PvP trying not to be toxic

People in PvP trying not to be toxic I don’t care which character you use, but please don’t be a jerk. I stopped sending emojis first a while ago because many times I’d send something simple and receive something unpleasant in return. I’m just venting about something I believe should change. Maybe the best option in the game is to turn off PvP emotes,but idk,very rarely is it something wholesome. don’t be that kind of person. 🐷👍
submitted by Great-University3087 to DragonballLegends [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:33 Fit_Advertising6981 38[M4F]Saturday and boredom wins. Wanna chat?

So, it’s Saturday, and here I am, sitting like a piece of furniture, staring at the wall and wondering if the spiders are judging me. If you’re also spending your evening scrolling through Reddit, why not chat? Topic is wide open: existential debates, embarrassing stories, pasta recipes, why pigeons seem to have a better social life than me, anything goes. Absolutely no judgment—except if you put pineapple on pizza (then we’ll have to debate). Come on, the walls have already heard enough of my monologues.
submitted by Fit_Advertising6981 to snapchat [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:33 staggerleemcgee C4c

submitted by staggerleemcgee to tiktokreferrals [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:33 Waiting4MidMoon The Unseen Monster

I'm strapped to a seat. We all are. And none of us are allowed to leave.
For a while, everything was fine. My anxiety was still very high though.
Suddenly, without warning, I'm lurched violently forward, as if I've been caught in the grip of some unseen monster. My body is thrown against the constraints, and my heart leaps into the back of my throat.
All around me, I heard shudders and groans. The unseen force was getting stronger by the second. The once relaxing atmosphere was now filled with the sounds of creaking metal and panicked murmurs coming from the others, which only added to the ever building anxiety.
I could feel the blood draining from my face as we continued to be bashed around. The feeling in my stomach felt like a trapped burp on fire, and I started to imagine all of the worst-case scenarios...Limbs crushed...Torsos torn...Faces on fire...
I looked around at the dozens of strangers, fear etched on everyone's faces. Whatever happens now, we're all going to experience the same fate. We're in this together. Some were gripping their armrests with white knuckles, while others were crying and clutching at their loved ones for reassurance.
As the relentless and violent shaking persisted, I suddenly found myself praying to a deity that I hadn't prayed to in decades. Every jolt and shudder sent a fresh wave of terror through me. Through us all.
I couldn't tell if the constraints were slowly crushing me, or if my lungs were expanding so much from the anxiety, that my chest was starting to explode. The pressure in my head was getting worse too. The muscles in my neck locking up.
The sounds that came next were like thunderclaps inside your head, vibrating through every neuron and escaping through your eyes.
People were screaming now. I couldn't blame them. I wanted to scream too.
This is it...We're all gonna die...I'm gonna die...Oh my God! I'm gonna die!
Just then, when I thought all hope was lost, everything suddenly changed...The metal that was rattling began slowing and eventually stopped completely, people stopped screaming and started to calm down, and the relentless, violent shaking from the unseen monster, finally ceased and released its grip.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the captain has turned off the seatbelt sign, you are now free and safe to walk around."
submitted by Waiting4MidMoon to shortscarystories [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:33 AmericanHipponaut Nervous, but ready!

submitted by AmericanHipponaut to fearofflying [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:33 Archhanny Paladin Dimensions

Ah yes so we have the length.. fine cool ok... width.... alright nice... and.... sorry what?
Is this some new higher dimension?
Also who wrote this?
submitted by Archhanny to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:33 Plenty_Antelope8480 2/3 local and the 1 express?

Anyone have an explanation? I find it funny they are switched around the express and local between 34th and 14th
submitted by Plenty_Antelope8480 to nycrail [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:33 amishius Toby's Italian

He breaks it out, as far as I have seen on this...9343rd rewatch...twice. Once with the "Quando dio..." quote in Two Bartlets and again in the second part of Inauguration.
Such a strange thing no one ever really calls attention to that I can think of.
submitted by amishius to thewestwing [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:33 Rabyd-Rabbyt Automate effects muting in 3.4?

I do a lot of effects automation and there are times when I'd like to be able to completely switch off an effect; but 2.x does not allow this. Have they corrected this egregious oversight in 3.4?
submitted by Rabyd-Rabbyt to mpcusers [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:33 Laney20 Krobus is not as easy to squish as she used to be!

Krobus is not as easy to squish as she used to be! But her old buddy Duncan still tries!
submitted by Laney20 to blackcats [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:33 Backledd İzlemeyin izlettirmeyin

İzlemeyin izlettirmeyin submitted by Backledd to burdurland [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:33 HerrPfannkuchen [US-TX] [H] Used StarWars Lot (20th Anniv, Prequels, Sequels, etc) [W] PayPal GS

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/QedpINU

☆( $215 SHIPPED for the Lot: anywhere in Cont.US via USPS Priority Mail )
•75099 Rey's Speeder ( no minifigs )
•75176 Resistance Transport Pod ( missing BB-8 )
•75182 Republic Fighter Tank ( missing Battle droids )
•75199 General Grievous' Combat Speeder ( missing Grievous Minifig )
•75202 Defense of Crait ( ship + 2 Snowtroopers only )
•75242 Black Ace TIE Fighter ( no Minifigs )
•75248 Resistance A-Wing ( Complete )
•75250 Pasaana Speeder Chase ( Complete )
•40333 Battle of Hoth ( Complete )
•75258 Anakin's Podracer ( Complete )
•75259 Snowspeeder ( missing side-build turret )
•75261 Scout Walker ( missing side-build turret )
•75262 Imperial Dropship ( Complete )
•75271 Luke's Landspeeder ( speeder + Luke minifig only )
☆Thanks for looking!☆
submitted by HerrPfannkuchen to Legomarket [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:33 Business-Client-6631 Is this good for a 13$ north face puffer?

Is this good for a 13$ north face puffer? 5$ for link
submitted by Business-Client-6631 to AllChinabuy [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:33 NokCha_ [Slater] Steve Kerr said he expects both Steph Curry and Andrew Wiggins to play tonight in Phoenix. Both will warm up prior to official decision. Jusuf Nurkic and Bradley Beal are out for the Suns.

[Slater] Steve Kerr said he expects both Steph Curry and Andrew Wiggins to play tonight in Phoenix. Both will warm up prior to official decision. Jusuf Nurkic and Bradley Beal are out for the Suns. submitted by NokCha_ to warriors [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:33 lovingpersona Do human companions not spawn anymore?

I want to make a D&D esque party, and I went through multiple human companion camps, without the actual human companions anywhere to be found. Does the mod within the mod pack not work anymore?
submitted by lovingpersona to dawncraft [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:33 cheerful_saddness What are some of the things you do for your wife/girl friend that you know she loves and makes her feel loved?

Small things like brushing her hair, tying her shoes, etc.
Or even big things like surprise custom-built furniture or something like that?
submitted by cheerful_saddness to AskMen [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:33 Gandalf196 A point for the gnostic team, so it seems...

A point for the gnostic team, so it seems... submitted by Gandalf196 to AcademicBiblical [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:33 RealOrchid2859 selling halloween 21 halo!

looking for around 2.8m, can negotiate :)
submitted by RealOrchid2859 to RoyaleHighTrading [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:33 TheMonkeyDrink guy i found on yt sings the best carti song after wisdom teeth surgery

guy i found on yt sings the best carti song after wisdom teeth surgery submitted by TheMonkeyDrink to playboicarti [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:33 tonksndante These two at 6am- They want breakfast an hour early. They got used to daylight savings way too quickly lol

These two at 6am- They want breakfast an hour early. They got used to daylight savings way too quickly lol submitted by tonksndante to Chihuahua [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:33 Big-Television5509 Stay strong we will recover

Stay strong we will recover submitted by Big-Television5509 to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:33 No_Faithlessness3845 Been adding to the set up

Ibanez sr500 going through a peavey mk3 xp300 with 2 peavey 410tvx cabs
submitted by No_Faithlessness3845 to BassGuitar [link] [comments]
