2024.12.01 02:01 YouthComfortable8229 ¿Que los hace sentir genuinamente orgullosos de ser mexicanos?
Cosas con trascendencia, no digan "la comida", quiero decir, si, es rica, pero no mames. Me refiero a algo que tenga nuestra sociedad, historia, país, no sé, yo la verdad esto que me lleva la verdura en ese aspecto:
La gente - narco cultura que va en aumento, pais lleno de valemadrismo, la mayoria incivilizados y violentos. La historia - un país que después de la independencia, ha sido sometido e intervenido por el país de arriba, hasta presidentes que eran parte de la CIA tuvimos. La cultura - dicho famoso, "el que no tranza no avanza", "el peor enemigo de un mexicano es otro mexicano". La educación - pesima El sistema de salud - pesimo
La flora y fauna es parte de donde nos toco vivir, como mexicanos no cuidamos de ello.
¿Por que mierda deberia de sentirme orgulloso de ser mexicano? para este punto hasta me averguenza y desearia no serlo, es triste.
submitted by YouthComfortable8229 to mexico [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:01 FeloniusGasser Sultan.. Strange?!
submitted by FeloniusGasser to Gassers [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:01 Sensitive_Brother_62 833442540053 ZACIAN 3 LOCALS
submitted by Sensitive_Brother_62 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:01 Planting4New Cats claw bark
Looking to know what all I can use Cats claw bark for banefully. I am hoping it’ll at the extra HIT I need for a hex to send someone all the hurricane life ruining everything they deserve. submitted by Planting4New to realwitchcraft [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:01 CaptBlueMonkey Oregon Ducks Throwback
submitted by CaptBlueMonkey to cheerleaders [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: উদ্যোগ
উদ্যোগ translates to enterprise
See previous words @ https://wordofthehour.org/past
submitted by sharewithme to AssameseFeed [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:01 DifferentSafe6545 AITAH for hitting my gf that flew out to go see another dude?
so me n my girl broke up and got back together, when we got back she went on a trip to san francisco, and there was this guy there named jose who was one of her cousins (M22) friend, today was the first time i looked at her phone since we got back together and i saw jose and saw that they were talking before like a day before she called me and i was coming to visit her and her family and i bought a bunch of gifts,
mind you that she said he was a bum and that she didn’t like him and didn’t talk to him at all, but when i picked her up from the airport he texted her asking if she had a good time, and she texted him “yeah i did and i really missed my bf” i made her say this btw, and some more but that was the jist
it was weird cuz they were drinking together and going out to places
this is where the problem started, i saw this and i said that it all makes so much sense and when i was saying that i was hitting her arm when we were in the car, and i guess the last one was kinda hard, then she threatened to call the police, which scared the shit outta me, but we talked it out, and i even took her to a really nice dinner.
but i think i left a bruise, now im On my way! home and idk what to think or do
submitted by DifferentSafe6545 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:01 KNUCKLEHEADzzs Jackie Chan is a really ______ guy. That’s why we like him.
submitted by KNUCKLEHEADzzs to AskOuija [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:01 catdiction I could be your new best friend 😀
I could be your new best friend 😀 Hello, I am looking for a best friend for long-term connection, so let me here convince you why you should choose me as your new friend: * I am chatty and have good vibes and energy. * I love to talk about all kinds of topics and can always find things to talk about. * I always reply to my messages and never get bored with my friends and always send good morning messages. * I will always be here for you to tell me about your day or vent if you have something that bothers you. * I am always respectful and never disrespect others or step into their discomfort zones. * I am nerdy and if you are nerdy that's a plus then, if not it is ok we can talk about any other stuff. * I know I don't get many replies, so I try harder post a lot, and usually get genuine friends, so if you like what you heard so far, let's be friends 😀.
submitted by catdiction to KindFriend [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:01 Aggravating-Ad5992 Bumps under tounge has me scared
There are these bumps and almost looks like swollen parts of skin under my tounge. Painless. But I can literally feel like there's something under it bugging me. Side note I have a geographical/fissures tounge. Also why does it look like scales under there on the sides. Ugh creeping me out. Please help submitted by Aggravating-Ad5992 to askdentists [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:01 Electrical-Gap-374 "Best Series" competition with $500 prize
Hi all! Qwick.tv is hosting a "Best Series" competition with a $500 prize. Some details:
2024.12.01 02:01 Kristinahankova Rats
submitted by Kristinahankova to verybeautifulphotos [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:01 cramboneUSF After 2 years of oiling my CMP service grade
This was a brand-new stock with the CMP cartouche when I purchased it in 2018. I put it off for some time but finally got around to doing this starting in November 2022. submitted by cramboneUSF to M1Rifles [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:01 Lupine_Ranger (WTB) MP5 9mm 30rd Mags
Looking for preferably MKE mags, not interested in ETS or or other polymer mags.
Looking to pay between around $30 per mag, looking to purchase up to 6 or 7 mags. Help me help you pay for your Christmas shopping.
submitted by Lupine_Ranger to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:01 Crackpipe1 AKs Thus Far
Beryl, SAM5, SAM7R, Wasr 10 submitted by Crackpipe1 to ak47 [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: empresa
empresa translates to enterprise
See previous words @ https://wordofthehour.org/past
submitted by sharewithme to Vocabulario [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:01 I_like_joe_mama dadadadadada ____ at stake!
submitted by I_like_joe_mama to AskOuija [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:01 AvengerX_1000gods This audio needs some love
submitted by AvengerX_1000gods to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:01 Significant-Row-7673 Any cellphone company giving any offer below $25/month this black friday?
I'm currently with Fido, paying $25/month for 20GB with 1000 international minutes. No phone is financed. I barely use more than 6/7 GB per month, and international minutes aren't an issue. I have searched online for a better Black Friday deal, but I didn't find anything less than $25. I'm trying to bring it down even more. Has anyone found anything cheaper than $25 with at least 10GB in any mall/physical store this Black Friday?
submitted by Significant-Row-7673 to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:01 Aggravating-Tea-8210 Accounts restricted
All my accounts were restricted after attempting to send a large wire for a long planned purchase. Fidelity security gave me good cop, bad cop, good cop questions about the attempted transaction. I've never had such an adversarial customer experience. Their assumption is that a large wire must be a scam until proven otherwise. After, I attempted to transfer my accounts out of Fidelity. That's when I found all my accounts had been restricted. I believe I've been classified as a vulnerable investor. Fidelity is very vague about why they restricted my accounts or when I'll have full access to my money. I've had to consult with an attorney. I've learned that Fidelity can be held responsible for any financial harm I experience through the restrictions. There is a process through FINRA to address policy abuses and incorrect profiling or assumptions made by Fidelity and recover all related losses. Awful experience. Terrible communication.
submitted by Aggravating-Tea-8210 to fidelityinvestments [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:01 ECUFan61 New baby
Hey y’all! I’d like to introduce Brooks! I’ve never had a corgi before but my wife and I rescued this little fella a few days ago! submitted by ECUFan61 to corgi [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:01 Separate_Soft_4735 super cosmic cyclone when he sees catellite [fluff]
submitted by Separate_Soft_4735 to battlecats [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:01 nowayamongus How mad can you be?
(I joined an Xbox LFG)
According to this guy, I’m “Running away doing nothing” when I’m being patient, playing neutral and throwing out pokes. Brotha kept running at me, superdashing full screen and complaining, then proceeding to call me bad and slurring me lol. Kicks me from the party and someone who I’ve played with before in the same lfg tells me that he was still shit talking and slurring me behind my back. At least be a man and talk your talk to me directly. Yeah bro, I’m the one who’s bad at the game when you got smoked every match by a team I’m learning. This shit is too funny lol. Yall have some funny stories like this one?
submitted by nowayamongus to dbfz [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:01 Jvski lol almost
https://preview.redd.it/lrr765cm954e1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb58615476f8b40d337b45c7bf72db77bf35a9de submitted by Jvski to BobsTavern [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:01 DiceBoiReddit How safe are "ToyDojo" and "Nin-Nin Game". Are the figuarts from there real? How are they with shipping? Or just general info would be great.
submitted by DiceBoiReddit to SHFiguarts [link] [comments]