Helping all Hoonters

2024.12.01 01:55 Stephenwalnsky Helping all Hoonters

Helping anywhere, BL 140
Please message me directly THROUGH REDDIT because people keep taking my spot silently
Include location of meet and password
PSN is ‘stephenwalnsky’
PS. I can help you get through a rough area if you need it, especially dungeons
submitted by Stephenwalnsky to huntersbell [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:55 turbophysics Blibbles, Failed Experiment [Third Attempt]

Idea started as a recurring nuisance that helped 5 color multi tribal decks. Conceptually it was supposed to be a reanimated ooze composed of remains of every type of creature. I’ve been unable to nail the concept mechanically, however.
submitted by turbophysics to custommagic [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:55 ComiX-Fan Marvel Rivals Squirrel Girl Urban Hunter costume reveal

Marvel Rivals Squirrel Girl Urban Hunter costume reveal submitted by ComiX-Fan to squirrelgirl [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:55 AznJing Totaled? Hit black ice

Totaled? Hit black ice submitted by AznJing to FJCruiser [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:55 Advanced-Total-9009 Strength Training for Vegetarians: Seeking Advice

Hi everyone,
I'm a 37-year-old male with limited upper body strength and some excess fat around my midsection. I've recently started strength training with the goal of building muscle. My current diet consists mainly of protein shakes and about 50-70 grams of tofu protein per day, and I've cut back on carbs. It's been 3 weeks, but I haven't seen much progress in losing the belly fat.
I'm also feeling tired most of the day, which has me wondering: isn't strength training supposed to boost energy levels?
What am I missing in my approach, and what changes should I make to see better results?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Advanced-Total-9009 to workout [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:55 TheAlexTran [SRPE93] Finally took the plunge into the watch world.

[SRPE93] Finally took the plunge into the watch world. Started a few weeks ago with a Casio A168, jumped up to this Black Friday.
submitted by TheAlexTran to Seiko [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:55 Clear_Team5740 Should I actually dress up and put effort into my temp, labor, 1099 access badge?

submitted by Clear_Team5740 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:55 Ill-Championship8886 H: Leaders W: 2 Deathclaw masks

Name your prices please
submitted by Ill-Championship8886 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:55 JetragonDeezNuts 🤔

submitted by JetragonDeezNuts to HEB [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:55 RandomasterLiving [WP] The therapist couldn't ever find out why you were suddenly shivering and unresponsive while the other kids were happily playing cowboys at recess. As an adult, you go on a vacation to Arizona and find in an old cemetery a tombstone with your name and birthdate...and a death date in 1885.

submitted by RandomasterLiving to WritingPrompts [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:55 Unlikely_Interview25 how do i navigate a serious conversation with my boyfriend of (3years) about his ambition and my attraction for him while addressing my concerns below. psychologists, sociologists, and any sound advice is welcomed.

please read fully before rushing to any judgement and negative comments because there's tons of complexities in my thoughts. please do not leave any quick-witted remarks about leaving without a moment's notice or thought. i actually enjoy him deeply - losing him would be like losing my best friend. he's genuinely a teddy bear who hasn't/wouldn't harm me. i am not in an abusive relationship and we have literally no other problems besides the ones i'm bottling.
i feel guilty writing this, but i need advice about my relationship. what started as a beautiful connection three years ago has evolved into a complicated situation. we began dating at twenty, initially drawn together by our shared sense of humor, dreams, and genuine understanding of each other. he was this charming guy with bright aspirations, and i was still finding my path. we're an interracial couple - i'm black and he's white - which has never been an issue between us. in fact, i can say for once i am with a white man who doesn't necessarily benefit from his whiteness, or perhaps he doesn't because he doesn't apply himself - hard to know.
our relationship has weathered various storms together. during our third attempt at dating, i lost my job, and he became my support system, acting as the sole breadwinner while i worked part-time. while i was pursuing my degree, he had chosen to go straight into the corporate workforce after high school. i'm eternally grateful for his support during that difficult time, but i've always been fiercely independent and hated depending on others. within six months of graduating, i landed a new position that tripled his salary, shifting me into the role of primary breadwinner.
over the years, i've experienced significant personal growth. i've graduated from university, navigated job losses and successes, and now i'm launching a creative platform. while i'm currently growing my social media presence (200-300 followers - small but growing) and pushing myself to new heights, my boyfriend remains stagnant. besides investing in some educational hobbies and self-learning, he hasn't made any meaningful changes in his life, despite saying he wants to. his lack of self-motivation and inability to follow through on goals has become an extreme turnoff. it's a pattern i see repeatedly - he talks about wanting to further his education but never takes steps toward it, mentions wanting to go to the gym to build his confidence but never follows through. sometimes i wonder if i'm partially responsible for this pattern. why should he make these changes when i haven't openly expressed how much the lack of follow-through bothers me? and in a way, i love him and all he needs is my love, so why should he be constantly worried about his appearance or how he's coming across to me? i mean that's certainly how i would feel if the roles were reversed because trust me, i look like a bum often too. and just because i'm thin doesn't mean i have healthy habits either - i'm aware of this.
what's particularly frustrating is our intimate life. it feels crazy to say we're in our early twenties and sex is already an issue... and we aren't even married or have children. while i appreciate having a partner who can be sexually disciplined - something rare these days - and i'm typically someone who doesn't prioritize physical intimacy in relationships, this situation is different. when i achieve something new, hit milestones, or successfully challenge myself, i get these intense dopamine rushes that manifest as sexual energy. i want to feel passionate and alive in those moments, but we're not physically intimate anymore because he's gained significant "happy" weight and lacks confidence because of it (used to be a skinny dude).
this has been eating away at me. i've found myself making hurtful comments because of building resentment - i miss physical intimacy deeply. after growing up in poverty, i'm finally excelling in life, and my successes energize me, but i have no outlet for these feelings. i feel horrible even mentioning his weight gain as a thin woman - i know how cruel and unfair that sounds, and if the roles were reversed, it would be completely unacceptable. i also recognize my own hypocrisy - who am i to demand elevation from others when i don't even have an established platform yet? i've had my own periods of stagnation and failure, so maybe i'm being narcissistic in thinking i'm somehow "better" or more driven.
although i truly love him - he's been my best friend for years - i'm reaching my breaking point. we live together and co-own a cat we both adore, but i often feel trapped. i question whether i'm selfish for wanting someone more driven, or narcissistic for thinking i've outgrown him.
i've considered having a serious conversation about my fading attraction, but i'm torn about mentioning his weight gain. i want to tell him that his lack of ambition is pushing me away, but i don't know how to approach it without being cruel. staying silent feels like a disservice to both of us, but i don't know where to begin.
i want to handle this maturely and responsibly. what's the best way to approach this situation?​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
if you choose to comment, thank you in advance. i won’t be responding but i will be reading.
submitted by Unlikely_Interview25 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:55 SweetHomeAvocado Is it too late to make Turkey soup?

So, the carcass is sitting in my fridge, in the roasting, pan covered in tin foil. It hasn’t gone in a pot yet for reasons…dishwasher broke during hosting, kid 1 sick, kid 2 is having a birthday party…. Realistically this turkey carcass won’t be in a pot any earlier than tomorrow (Sunday) at 3pm. Have I missed my window?? These turkey soup pictures are making me so envious.
submitted by SweetHomeAvocado to soup [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:55 Gold_Firefighter_655 [s2 spoilers] Sevika quitting smoking

Does anyone remember that hint about S2 where someone (I thought Christian Linke) said that in S2 Sevika was going to have an arc about quitting smoking? I was going through Sevika S1 vs S2 and how S2 Sevika didn't really have much to do and remembered this tidbit. Was it one of the details that unfortunately got cut for time? Perhaps Sevika had a larger role to play in earlier scripts. I assume some more time would have been spent with her either trying to unite Zaun, learning to accept/nurture Jinx's following/influence, to finally earning a seat in the Council.
submitted by Gold_Firefighter_655 to arcane [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:55 Stchewpid What makes JJK such a good shounen?

What makes JJK such a good shounen? What aspects made it so enjoyable for you? Curious what everyone’s fav parts of the show was!! (:
submitted by Stchewpid to LobotomyKaisen [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:55 wk1131 Offensive game plan

Was there any explanation given for constantly running the ball on 1st and 2nd down leaving us with 3rd and long every possession for the 1st 3 quarters?
submitted by wk1131 to OhioStateFootball [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:55 Quirky_Drive8217 Am I crazy for struggling with a 1-semi-tone key change? Singers, I need your help!

I need help! English is not my first language, so please keep that in mind. I always have the same discussion with the guitarist and singer every time they invite me to sing with their band. The key my friend sings in is almost never comfortable for me. Moving the key just one semi-tone makes a big difference for my singing, but they don’t like it when I ask to change it.
It’s really hard for me to explain that if I’m not comfortable, I can’t sing as well or hit every note. Because I’m only asking to move the key by one semi-tone, they think it’s not a big deal and that I should be able to make it work.
Here are my questions:
Could I be wrong? Is it normal for me to struggle with just one semi-tone? Is it possible that this always happens with the same person because of how our ranges are? I think their range is always right at the limit of mine. Is that possible? I don’t want to sing live if I’m not comfortable, but they act like it’s not that hard for me to adjust. Any advice? Thank you!
submitted by Quirky_Drive8217 to singing [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:55 AdorableTrash7955 Le idiot stuck on rock, how do I get rid of it

submitted by AdorableTrash7955 to Voicesofthevoid [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:55 SydKristoffer Hey folks.

I need help / advice on something.
I’m a 27yr old Norwegian guy that got diagnosed 7yr ago.
My biggest struggle atm is that my feet and hands get cold and sweaty Thanks to the winter cold.
Is there any treatments for this or I’am just out of luck on this one
submitted by SydKristoffer to MultipleSclerosis [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:55 Zombie_exorcist720 Losing my family

So I’m in an awkward point in my life. I grew up in a religious environment which was extremely hard since I knew for a very long time that I was gay. I would date girls to try to “fix” myself. I realized that I couldn’t change the way I felt. I told my family and while they weren’t happy, they accepted me which felt great. While my family remained religious it was never something that was pressed on to me anymore. Fast forward 18 years, my immediate family is “falling” back into religion. I feel like I don’t recognize any of my siblings. They’re just so different now. The way they talk and act. It makes me worry that maybe they’ll eventually try to get me to change who I am and if I don’t…will they become distant? I’m just so down about it. I respect that they can believe and worship what they want to. But when you grow up in a homophobic environmental and was tied to religion, it created depressing memories. I’m just really scared and I don’t know how to cope at all. My siblings all feel like strangers 😢
submitted by Zombie_exorcist720 to feelingalone [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:55 Odd_Scratch_4898 Goth in Layton Utah

I just moved to Utah from Arizona and I have absolutely no idea how to survive happily out here. I don’t have any friends over on this side and I am just beginning to become comfortable bringing my goth side out to the external surface. Are there any goth clubs or events that anyone is aware of in Davis county or even in Salt Lake?
submitted by Odd_Scratch_4898 to goth [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:55 PSN_ONER Moon Cavas

A new favorite YouTube channel:
Give it a listen.
submitted by PSN_ONER to ambientmusic [link] [comments]


submitted by PAKROUTE90 to Drank [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:55 icydata NSH @ MIN - Fedor Svechkov, snap

submitted by icydata to icydata [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:55 Sweaty_Bite8898 New to piano

I just got my first digital piano and I am looking for some suggestions where to start as a beginner who want to self teach themselves piano I just want to start with easy songs and or know some good practice exercises
submitted by Sweaty_Bite8898 to pianolearning [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 01:55 Ill_Kaleidoscope_982 O problema não era o Paiva?

Olha esse time perdido, tomando olé do rebaixado....
submitted by Ill_Kaleidoscope_982 to vasco [link] [comments]