Kamvas Pro 19 connection issues - brand new

2024.12.01 02:28 Last_Estimate2863 Kamvas Pro 19 connection issues - brand new

I unboxed my brand new kamvas pro 19 today. Set it up on my windows desktop, all was good and everything worked properly.
Then i tried connecting it to my MacBook. Found that it connected and worked as a tablet, but the touch controls weren’t working. looked at huion’s guide to that, downloaded their special driver package and the Dfu thing, followed their steps—could no longer get the tablet to connect at all. Went from just no touch ability to this “device disconnected” screen. Uninstalled and reinstalled the drivers over and over again. Followed all the guides i could find but no dice.
Gave up, figured I’d mess with it on Mac another day, i intend to use it primarily on my windows desktop anyways. But I plug it back in on my windows, and now I’m getting device disconnected over here too.
So i uninstall and reinstall drivers. Nothing. Cannot get the tablet to connect on either driver. I’ve restarted everything, i’ve unplugged and replugged, I’m totally at my wits’ end.
Any tips? I’m so frustrated I could scream.
submitted by Last_Estimate2863 to huion [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:28 BenTeninson Calendar change

Hello guys, I'm playing Brazilian league and the cup is completely finished before the start of the league. Is there anyway to reorganize the competition dates to the league start earlier and the cup be played through the year? Or this is something connected to the competition structure?
submitted by BenTeninson to SPFootballLife [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:28 humbucker426 [WTS] Seiko SKX033 "Pepsi" 🔵 🔴 $210

[WTS] Seiko SKX033 submitted by humbucker426 to Watchexchange [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:28 XeroWulfBuys Herc 12ah battery worth buying while on sale?

Just want to get some opinions from folks who own 8ah and 12ah Herc batteries, on if the 12ah has a place in the line up if you don't own and don't plan to own the bandsaw or ultra high torque? All of the other tools are potentially on the table, I'm just 95% sure I won't ever need those two.
submitted by XeroWulfBuys to harborfreight [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:28 sobriedad I slippped after 6 yrs 8 months sober

I feel so disappointed, I dk how it happened but I just went and got an individual one glass wine bottle at the gas station. I feel sad and I can’t imagine what my girls would think of me., ( they are all adults) I just wanted to share. I went to an AA meeting yesterday, which I stopped going for a while but I couldn’t admit to them because they make you feel like you have to start again, and I kind of resent that from the program. I just wanted to share, feeling very sad tonight
submitted by sobriedad to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:28 allhailkingsteph Best creamy pistachio ice cream frag? 🍨

Hi all! I just sampled Jousset’s Ciao Bello Pistachio, which had the most delicious, creamy pistachio ice cream lickable scent in the initial spray, which sadly doesn’t last and quickly dries down into something weird and buttery :’( What are your best creamy pistachio ice cream scents, preferably niche brands? I’ve tried Kayali at Sephora and I wasn’t impressed; and today I also I tried Pistachio Latte by Theodoros Kalotinis which isn’t as good as Jousset’s opening. Looking for something sweet, unique, & long lasting 🙏🏽
submitted by allhailkingsteph to FemFragLab [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:28 captainbluntsx0 if i can but if i can post a pic in the comments can anybody figure out what breed my child is!!

i wanna start off by saying that he was this large when i got him it’s not my fault so don’t attack me. but can anyone please help me figure out his breed?! i don’t know anything about cat breeds 😂 thanks in advance!!
submitted by captainbluntsx0 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:28 Blazkowa how can i hide cfw on my 3ds

its my dads birthday soon and he wanted a 3ds with some games. He’s the (‘You wouldnt download a car’) type.
I put his favorite games on but im wondering if theres a way to hide the cfw
submitted by Blazkowa to 3dspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:28 saxaphone182 What is the best pc case for beginners preferably comes with fans

submitted by saxaphone182 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:28 MillenialDude November 30th

I have had many days on this earth. 36 years now worth. Specifically, 13,175 moons have passed since my birth. What have i done in this time? What impact have i had on this world? But why is this so important to me? Is it pride or hope that I am pushing for? And regardless of my pushing, why isn't it my all? I believe I'm fearful to move ahead and get too far to realize I've made a mistake. To be fearful of the regret for the eternity of my decisionssuch as the contemplation of family life. I'm not sure what to put all my energy towards. The obvious is to my kids and my wife... and yet... i anxiously contemplate that. I should also weigh family with my career energy. How high can i go and at what cost to my time with my family? Or, my personal goals not yet realized, such as a wild side not yet fully explored.
These are the anxious thoughts that plaque the silence of the night.
submitted by MillenialDude to Journaling [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:28 ryleeely My friend express discomfort to my clingy side.

I express to my friend that my love language is physical touch and i have a clingy side and it was a sign that i am authentic, and i shared that i am scared to show it because it might cause discomfort or misinterpretation. I notice she usually intiate physical touch like holding my hands and lean to my head. And i was reciprocating it.
Since this friend, i also had feelings to her thats why i dont show affection unless she initate because i dont want to create discomfort. Until the day come i heard the news to our mutual friend that she was uncomfortable that i am clingy. And after hearing the news she still touch me.
My question is, is it valid that i feel my boundary has been cross? And i feel like it was unfair?
But i understand that her comfort level has been shift. But i think it was a bit mix signal that she express discomfort to yet she still holds me that time.
And the month has been past, she open up to me that my feelings made her uncomfortable and i ask her about what i heard about me being clingy and she said that was the time she felt i had feelings to her and it was uncomfortable.
submitted by ryleeely to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:28 Over_Jellyfish_9383 Nice work, ROALM!

Nice work, ROALM! No one bullied you off TT, you deleted all your accounts because all your friends ran for the hills. Byeeeeee
submitted by Over_Jellyfish_9383 to WailingBanshee [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:28 NoMetal427 Get me back into anime

submitted by NoMetal427 to AnimeReccomendations [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:28 SaltyAdminBot Searching for this video

I remember seeing a video about a year ago (although I believe it was recorded about 15 years ago) of a UAP that looked like a bunch of eyes and had like weird feathers or something moving. It was floating around, above the tree line in like South America. It was a really long video and there was a news station in that country that was covering it and commenting. Please help me find this video! Thanks in advance
submitted by SaltyAdminBot to UFOs_Archives [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:28 BusinessWorry851 Found a video of my ex fucking herself with hair brush. Should I send it to her mother.

So for context me and my ex broke up 3-4 months ago. I was 19 and she was 18, we were both virgins and had planned to have our first time together although that never happened. We broke up because I had started to grow unhappy in the relationship because of little to no sexual intimacy from her after 3 years and as a result it really lowered my self esteem and worth as I felt like a glorified best friend. It got to the point where I just asked her if nothing changes I think we should break up as I had addressed it multiple times but nothing ever changed. Things were going pretty well for me after that until today when I found a video of her online fucking herself with a hairbrush. It was obviously uploaded for millions to see without her consent. After the lack of intimacy in the relationship seeing her go from that to posting herself getting fucked by a hairbrush crushed me like a ton of bricks. Anyway I now think that I should let her know but also make myself feel better with a little revenge. I've thought about sending the video to her parents but I'm unsure if I should as losing your virginity to a hairbrush and having millions watch is a sad enough thing to deal with for her. Either way I think she should be notified of the video but I'm interested in how everyone else would mix in some sweet revenge. She blocked me on everything after we broke up apart from this so hopefully she'll see this and be readying for a world of shit :)
submitted by BusinessWorry851 to revengestories [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:28 Ignore-meu-nome Como conhecer pessoas?

Olá gente, queria dicas sobre bons lugares para conhecer gente nova, algum grupo no discord br, algum jogo ou app, menos Tinder pfv kkkk. Normalmente sempre conheço gente nova de forma aleatória mas queria conhecer alguém agora, já tentei pelo insta mas não tenho muita familiaridade com o app (inclusive me expliquem pfv como se aproximar de pessoas lá se puderem)
DM tá aberta também se alguém quiser bater um papo amigável, sou 19M e tô tentando ser mais sociável
submitted by Ignore-meu-nome to arco_iris [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:28 Yt_Speedhouse where did i go wrong?

where did i go wrong? my sub blew up and im kinda at a loss as to why. hoping some of you guys might have some insight to point me in the right direction.
amp is a jl audio 400/4 subwoofer is a 2ohm dvc pioneer ts-a2000ld2
front door speakers occupy channels 1 and 2 subwoofer voice coils are wired in series to bring it to 4 ohm and it was occupying channel 3 and 4 (bridged)
according to the numbers; everything shouldve worked flawlessly, but i enjoyed the woofer for about a couple weeks and then it just stopped. i pulled it today and it smelled cooked. flipflopped the voice coils and its definitely blown. front door speakers on the other hand are performing phenomenal.
woofer was brand new. when it was operating, id occasionally smell electrical at higher volumes…. i thought this was just breaking in the sub or burning dust off the voice coils; didnt think it was actually damaging it, but i guess i was wrong.
attached are the specs of everything; hopefully someone can point me in the right direction for the future as i plan on getting an identical replacement sub unless told otherwise
submitted by Yt_Speedhouse to CarAV [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:28 Fack_JeffB_n_KenG Other games that scratch the itch like Resurgence?

I haven’t had fun with COD since before the BO6 integration. I won’t list all the problems as we are all aware of the sad state of affairs. Does anyone have any recommendations for other games on PS5 that are similar to resurgence? PUBG good nowadays? Fortnite no build?
submitted by Fack_JeffB_n_KenG to CODWarzone [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:28 PhilosophyTO Jordan Peterson's new book We Who Wrestle with God: Perceptions of the Divine — An online reading group discussion on Sunday December 8, open to everyone

Jordan Peterson's new book We Who Wrestle with God: Perceptions of the Divine — An online reading group discussion on Sunday December 8, open to everyone submitted by PhilosophyTO to Maps_of_Meaning [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:28 vallancet I painted some cats! Acrylics

I painted some cats! Acrylics submitted by vallancet to somethingimade [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:28 AbbreviationsWide814 [England] IIOC - boys in swimming trunks

Sorry if this is a foolish or odd question, but would there ever be any context where photographs of boys in swimming trunks - or photographs of boys wearing only shorts, as used to be commonplace in school PE - would be considered indecent, there being nothing else concerning about them?
I once read a newspaper article (unfortunately, I cannot remember where) detailing a case in Scotland during the last ten years, where a man was prosecuted for possession of photographs of boys in swimming briefs.
I have a few print photographs, taken at my own infant school thirty years ago as a leaving gift for a staff member, showing a class doing PE in shorts and underwear - just wondered what the legal position was.
Thank you.
submitted by AbbreviationsWide814 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:28 mattheewp Alguém mais se sente perdido entre a solidão e a busca por um propósito?

Olá, pessoal! Ultimamente, tenho me sentido extremamente sozinho. Venho de uma família totalmente desestruturada, onde as relações são péssimas. Meus pais mal olham para mim e meus irmãos, e frequentemente dizem que fomos um erro em suas vidas, que estragamos a juventude deles.
Minha família é muito pobre, e mal temos o básico para nos alimentar. Sinto que minha mãe tem um comportamento quase infantil: não aceita opiniões de ninguém, é muito cabeça dura e não larga a bebida por nada. Meu pai... se ele se aproxima, é praticamente certeza de que será para nos agredir. Já aconteceu de ele querer descontar sua raiva em mim após brigas com minha mãe.
Na escola, a situação também era ruim. Nunca tive amigos — na verdade, só problemas: bullying, fofocas, provocações, brigas... Na faculdade, as coisas finalmente começaram a melhorar, e consegui fazer algumas amizades. Sou muito focado e gosto de assuntos como empreendedorismo, inovação e tecnologia, mas sinto que é difícil encontrar pessoas da minha idade (23 anos) com os mesmos interesses.
Hoje, falo inglês e comecei a estudar mandarim. Apesar disso, minha rotina é extremamente solitária: faculdade e casa. Fico o dia todo trancado no quarto, e tenho dificuldade em me conectar com pessoas que não compartilham os mesmos interesses que eu. Não é um problema de comunicação, mas sinto que estou cada vez mais isolado, e isso me entristece.
Quando algo bom acontece, não tenho com quem compartilhar. Quando preciso de um abraço, não há ninguém para me oferecer. Meus amigos da faculdade estão casados ou em outros ciclos de vida, e eu não quero incomodá-los. Eles mal têm tempo para conversar, e sinto que esqueceram de mim.
Gostaria de ter alguém, mas tenho receio de entrar em uma relação e de que as coisas deem errado, porque sei que preciso me curar sozinho. Não tenho nenhuma rede de apoio.
Não bebo, não fumo e sou muito focado no profissional. Não gosto de perder tempo com coisas banais, mas sinto falta de algo mais humano no meu dia. As amizades que faço em ambientes profissionais acabam sendo apenas networking, e não pessoas com quem eu poderia realmente desabafar.
Alguém já passou por algo parecido? Como vocês lidam com a solidão? Alguma dica para fazer amizades verdadeiras?
submitted by mattheewp to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:28 GiftedWyvern How rare was this? This was my first attempt at event, maybe fifth catch

How rare was this? This was my first attempt at event, maybe fifth catch submitted by GiftedWyvern to FischRoblox [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:28 Successful_Event8968 Sprites Blurry When Moving

I recently have started a new Godot project after a long time of not working on anything, and I am using version 4.3. I noticed my sprites got blurry when they were moving, but I assumed that was because I was using pixel art sprites and I hadn't made my game pixel perfect yet.
So I made the game pixel perfect, but the issue persisted. I looked into it, and it seems like it's a common issue but the last time somebody asked about it here that I could find was 2 years ago, and the documentation didn't offer any solutions either.. If anybody could at least point me in the right direction of how to fix my issue, that would be incredible.
submitted by Successful_Event8968 to godot [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:28 jvc72 Buy Signal GNSUSD - 30 Nov 2024 @ 21:25 -> USD2.55

Ticker: GNSUSD
Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 30 Nov 2024 @ 21:25
Price: USD2.55
Link: https://getagraph.com/crypto-currencies/GNSUSD/ENG
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]
