2024.12.01 02:40 anonymous_username18 [Discrete Math] Euler Circuit Degree Proof
Can someone please look over this proof to see if it is correct? The theorem I am trying to prove is written in blue, and my work is beneath that. Thank you https://preview.redd.it/qisewfphg54e1.jpg?width=1411&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed3f03e99c4a7051b5a14a7477e4e7d43d18568f submitted by anonymous_username18 to HomeworkHelp [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:40 OlleKingKong Did anyone else noticed how they changed thane part ”I’m high as hell” In Arctic Tundra?
Honestly it really annoys me when they do small changes like that when they most often (Except for Cigarettes) turn out worse and overly edited…
submitted by OlleKingKong to JuiceWRLD [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:40 SereneGlowx In 1996, a 3-year-old boy fell into a gorilla enclosure, injured & surrounded by 7 gorillas. Binti Jua, a female gorilla with her baby on her back, cradled the boy & safely handed him to zookeepers. Her maternal instincts made headlines worldwide.
submitted by SereneGlowx to SnapshotHistory [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:40 adamthenecromance i have obtained a barrel of wendigo blood that was being sent to the solver cult
im here
submitted by adamthenecromance to antisolver [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:40 ForYears4ever Mods = Brave Stand Every Game
submitted by ForYears4ever to HalfSword [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:40 lemkowidmak Flyers Nation @FlyersNation: Shit.
submitted by lemkowidmak to phillysports [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:40 Affectionate_Yam5284 👯♀️
submitted by Affectionate_Yam5284 to vscosloots [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:40 imkomicist Maza Aane Wala Hai!! | Ultimate Wolverine: Marvel Comics | New Variant 🔥 | Jaunary 2025 | Komicist
Please Like, Share and Subscribe👍
submitted by imkomicist to indiancomics [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:40 Syn_Chronized Can’t play rainbow six ps4.
I’ve bought the game on steam and i have every operator. I think i played siege on a free weekend on ps4 and i’d like to play on ps4 now. It tells me to buy the game but it doesn’t give me an option. What do i do?
submitted by Syn_Chronized to Rainbow6 [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:40 Affectionate-Yam1179 DM and trade❓
submitted by Affectionate-Yam1179 to vscosloots [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:40 coffeeandblackcats The happiest girl 🩷
submitted by coffeeandblackcats to HalfFlops [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:40 Dependent_Tailor2561 Memories of Tails X Cream
submitted by Dependent_Tailor2561 to milesprower [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:40 Flimsy_Newspaper the rot
submitted by Flimsy_Newspaper to namesoundalikes [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:40 reddituser_0030 Finally done with Ding Ding Ding.
https://preview.redd.it/jjw3glg0g54e1.jpg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d105236c19c3bb098be22592ea60ed3ee6507c90 I muted dialogue in settings and just went for it. I wish paimon n lumine recapped their past adventures and we got to listen to some stories. But nope, so had to. There are a lot of fishing spots in genshin now. So, high chance u don't need coop. Some fishing spots in Enkanomiya and Chasm undergrounds are tough to find. so I avoided them. It was not as bad as I had expected. I already had around 1290 from doing the toki alley tales. Looks like I catch around 108 fishes per hour. submitted by reddituser_0030 to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:40 Sad_Struggle_9926 Dating with a pump
I 29F was diagnosed with t1 7 years ago but just started using a pump this year. I haven’t dated since starting on it and now that I’ve redownloaded hinge, I’m realizing the pump is making me insecure when it comes to dating! When I was on MDIs there was no obvious physical representation of this disease and I didn’t have to be open about having diabetes before I was ready to. Now I feel pressure to explain what my pump is and I’m worried about if someone will be freaked out by the tubing/injection sites. I’m wondering how other diabetics have handled telling their dates about their diabetes. Have you run into issues while dating with a pump?
I’m also navigating dating while being completely sober for the first time in my life. Most first date invites are to go for drinks but this feels awkward in my case. My sober non diabetic friends get mocktails when they’re out, but these are full of sugar! Do any t1s have good first date ideas that give the ambiance of a “drinks” date without the risks to our health?
submitted by Sad_Struggle_9926 to Type1Diabetes [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:40 UrAbandonedNeopet Dog or Bear?
Found near a river in a central VT forest. Any chance it’s a bear, and not the local Newfoundland? Thanks! submitted by UrAbandonedNeopet to animalid [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:40 Jotaro-kujostar I quit
L game bad cuz no specific banners wampt grr Me want reed deku but no red deku Me angey
submitted by Jotaro-kujostar to MyHeroUltraRumble [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:40 yeetophiliac FIL hit my BS because he "needs to stop bullying SD"
Tldr; FIL hit my BS on the leg hard enough for us to hear because he grabbed SD's hair (they act like siblings and getting physical with one another on occasion is nothing new and we are working on it but they're both 3).
For context, SO and I have lived together for a year. We treat both kids as our own 100% of the time and the kids fight and argue like siblings, SD even introduces BS as her "bubby". They are both equally guilty of it, but SD makes it more known when BS does it. She's a very whiney kid and will sometimes run up to us crying and tattling on BS for just existing on the other side of the room. We practice authoritative parenting and do not hit our kids except for an emergency smacking a hand away from a dangerous object (orrrr the time I reflexively punched BS because he tried to hand me a spider lol). SO and I are not married but I'll be referring to his parents as MIL and FIL for simplicity.
I haven't been on friendly terms with my stepdad for over a year and just started talking to him again after giving him major cold shoulder for almost two months (he hates my child and I simply because he's a whiney man child that my mom needs to leave - I'm not even a bad step daughter, I'm 25 and live my own life and just spend time with my mom 1-2 times a month). On Thanksgiving, after SO's parent left (who I invited and cooked for), he shoved my BS. I immediately went off on him and removed everyone from that situation. So, I was already sensitive and heated from this situation as it was just two days ago.
SD had spent the night with MIL. We picked her up, took both kids (3) to a Bluey meet and greet in MIL's town before returning as SD's BM was picking her up later that day from MIL (we have 50/50 of SD but 60% of the time so SO often allows SD to spend time with M/FIL).
They had been bickering and being siblings for an hour. BS had been a bit worse today and had been corrected once over sharing. However, SD had been bad about it too as she screamed at BS and cried because he grabbed HIS cup of "kid coffee", which she knew was his cup (just to put into perspective how much she tattles and whines about him, he was on the other side of the room the other day watching TV and reached for HIS cat to pet her and SD came in the kitchen screaming and sobbing because she wanted her). Just so we're all aware that they're both like this and neither are little angels.
M/FIL absolutely favor SD. I understand, that their bio grandkid, but they're sometimes very unfair with their treatment of BS. They show this pretty well, ever since BS went through a biting phase earlier this year. We didn't have any custody at the time and MIL tried to get SO to kick us out as BM was keeping SD from SO if BS was there (he wasn't even 3 at the time and it got corrected). We now have 50/50 custody and SD 60% of the time. I was in the middle of texting my sister to vent about how, whenever we were over there, it felt like me against them about my BS vs SD as they never correct SD but constantly correct BS. Before this, MIL even raised her voice at BS for getting too close to the Christmas tree, despite him not knowing better, when she had correct SD very gently before then (which BS was in the bathroom for).
They were each playing with a climbing frame. They were on top and under it. First, it was that BS "shoved" SD out of it. He did not, she was about to climb under it when he climbed under first. He was told to wait his turn and slow down as an initial warning. Next, BS was laying under it by himself when SD tried to flip it over because she was mad about the previous incident. BS grabbed her hair through the bars. Just grabbed. Didn't pull, just held onto it but SD started to cry (rightfully so this time). BS let go as soon as SO said "BS! Let go of SD's hair." He would've gone to time out for this had I had the chance. Instead, FIL leaned down and smacked him on the leg. I immediately stood, grabbed my BS and left the house. I heard SO start yelling at FIL and FIL said, "BS needs to stop bullying her!", to which SO replied that SD does the SAME stuff to BS, he just never sees it. MIL kept trying to get SO to sit down and basically get over it. I got BS in the car and returned to grab his shoes. I was already sensitive from my step dad pushing my son and I burst, I yelled at him (which is very much like me as I'm confrontational but I'm also quiet and pretty easy going so I'm sure it was a surprise to M/FIL).
Now, I'm not sure what to do. I've never been more than cordial with SO's family as I'm shy, they're a bit older, and over BS's biting phase and I don't think they ever forgave that. I don't think I want to go over there anymore but I also want a healthy relationship with my MIL as I plan on marrying this man one day and we want an ours baby as well.
SO texted FIL after we got home, saying, "What made you think it was okay to hit one of my kids?". FIL tried to apologize, however, this is not the first time he's "tapped" (FIL's words) one of our kids, though he's been gentler and more discrete and I never said anything because it was never BS and SO didn't say anything. I think he only apologized because MIL got mad at him once SO said that he wouldn't be going over there anymore if FIL was there (FIL is not SO's BD). I don't think it's my place to correct his parents, even if I don't agree with it (that is, until it comes to my son getting hurt).
I am just so sick of the favoritism. I know it's their bio but you could stop making it so obvious? My mom doesn't see SD much but, even though she favors BS, she treats them the same when they're around. My mom mildly dislikes SD (and my entire family, actually - even my kid obsessed great granny is driven nuts by her) because she's just awful whiney. Even my sister, who's been babysitting and around kids since she was old enough to microwave ramen noodles and change a diaper has said that she's the whiniest and most difficult kid to be around that she's ever met. They don't see what SD is actually like though. SO does but his parents don't. Not that BS is perfect, he's far from it. He can be aggressive and bossy, he's very loud and demanding. He's just a high energy, conquer the world kid.
submitted by yeetophiliac to Stepmom [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:40 Shot-Quarter-1162 My c43 journey
Really loving the small changes i’m making go my baby amg submitted by Shot-Quarter-1162 to mercedes_benz [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:40 NoVisual81 Breadcrumbing
I originally joined this sub because I'm bipolar, but reading these stories make me think my s/o is too. I haven't posted here yet because it's honestly just fucking exhausting to retell, but once a year he spirals and point blank abandons me. This is the 4th time. The last time he came back, we had a very long discussion and since he has put several things on the table including living together, getting married, and looking to buy a house. Totally unprompted, I am not pushy and always say I'm not in a hurry. After 4 years I felt like things were pretty serious, and I totally let my guard down. They met all my very good friends and went to a handful of weddings with me this past summer. Then they freaked out around October, which he normally does. I think it's a deployment anniversary, he toured with the army twice. Even though I secretly felt like it was coming, it was so devastating because we've been talking about the future A LOT. He told me: -i'm not the one, if I was, hed probably want to try harder -he's not coming back again (heard this before) -they don't think they love me anymore -he's fucked up and self sabotaging (yes) -he's only ever felt true love for their high school sweetheart (this was fucking embarrassing, we're in our 30s) -I'm the best person he's ever been with -he wants kids (??? Hard no, we hate kids, he's even low key mean about them. we've discussed at length multiple times)
We rarely fight, but this last month we've been back and forth. Sometimes he's normal and sometimes we're legit yelling at each other. The last fight I flipped out--something "old me" would do in previous relationships, but I've never, ever done to him. It ended in me literally begged him to just tell me that they were afraid to lose me and I would stay through this, even if he needed space. I said we've been thru this so many time, why can't you see that this is some weird episode? But he insisted I should move on for my sake.
I said my goodbyes and I have been a mess. I didn't believe anything he said, but it still is so painful. I asked them to get rid of our pictures, get rid of the keys to my apartment, and to block my phone number if this is what they really wanted. We have been no contact for a month. Additionally, I'm very burnt out at work and ran into an abusive ex recently as well and I took a leave of absence. I'm literally in an outpatient program, therapy to work thru trauma every single day 9a-2p. This just was the last thing that pushed me over.
My dog is also very suddenly unwell and I'm spiraling about it. I told myself I would reach out if we got bad news at the specialist yesterday.... Sitting in the exam room they texted me. "I am really not doing well. How have you been?"
Dawg, wtf.
For the first time ever, I put myself first and didn't answer instantaneously. In fact, I waited til this morning and he ghosted again. I double texted about the dog, even saying "don't feel like you need to answer this if you don't want"... which he responded. I told him he could come see him; he said he'd like to and he's really, really depressed. I said okay let's plan a time and I'll leave you the keys. "If that's how you want to do it."
End conversation basically.
HUH??? No, I miss you, I want you to be normal again. Everything hurts all the time always. No I do t want to levee you my keys, I want you to hold me and tell me you're an idiot and we watch stupid ass cartoons in bed and stay up all night talking again. No that's not "how I want to do it."
I've adjusted my own meds because I can't function. I cry about him every day. But how the fuck do I forgive someone who doesn't apologize. Like he really expected to reach out and for me to rescue him, again. I can't even rescue myself lately.
I feel so, so guilty because I know he needs help. I know this was him reaching out. But I feel like every time I go sprinting back, I enable him. He needs to help himself--I have begged him to go to therapy for years.
I miss him so much, and I so badly want this to work. When he's "normal", he's really the best guy I've ever met. The way he looks at me makes me feel like I could catch fire. I've never felt this way about a person before. We are so gross and lame and cute with each other. I really am in love with him. But he's doing the same shit. I'm so torn between wanting my old life back and just finally being done with all this. I deserve so much better. But I'm sad af. Just needed to write it all out I guess, get it off my chest. It's like he's just making sure I'm still here. I'm starting to wonder if I'm just constantly being played. I've always excused it as his untreated mental illness, the trauma he never faced. I wanted to put a boundary in place, and put my feelings first--and also focus on my dog!! But now I strangely feel like I messed up. It's all shit. I wish he would just take care of himself. Everyone--family, friends, my fucking Therapist--says he will be back. I think so too. I don't really think anyone can fake what goes on between us. Also, I am fully confident there is no one else. He will isolate from everyone for months. I've known him to do this for over a decade. Sometimes I wish he would cheat so I could leave easier. Everything just hurts. It's so empty.
submitted by NoVisual81 to BipolarSOs [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:40 killerdrgn Elderly people should not be driving
submitted by killerdrgn to fuckcars [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:40 Optimal_Dare1031 Just friends, just enemies.
I knew from the moment I met you I wasn’t interested in being with you because you were strictly a friend. You were safe, you felt like home and you felt like someone I knew my whole life. You were in a relationship and I didn’t feel anything for you romantically and then after your breakup and one drunk night later I fell harder than I wanted to because I thought you’d be my safety net. It’s been 7 years, 2 kids, 4 dogs, 3 cats later and this is the worst heartbreak I’ve ever experienced and my poor heart has experienced plenty of break. I can’t tell what depresses me more the fact that you moved on just as quickly as it all started or the fact that you hurt me so bad over those 7 years and I know I can never go back. I just can’t believe when I sit here and think about everything you’ve done to me how I sat back for so long and just took it praying for it to get better but it never did it only got worse. I blamed so many things for the reason you treated me the way you did but honestly, it was just who you are. I should have seen it but I was so desperate for it to work I looked past the lies, emotional abuse, mental abuse. I knew I wasn’t your priority and I never would be, yet I hoped but only because something in my life just had to go right, even if it was only for a little while. Then when I got the courage to say enough, sign the papers it was like my life had lit on fire. I regretted it almost immediately. I was so scared because I was alone, financially dependent and so fucking hurt by all of the things I wanted but never got and all of the things I never expected even a friend to do, you were supposed to be my friend first. My friend always. You sir, are not my friend. You weren’t ever my friend. You just wanted to use me because you saw my weaknesses and for some reason you stayed and you tore into me and attacked every insecurity I shared with you over the years. You threw it all at me and made me more insecure more dependent, isolated me from my real friends for what. Made me scared to even make new friends or attempt to ever get in a relationship again. We were never friends, to you I was always your enemy.
submitted by Optimal_Dare1031 to letters [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:40 WoolooBaaBaa 02K6EN
submitted by WoolooBaaBaa to publicmobilereferrals [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:40 subgunlarper Hanging around
Need to install a peg board on the back wall so I can more cleanly mount shit submitted by subgunlarper to BT_APC [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:40 TDKManifestsuccess Create Your Reality and bring your deepest desires into Fruition
submitted by TDKManifestsuccess to lawofattraction [link] [comments] |