2024.12.01 02:30 ReadingOk4057 Do items proc twice with shyvana Q?
I can't find anything on Google.
submitted by ReadingOk4057 to shyvanamains [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:30 K3lvin3 Trades?
submitted by K3lvin3 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:30 jadescurse We Figured Out the Ending!!!
The ending will conclude with Killua waking up to finally seeing Gon again!
The From series is taking place at the New World due to one of the calamities!
2024.12.01 02:30 No-Volume7464 Got the SRO mounted and zeroed today 🎯
submitted by No-Volume7464 to CZFirearms [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:30 real90semo I just started to watch this show and I'm nearly done with season 2. There's something that's bugging me...
The producers and camera crew completely ignore that so many of these people are still using when they're out of prison. In season one whenever Alla was on camera you could tell she'd be up and down until she was consequently caught. Season two had several people who seem to constantly be high on camera (Lizzie, Matt, Tracie) and it's just never mentioned?? At least not until they're re-arrested or caught. To top it off, men like Clint and Scott are enabling their partners and it's always just glossed over?? It's so much darker than I expected to see on a reality show from the 90df producers but I guess I can't be too surprised considering the type of people they've let into the 90 day franchise.
Surely I can't be the only one who feels a little gross watching it happen??
submitted by real90semo to loveafterlockup [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:30 stainNecrolyte Class points status before the beginning of year 3
Class A: Horikita
Class B: Ryuen
Class C: Ayanokoji
Class D: Ichinose
*Current class C lost 300 class points because of Arisu's voluntary retirement and that earned them class C.
The point gap between class A and class D is around 600 points.
Exact numbers are not available because I'm too lazy to search vol 12 for them.
submitted by stainNecrolyte to ClassroomOfTheElite [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:30 polo2883 Cadillac App and scheduling
Do you need to have a GM ultinum charger to be able to create charging schedules?
submitted by polo2883 to CadillacLyriq [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:30 huggiedoodoo What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by huggiedoodoo to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:30 123conco134 Trading randoms for low tier legs trying to grow Inventory
Favs are nft submitted by 123conco134 to AdoptMeTradingRoblox [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:30 sharewithme WoTH: Vocabulary Quiz - Day 1549 Morning
See words and translations for the past 24 hours below.
English | French | German | Italian | Portuguese | Spanish |
enterprise | entreprise | Missing? | impresa | empresa | empresa |
circular | circulaire | kreisförmig, rund | circolare | circular | circular |
wood | bois | das Holz | legno | madeira | madera |
sound | son | der Laut | suono | som | sonido |
opening | ouverture | die Eröffnung | apertura | abertura | inaugural |
competency | compétence | die Befähigung | competenza | competência | competencia |
talent | talent | das Talent | talento | talento | talento |
characterize | caractérise | charakterisieren | caratterizzare | caracterizar | caracterizar |
dissipate | dissipe | verschwendet | Missing? | dissipar | disipa |
insane | Missing? | wahnsinnig | pazzo | insano | demente |
attack | attaque | angreifen | attacco | atacar / ataque | ataque |
learned | Appris | Missing? | imparato | aprendido | aprendido |
2024.12.01 02:30 Viisum WIP PoE 2 passive tree that I saw online
submitted by Viisum to pathofexile [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:30 Additional_Egg7800 ASU will be playing for the Big 12 Championship
submitted by Additional_Egg7800 to TheSunDevils [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:30 One_Attention_7197 Indirect Connection?
Hello all!! (Plex amateur here so please bear with me as im not super familiar with a lot of the tech terms I’ve read on this subreddit.)
I torrent a fair amount of media and want to be able to share it with my family on our Vizio TV at home when I’m there to save everyone subscription costs. I downloaded Plex, set up the server, and for a bit everything worked beautifully.
I returned home recently and tried to do the same thing, but the quality on played files on the TV is bad even though the torrented file on my laptop isn’t. Eventually I identified that it seems the connection between Plex on the TV and my laptop is “indirect,” even though they are on the same WiFi connection.
In between these visits I did try and see if my parents could play a show on the TV at home from the plex media server even though I was away in my apartment half a state away. I remember them saying the quality was low which made sense since the connection was indirect then. I don’t remember if I changed any settings or anything to get that to work. But in any case I don’t understand why Plex thinks the connection is indirect.
I did do some Reddit scrolling and tried a few things like resetting the router and unchecking “relay” (resulted in no connection at all.) Any other ideas?
submitted by One_Attention_7197 to PleX [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:30 cbbBot [Post Game Thread] San Diego State defeats #6 Houston, 73-70 in OT
Team | 1H | 2H | 1OT | Total |
San Diego State | 25 | 40 | 8 | 73 |
Houston | 30 | 35 | 5 | 70 |
2024.12.01 02:30 Green-Personality356 Bowman Megabox Hits - I think the Skenes can PSA a 10! Thoughts?
submitted by Green-Personality356 to baseballcards [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:30 ExtremeOk3728 Did anyone else get this in their email and it leads to a big nothing burger. I tried using another browser (not Google) and just links to the game (Google play)
submitted by ExtremeOk3728 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:30 xamo76 Sky Go Boom
submitted by xamo76 to atheistmemes [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:30 El_Hugo_ Coffee Color Yeti
submitted by El_Hugo_ to YetiCoolers [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:30 Weak_Zombie6203 Should I update to IOS 17.7.2?
I have an iPhone 13 and I’m not sure if I should upgrade from IOS 17.7 to 17.7.2. IOS 18.1.1 is available for me right now, but I decided not to directly update to 18 since I’ve heard many people having problems with it. What I’m concerned about is the battery drainage. Would updating to IOS 17.7.2 drain my battery? Is it worth it?
submitted by Weak_Zombie6203 to ios [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:30 sharewithme Daily Vocabulary Quiz - Day 1549
English | French | German | Italian | Portuguese | Spanish |
circular | circulaire | kreisförmig, rund | circolare | circular | circular |
wood | bois | das Holz | legno | madeira | madera |
sound | son | der Laut | suono | som | sonido |
opening | ouverture | die Eröffnung | apertura | abertura | inaugural |
competency | compétence | die Befähigung | competenza | competência | competencia |
talent | talent | das Talent | talento | talento | talento |
characterize | caractérise | charakterisieren | caratterizzare | caracterizar | caracterizar |
attack | attaque | angreifen | attacco | atacar / ataque | ataque |
rent | loyer | mieten | affitto | aluguer | alquiler |
attention | Attention | die Achtung/die Vorsicht | attenzione | atenção | atención |
reasonable | raisonnable | akzeptabel | ragionevole | razoável | razonable |
popularity | popularité | die Popularität | popolarità | popularidade | popularidad |
decoration | décor | Dekoration | decorazione | decoração | decoración |
traditional | traditionnel | traditionell | tradizionale | tradicional | tradicional |
invisible | invisible | unsichtbar | invisibile | invisível | invisible |
match | match | der Wettkampf | fiammifero | corresponder a, fósforo, partida | partido |
2024.12.01 02:30 stormy001 As DBKL signboard row festers, Dr Zaliha insists crackdown was colour-blind
submitted by stormy001 to malaysia [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:30 BlazeSensei01 Click for click
Tap to get your TikTok Shop coupon https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTYAeaDvw/
submitted by BlazeSensei01 to TikTok [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:30 Emergency_Box_9141 4E width
Hi! Has anyone tried Blundstones for 4E width feet? Any suggestions on model?
submitted by Emergency_Box_9141 to BlundstoneBoots [link] [comments]
2024.12.01 02:30 BathroomConnect8885 $4 Each Sale
submitted by BathroomConnect8885 to baseballcards [link] [comments] |
2024.12.01 02:30 Beneficial_Night_199 Does the 303 vinyl sim on mk2 have latency?
Pretty self-explanatory from what I’m asking, I’m planning on running my MP live two through this device for that effect and I wanna make sure there’s no late and see when I finger drum.
submitted by Beneficial_Night_199 to sp404mk2 [link] [comments]