Immersive sims on Steam Deck?

2024.12.01 05:04 Errribbb Immersive sims on Steam Deck?

I recently purchased a steam deck after having only consoles and am wondering if anyone has experience in how PC only immersive sims work on steam deck?
Deus Ex Thief 1 and 2 Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines Dark Messiah of Might and Magic Arx Fatalis Hitman Blood Money
Or any suggestions for more games are welcome 🙏
submitted by Errribbb to ImmersiveSim [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:04 YanniRotten Street Fighter 25th Tribute by jaimito

Street Fighter 25th Tribute by jaimito submitted by YanniRotten to ImaginaryGatherings [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:04 GDW312 TIL about the unsolved 1922 Hinterkaifeck murders in Bavaria, where six family members were killed with a mattock, and the murderer(s) lived on the farm with the corpses for days, feeding animals and lighting fires.

submitted by GDW312 to todayilearned [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:04 KuribohTheDragon Lego Mark 1 MOC

Lego Mark 1 MOC "Or power something big for 15 minutes" -Tony Stark
I made multiple versions of this. One with less bulk and one with a jet pack but this is my final version of the Mark 1 suit seen in "Iron Man".
It's basically minifig scale and I'm happy with what I did with the shoulders. I used 2 beanie hat in grey for the shoulders and used Shuri's blasters for the arms. Tell me what you think.
submitted by KuribohTheDragon to lego [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:04 dannydutch1 Marcel Breuer, photographed by Evelyne Burnheim in 1967, is framed against conventional windows that contrast with his iconic window design. Ezra Stoller’s exterior shot of the Breuer building offers a contrasting view, showcasing the same distinctive window from a broader perspective.

Marcel Breuer, photographed by Evelyne Burnheim in 1967, is framed against conventional windows that contrast with his iconic window design. Ezra Stoller’s exterior shot of the Breuer building offers a contrasting view, showcasing the same distinctive window from a broader perspective. Marcel Breuer, captured by Evelyne Burnheim in 1967, is framed against conventional windows that contrast with his iconic design. Ezra Stoller’s exterior shot of the Breuer building offers a contrasting view, showcasing the same distinctive window from a broader perspective.
submitted by dannydutch1 to UtterlyUniquePhotos [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:04 xxsassytemptress test

submitted by xxsassytemptress to WhatIsMyCQS [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:04 Fit_Stomach_4388 [34M] getting mixed messages. Looking for ways to improve. TIA!

[34M] getting mixed messages. Looking for ways to improve. TIA! submitted by Fit_Stomach_4388 to amiugly [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:04 Pristine_Bug5128 Block Coin - Lets Break it Down

So at $1 Josh will quit drinking. Let’s put that into perspective.
With a circulating supply over $950M valuation would be $950 Million Dollars ($50M shy of a Billion)
Currently it’s at $525,000. 1810x from here
It’s a shame people actually believe it can get that high and set a target Josh will never hit.
submitted by Pristine_Bug5128 to WorldOfTShirts [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:04 thisisambassador A groundbreaking law in Belgium grants sex workers maternity leave, sick days, and pensions. This law marks a global first, ensuring employment rights and social security for sex workers. The legislation aims to improve their quality of life and offers much-needed support for workers.

A groundbreaking law in Belgium grants sex workers maternity leave, sick days, and pensions. This law marks a global first, ensuring employment rights and social security for sex workers. The legislation aims to improve their quality of life and offers much-needed support for workers. submitted by thisisambassador to AmbassadorViews [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:04 stopworksorority Ready for takeoff!

Ready for takeoff! submitted by stopworksorority to airplaneears [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:04 peanut-tasha Join this group this group is about the Wyatt case
submitted by peanut-tasha to AubreighWyattCase [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:04 fanzakh Is there a limit to how long a walk your husky will walk?

I tried increasing the duration and at about 3 hrs a day, my husky pal balked. Maybe it was more from the boredom.
submitted by fanzakh to husky [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:04 sheepishcrouton Going up to 5.0 right before a road trip

TW emetophobia! This is to tell anyone who thought, like me (or rather DIDN’T think), that I’d just be chill with the increase to 5.0 before a 5-hour road trip the next day. I have learned MULTIPLE lessons.
I ate more poorly than usual yesterday (leftover mac and cheese and a few handfuls of popcorn from the movies) and only had a protein shake today during the trip. This isn’t me demonizing food, it’s me saying my stomach isn’t as big a fan of rich food anymore. No hard feelings, my heart will thank me.
Having only that little bit of liquid in there did my stomach in; my sweet fiancĂ© pulled over twice for me to violently puke up the remains of yesterday’s food and the shake. Definitely traumatized some kids in a McDonald’s parking lot (as some of you can probably empathize with, the thought and immediate presence of fast food put me over the nauseous edge)
but that’s just life. Also had some nasty stool starting this morning prior to leaving.
My fiancĂ© said if the trip was refundable and I wasn’t so game to go, he would’ve insisted we stay home but we also don’t believe this episode would’ve happened if it weren’t for the trip. Just a bad combo that, I think, could’ve been easily avoided if I’d paid more attention to my body.
Now in my hotel room with water, pedialyte and simple foods for dinner (croissant, toast and a banana). Got some Dramamine as well! If anyone has any recommendations for the trip back, they are welcomed. I will definitely not be indulging too much as far as vacation food goes!
submitted by sheepishcrouton to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:04 THE_CRUSTIEST Nettle sitting at his dinner table waiting for a meal

submitted by THE_CRUSTIEST to hognosesnakes [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:04 shrek_deus roots by sepultura

why do i see a lot of hate for this album? the way the band incorporates elements from Brazilian music is brilliant, for example, the first riff of the title track is made to sound like a berimbau, an instrument used by the native tribes from all lver the country.
i understand that ratamahatta does not hit so well with people outside from Brazil (tough around here its one of their most popular songs), but the rest of the album is great too.
submitted by shrek_deus to MetalForTheMasses [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:04 SamuelSte22 Behold gorgeous view 😍

Behold gorgeous view 😍 submitted by SamuelSte22 to darksouls3 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:04 Twnty21_29 Jihyo

Jihyo submitted by Twnty21_29 to ParkJihyo [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:04 mcsquirgle Kershaw Dividend

I know knives like this aren't really appreciated like they once were maybe, but I can't help but be curious about the Dividend. I'm thinking about picking up this model with the cpm D2 steel and the black aluminum scales. I know there is an option with Magnacut available, but this specific version has my eye
Has anyone here tried one? Is it any good?
submitted by mcsquirgle to knifeclub [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:04 Onion4451 Shaving

I tried using my facial razor for sensitive skin and that leaves bumps, I’ve tried epilating, it hurts to much to do long term and leaves bumps anyways. I’ve tried just today using a women’s body razor and it left bumps, I’ve tried using moisturizing after shave after I shave too and it still leaves bumps. No matter what I do my skin looks like chicken skin when I get out of the shower and it feels like sandpaper. I just want to be smooth, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I think it’s because I have somewhat curly hair but I’m not sure. Can someone please help I had a mental breakdown over this because I thought a razor made for my body would fix it but it didn’t. I just wanna be a smooth boy
submitted by Onion4451 to feminineboys [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:04 Emergency_Debt_7623 How much backtracking is required before starting dp[dynamic programming]??..

As I was about to start dp I had a doubt that how much backtracking and recursion should one have hold on before starting dp ????... pls help...
submitted by Emergency_Debt_7623 to leetcode [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:04 awqs12 Finished up grimaldus unit. Pretty happy with the result, really getting the hang of glazing now

Finished up grimaldus unit. Pretty happy with the result, really getting the hang of glazing now submitted by awqs12 to Miniatures_Imperium [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:04 PuppyLover77 Shoe Sensation's 12 Days of Giveaways {US} (12/12/2024)

submitted by PuppyLover77 to sweepstakes [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:04 Proud_Sandwich6084 Soo I’m looking for some advice with my IRL friend it’s really confusing to me and once I explain the full story hopefully you’ll understand to, but I’m also open to talk to whoever about what they have going on. Anything is fine

Soo I’m looking for some advice with my IRL friend it’s really confusing to me and once I explain the full story hopefully you’ll understand to, but I’m also open to talk to whoever about what they have going on. Anything is fine
submitted by Proud_Sandwich6084 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:04 Ok-Cartographer-2806 anyone roughly know how much party doubles go for?

anyone roughly know how much party doubles go for? would appreciate an average or price range :3
submitted by Ok-Cartographer-2806 to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:04 therealdocturner Grandpa Went Gooning On Black Friday

I hated the way my brother’s teenage boys treated my grandfather on the holidays. My grandfather is 93, and he hasn’t been himself for years. Dementia.
My grandmother is a few years younger and still sharp as a tack. She refused to put him in a care facility, and nothing my mother said ever changed her mind.
This Thanksgiving, my grandfather was sitting in his chair. My brother’s sons were on their phones sitting on the couch next to him.
I watched my grandfather try to talk to them as best he could. I guess it annoyed them. They thought it would be fun to mock him.
“What are you boys doing?”
“Just lookin’ at stuff.”
 tell Pop Pop what you’ve been up to.” Jeremy, the oldest at sixteen smiled.
“Mostly gooning.”
“What?... What did you say?”
“I’ve been doing a lot of gooning, Pop Pop.” They both started to snicker.
 you’ve been gooning?!” My grandfather got a little animated. I swear I saw a light in his eyes I hadn’t seen in five years. His voice sounded stronger.
“All the time, Pop pop.”
 ya know
” He leaned forward and he started smiling. “You don’t want to say that too loud. I never told anybody about my gooning. I thought I was the only one.”
“Oh I do it all the time. Three times this morning.”
“Is that right?! Three in one go?! It must be in the blood! I haven’t been gooning since Nan caught me twice in 1954! She put her foot down. No more gooning, said she’d leave if I did it again!” The kids laughed hysterically and so did my Grandpa.
I’m Gen X. I had no idea what the hell gooning meant to kids, so I Googled it.
“You should just do it, Pop Pop. Why not do it one last time before you croak!”
“I still have my tools. Maybe I’ll do it tonight!” The kids were laughing so hard they were crying. I got the search results. I grabbed both of the little shits by their collars and dragged them out of the room.
For the rest of the day, my grandfather was beaming. Far more lucid than we’d seen in a long time. Something had woken up inside of him. He was happy. I didn’t tell my Grandma what the boys did. It would have made her mad.
Early yesterday morning my Grandfather was arrested. He snuck out of the house and killed three people in a parking lot with his old .22 pistol, and carved the letter “G” into their foreheads.
He told the cops, “I was gooning! I missed it so much!”
Apparently, there are 27 unsolved murders from the 1940’s on the east coast. A .22 caliber was used. A “G” was carved into the victims foreheads. The killer was dubbed “The Gloucester Goon” after the police received several taunting letters from the killer.
Grandpa’s been confused since his arrest.
Clearly, slang changes with the times.
submitted by therealdocturner to tinyhorribles [link] [comments]