2024.12.01 02:20 Marona420 LORDSIDE ROLEPLAY

LORDSIDE ROLEPLAY submitted by Marona420 to sanandreas [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 remixfloats It was worth it

It was worth it submitted by remixfloats to blackops6 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 Embarrassed_Slip_337 $GREYPUMP

$GREYPUMP submitted by Embarrassed_Slip_337 to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 PrayForFriends Has Riot Games (League of Legends specifically) finally turned from a company created by passionate fans of games into a corporate mess with shifted priorities towards money rather than the creation of art and entertainment? (Raptured Jinx rant)

This post is not a statement but a question to the comminity and Riot employees.
The fate that most companies share is their tendency to lose the propensity for progress and innovation on which they were built. The product stops being a "love letter" and becomes money-driven, as well as less focused on excellence. Over time, the people who were at the forefront of the company’s creation leave, and the new people don’t share or understand the same excitement.
The question is: "Have we reached this point yet"?
In general, I would say no. Arcane is definitely a love letter from the talented and hardworking Fortiche studio and the Riot employees who were involved. Additionally, the new games Riot is working on are full of incredibly passionate people. An excellent example is the devs of their upcoming fighting game!
But what if we look at League of Legends specifically? Gameplay-wise, the game is going to get a big update this January, which is exciting. The devs also release VGUs for old characters, at a rather slow pace tho. New characters keep coming out, and the new modes we got this year, like Arena and Swarm, were incredible. We also hear a lot about an engine update scheduled for 2025/2026. Riot regularly releases dev blogs and updates to keep us in the loop, which is much appreciated. It seems like the game is still well alive and kicking.
However, the reason I decided to write this post is that I am appalled by the price, the gacha system, and the quality of the new Jinx skin. Everything about it seems to signify a downward spiral. Maybe it started with the overpriced Ultimate Samira skin or the Immortalized Ahri skin. When I look at the new Jinx skin, I’m shocked by how poorly executed the work is—how featureless and uninspired the skin is. (Check the PBE feedback thread if you want to know what the skin could have been.) Yet, Riot is asking for so much money for this quality. This feels as far away from the love letter that Arcane represents as humanly possible.
Most likely, Riot won’t postpone or rework anything despite the backlash since they don’t have much of a history of changing skins or systems after they hit PBE. A tight schedule, I guess.
Riot used to say they charge higher prices for Ultimate skins because more time and effort goes into their creation. You would think that if they are going to ask 10x the cost, they would deliver 10x the effort. They used to say a lot of things, actually. Here’s an excerpt from their recent dev blog:
"Over this past year, we’ve continued to refine what luxury goods are and where they exist in our catalog. Exalted skins are for players who want hyper-exclusive skins. Exalted skins are what happen when we let our teams cook, pushing our design and tech capabilities to make the best possible skin for each champion’s unique fantasy within a specific theme."
Naturally, I had high expectations, now go watch the Raptured Jinx skin spotlight on YouTube, and then come back to reread their statement.
What is $250 for Americans? Is it 1/6 or 1/8 of the minimum wage? I live in a second-world country, which means that $250 is twice the minimum wage here. Unlucky me. Despite this, I am stupid enough to fall for this. I’m a functioning adult, so I can muster up this amount of money—especially since I loved Arcane so much and wanted to own pixels to remind me of this masterpiece.
But when I saw the skin spotlight for the Jinx skin, I was so disappointed. It’s mediocre at best. If i am going to spend 250$ on something it's better be premium quality, not good, not very good, not even great, it has to be premium.
My english isn't advanced, so I used GPT to help me convey my thoughts and get rid of grammar mistakes. I accidentaly sent it the title of this post without explanation and this is what I got. So funny.
Raptured Jinx and Monetization Critique The controversy surrounding the Raptured Jinx skin illustrates this tension. High expectations for a skin priced at $250 (or its equivalent in local economies) demand top-tier quality and innovation. If such products fail to deliver, fans interpret it as a disconnect between the company and its audience. While it’s understandable that luxury-priced skins target a niche market, the execution—both in quality and communication—needs to reflect the price point and uphold the company’s reputation.
The disappointment with the Jinx skin echoes the feeling that Riot may be prioritizing revenue over the artistry and fan-focused vision that once defined its work.
Couldn't have said any better. Let me know your thoughts.
submitted by PrayForFriends to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 Sea_Yogurtcloset_708 oh yeah

oh yeah submitted by Sea_Yogurtcloset_708 to dank_meme [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 pmmeanything123 Hello! Get up to 2000$ or 2600 CAD off on your new Tesla with my referral code

I purchased for the first time the new Tesla 3 2024 back in May 2024 and it's been a joy to ride ! I'm now sharing my referral code which can give you up to 2000$ off any tesla or 2600 CAD off if you decide to go ahead and make the big purchase (which I sadly didn't get when I bought mine). Now that the referral program is back, I would love to use my credits to buy the AB (acceleration boost) with your help 😊
Global code to get between 1000$ and 2000$ off any Tesla and 0% APR on the model 3/Y -https://www.tesla.com/referral/gabriel76346
CAD code for 2600$ off any model Y, model S, or model X - https://www.tesla.com/en_ca/referral/gabriel76346
I hope you will enjoy the car as much as I do 🙂 and thanks a lot in advance/merci beaucoup d'avance, I appreciate your help a lot!
submitted by pmmeanything123 to teslareferralcode [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 vaderzn $1 to $20 EASY

Sign up to Coinbase with my link and buy $1 worth of Bitcoin, you will then be credited $20 instantly that you can use or withdraw! https://coinbase.com/join/RZM4YN2?src=ios-link
submitted by vaderzn to Referral [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 noahmiller032 Elite Offense

Elite Offense submitted by noahmiller032 to CalgaryFlames [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 Mike-Dirnt My collection over a year

My collection over a year I’m 14, a year or so ago I got my first cd (the black album) I’ve only bought used CDs, so I wanted to show my collection over a year, I mainly collect vinyl so my cd collection is a bit small, but I’m pretty proud of it, so far I’ve spent 98 CAD on CDs. So yeah:) (I even put them in alphabetical order for this post haha, usually they are a mess) but yeah, roast me
submitted by Mike-Dirnt to Cd_collectors [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 downtune79 A lesson in math and temperature

A lesson in math and temperature submitted by downtune79 to LoveTrash [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 Ksid- Привет я подросток инвалид ..

Ну чтож.. Тут я в первый скажем так тут я хочу сказать то что не говорю не кому. Да тут будет отсутствие запятых и прочее. Начну с начала мой жизни. В 2008 году я родилась перед моим рождением мама сильно стресовала иза роботы . Когда я родилась всё было хорошо до 3 лет я жила не зная что значит кататься по больницам каждый год или хуже того каждый месяц . Как вы поняли симптомы моей болезни начали проявляться в 3 года . Как мне разказывала мама левый глаз опух и начал закрываетесь тогда и началось мое вечное катание по больницам с надеждаю на выздоровление. Я живу в Сибири в маленькой деревне о которой не кто не знает и с учётом этого я не раз была в столице где меня тоже таскали по больницам . Там мне сделали два раза операцию по удалению упохали а потом сказали что это лечится медикаментами. До 10 лет я думала как то так " Да я болею но скоро всё пройдёт. " А сейчас я думаю о самовыпели каждый день. Я пью таблетки уже чуть больше года и в этоге у меня выросла опухоль и ещё больше чем была. И нет моя болезнь это не опухоль а болезнь связанная с нервами и кожей. У почти всей моей родословной по маминой стороне токая болезнь но у них она в другой форме. Вам наверно кажется что я просто ною но давайте я дам вам понять как я выгляжу . Девочки с средним ростом , волосами средней длины и шишкой на левой части лица возле глаз что означает что левый глаз всегда полу закрытый и опухший в добавок ещё и гноится ... У меня есть друзья , родители , родственники , брат и сестра которые меня поддерживают но это уже не помогает и не успокаивает и постоянное чувство будто они это делают из жалости меня не покидает. "Может ты не замечаешь всех плюсов что оно тебе дало" Плюсов нет я бы лучше жила как обычный человек чем посещала всякие мероприятия и тп.
Задавайте вопросы если постараюсь ответить всем.
submitted by Ksid- to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 Adventurous_Water351 Small Kiln Search

I was hoping to find a small used kiln buy seems like people are keeping the small kilns along with their larger kilns. I cant find anything new under $1,000.00.
submitted by Adventurous_Water351 to Pottery [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 Valstraxas Is it true that Alyn Shir armor is now available to players?

I'm coming back after 11 years and I saw her statue today.
submitted by Valstraxas to kingdomsofamalur [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 mitchf2078 Indoor running tracks

Does anyone know of any indoor running tracks? I’m not a fan of treadmills I always seem to fall off lol And with the cold weather here it makes it harder to get the kms in
submitted by mitchf2078 to Hamilton [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 caesaronambien Still a good boy after two thousand years. A Roman marble head of a loyal hound, gazing up at his master. 2nd century AD, Bonhams Antiquities, December 2024.

submitted by caesaronambien to DogsMirin [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 fall-of-honolulu “I Feel Too Sick to Die”

I’ve always heard it as “I feel too sick to die” when I first heard it. Am I the only one?
submitted by fall-of-honolulu to deathgrips [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 Logical_Clerk5694 Gee thanks Roblox…

Gee thanks Roblox… submitted by Logical_Clerk5694 to StupidRobloxBans [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 mymanmitch96 Beedrill/Venomoth Deck I've been having fun playing and having success with

I made this deck focus around low retreat cost and low damage cost.
Both Beedrill and Venomoth only have 1 retreat cost. This makes swapping very easy.
To take advantage of this, I have removed a staple X Speed as it's use will no longer be needed. This will allow other trainers to be used.
Because this a grass deck, this can take advantage of Erika. Combine this with 2 potions then you have 4 charges of healing.
I am using Giovanni as I have found it helped me out in more situations then other trainers. Every bit of damage counts.
Two copies of Poke Ball and Professor's Research as standard with most decks.
This deck takes advantage of Venomoth. A stage 2 Pokemon that does 30 damage with the effect of poisoning your opponents active Pokemon. This card is just like Weezing with a downside of having a lower HP at 80. However, unlike Weezing, Venomoth has 1 retreat cost. Making it easy to quickly switch to Beedrill.
With Beedrill, it is a stage 3 Pokemon that does is 70 damage.
But another advantage to both Venomoth and Beedrill is their attacks only require 1 grass energy.
This alongside the low retreat cost make it possible to retreat and attack on the same turn which you can repeat over and over per turn.
The downside is the stage 3 Pokemon as it takes some time to set up but with the 4 heal charges and quick swapping, it should be possible to get there.
You also have to be careful with Kakuna, the stage 2 before Beedrill. This Pokemon requires 2 energy to retreat so be cautious when using him.
I have found success with this in NOEX and some in randoms. It's nothing amazing but I have fun playing with it so I thought I'd share!
submitted by mymanmitch96 to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 ImProbablyDone Grass gap on a skate deck (check the description)

Grass gap on a skate deck (check the description) Join FingerboardObstacles to display your many fingerboard obstacles and parks! They can be storebought or DIY! I encourage all of you to join as we’re trying to get to 50 members by next week! Join up!
submitted by ImProbablyDone to Fingerboards [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 dlwlrsya finally got a green amazon to match my neon white amazon ♡

finally got a green amazon to match my neon white amazon ♡ AND LOOK AT THEMM!! i love them both sm its so cute to see them together lol, when i got my neon white amazon i named it glinda and have been searching for a green amazon to match her until just a day or two ago when i finally got elphie ♡ im obsessed with the both of them i had to show it off lol 😭
submitted by dlwlrsya to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 Kafkaesque_my_ass Pitshoasting

Pitshoasting submitted by Kafkaesque_my_ass to Shark_Park [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 LaughRune I made a quesadilla

I made a quesadilla Beans, chicken, cheese and hot sauce
submitted by LaughRune to shittyfoodporn [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 No_Effective_5826 Was going well, now slipping.

I struggled with MDD and Anxiety most my life and especially during my pregnancy, which I was medicated and monitored. Post partum I've had some low days but been managing, so I thought.
Today, in a gesture of good will, my sister in law offered some of her BM stash, incase my son gets sick - my son is exclusively formula fed since leaving hospital, which was decided after much debate on the stress involved with EBF and how would I managed once I go back to work in 5 months time. I've had many nights where I've cried and felt like an imposter as I didn't have a natural labour and then chose not to breast feed.
I ended up getting a supply a few days after the delivery, and let it dry, though I will 'leak' in the shower a little and with little stimulation. So I feel even worse, as I am capable or breast feeding but feel like I've taken the easy route out.
submitted by No_Effective_5826 to Postpartum_Depression [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 Liliatheshkd Ajuda

Eu estou extremamente agoniada e não tenho com quem falar, estou literalmente implorando para alguém me escutar e ajudar Minha vida tá uma merda, perdi meu avô ha 3 meses e não consegui viver o luto até hoje, minha rotina tem me estressado muito, a escola está uma merda e eu estou surtando
submitted by Liliatheshkd to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:20 Littlejag Is there any work I can do with Santa Muerte for Christmas?

In general, I would like to do some work with her during the holidays and pray for some family members and friends. Is there anything you incorporate into your workings during the winter?
submitted by Littlejag to SantaMuerte [link] [comments]
