Which Bike? - Weekly Scheduled Discussion

2024.12.01 05:00 pawptart Which Bike? - Weekly Scheduled Discussion

New to cycling? New to gravel? Don't know which bike you need to get the job done? You're in the right place!
Please use this thread to for help picking out your perfect ride. Whether you're completely new to the sport and have no idea where to start or have two specific bikes and need to know the nitty-gritty of Shimano 105 vs. SRAM Apex 1, you'll find the answer you need in this thread.
For a subreddit devoted to this type of discussion during the rest of the week or for other types of bikes, please check out /whichbike.
submitted by pawptart to gravelcycling [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 OutcomeCertain3223 2 da manhã e eu só quero puxar um papo

Bom...um homem muito sábio uma vez disse que nada de bom acontece depois das duas da manhã, mas ainda assim quero testar, sou bem desenrolado pra conversa, n dou vaco e amo falar de literalmente qualquer coisa
Talvez eu durma falando com vc? Sim! Mas vou continuar mandando msg no dia seguinte
Me chama aí!!!
submitted by OutcomeCertain3223 to AmizadeVirtual [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 GuntherThunder Glamour shots of the Shit Box

Glamour shots of the Shit Box 1991 Ford Bronco Eddie Bauer 5.8L Mod/Repair list
-paint -led headlights and taillights -front grill -2.5 inch rough country lift -window tint -wheels and tires -a/c conversion all components replaced -read head steering box -borgenson steering shaft -moog upper lower ball joints -moog u-joints (every joint replaced both drive shafts and front axle) -front wheel bearings and seals -end links -moog front and rear sway bar bushings -water pump -thermostat -starter -spark plugs and wires -cap and rotor -map sensor -O2 sensor -EVP sensor -pcm main computer -EGR valve -ignition coil -idle air control valve -rear spider gears -front brakes -front differential rear differential and transfer case fluids changed -transfer case shifting motor -fuel filter -Magnaflow catalytic converter -spintech muffler -new bucket seats -Bluetooth touch screen with apple car play -wolf box rear view mirror with back up camera -new floor mats
submitted by GuntherThunder to FordTrucks [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 Party_Middle_8604 Have you seen The Resort?

submitted by Party_Middle_8604 to Lodge49 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 Lord_Cronos Portfolio & Design Critique — December 2024

Post your portfolio or something else you've designed to receive a critique. Generally, users who include additional context and explanations receive more (and better) feedback.
Critiquers: Feedback should be supported with best practices, personal experience, or research! Try to provide reasoning behind your critiques. Those who post don't only your opinion, but guidance on how to improve their portfolios based on best practices, experience in the industry, and research. Just like in your day-to-day jobs, back up your assertions with reasoning.
submitted by Lord_Cronos to userexperience [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 Loose-War-6827 Help me make this the most subbed YouTube account from reddit

submitted by Loose-War-6827 to PostHardcore [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 Vasallo7G Creo que las consultorias van a desaparecer y tambien los puestos administrativos

Todo indica que la inflacion va a poner las cosas mas dificiles economicamente. Pero los programadores somos necesarios a menos que se pueda programar haciendo presentaciones en power point o por email.
Mi pronostico es que en los proximos años van a empezar a sobrar y a abaratarse los puestos de project manager y cada vez mas empresas van a tener programadores in-house haciendo a las consultorias algo del pasado
submitted by Vasallo7G to taquerosprogramadores [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 Menjac123 Понекогаш AI ме заплашува...

Понекогаш AI ме заплашува... submitted by Menjac123 to mkd [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 SingleEquivalent9501 Is tinted sunscreen - basically makeup? Will it damage my skin and make me age faster if I use it everyday? Help!

I don’t want to use foundation/concealer because I feel like in the long run it’ll cause my skin to age faster. Are tinted chemical sunscreens basically like a sunscreen with foundation? Isn’t that bad in the long run? Also, what about mineral tinted sunscreens - do they get their tinted aspect from zinc oxide only or are there the same pigments that are used in foundation/concealer in makeup? Please help! I have no idea. I have terrible dark circles and use sunscreen and a concealer everyday but I’m worried for my skin. So I thought a tinted chemical sunscreen would be the better choice but I don’t know.
submitted by SingleEquivalent9501 to Skincare_Addiction [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 Lord_Cronos Career Questions — December 2024

Are you beginning your UX career and have questions? Post your questions below and we hope that our experienced members will help you get them answered!
Posting Tips Keep in mind that readers only have so much time (Provide essential details, Keep it brief, Consider using headings, lists, etc. to help people skim).
Search before asking Consider that your question may have been answered. CRTL+F keywords in this thread and search the subreddit.
Thank those who are helpful Consider upvoting, commenting your appreciation and how they were helpful, or gilding.
submitted by Lord_Cronos to userexperience [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 The_Last_Skill One good teammate makes all the difference

Just played with a random that made the effort, just the minimal effort, to tell the team to take certain objectives, group, back off, end the game, and it made all the difference between overextending in fights, mindlessly wandering around the map. Everyone listened to one voice and I can finally say I voted 5 stars for having fun. I've found that this game is really only fun when played with others, and most games I'm playing with solo Andy's who want to solo farm and win the game by taking 50 1v1's so s/o to everyone playing to win as a team.
submitted by The_Last_Skill to DeadlockTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 shizzznit091 fun to do

I know it's not lego but thought it was a fun little build. Just wanted to share.
submitted by shizzznit091 to lego [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 myball73 is there a way to turn a "honey" shade ashy?

hi! i apologize if this has already been asked but i cant find anything about it online. is there a way to turn a brown labeled as "honey brown" to more of an ash brown?
i tried going over it with a darker, ashy shade but it is still peeking through. i'm trying not to bleach my hair or go significantly darker (but i will go darker if thats the only option lolll). any thoughts or tips would be appreciated!
submitted by myball73 to HairDye [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 Ok_Acanthaceae_9691 Guitar I'd please

I want to know which is the model of the guitar that Steve Albini is using in this photo.
submitted by Ok_Acanthaceae_9691 to Guitar [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 NullAndZoid Lucky

Lucky submitted by NullAndZoid to SchizoidAdjacent [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 AutoModerator Monthly Coupon Request/Giveaway

Please send modmail if someone requests any form of payment for a coupon.

• Please edit or delete your comment when a code has been received or used.
submitted by AutoModerator to Ulta [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 BroMandi [Woot!] (NEW) Meta Quest 3 Facial Interface & Head Strap - $9.99 - Free shipping for Prime members

[Woot!] (NEW) Meta Quest 3 Facial Interface & Head Strap - $9.99 - Free shipping for Prime members submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 OkTie9184 December 1st

December 1st submitted by OkTie9184 to MemesBR [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 skrwdup89 Is It Possible?

Is it possible to replace this plastic part with some type of light system? This is the TRD Off-Road trim.
submitted by skrwdup89 to Tacomaworld [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 Particular-Paper1147 22 days no fap is crazy

That's the first time I have been this far I relapsed once during November but then after it hit me I first got rid of my porn addiction and then after a month I attempted to to remove my fapping addiction after many trials and errors, one day it just hit me and I stopped doing it anymore My body gave me tones of urges I sometimes even (mistakenly) see smth arousing but I don't fap anymore It took a couple nightfalls but I think I got rid of this addiction I even got rid of my shorts/reels addiction You can dm me if you want more details on how I did it Thank you guys I am glad I got to know about no fap and now I am going for an even bigger streak ❤️‍🔥
submitted by Particular-Paper1147 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 fsmodsorg John Deere 6R Edit Mod

John Deere 6R Edit Mod This John Deere 6R has received an edit allowing it to choose the color of the bodywork and rims as well as additional options: Wide tires Other rims The sound has changed slightly
Visit ModsHost to learn more.
submitted by fsmodsorg to fs25mods [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 Lazy-laser-Injury Steam deck takes awhile to boot up games

My deck has been taking awhile to boot up games it just sits on the steam symbol loading for 5+ minutes. It's the 64gb model with a 1Tb Card
submitted by Lazy-laser-Injury to SteamDeck [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 AutoModerator Salty Sunday - Week of December 01, 2024

Welcome to the Weekly Vent Thread!
While salt is not allowed anywhere else on this subreddit, any and all opinions (including negative ones) about ships can go here! If you are easily offended, we recommend you turn back now. No one is forcing you to read/respond to comments on this thread.

  1. All other subreddit rules still apply.
  2. Shipping fandom discussion is allowed here. However, personal attacks, naming other users, linking stuff as an example/reference for salt, brigading, and blanket negative statements (e.g. all shippers of X do/are Y) are still NOT allowed.
  3. Do not downvote someone you disagree with unless they are breaking a rule! Everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
  4. Please respect that not everyone is open to debating their salt.
Don't forget to stay hydrated and happy salting~
submitted by AutoModerator to BokuNoShipAcademia [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 amorssecret625 Bibidibobi

submitted by amorssecret625 to AmmonHillman [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 05:00 koschyboi How "intense" was MTHI for u?

How Strangely, it didnt exactly knock my socks off. Strong? Yeah sure, but it's just like some of the other solid performers that didnt need to flaunt a high intensity tag. In fact to me quite a few are even stronger
Now im curious about the regular MH. Are they secretly the same thing? Or how much quieter can it get 🤔
submitted by koschyboi to bathandbodyworks [link] [comments]
