Servidos? Doguinho da noite

个人最了解医药代表常用的DA就是指的detailing aids,是代表向医生推销药品时用来提醒自己和向医生展示细节的。 发布于 2016-08-18 04:15 赞同 7 添加评论 百度知道是全球领先的中文问答互动平台,每天为数亿网民答疑解惑。百度知道通过ai技术实现智能检索和智能推荐,让您的每个疑问都能够快速获得有效解答。 单片机中十进制调整指令:da a是什么意思? BCD码转换指令;比如说:81D+91D=172D而:81H+91H=112H这里为了将81H+91H结果与81D+91D一致,经过DA有:DA(112H)=112H+60H=172H 虽然一个是16进制一个是10进制但172在形 滤膜孔径的微米和千道尔顿两个单位怎么换算?1、切割分子量 1K 3K 5K 6K,对应孔径0.001μm 0.002μm 0.003μm 0.004μm。 如果此数很大,则表明凝并很快,在流动中会体现得很明显;如果Da数很小,则表明可能凝并作用无法在对流流动中体现出来。 维基百科上面有. 流体力学. 中的. 无因次量. 的汇总。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 2018-01-09 外贸dp、da付款方式的区别有哪些? 23 2012-10-27 外贸dp da付款方式的区别 47 2012-08-16 关于贸易结算方式。oa da dp t/t分别是什么意思? 57 2014-07-15 dp付款方式是什么? 48 2011-12-04 外贸里面的tt, lc, dp, da都是什么意思?请说的详... 单片机汇编da指令什么用单片机汇编言语da指令,是指十进制加法运算。是结合加法指令一起用的,例如daa,这条指令是十进制调整指令,用来在进行十进制运算(bcd码)时进行校正的。当两个bcd码加法时,01h+09h应该是等 英文中Da是the的意思吗?是俚语,也算是网络用语,类似于中文里的神马、悲剧之类的。从谐音演变出来的。反正不是什么正经的英语。类似的我一时想不起来,但是一些简写比如lol (laugh out loud)=law=laws是比较常见的 kDa与氨基酸个数怎样换算20种构成蛋白质的氨基酸的平均相对分子质量是128,考虑到氨基酸之间缩合消去一分子水,在估算一蛋白质含多少氨基酸时常按110计算。

2024.12.01 02:29 Heavy-Enthusiasm2 Servidos? Doguinho da noite

Fiz agora com mostarda e ketchup, batata palha tradicional e pãozinho de sal
submitted by Heavy-Enthusiasm2 to gororoba [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:29 Tandsteentje Traded my Fiat Panda yesterday for something more modest

Traded my Fiat Panda yesterday for something more modest Love the car so far
submitted by Tandsteentje to BMWZ4 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:29 karmah1234 Cateva cuvinte despre revolutia portocalie in cazul in care ati uitat

Cateva cuvinte despre revolutia portocalie in cazul in care ati uitat De aici se trag problemele ucrainienilor si versiunea seamana mult prea mult cu ce se intampla in Ro, Georgia pana in Bulgaria intr-o oarecare masura.
s dnem rozhdeniya romania!
submitted by karmah1234 to politica [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:29 Infinite_Hunt_9581 One example of “I find it extremely sexual to go over the crimes I committed, and I get off telling exactly how I took the worthless lives of those people” from 'Serial Killer's Soul'

One example of “I find it extremely sexual to go over the crimes I committed, and I get off telling exactly how I took the worthless lives of those people” from 'Serial Killer's Soul' submitted by Infinite_Hunt_9581 to JeffreyDahmer [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:29 ComfortableWage This sub is fucked.

Ya know what, I'm going to post twice because the mods don't actually give a shit to moderate anyways.
This sub is fucked. It is. You see a lot of insane takes from Trump supporters getting upvoted. Whenever they moderate they only ever remove left-leaning comments spouting facts. There's nothing to be gained from this sub anymore.
I thought it was a great place to have some real discussions. That was before the election and before this sub got outright brigaded by Trump supporters. Now, it's a bastion of misinformation and complete garbage. It's actually impressive the amount of outright hatred from Trump supporters this sub will allow.
But watch, my post will slowly be removed after making it. The mods won't do anything for right-leaning individuals which has always been the case. And work will go on like normal.
submitted by ComfortableWage to centrist [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:29 Party-Dinner-6543 Boffy statue

Boffy statue and Myles next to him bc they are blob brothers
submitted by Party-Dinner-6543 to Boffy [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:29 Long_Disaster_6847 Enmanuel De Jesus Signs With KBO’s KT Wiz

Enmanuel De Jesus Signs With KBO’s KT Wiz submitted by Long_Disaster_6847 to mlbtraderumors [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:29 Dramatic_Ratio2123 One of my first times drinking

So im kinda new to drinking, im at an estimate of .012/.014 bac atm, ive read that .15/.3 is the “dangerzone” why do i still feel mentally well(It feels like i have delay irl)
submitted by Dramatic_Ratio2123 to alcohol [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:29 verifiedBALLER I GOT OBLIVIONNNNN (not)

I GOT OBLIVIONNNNN (not) submitted by verifiedBALLER to SolsRNG [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:29 GL0riouz This tiny rock looks like Glenn Quagmire

This tiny rock looks like Glenn Quagmire submitted by GL0riouz to notinteresting [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:29 makromark How many hints to give 7 year old? (First ish playthrough)

He’s played through at 4 or 5 with my heavy clue giving (dictating).
I try to be minimal because I want him to experience the excitement of solving things, but other times he’s just trying the same solution over and over and over again.
Currently in Forest temple. Idk if I should set a timer, or just gently encourage him where to go, or give him any hints or what.
submitted by makromark to OcarinaOfTime [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:29 machomanmonica saw this grwm on tiktok

saw this grwm on tiktok submitted by machomanmonica to 13or30 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:29 Isthecpaworthit This may be a stupid question

Why is Glinda when she arrived at school already so popular and loved? Is she from an important town and or “royalty”
New to wicked but obsessed
submitted by Isthecpaworthit to wicked [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:29 NediacOfDestruction Whata are these markings on my tornister? 1941

Whata are these markings on my tornister? 1941 submitted by NediacOfDestruction to Militariacollecting [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:29 VGBC-Logic Fun video seeing how the Smash Legend Gimr does in a few games of Supervive!

Title says it all, but I'm a Supervive Caster that came from Super Smash bros, so naturally... I had to see how a pair of Smash Players would fair in a few games of Supervive, give it a watch.
submitted by VGBC-Logic to supervive [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:29 Neither-Ideal3887 sss employer gcash

hello, can employers also pay through gcash? if not, pwede sa bayad center?
submitted by Neither-Ideal3887 to phinvest [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:29 Tiostia How do you shave your face?

submitted by Tiostia to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:29 BluJaae Persistent bug bite (?)

(Just put aquaphor on them that’s why it’s ’moist’)
In lieu of going to my doctor for every little thing that worries me I’m hoping to find some insight here 🥲 And yes, I know you shouldn’t go to the internet for health concerns.
Not painful at all actually. Just itches. Normally only when my toes get warm. Occasionally noticeable if I bend my toe upwards.
The last picture is actually a little bump on the toe next to it, which is what the first couple of images STARTED as… but I thought it was a pimple of some kind and tried to lance it— which only pissed it off further and made it evolve into what you see now. I will NOT make that mistake with the new bump. Which does not itch.
It looks like a bug bite of some kind, but it’s been a whole month. The new little bump popped up over night yesterday. My second guess was maybe a form of eczema? I’ve been keeping it covered with hydrocolloid patches because that keeps socks and blankets from rubbing against it, which irks it more. At this point I expected it to heal but it’s still just there. So I’m out of ideas 😭
submitted by BluJaae to MedicalHelp [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:29 Akemiizgarden The things I'd do to-- I mean for this man💖💖(Art kinda lame because my tablet broke so I'm drawing on a tiny screen :( )

The things I'd do to-- I mean for this man💖💖(Art kinda lame because my tablet broke so I'm drawing on a tiny screen :( ) submitted by Akemiizgarden to ChesterArmy [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:29 Potential_Log_797 Athletic achievement

Respond with some athletic stats and see if anyone can say they can do the same!
Dunk a basketball
Do 5 Nordics nose to ground and back
Squat 2.65x my bodyweight
Run a 5:15 Mile
4.46 40yd dash (Laser)
Broad jump 10 feet
submitted by Potential_Log_797 to trackandfield [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:29 TastyDiamond_ Here is the official u/TastyDiamond_ oc morality chart

but it is subject to change but not a totally 180°
submitted by TastyDiamond_ to ObjectShows [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:29 Apprehensive_Pea4483 As a professional psychic reader with over 14 years of experience, I invite you to connect with me. Please respond with a 'hello' or share your initials via DM, and I will provide insight into the spiritual energies surrounding you and any messages meant for you

submitted by Apprehensive_Pea4483 to lawofattraction [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:29 Jumpy_Nothing_9352 Manda

Manda Manda
submitted by Jumpy_Nothing_9352 to Emilly_gostosa [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:29 Significant_Permit22 Stubhub tickets

Hello! 👋🏽
I just wanted to make a post and ask anyone who has successfully gotten into the HMAS tour with Stubhub tickets, to maybe explain the process/timeline of receiving their tickets. I’ve just been stressing these last few weeks bc I’m going on the 6th (in 5 days😱) and am worried about any possible issues or what I should look out for. So if anyone would be able to help ease my worries, that would be great thank you! 🙏🏽
submitted by Significant_Permit22 to billieeilish [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 02:29 HawaiianNoHam Suit without pick stitch?

I’m getting a new suit and when I went to suit supply, every suit had pick stitching and I just think it looks ugly and machined. Do I just have bad taste? Are there alternatives, can I get a nice suit without pick stitching?
I want to spend about $1000.
submitted by HawaiianNoHam to menswear [link] [comments]